/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "functionMgt.h" #include "builtins.h" #include "catalog.h" #include "functionMgtInt.h" #include "taos.h" #include "taoserror.h" #include "thash.h" #include "tudf.h" typedef struct SFuncMgtService { SHashObj* pFuncNameHashTable; } SFuncMgtService; typedef struct SUdfInfo { SDataType outputDt; int8_t funcType; } SUdfInfo; static SFuncMgtService gFunMgtService; static TdThreadOnce functionHashTableInit = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; static int32_t initFunctionCode = 0; static void doInitFunctionTable() { gFunMgtService.pFuncNameHashTable = taosHashInit(funcMgtBuiltinsNum, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY), true, HASH_NO_LOCK); if (NULL == gFunMgtService.pFuncNameHashTable) { initFunctionCode = TSDB_CODE_FAILED; return; } for (int32_t i = 0; i < funcMgtBuiltinsNum; ++i) { if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS != taosHashPut(gFunMgtService.pFuncNameHashTable, funcMgtBuiltins[i].name, strlen(funcMgtBuiltins[i].name), &i, sizeof(int32_t))) { initFunctionCode = TSDB_CODE_FAILED; return; } } } static bool isSpecificClassifyFunc(int32_t funcId, uint64_t classification) { if (fmIsUserDefinedFunc(funcId)) { return FUNC_MGT_AGG_FUNC == classification ? FUNC_AGGREGATE_UDF_ID == funcId : (FUNC_MGT_SCALAR_FUNC == classification ? FUNC_SCALAR_UDF_ID == funcId : false); } if (funcId < 0 || funcId >= funcMgtBuiltinsNum) { return false; } return FUNC_MGT_TEST_MASK(funcMgtBuiltins[funcId].classification, classification); } static int32_t getUdfInfo(SFmGetFuncInfoParam* pParam, SFunctionNode* pFunc) { SFuncInfo funcInfo = {0}; int32_t code = catalogGetUdfInfo(pParam->pCtg, pParam->pRpc, pParam->pMgmtEps, pFunc->functionName, &funcInfo); if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS != code) { return code; } pFunc->funcType = FUNCTION_TYPE_UDF; pFunc->funcId = TSDB_FUNC_TYPE_AGGREGATE == funcInfo.funcType ? FUNC_AGGREGATE_UDF_ID : FUNC_SCALAR_UDF_ID; pFunc->node.resType.type = funcInfo.outputType; pFunc->node.resType.bytes = funcInfo.outputLen; pFunc->udfBufSize = funcInfo.bufSize; tFreeSFuncInfo(&funcInfo); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t fmFuncMgtInit() { taosThreadOnce(&functionHashTableInit, doInitFunctionTable); return initFunctionCode; } int32_t fmGetFuncInfo(SFmGetFuncInfoParam* pParam, SFunctionNode* pFunc) { void* pVal = taosHashGet(gFunMgtService.pFuncNameHashTable, pFunc->functionName, strlen(pFunc->functionName)); if (NULL != pVal) { pFunc->funcId = *(int32_t*)pVal; pFunc->funcType = funcMgtBuiltins[pFunc->funcId].type; return funcMgtBuiltins[pFunc->funcId].translateFunc(pFunc, pParam->pErrBuf, pParam->errBufLen); } return getUdfInfo(pParam, pFunc); } bool fmIsBuiltinFunc(const char* pFunc) { return NULL != taosHashGet(gFunMgtService.pFuncNameHashTable, pFunc, strlen(pFunc)); } EFuncDataRequired fmFuncDataRequired(SFunctionNode* pFunc, STimeWindow* pTimeWindow) { if (fmIsUserDefinedFunc(pFunc->funcId) || pFunc->funcId < 0 || pFunc->funcId >= funcMgtBuiltinsNum) { return FUNC_DATA_REQUIRED_DATA_LOAD; } if (NULL == funcMgtBuiltins[pFunc->funcId].dataRequiredFunc) { return FUNC_DATA_REQUIRED_DATA_LOAD; } return funcMgtBuiltins[pFunc->funcId].dataRequiredFunc(pFunc, pTimeWindow); } int32_t fmGetFuncExecFuncs(int32_t funcId, SFuncExecFuncs* pFpSet) { if (fmIsUserDefinedFunc(funcId) || funcId < 0 || funcId >= funcMgtBuiltinsNum) { return TSDB_CODE_FAILED; } pFpSet->getEnv = funcMgtBuiltins[funcId].getEnvFunc; pFpSet->init = funcMgtBuiltins[funcId].initFunc; pFpSet->process = funcMgtBuiltins[funcId].processFunc; pFpSet->finalize = funcMgtBuiltins[funcId].finalizeFunc; pFpSet->combine = funcMgtBuiltins[funcId].combineFunc; return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t fmGetUdafExecFuncs(int32_t funcId, SFuncExecFuncs* pFpSet) { if (!fmIsUserDefinedFunc(funcId)) { return TSDB_CODE_FAILED; } pFpSet->getEnv = udfAggGetEnv; pFpSet->init = udfAggInit; pFpSet->process = udfAggProcess; pFpSet->finalize = udfAggFinalize; return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t fmGetScalarFuncExecFuncs(int32_t funcId, SScalarFuncExecFuncs* pFpSet) { if (fmIsUserDefinedFunc(funcId) || funcId < 0 || funcId >= funcMgtBuiltinsNum) { return TSDB_CODE_FAILED; } pFpSet->process = funcMgtBuiltins[funcId].sprocessFunc; pFpSet->getEnv = funcMgtBuiltins[funcId].getEnvFunc; return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } bool fmIsAggFunc(int32_t funcId) { return isSpecificClassifyFunc(funcId, FUNC_MGT_AGG_FUNC); } bool fmIsScalarFunc(int32_t funcId) { return isSpecificClassifyFunc(funcId, FUNC_MGT_SCALAR_FUNC); } bool fmIsVectorFunc(int32_t funcId) { return !fmIsScalarFunc(funcId); } bool fmIsSelectFunc(int32_t funcId) { return isSpecificClassifyFunc(funcId, FUNC_MGT_SELECT_FUNC); } bool fmIsTimelineFunc(int32_t funcId) { return isSpecificClassifyFunc(funcId, FUNC_MGT_TIMELINE_FUNC); } bool fmIsPseudoColumnFunc(int32_t funcId) { return isSpecificClassifyFunc(funcId, FUNC_MGT_PSEUDO_COLUMN_FUNC); } bool fmIsScanPseudoColumnFunc(int32_t funcId) { return isSpecificClassifyFunc(funcId, FUNC_MGT_SCAN_PC_FUNC); } bool fmIsWindowPseudoColumnFunc(int32_t funcId) { return isSpecificClassifyFunc(funcId, FUNC_MGT_WINDOW_PC_FUNC); } bool fmIsWindowClauseFunc(int32_t funcId) { return fmIsAggFunc(funcId) || fmIsWindowPseudoColumnFunc(funcId); } bool fmIsIndefiniteRowsFunc(int32_t funcId) { return isSpecificClassifyFunc(funcId, FUNC_MGT_INDEFINITE_ROWS_FUNC); } bool fmIsSpecialDataRequiredFunc(int32_t funcId) { return isSpecificClassifyFunc(funcId, FUNC_MGT_SPECIAL_DATA_REQUIRED); } bool fmIsDynamicScanOptimizedFunc(int32_t funcId) { return isSpecificClassifyFunc(funcId, FUNC_MGT_DYNAMIC_SCAN_OPTIMIZED); } bool fmIsMultiResFunc(int32_t funcId) { return isSpecificClassifyFunc(funcId, FUNC_MGT_MULTI_RES_FUNC); } bool fmIsRepeatScanFunc(int32_t funcId) { return isSpecificClassifyFunc(funcId, FUNC_MGT_REPEAT_SCAN_FUNC); } bool fmIsUserDefinedFunc(int32_t funcId) { return funcId > FUNC_UDF_ID_START; } void fmFuncMgtDestroy() { void* m = gFunMgtService.pFuncNameHashTable; if (m != NULL && atomic_val_compare_exchange_ptr((void**)&gFunMgtService.pFuncNameHashTable, m, 0) == m) { taosHashCleanup(m); } } int32_t fmSetInvertFunc(int32_t funcId, SFuncExecFuncs* pFpSet) { if (fmIsUserDefinedFunc(funcId) || funcId < 0 || funcId >= funcMgtBuiltinsNum) { return TSDB_CODE_FAILED; } pFpSet->process = funcMgtBuiltins[funcId].invertFunc; return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t fmSetNormalFunc(int32_t funcId, SFuncExecFuncs* pFpSet) { if (fmIsUserDefinedFunc(funcId) || funcId < 0 || funcId >= funcMgtBuiltinsNum) { return TSDB_CODE_FAILED; } pFpSet->process = funcMgtBuiltins[funcId].processFunc; return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } bool fmIsInvertible(int32_t funcId) { bool res = false; switch (funcMgtBuiltins[funcId].type) { case FUNCTION_TYPE_COUNT: case FUNCTION_TYPE_SUM: case FUNCTION_TYPE_STDDEV: case FUNCTION_TYPE_AVG: case FUNCTION_TYPE_WSTARTTS: case FUNCTION_TYPE_WENDTS: case FUNCTION_TYPE_WDURATION: res = true; break; default: break; } return res; }