import sys sys.path.append("../../") from config.env_init import * import shutil import threading import time import json class Common: def __init__(self): self.ip_list = list() self.current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) self.base_jmx_file = os.path.join(self.current_dir, '../../config/taosadapter_performance_test.jmx') self.log_dir = os.path.join(self.current_dir, '../../log') def exec_local_cmd(self,shell_cmd):'executing cmd: {shell_cmd}') result = os.popen(shell_cmd).read().strip() return result def genTelnetMulTagStr(self, count): tag_str = "" for i in range(1, count): if i < (count-1): tag_str += f't{i}={i} ' else: tag_str += f't{i}={i}' return tag_str def genJsonMulTagDict(self, count): tag_dict = dict() for i in range(1, count): tag_dict[f"t{i}"] = f"{i}" return tag_dict def genProtocolLine(self, protocol, tag_count, col_count=None): if protocol == "telnet-restful": base_str = 'stb_${stb_csv_count} ${row_csv_count} 32.261068286779754 t0=${tb_csv_count} ' tag_str = self.genTelnetMulTagStr(tag_count) telnet_line = base_str + tag_str return telnet_line elif protocol == "telnet-tcp": base_str = 'tstb_${stb_csv_count} ${row_csv_count} 32.261068286779754 t0=${tb_csv_count} ' tag_str = self.genTelnetMulTagStr(tag_count) telnet_line = base_str + tag_str + '${__unescape(\r\n)}' return telnet_line elif protocol == "json": base_tag_dict = {"t0":"${tb_csv_count}"} dict_merged = base_tag_dict.copy() dict_merged.update(self.genJsonMulTagDict(tag_count)) json_line = '{"metric": "stb_${stb_csv_count}", "timestamp":${row_csv_count}, "value":32.261068286779754, ' + f'"tags": {dict_merged}' + '}' return json_line.replace('\'','"') elif protocol == "influxdb": # TODO pass else: pass def genMixStbTbRows(self, filename, stb_count, tb_count, row_count): if stb_count == 0: stb_count = 1 if tb_count == 0: tb_count = 1 if row_count == 0: row_count = 1'generating import data file: {filename}') ts_start = 1614530008000 with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f_w: for k in range(stb_count): for i in range(tb_count): for j in range(row_count): input_line = str(ts_start) + "," + str(i) + "," + str(k) + '\n' ts_start += 1 f_w.write(input_line) def genJmxFile(self, testcase): des_jmx_file_list = list() base_jmx_file = os.path.join(self.current_dir, '../../config/taosadapter_performance_test.jmx') count_flag = 0 if config["taosadapter_separate_deploy"]: for key in config: if "taosd_dnode" in str(key) and "taosd_dnode1" not in str(key): if count_flag < int(config['testcases'][testcase]['taosadapter_count']): count_flag += 1 else: break des_jmx_file = os.path.join(self.current_dir, f'../../config/{testcase}_{key}.jmx') shutil.copyfile(base_jmx_file, des_jmx_file) with open(des_jmx_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: file_data = "" for line in f: if "restful_ip" in line: line = line.replace("restful_ip", config[key]['ip']) if "restful_port" in line: line = line.replace("restful_port", str(config[key]['restful_port'])) if "telnet_ip" in line: line = line.replace("telnet_ip", config[key]['ip']) if "telnet_port" in line: line = line.replace("telnet_port", str(config[key]['telnet_port'])) # if "db_name" in line: # line = line.replace("db_name", key) file_data += line with open(des_jmx_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(file_data) des_jmx_file_list.append(des_jmx_file) else: des_jmx_file = os.path.join(self.current_dir, f'../../config/taosd_dnode1.jmx') shutil.copyfile(base_jmx_file, des_jmx_file) with open(des_jmx_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: file_data = "" for line in f: if "restful_ip" in line: line = line.replace("restful_ip", config['taosd_dnode1']['ip']) if "restful_port" in line: line = line.replace("restful_port", str(config['taosd_dnode1']['restful_port'])) if "telnet_ip" in line: line = line.replace("telnet_ip", config['taosd_dnode1']['ip']) if "telnet_port" in line: line = line.replace("telnet_port", str(config['taosd_dnode1']['telnet_port'])) # if "db_name" in line: # line = line.replace("db_name", "taosd_dnode1") file_data += line with open(des_jmx_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(file_data) des_jmx_file_list.append(des_jmx_file) return des_jmx_file_list def getLoopCount(self, stb_count, tb_count, row_count, threads): if (stb_count * tb_count * row_count) % threads == 0: loop_count = int((stb_count * tb_count * row_count) / threads) else: loop_count = int((stb_count * tb_count * row_count) / threads) + 1 return loop_count def recreateReportDir(self, path): ''' recreate jmeter report path ''' if os.path.exists(path): self.exec_local_cmd(f'rm -rf {path}/*') else: os.makedirs(path) def genJmeterCmd(self, jmx_file_list): jmeter_cmd_list = list() for jmx_file in jmx_file_list: jmeter_cmd = f'jmeter -n -t {jmx_file}' if config['jmeter']['aggregate_report']: current_time = time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S", time.localtime(time.time())) jmx_filename = jmx_file.split('/')[-1].replace('.jmx', '') jmx_filelog = f'{jmx_filename}_{current_time}' jmeter_report_dir = f'{self.log_dir}/{jmx_filelog}' self.recreateReportDir(jmeter_report_dir) jmeter_cmd += f' -l {jmeter_report_dir}/{jmx_filelog}.log -e -o {jmeter_report_dir}' jmeter_cmd_list.append(jmeter_cmd) return jmeter_cmd_list def genJmeterThreads(self, jmeter_cmd_list): tlist = list() for jmeter_cmd in jmeter_cmd_list: t = threading.Thread(target=self.exec_local_cmd, args=(jmeter_cmd,)) tlist.append(t) return tlist def multiThreadRun(self, tlist): for t in tlist: t.start() for t in tlist: t.join() if __name__ == '__main__': com = Common()