/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "catalogInt.h" #include "query.h" #include "tname.h" #include "trpc.h" extern SCatalogMgmt gCtgMgmt; SCtgDebug gCTGDebug = {.statEnable = true}; #if 0 void ctgdUserCallback(SMetaData *pResult, void *param, int32_t code) { taosMemoryFree(param); qDebug("async call result: %s", tstrerror(code)); if (NULL == pResult) { qDebug("empty meta result"); return; } int32_t num = 0; if (pResult->pTableMeta && taosArrayGetSize(pResult->pTableMeta) > 0) { num = taosArrayGetSize(pResult->pTableMeta); for (int32_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) { STableMeta *p = *(STableMeta **)taosArrayGet(pResult->pTableMeta, i); STableComInfo *c = &p->tableInfo; if (TSDB_CHILD_TABLE == p->tableType) { qDebug("table meta: type:%d, vgId:%d, uid:0x%" PRIx64 ",suid:0x%" PRIx64, p->tableType, p->vgId, p->uid, p->suid); } else { qDebug("table meta: type:%d, vgId:%d, uid:0x%" PRIx64 ",suid:0x%" PRIx64 ",sv:%d, tv:%d, tagNum:%d, precision:%d, colNum:%d, rowSize:%d", p->tableType, p->vgId, p->uid, p->suid, p->sversion, p->tversion, c->numOfTags, c->precision, c->numOfColumns, c->rowSize); } int32_t colNum = c->numOfColumns + c->numOfTags; for (int32_t j = 0; j < colNum; ++j) { SSchema *s = &p->schema[j]; qDebug("[%d] name:%s, type:%d, colId:%d, bytes:%d", j, s->name, s->type, s->colId, s->bytes); } } } else { qDebug("empty table meta"); } if (pResult->pDbVgroup && taosArrayGetSize(pResult->pDbVgroup) > 0) { num = taosArrayGetSize(pResult->pDbVgroup); for (int32_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) { SArray *pDb = *(SArray **)taosArrayGet(pResult->pDbVgroup, i); int32_t vgNum = taosArrayGetSize(pDb); qDebug("db %d vgInfo:", i); for (int32_t j = 0; j < vgNum; ++j) { SVgroupInfo *pInfo = taosArrayGet(pDb, j); qDebug("vg :%d info: vgId:%d", j, pInfo->vgId); } } } else { qDebug("empty db vgroup"); } if (pResult->pDbInfo && taosArrayGetSize(pResult->pDbInfo) > 0) { num = taosArrayGetSize(pResult->pDbInfo); for (int32_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) { SDbInfo *pDb = taosArrayGet(pResult->pDbInfo, i); qDebug("db %d dbInfo: vgVer:%d, tbNum:%d, stateTs:%" PRId64 " dbId:0x%" PRIx64, i, pDb->vgVer, pDb->tbNum, pDb->stateTs, pDb->dbId); } } else { qDebug("empty db info"); } if (pResult->pTableHash && taosArrayGetSize(pResult->pTableHash) > 0) { num = taosArrayGetSize(pResult->pTableHash); for (int32_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) { SVgroupInfo *pInfo = taosArrayGet(pResult->pTableHash, i); qDebug("table %d vg info: vgId:%d", i, pInfo->vgId); } } else { qDebug("empty table hash vgroup"); } if (pResult->pUdfList && taosArrayGetSize(pResult->pUdfList) > 0) { num = taosArrayGetSize(pResult->pUdfList); for (int32_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) { SFuncInfo *pInfo = taosArrayGet(pResult->pUdfList, i); qDebug("udf %d info: name:%s, funcType:%d", i, pInfo->name, pInfo->funcType); } } else { qDebug("empty udf info"); } if (pResult->pDbCfg && taosArrayGetSize(pResult->pDbCfg) > 0) { num = taosArrayGetSize(pResult->pDbCfg); for (int32_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) { SDbCfgInfo *pInfo = taosArrayGet(pResult->pDbCfg, i); qDebug("db %d info: numOFVgroups:%d, numOfStables:%d", i, pInfo->numOfVgroups, pInfo->numOfStables); } } else { qDebug("empty db cfg info"); } if (pResult->pUser && taosArrayGetSize(pResult->pUser) > 0) { num = taosArrayGetSize(pResult->pUser); for (int32_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) { bool *auth = taosArrayGet(pResult->pUser, i); qDebug("user auth %d info: %d", i, *auth); } } else { qDebug("empty user auth info"); } if (pResult->pQnodeList && taosArrayGetSize(pResult->pQnodeList) > 0) { num = taosArrayGetSize(pResult->pQnodeList); for (int32_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) { SQueryNodeAddr *qaddr = taosArrayGet(pResult->pQnodeList, i); qDebug("qnode %d info: id:%d", i, qaddr->nodeId); } } else { qDebug("empty qnode info"); } } /* prepare SQL: create database db1; use db1; create stable st1 (ts timestamp, f1 int) tags(t1 int); create table tb1 using st1 tags(1); insert into tb1 values (now, 1); create qnode on dnode 1; create user user1 pass "abc"; create database db2; grant write on db2.* to user1; create function udf1 as '/tmp/libudf1.so' outputtype int; create aggregate function udf2 as '/tmp/libudf2.so' outputtype int; */ int32_t ctgdLaunchAsyncCall(SCatalog *pCtg, SRequestConnInfo *pConn, uint64_t reqId, bool forceUpdate) { int32_t code = 0; SCatalogReq req = {0}; req.pTableMeta = taosArrayInit(2, sizeof(SName)); req.pDbVgroup = taosArrayInit(2, TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN); req.pDbInfo = taosArrayInit(2, TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN); req.pTableHash = taosArrayInit(2, sizeof(SName)); req.pUdf = taosArrayInit(2, TSDB_FUNC_NAME_LEN); req.pDbCfg = taosArrayInit(2, TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN); req.pIndex = NULL; // taosArrayInit(2, TSDB_INDEX_FNAME_LEN); req.pUser = taosArrayInit(2, sizeof(SUserAuthInfo)); req.qNodeRequired = true; req.forceUpdate = forceUpdate; SName name = {0}; char dbFName[TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN] = {0}; char funcName[TSDB_FUNC_NAME_LEN] = {0}; SUserAuthInfo user = {0}; tNameFromString(&name, "1.db1.tb1", T_NAME_ACCT | T_NAME_DB | T_NAME_TABLE); taosArrayPush(req.pTableMeta, &name); taosArrayPush(req.pTableHash, &name); tNameFromString(&name, "1.db1.st1", T_NAME_ACCT | T_NAME_DB | T_NAME_TABLE); taosArrayPush(req.pTableMeta, &name); taosArrayPush(req.pTableHash, &name); strcpy(dbFName, "1.db1"); taosArrayPush(req.pDbVgroup, dbFName); taosArrayPush(req.pDbCfg, dbFName); taosArrayPush(req.pDbInfo, dbFName); strcpy(dbFName, "1.db2"); taosArrayPush(req.pDbVgroup, dbFName); taosArrayPush(req.pDbCfg, dbFName); taosArrayPush(req.pDbInfo, dbFName); strcpy(funcName, "udf1"); taosArrayPush(req.pUdf, funcName); strcpy(funcName, "udf2"); taosArrayPush(req.pUdf, funcName); strcpy(user.user, "root"); strcpy(user.dbFName, "1.db1"); user.type = AUTH_TYPE_READ; taosArrayPush(req.pUser, &user); user.type = AUTH_TYPE_WRITE; taosArrayPush(req.pUser, &user); user.type = AUTH_TYPE_OTHER; taosArrayPush(req.pUser, &user); strcpy(user.user, "user1"); strcpy(user.dbFName, "1.db2"); user.type = AUTH_TYPE_READ; taosArrayPush(req.pUser, &user); user.type = AUTH_TYPE_WRITE; taosArrayPush(req.pUser, &user); user.type = AUTH_TYPE_OTHER; taosArrayPush(req.pUser, &user); int32_t *param = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(int32_t)); *param = 1; int64_t jobId = 0; CTG_ERR_JRET(catalogAsyncGetAllMeta(pCtg, pConn, &req, ctgdUserCallback, param, &jobId)); _return: