--- sidebar_label: Grafana title: Grafana --- import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs"; import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem"; TDengine can be quickly integrated with the open-source data visualization system [Grafana](https://www.grafana.com/) to build a data monitoring and alerting system. The whole process does not require any code development. And you can visualize the contents of the data tables in TDengine on a dashboard. You can learn more about using the TDengine plugin on [GitHub](https://github.com/taosdata/grafanaplugin/blob/master/README.md). ## Prerequisites In order for Grafana to add the TDengine data source successfully, the following preparations are required: 1. The TDengine cluster is deployed and functioning properly 2. taosAdapter is installed and running properly. Please refer to the taosAdapter manual for details. Record these values: - TDengine REST API url: `http://tdengine.local:6041`. - TDengine cluster authorization, with user + password. ## Installing Grafana TDengine currently supports Grafana versions 7.5 and above. Users can go to the Grafana official website to download the installation package and execute the installation according to the current operating system. The download address is as follows: . ## Configuring Grafana ### Install Grafana Plugin and Configure Data Source Under Grafana 8, plugin catalog allows you to [browse and manage plugins within Grafana](https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/next/administration/plugin-management/#plugin-catalog) (but for Grafana 7.x, use **With Script** or **Install & Configure Manually**). Find the page at **Configurations > Plugins**, search **TDengine** and click it to install. ![Search tdengine in grafana plugins](./grafana/grafana-plugin-search-tdengine.png) Installation may cost some minutes, then you can **Create a TDengine data source**: ![Install and configure Grafana data source](./grafana/grafana-install-and-config.png) Then you can add a TDengine data source by filling up the configuration options. ![TDengine Database Grafana plugin add data source](./grafana/grafana-data-source.png) You can create dashboards with TDengine now. In Grafana server, run `install.sh` with TDengine url and username/passwords will install TDengine data source plugin and add a data source named TDengine. This is the recommended way for Grafana 7.x or [Grafana provisioning](https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/administration/provisioning/) users. ```sh bash -c "$(curl -fsSL \ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/taosdata/grafanaplugin/master/install.sh)" -- \ -a http://localhost:6041 \ -u root \ -p taosdata ``` Restart Grafana service and open Grafana in web-browser, usually . Save the script and type `./install.sh --help` for the full usage of the script. Follow the installation steps in [Grafana](https://grafana.com/grafana/plugins/tdengine-datasource/?tab=installation) with the [``grafana-cli`` command-line tool](https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/administration/cli/) for plugin installation. ```bash grafana-cli plugins install tdengine-datasource # with sudo sudo -u grafana grafana-cli plugins install tdengine-datasource ``` Alternatively, you can manually download the .zip file from [GitHub](https://github.com/taosdata/grafanaplugin/releases/tag/latest) or [Grafana](https://grafana.com/grafana/plugins/tdengine-datasource/?tab=installation) and unpack it into your grafana plugins directory. ```bash GF_VERSION=3.2.2 # from GitHub wget https://github.com/taosdata/grafanaplugin/releases/download/v$GF_VERSION/tdengine-datasource-$GF_VERSION.zip # from Grafana wget -O tdengine-datasource-$GF_VERSION.zip https://grafana.com/api/plugins/tdengine-datasource/versions/$GF_VERSION/download ``` Take CentOS 7.2 for example, extract the plugin package to /var/lib/grafana/plugins directory, and restart grafana. ```bash sudo unzip tdengine-datasource-$GF_VERSION.zip -d /var/lib/grafana/plugins/ ``` If Grafana is running in a Docker environment, the TDengine plugin can be automatically installed and set up using the following environment variable settings: ```bash GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS=tdengine-datasource ``` Now users can log in to the Grafana server (username/password: admin/admin) directly through the URL `http://localhost:3000` and add a datasource through `Configuration -> Data Sources` on the left side, as shown in the following figure. ![TDengine Database TDinsight plugin add datasource 1](./grafana/add_datasource1.webp) Click `Add data source` to enter the Add data source page, and enter TDengine in the query box to add it, as shown in the following figure. ![TDengine Database TDinsight plugin add datasource 2](./grafana/add_datasource2.webp) Enter the datasource configuration page, and follow the default prompts to modify the corresponding configuration. ![TDengine