/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "tsdb.h" typedef struct SMemTable SMemTable; typedef struct SMemData SMemData; typedef struct SMemSkipList SMemSkipList; typedef struct SMemSkipListNode SMemSkipListNode; typedef struct SMemSkipListCurosr SMemSkipListCurosr; #define SL_MAX_LEVEL 5 struct SMemTable { STsdb *pTsdb; TSKEY minKey; TSKEY maxKey; int64_t minVer; int64_t maxVer; int64_t nRows; int32_t nHash; int32_t nBucket; SMemData **pBuckets; SMemSkipListCurosr *pSlc; }; struct SMemSkipListNode { int8_t level; SMemSkipListNode *forwards[1]; // Windows does not allow 0 }; struct SMemSkipList { uint32_t seed; int8_t maxLevel; int8_t level; int32_t size; SMemSkipListNode pHead[1]; // Windows does not allow 0 }; struct SMemData { SMemData *pHashNext; tb_uid_t suid; tb_uid_t uid; TSKEY minKey; TSKEY maxKey; int64_t minVer; int64_t maxVer; int64_t nRows; SMemSkipList sl; }; struct SMemSkipListCurosr { SMemSkipList *pSl; SMemSkipListNode *pNodes[SL_MAX_LEVEL]; }; typedef struct { int64_t version; uint32_t szRow; const STSRow *pRow; } STsdbRow; #define HASH_BUCKET(SUID, UID, NBUCKET) (TABS((SUID) + (UID)) % (NBUCKET)) #define SL_NODE_SIZE(l) (sizeof(SMemSkipListNode) + sizeof(SMemSkipListNode *) * (l)*2) #define SL_NODE_HALF_SIZE(l) (sizeof(SMemSkipListNode) + sizeof(SMemSkipListNode *) * (l)) #define SL_NODE_FORWARD(n, l) ((n)->forwards[l]) #define SL_NODE_BACKWARD(n, l) ((n)->forwards[(n)->level + (l)]) #define SL_NODE_DATA(n) (&SL_NODE_BACKWARD(n, (n)->level)) #define SL_HEAD_NODE(sl) ((sl)->pHead) #define SL_TAIL_NODE(sl) ((SMemSkipListNode *)&SL_NODE_FORWARD(SL_HEAD_NODE(sl), (sl)->maxLevel)) #define SL_HEAD_NODE_FORWARD(n, l) SL_NODE_FORWARD(n, l) #define SL_TAIL_NODE_BACKWARD(n, l) SL_NODE_FORWARD(n, l) static int8_t tsdbMemSkipListRandLevel(SMemSkipList *pSl); static int32_t tsdbEncodeRow(SEncoder *pEncoder, const STsdbRow *pRow); static int32_t tsdbDecodeRow(SDecoder *pDecoder, STsdbRow *pRow); static int32_t tsdbMemSkipListCursorCreate(int8_t maxLevel, SMemSkipListCurosr **ppSlc); static void tsdbMemSkipListCursorDestroy(SMemSkipListCurosr *pSlc); static void tsdbMemSkipListCursorInit(SMemSkipListCurosr *pSlc, SMemSkipList *pSl); static void tsdbMemSkipListCursorPut(SMemSkipListCurosr *pSlc, SMemSkipListNode *pNode); static int32_t tsdbMemSkipListCursorMoveTo(SMemSkipListCurosr *pSlc, int64_t version, TSKEY ts, int32_t flags); static void tsdbMemSkipListCursorMoveToFirst(SMemSkipListCurosr *pSlc); static void tsdbMemSkipListCursorMoveToLast(SMemSkipListCurosr *pSlc); static int32_t tsdbMemSkipListCursorMoveToNext(SMemSkipListCurosr *pSlc); static int32_t tsdbMemSkipListCursorMoveToPrev(SMemSkipListCurosr *pSlc); static SMemSkipListNode *tsdbMemSkipListNodeCreate(SVBufPool *pPool, SMemSkipList *pSl, const STsdbRow *pTRow); // SMemTable int32_t tsdbMemTableCreate2(STsdb *pTsdb, SMemTable **ppMemTb) { SMemTable *pMemTb = NULL; pMemTb = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(*pMemTb)); if (pMemTb == NULL) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return -1; } pMemTb->pTsdb = pTsdb; pMemTb->minKey = TSKEY_MAX; pMemTb->maxKey = TSKEY_MIN; pMemTb->minVer = -1; pMemTb->maxVer = -1; pMemTb->nRows = 0; pMemTb->nHash = 0; pMemTb->nBucket = 1024; pMemTb->pBuckets = taosMemoryCalloc(pMemTb->nBucket, sizeof(*pMemTb->pBuckets)); if (pMemTb->pBuckets == NULL) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; taosMemoryFree(pMemTb); return -1; } if (tsdbMemSkipListCursorCreate(pTsdb->pVnode->config.tsdbCfg.slLevel, &pMemTb->pSlc) < 0) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; taosMemoryFree(pMemTb->pBuckets); taosMemoryFree(pMemTb); } *ppMemTb = pMemTb; return 0; } int32_t tsdbMemTableDestroy2(STsdb *pTsdb, SMemTable *pMemTb) { if (pMemTb) { // loop to destroy the contents (todo) tsdbMemSkipListCursorDestroy(pMemTb->pSlc); taosMemoryFree(pMemTb->pBuckets); taosMemoryFree(pMemTb); } return 0; } int32_t tsdbInsertData2(SMemTable *pMemTb, int64_t version, const SVSubmitBlk *pSubmitBlk) { SMemData *pMemData; STsdb *pTsdb = pMemTb->pTsdb; SVnode *pVnode = pTsdb->pVnode; SVBufPool *pPool = pVnode->inUse; tb_uid_t suid = pSubmitBlk->suid; tb_uid_t uid = pSubmitBlk->uid; int32_t iBucket; // search SMemData by hash iBucket = HASH_BUCKET(suid, uid, pMemTb->nBucket); for (pMemData = pMemTb->pBuckets[iBucket]; pMemData; pMemData = pMemData->pHashNext) { if (pMemData->suid == suid && pMemData->uid == uid) break; } // create pMemData if need if (pMemData == NULL) { int8_t maxLevel = pVnode->config.tsdbCfg.slLevel; int32_t tsize = sizeof(*pMemData) + SL_NODE_HALF_SIZE(maxLevel) * 2; SMemSkipListNode *pHead, *pTail; pMemData = vnodeBufPoolMalloc(pPool, tsize); if (pMemData == NULL) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return -1; } pMemData->pHashNext = NULL; pMemData->suid = suid; pMemData->uid = uid; pMemData->minKey = TSKEY_MAX; pMemData->maxKey = TSKEY_MIN; pMemData->minVer = -1; pMemData->maxVer = -1; pMemData->nRows = 0; pMemData->sl.seed = taosRand(); pMemData->sl.maxLevel = maxLevel; pMemData->sl.level = 0; pMemData->sl.size = 0; pHead = SL_HEAD_NODE(&pMemData->sl); pTail = SL_TAIL_NODE(&pMemData->sl); pHead->level = maxLevel; pTail->level = maxLevel; for (int iLevel = 0; iLevel < maxLevel; iLevel++) { SL_HEAD_NODE_FORWARD(pHead, iLevel) = pTail; SL_TAIL_NODE_BACKWARD(pTail, iLevel) = pHead; } // add to hash if (pMemTb->nHash >= pMemTb->nBucket) { // rehash (todo) } iBucket = HASH_BUCKET(suid, uid, pMemTb->nBucket); pMemData->pHashNext = pMemTb->pBuckets[iBucket]; pMemTb->pBuckets[iBucket] = pMemData; pMemTb->nHash++; // sort organize (todo) } // do insert data to SMemData SMemSkipListNode *forwards[SL_MAX_LEVEL]; SMemSkipListNode *pNode; int32_t iRow; STsdbRow tRow = {.version = version}; SEncoder ec = {0}; SDecoder dc = {0}; tDecoderInit(&dc, pSubmitBlk->pData, pSubmitBlk->nData); tsdbMemSkipListCursorInit(pMemTb->pSlc, &pMemData->sl); for (iRow = 0;; iRow++) { if (tDecodeIsEnd(&dc)) break; // decode row if (tDecodeBinary(&dc, (const uint8_t **)&tRow.pRow, &tRow.szRow) < 0) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_MSG; return -1; } // move cursor tsdbMemSkipListCursorMoveTo(pMemTb->pSlc, version, tRow.pRow->ts, 0); // encode row pNode = tsdbMemSkipListNodeCreate(pPool, &pMemData->sl, &tRow); if (pNode == NULL) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return -1; } // put the node tsdbMemSkipListCursorPut(pMemTb->pSlc, pNode); // update status if (tRow.pRow->ts < pMemData->minKey) pMemData->minKey = tRow.pRow->ts; if (tRow.pRow->ts > pMemData->maxKey) pMemData->maxKey = tRow.pRow->ts; } tDecoderClear(&dc); // update status if (pMemData->minVer == -1) pMemData->minVer = version; if (pMemData->maxVer == -1 || pMemData->maxVer < version) pMemData->maxVer = version; if (pMemTb->minKey < pMemData->minKey) pMemTb->minKey = pMemData->minKey; if (pMemTb->maxKey < pMemData->maxKey) pMemTb->maxKey = pMemData->maxKey; if (pMemTb->minVer == -1) pMemTb->minVer = version; if (pMemTb->maxVer == -1 || pMemTb->maxVer < version) pMemTb->maxVer = version; return 0; } static FORCE_INLINE int8_t tsdbMemSkipListRandLevel(SMemSkipList *pSl) { int8_t level = 1; int8_t tlevel = TMIN(pSl->maxLevel, pSl->level + 1); const uint32_t factor = 4; while ((taosRandR(&pSl->seed) % factor) == 0 && level < tlevel) { level++; } return level; } static FORCE_INLINE int32_t tsdbEncodeRow(SEncoder *pEncoder, const STsdbRow *pRow) { if (tEncodeI64(pEncoder, pRow->version) < 0) return -1; if (tEncodeBinary(pEncoder, (const uint8_t *)pRow->pRow, pRow->szRow) < 0) return -1; return 0; } static FORCE_INLINE int32_t tsdbDecodeRow(SDecoder *pDecoder, STsdbRow *pRow) { if (tDecodeI64(pDecoder, &pRow->version) < 0) return -1; if (tDecodeBinary(pDecoder, (const uint8_t **)&pRow->pRow, &pRow->szRow) < 0) return -1; return 0; } static int32_t tsdbMemSkipListCursorCreate(int8_t maxLevel, SMemSkipListCurosr **ppSlc) { *ppSlc = (SMemSkipListCurosr *)taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(**ppSlc) + sizeof(SMemSkipListNode *) * maxLevel); if (*ppSlc == NULL) { return -1; } return 0; } static void tsdbMemSkipListCursorDestroy(SMemSkipListCurosr *pSlc) { taosMemoryFree(pSlc); } static void tsdbMemSkipListCursorInit(SMemSkipListCurosr *pSlc, SMemSkipList *pSl) { SMemSkipListNode *pHead = SL_HEAD_NODE(pSl); pSlc->pSl = pSl; // for (int8_t iLevel = 0; iLevel < pSl->maxLevel; iLevel++) { // pSlc->forwards[iLevel] = pHead; // } } static void tsdbMemSkipListCursorPut(SMemSkipListCurosr *pSlc, SMemSkipListNode *pNode) { SMemSkipList *pSl = pSlc->pSl; SMemSkipListNode *pNodeNext; for (int8_t iLevel = 0; iLevel < pNode->level; iLevel++) { // todo ASSERT(0); } if (pSl->level < pNode->level) { pSl->level = pNode->level; } pSl->size += 1; } static int32_t tsdbMemSkipListCursorMoveTo(SMemSkipListCurosr *pSlc, int64_t version, TSKEY ts, int32_t flags) { SMemSkipListNode **pForwards = NULL; SMemSkipList *pSl = pSlc->pSl; int8_t maxLevel = pSl->maxLevel; SMemSkipListNode *pHead = SL_HEAD_NODE(pSl); SMemSkipListNode *pTail = SL_TAIL_NODE(pSl); if (pSl->size == 0) { for (int8_t iLevel = 0; iLevel < pSl->maxLevel; iLevel++) { pForwards[iLevel] = pHead; } } return 0; } static void tsdbMemSkipListCursorMoveToFirst(SMemSkipListCurosr *pSlc) { SMemSkipList *pSl = pSlc->pSl; SMemSkipListNode *pHead = SL_HEAD_NODE(pSl); for (int8_t iLevel = 0; iLevel < pSl->maxLevel; iLevel++) { pSlc->pNodes[iLevel] = pHead; } tsdbMemSkipListCursorMoveToNext(pSlc); } static void tsdbMemSkipListCursorMoveToLast(SMemSkipListCurosr *pSlc) { SMemSkipList *pSl = pSlc->pSl; SMemSkipListNode *pTail = SL_TAIL_NODE(pSl); for (int8_t iLevel = 0; iLevel < pSl->maxLevel; iLevel++) { pSlc->pNodes[iLevel] = pTail; } tsdbMemSkipListCursorMoveToPrev(pSlc); } static int32_t tsdbMemSkipListCursorMoveToNext(SMemSkipListCurosr *pSlc) { // TODO return 0; } static int32_t tsdbMemSkipListCursorMoveToPrev(SMemSkipListCurosr *pSlc) { // TODO return 0; } static SMemSkipListNode *tsdbMemSkipListNodeCreate(SVBufPool *pPool, SMemSkipList *pSl, const STsdbRow *pTRow) { int32_t tsize; int32_t ret; int8_t level = tsdbMemSkipListRandLevel(pSl); SMemSkipListNode *pNode = NULL; SEncoder ec = {0}; tEncodeSize(tsdbEncodeRow, pTRow, tsize, ret); pNode = vnodeBufPoolMalloc(pPool, tsize + SL_NODE_SIZE(level)); if (pNode) { pNode->level = level; tEncoderInit(&ec, (uint8_t *)SL_NODE_DATA(pNode), tsize); tsdbEncodeRow(&ec, pTRow); tEncoderClear(&ec); } return pNode; }