/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE #include "os.h" #include "tkey.h" #include "tglobal.h" #include "mnodeInt.h" static int32_t mnodeCreateDefaultUser(char *acct, char *user, char *pass) { int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; SUserObj userObj = {0}; tstrncpy(userObj.user, user, TSDB_USER_LEN); tstrncpy(userObj.acct, acct, TSDB_USER_LEN); taosEncryptPass((uint8_t *)pass, strlen(pass), userObj.pass); userObj.createdTime = taosGetTimestampMs(); userObj.updateTime = taosGetTimestampMs(); if (strcmp(user, TSDB_DEFAULT_USER) == 0) { userObj.rootAuth = 1; } sdbInsertRow(MN_SDB_USER, &userObj); } static void mnodeCreateDefaultUsers() { mnodeCreateDefaultUser(TSDB_DEFAULT_USER, TSDB_DEFAULT_USER, TSDB_DEFAULT_PASS); mnodeCreateDefaultUser(TSDB_DEFAULT_USER, "monitor", tsInternalPass); mnodeCreateDefaultUser(TSDB_DEFAULT_USER, "_" TSDB_DEFAULT_USER, tsInternalPass); } int32_t mnodeEncodeUser(SUserObj *pUser, char *buf, int32_t maxLen) { int32_t len = 0; char *base64 = base64_encode((const unsigned char *)pUser->pass, TSDB_KEY_LEN); len += snprintf(buf + len, maxLen - len, "{\"type\":%d, ", MN_SDB_USER); len += snprintf(buf + len, maxLen - len, "\"user\":\"%s\", ", pUser->user); len += snprintf(buf + len, maxLen - len, "\"auth\":\"%24s\", ", base64); len += snprintf(buf + len, maxLen - len, "\"acct\":\"%s\", ", pUser->acct); len += snprintf(buf + len, maxLen - len, "\"createdTime\":\"%" PRIu64 "\", ", pUser->createdTime); len += snprintf(buf + len, maxLen - len, "\"updateTime\":\"%" PRIu64 "\"}\n", pUser->updateTime); free(base64); return len; } SUserObj *mnodeDecodeUser(cJSON *root) { int32_t code = -1; SUserObj *pUser = calloc(1, sizeof(SUserObj)); cJSON *user = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "user"); if (!user || user->type != cJSON_String) { mError("failed to parse user since user not found"); goto DECODE_USER_OVER; } tstrncpy(pUser->user, user->valuestring, TSDB_USER_LEN); if (strcmp(pUser->user, TSDB_DEFAULT_USER) == 0) { pUser->rootAuth = 1; } cJSON *pass = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "auth"); if (!pass || pass->type != cJSON_String) { mError("user:%s, failed to parse since auth not found", pUser->user); goto DECODE_USER_OVER; } int32_t outlen = 0; char *base64 = (char *)base64_decode(pass->valuestring, strlen(pass->valuestring), &outlen); if (outlen != TSDB_KEY_LEN) { mError("user:%s, failed to parse since invalid auth format", pUser->user); free(base64); goto DECODE_USER_OVER; } else { memcpy(pUser->pass, base64, outlen); free(base64); } cJSON *acct = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "acct"); if (!acct || acct->type != cJSON_String) { mError("user:%s, failed to parse since acct not found", pUser->user); goto DECODE_USER_OVER; } tstrncpy(pUser->acct, acct->valuestring, TSDB_USER_LEN); cJSON *createdTime = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "createdTime"); if (!createdTime || createdTime->type != cJSON_String) { mError("user:%s, failed to parse since createdTime not found", pUser->user); goto DECODE_USER_OVER; } pUser->createdTime = atol(createdTime->valuestring); cJSON *updateTime = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "updateTime"); if (!updateTime || updateTime->type != cJSON_String) { mError("user:%s, failed to parse since updateTime not found", pUser->user); goto DECODE_USER_OVER; } pUser->updateTime = atol(updateTime->valuestring); code = 0; mTrace("user:%s, parse success", pUser->user); DECODE_USER_OVER: if (code != 0) { free(pUser); pUser = NULL; } return pUser; } int32_t mnodeInitUser() { sdbSetFp(MN_SDB_USER, MN_KEY_BINARY, mnodeCreateDefaultUsers, (SdbEncodeFp)mnodeEncodeUser, (SdbDecodeFp)(mnodeDecodeUser), sizeof(SUserObj)); return 0; } void mnodeCleanupUser() {}