taosArrayDestroy(req.pTableMeta); taosArrayDestroy(req.pDbVgroup); taosArrayDestroy(req.pTableHash); taosArrayDestroy(req.pUdf); taosArrayDestroy(req.pDbCfg); taosArrayDestroy(req.pUser); CTG_RET(code); } #endif int32_t ctgdEnableDebug(char *option, bool enable) { if (0 == strcasecmp(option, "lock")) { gCTGDebug.lockEnable = enable; qDebug("catalog lock debug set to %d", enable); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } if (0 == strcasecmp(option, "cache")) { gCTGDebug.cacheEnable = enable; qDebug("catalog cache debug set to %d", enable); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } if (0 == strcasecmp(option, "api")) { gCTGDebug.apiEnable = enable; qDebug("catalog api debug set to %d", enable); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } if (0 == strcasecmp(option, "meta")) { gCTGDebug.metaEnable = enable; qDebug("catalog meta debug set to %d", enable); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } if (0 == strcasecmp(option, "stopUpdate")) { SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; void *pIter = taosHashIterate(gCtgMgmt.pCluster, NULL); while (pIter) { pCtg = *(SCatalog **)pIter; pCtg->stopUpdate = enable; pIter = taosHashIterate(gCtgMgmt.pCluster, pIter); } qDebug("catalog stopUpdate set to %d", enable); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } qError("invalid debug option:%s", option); return TSDB_CODE_CTG_INTERNAL_ERROR; } int32_t ctgdHandleDbgCommand(char *command) { if (NULL == command) { CTG_RET(TSDB_CODE_INVALID_PARA); } if (strlen(command) > CTG_MAX_COMMAND_LEN) { CTG_RET(TSDB_CODE_INVALID_PARA); } char *dup = taosStrdup(command); char *option = NULL; char *param = NULL; int32_t i = 0; bool newItem = true; while (*(dup + i)) { if (isspace(*(dup + i))) { *(dup + i) = 0; ++i; newItem = true; continue; } if (!newItem) { ++i; continue; } newItem = false; if (NULL == option) { option = dup + i; ++i; continue; } if (NULL == param) { param = dup + i; ++i; continue; } taosMemoryFree(dup); CTG_RET(TSDB_CODE_INVALID_PARA); } bool enable = atoi(param); int32_t code = ctgdEnableDebug(option, enable); taosMemoryFree(dup); CTG_RET(code); } int32_t ctgdGetOneHandle(SCatalog **pHandle) { SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; void *pIter = taosHashIterate(gCtgMgmt.pCluster, NULL); while (pIter) { pCtg = *(SCatalog **)pIter; taosHashCancelIterate(gCtgMgmt.pCluster, pIter); break; } *pHandle = pCtg; return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t ctgdGetStatNum(char *option, void *res) { if (0 == strcasecmp(option, "runtime.numOfOpDequeue")) { *(uint64_t *)res = atomic_load_64(&gCtgMgmt.statInfo.runtime.numOfOpDequeue); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } qError("invalid stat option:%s", option); return TSDB_CODE_CTG_INTERNAL_ERROR; } int32_t ctgdGetTbMetaNum(SCtgDBCache *dbCache) { return dbCache->tbCache ? (int32_t)taosHashGetSize(dbCache->tbCache) : 0; } int32_t ctgdGetStbNum(SCtgDBCache *dbCache) { return dbCache->stbCache ? (int32_t)taosHashGetSize(dbCache->stbCache) : 0; } int32_t ctgdGetRentNum(SCtgRentMgmt *rent) { int32_t num = 0; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < rent->slotNum; ++i) { SCtgRentSlot *slot = &rent->slots[i]; if (NULL == slot->meta) { continue; } num += taosArrayGetSize(slot->meta); } return num; } int32_t ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(SCatalog *pCtg, int32_t type) { if (NULL == pCtg || NULL == pCtg->dbCache) { return 0; } switch (type) { case CTG_DBG_DB_NUM: return (int32_t)taosHashGetSize(pCtg->dbCache); case CTG_DBG_DB_RENT_NUM: return ctgdGetRentNum(&pCtg->dbRent); case CTG_DBG_STB_RENT_NUM: return ctgdGetRentNum(&pCtg->stbRent); default: break; } SCtgDBCache *dbCache = NULL; int32_t num = 0; void *pIter = taosHashIterate(pCtg->dbCache, NULL); while (pIter) { dbCache = (SCtgDBCache *)pIter; switch (type) { case CTG_DBG_META_NUM: num += ctgdGetTbMetaNum(dbCache); break; case CTG_DBG_STB_NUM: num += ctgdGetStbNum(dbCache); break; default: ctgError("invalid type:%d", type); break; } pIter = taosHashIterate(pCtg->dbCache, pIter); } return num; } void ctgdShowTableMeta(SCatalog *pCtg, const char *tbName, STableMeta *p) { if (!gCTGDebug.metaEnable) { return; } STableComInfo *c = &p->tableInfo; if (TSDB_CHILD_TABLE == p->tableType) { ctgDebug("table [%s] meta: type:%d, vgId:%d, uid:0x%" PRIx64 ",suid:0x%" PRIx64, tbName, p->tableType, p->vgId, p->uid, p->suid); return; } else { ctgDebug("table [%s] meta: type:%d, vgId:%d, uid:0x%" PRIx64 ",suid:0x%" PRIx64 ",sv:%d, tv:%d, tagNum:%d, precision:%d, colNum:%d, rowSize:%d", tbName, p->tableType, p->vgId, p->uid, p->suid, p->sversion, p->tversion, c->numOfTags, c->precision, c->numOfColumns, c->rowSize); } int32_t colNum = c->numOfColumns + c->numOfTags; for (int32_t i = 0; i < colNum; ++i) { SSchema *s = &p->schema[i]; ctgDebug("[%d] name:%s, type:%d, colId:%d, bytes:%d", i, s->name, s->type, s->colId, s->bytes); } } void ctgdShowDBCache(SCatalog *pCtg, SHashObj *dbHash) { if (NULL == dbHash || !gCTGDebug.cacheEnable) { return; } int32_t i = 0; SCtgDBCache *dbCache = NULL; void *pIter = taosHashIterate(dbHash, NULL); while (pIter) { char *dbFName = NULL; size_t len = 0; dbCache = (SCtgDBCache *)pIter; dbFName = taosHashGetKey(pIter, &len); int32_t metaNum = dbCache->tbCache ? taosHashGetSize(dbCache->tbCache) : 0; int32_t stbNum = dbCache->stbCache ? taosHashGetSize(dbCache->stbCache) : 0; int32_t vgVersion = CTG_DEFAULT_INVALID_VERSION; int32_t hashMethod = -1; int16_t hashPrefix = 0; int16_t hashSuffix = 0; int64_t stateTs = 0; int32_t vgNum = 0; if (dbCache->vgCache.vgInfo) { vgVersion = dbCache->vgCache.vgInfo->vgVersion; hashMethod = dbCache->vgCache.vgInfo->hashMethod; hashPrefix = dbCache->vgCache.vgInfo->hashPrefix; hashSuffix = dbCache->vgCache.vgInfo->hashSuffix; stateTs = dbCache->vgCache.vgInfo->stateTs; if (dbCache->vgCache.vgInfo->vgHash) { vgNum = taosHashGetSize(dbCache->vgCache.vgInfo->vgHash); } } ctgDebug("[%d] db [%.*s][0x%" PRIx64 "] %s: metaNum:%d, stbNum:%d, vgVersion:%d, stateTs:%" PRId64 ", hashMethod:%d, prefix:%d, suffix:%d, vgNum:%d", i, (int32_t)len, dbFName, dbCache->dbId, dbCache->deleted ? "deleted" : "", metaNum, stbNum, vgVersion, stateTs, hashMethod, hashPrefix, hashSuffix, vgNum); if (dbCache->vgCache.vgInfo) { int32_t i = 0; void *pVgIter = taosHashIterate(dbCache->vgCache.vgInfo->vgHash, NULL); while (pVgIter) { SVgroupInfo * pVg = (SVgroupInfo *)pVgIter; ctgDebug("The %04dth VG [id:%d, hashBegin:%u, hashEnd:%u, numOfTable:%d, epNum:%d, inUse:%d]", i++, pVg->vgId, pVg->hashBegin, pVg->hashEnd, pVg->numOfTable, pVg->epSet.numOfEps, pVg->epSet.inUse); for (int32_t n = 0; n < pVg->epSet.numOfEps; ++n) { SEp *pEp = &pVg->epSet.eps[n]; ctgDebug("\tEp %d [fqdn:%s, port:%d]", n, pEp->fqdn, pEp->port); } pVgIter = taosHashIterate(dbCache->vgCache.vgInfo->vgHash, pVgIter); } } if (dbCache->cfgCache.cfgInfo) { SDbCfgInfo *pCfg = dbCache->cfgCache.cfgInfo; ctgDebug("[%d] db [%.