Database TDinsight plugin add database 3](./grafana/add_datasource3.webp) - Host: IP address of the server where the components of the TDengine cluster provide REST service (offered by taosd before 2.4 and by taosAdapter since 2.4) and the port number of the TDengine REST service (6041), by default use `http://localhost:6041`. - User: TDengine user name. - Password: TDengine user password. Click `Save & Test` to test. You should see a success message if the test worked. ![TDengine Database TDinsight plugin add database 4](./grafana/add_datasource4.webp) Please refer to [Install plugins in the Docker container](https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/next/setup-grafana/installation/docker/#install-plugins-in-the-docker-container). This will install `tdengine-datasource` plugin when Grafana container starts: ```bash docker run -d \ -p 3000:3000 \ --name=grafana \ -e "GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS=tdengine-datasource" \ grafana/grafana ``` You can setup a zero-configuration stack for TDengine + Grafana by [docker-compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/) and [Grafana provisioning](https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/administration/provisioning/) fileļ¼š 1. Save the provisioning configuration file to `tdengine.yml`. ```yml apiVersion: 1 datasources: - name: TDengine type: tdengine-datasource orgId: 1 url: "$TDENGINE_API" isDefault: true secureJsonData: url: "$TDENGINE_URL" basicAuth: "$TDENGINE_BASIC_AUTH" token: "$TDENGINE_CLOUD_TOKEN" version: 1 editable: true ``` 2. Write `docker-compose.yml` with [TDengine](https://hub.docker.com/r/tdengine/tdengine) and [Grafana](https://hub.docker.com/r/grafana/grafana) image. ```yml version: "3.7" services: tdengine: image: tdengine/tdengine: environment: TAOS_FQDN: tdengine volumes: - tdengine-data:/var/lib/taos/ grafana: image: grafana/grafana:8.5.6 volumes: - ./tdengine.yml/:/etc/grafana/provisioning/tdengine.yml - grafana-data:/var/lib/grafana environment: # install tdengine plugin at start GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS: "tdengine-datasource" TDENGINE_URL: "http://tdengine:6041" #printf "$TDENGINE_USER:$TDENGINE_PASSWORD" | base64 TDENGINE_BASIC_AUTH: "cm9vdDp0YmFzZTEyNQ==" ports: - 3000:3000 volumes: grafana-data: tdengine-data: ``` 3. Start TDengine and Grafana services: `docker-compose up -d`. Open Grafana , and you can add dashboard with TDengine now. ### Create Dashboard Go back to the main interface to create a dashboard and click Add Query to enter the panel query page: ![TDengine Database TDinsight plugin create dashboard 1](./grafana/create_dashboard1.webp) As shown above, select the `TDengine` data source in the `Query` and enter the corresponding SQL in the query box below for query. - INPUT SQL: enter the statement to be queried (the result set of the SQL statement should be two columns and multiple rows), for example: `select avg(mem_system) from log.dn where ts >= $from and ts < $to interval($interval)`, where, from, to and interval are built-in variables of the TDengine plugin, indicating the range and time interval of queries fetched from the Grafana plugin panel. In addition to the built-in variables, custom template variables are also supported. - ALIAS BY: This allows you to set the current query alias. - GENERATE SQL: Clicking this button will automatically replace the corresponding variables and generate the final executed statement. Follow the default prompt to query the average system memory usage for the specified interval on the server where the current TDengine deployment is located as follows. ![TDengine Database TDinsight plugin create dashboard 2](./grafana/create_dashboard2.webp) > For more information on how to use Grafana to create the appropriate monitoring interface and for more details on using Grafana, refer to the official Grafana [documentation](https://grafana.com/docs/). ### Importing the Dashboard You can install TDinsight dashboard in data source configuration page (like `http://localhost:3000/datasources/edit/1/dashboards`) as a monitoring visualization tool for TDengine cluster. The dashboard is published in Grafana as [Dashboard 15167 - TDinsight](https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/15167). Check the [TDinsight User Manual](/reference/tdinsight/) for the details. For more dashboards using TDengine data source, [search here in Grafana](https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/?dataSource=tdengine-datasource). Here is a sub list: - [15146](https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/15146): Monitor multiple TDengine clusters. - [15155](https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/15155): TDengine alert demo. - [15167](https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/15167): TDinsight. - [16388](https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/16388): Telegraf node metrics dashboard using TDengine data source.