*s][0x%" PRIx64 "] %s: cfgVersion:%d, numOfVgroups:%d, numOfStables:%d, buffer:%d, cacheSize:%d, pageSize:%d, pages:%d" ", daysPerFile:%d, daysToKeep0:%d, daysToKeep1:%d, daysToKeep2:%d, minRows:%d, maxRows:%d, walFsyncPeriod:%d" ", hashPrefix:%d, hashSuffix:%d, walLevel:%d, precision:%d, compression:%d, replications:%d, strict:%d" ", cacheLast:%d, tsdbPageSize:%d, walRetentionPeriod:%d, walRollPeriod:%d, walRetentionSize:%" PRId64 "" ", walSegmentSize:%" PRId64 ", numOfRetensions:%d, schemaless:%d, sstTrigger:%d", i, (int32_t)len, dbFName, dbCache->dbId, dbCache->deleted ? "deleted" : "", pCfg->cfgVersion, pCfg->numOfVgroups, pCfg->numOfStables, pCfg->buffer, pCfg->cacheSize, pCfg->pageSize, pCfg->pages, pCfg->daysPerFile, pCfg->daysToKeep0, pCfg->daysToKeep1, pCfg->daysToKeep2, pCfg->minRows, pCfg->maxRows, pCfg->walFsyncPeriod, pCfg->hashPrefix, pCfg->hashSuffix, pCfg->walLevel, pCfg->precision, pCfg->compression, pCfg->replications, pCfg->strict, pCfg->cacheLast, pCfg->tsdbPageSize, pCfg->walRetentionPeriod, pCfg->walRollPeriod, pCfg->walRetentionSize, pCfg->walSegmentSize, pCfg->numOfRetensions, pCfg->schemaless, pCfg->sstTrigger); } ++i; pIter = taosHashIterate(dbHash, pIter); } } void ctgdShowClusterCache(SCatalog *pCtg) { if (!gCTGDebug.cacheEnable || NULL == pCtg) { return; } ctgDebug("## cluster 0x%" PRIx64 " %p cache Info BEGIN ##", pCtg->clusterId, pCtg); ctgDebug("db:%d meta:%d stb:%d dbRent:%d stbRent:%d", ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_DB_NUM), ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_META_NUM), ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_STB_NUM), ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_DB_RENT_NUM), ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_STB_RENT_NUM)); ctgdShowDBCache(pCtg, pCtg->dbCache); ctgDebug("## cluster 0x%" PRIx64 " %p cache Info END ##", pCtg->clusterId, pCtg); } int32_t ctgdShowStatInfo(void) { if (!gCTGDebug.statEnable) { return TSDB_CODE_CTG_OUT_OF_SERVICE; } CTG_API_ENTER(); SCtgCacheStat cache; uint64_t cacheSize = 0; ctgGetGlobalCacheStat(&cache); ctgGetGlobalCacheSize(&cacheSize); qDebug("## Global Stat Info %s ##", "begin"); qDebug("## \t%s \t%s \t%s ##", "Num", "Hit", "Nhit"); for (int32_t i = 0; i < CTG_CI_MAX_VALUE; ++i) { qDebug("# %s \t%" PRIu64 " \t%" PRIu64 " \t%" PRIu64 " #", gCtgStatItem[i].name, cache.cacheNum[i], cache.cacheHit[i], cache.cacheNHit[i]); } qDebug("## Global Stat Info %s ##", "end"); qDebug("## Global Cache Size: %" PRIu64, cacheSize); CTG_API_LEAVE(TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS); } int32_t ctgdShowCacheInfo(void) { if (!gCTGDebug.cacheEnable) { return TSDB_CODE_CTG_OUT_OF_SERVICE; } CTG_API_ENTER(); qDebug("# total catalog cluster number %d #", taosHashGetSize(gCtgMgmt.pCluster)); SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; void *pIter = taosHashIterate(gCtgMgmt.pCluster, NULL); while (pIter) { pCtg = *(SCatalog **)pIter; if (pCtg) { ctgdShowClusterCache(pCtg); } pIter = taosHashIterate(gCtgMgmt.pCluster, pIter); } CTG_API_LEAVE(TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS); }