/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE #include "dndDnode.h" #include "dndMnode.h" #include "dndTransport.h" #include "dndVnodes.h" #include "sync.h" #include "wal.h" EStat dndGetStat(SDnode *pDnode) { return pDnode->stat; } void dndSetStat(SDnode *pDnode, EStat stat) { dDebug("dnode status set from %s to %s", dndStatStr(pDnode->stat), dndStatStr(stat)); pDnode->stat = stat; } char *dndStatStr(EStat stat) { switch (stat) { case DND_STAT_INIT: return "init"; case DND_STAT_RUNNING: return "running"; case DND_STAT_STOPPED: return "stopped"; default: return "unknown"; } } void dndReportStartup(SDnode *pDnode, char *pName, char *pDesc) { SStartupMsg *pStartup = &pDnode->startup; tstrncpy(pStartup->name, pName, TSDB_STEP_NAME_LEN); tstrncpy(pStartup->desc, pDesc, TSDB_STEP_DESC_LEN); pStartup->finished = 0; } void dndGetStartup(SDnode *pDnode, SStartupMsg *pStartup) { memcpy(pStartup, &pDnode->startup, sizeof(SStartupMsg)); pStartup->finished = (dndGetStat(pDnode) == DND_STAT_RUNNING); } static FileFd dndCheckRunning(char *dataDir) { char filepath[PATH_MAX] = {0}; snprintf(filepath, sizeof(filepath), "%s/.running", dataDir); FileFd fd = taosOpenFileCreateWriteTrunc(filepath); if (fd < 0) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); dError("failed to lock file:%s since %s, quit", filepath, terrstr()); return -1; } int32_t ret = taosLockFile(fd); if (ret != 0) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); dError("failed to lock file:%s since %s, quit", filepath, terrstr()); taosCloseFile(fd); return -1; } return fd; } static int32_t dndInitEnv(SDnode *pDnode, SDnodeOpt *pOption) { pDnode->lockFd = dndCheckRunning(pOption->dataDir); if (pDnode->lockFd < 0) { return -1; } char path[PATH_MAX + 100]; snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%smnode", pOption->dataDir, TD_DIRSEP); pDnode->dir.mnode = tstrdup(path); snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%svnode", pOption->dataDir, TD_DIRSEP); pDnode->dir.vnodes = tstrdup(path); snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%sdnode", pOption->dataDir, TD_DIRSEP); pDnode->dir.dnode = tstrdup(path); snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%ssnode", pOption->dataDir, TD_DIRSEP); pDnode->dir.snode = tstrdup(path); snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%sbnode", pOption->dataDir, TD_DIRSEP); pDnode->dir.bnode = tstrdup(path); if (pDnode->dir.mnode == NULL || pDnode->dir.vnodes == NULL || pDnode->dir.dnode == NULL) { dError("failed to malloc dir object"); terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return -1; } if (taosMkDir(pDnode->dir.dnode) != 0) { dError("failed to create dir:%s since %s", pDnode->dir.dnode, strerror(errno)); terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); return -1; } if (taosMkDir(pDnode->dir.mnode) != 0) { dError("failed to create dir:%s since %s", pDnode->dir.mnode, strerror(errno)); terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); return -1; } if (taosMkDir(pDnode->dir.vnodes) != 0) { dError("failed to create dir:%s since %s", pDnode->dir.vnodes, strerror(errno)); terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); return -1; } if (taosMkDir(pDnode->dir.snode) != 0) { dError("failed to create dir:%s since %s", pDnode->dir.snode, strerror(errno)); terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); return -1; } if (taosMkDir(pDnode->dir.bnode) != 0) { dError("failed to create dir:%s since %s", pDnode->dir.bnode, strerror(errno)); terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); return -1; } memcpy(&pDnode->opt, pOption, sizeof(SDnodeOpt)); return 0; } static void dndCleanupEnv(SDnode *pDnode) { tfree(pDnode->dir.mnode); tfree(pDnode->dir.vnodes); tfree(pDnode->dir.dnode); tfree(pDnode->dir.snode); tfree(pDnode->dir.bnode); if (pDnode->lockFd >= 0) { taosUnLockFile(pDnode->lockFd); taosCloseFile(pDnode->lockFd); pDnode->lockFd = 0; } taosStopCacheRefreshWorker(); } SDnode *dndInit(SDnodeOpt *pOption) { taosIgnSIGPIPE(); taosBlockSIGPIPE(); taosResolveCRC(); SDnode *pDnode = calloc(1, sizeof(SDnode)); if (pDnode == NULL) { dError("failed to create dnode object"); terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return NULL; } dInfo("start to initialize TDengine"); dndSetStat(pDnode, DND_STAT_INIT); if (dndInitEnv(pDnode, pOption) != 0) { dError("failed to init env"); dndCleanup(pDnode); return NULL; } if (rpcInit() != 0) { dError("failed to init rpc env"); dndCleanup(pDnode); return NULL; } if (walInit() != 0) { dError("failed to init wal env"); dndCleanup(pDnode); return NULL; } if (vnodeInit(pDnode->opt.numOfCommitThreads) != 0) { dError("failed to init vnode env"); dndCleanup(pDnode); return NULL; } if (dndInitDnode(pDnode) != 0) { dError("failed to init dnode"); dndCleanup(pDnode); return NULL; } if (dndInitVnodes(pDnode) != 0) { dError("failed to init vnodes"); dndCleanup(pDnode); return NULL; } if (dndInitMnode(pDnode) != 0) { dError("failed to init mnode"); dndCleanup(pDnode); return NULL; } if (dndInitTrans(pDnode) != 0) { dError("failed to init transport"); dndCleanup(pDnode); return NULL; } dndSetStat(pDnode, DND_STAT_RUNNING); dndSendStatusMsg(pDnode); dndReportStartup(pDnode, "TDengine", "initialized successfully"); dInfo("TDengine is initialized successfully, pDnode:%p", pDnode); return pDnode; } void dndCleanup(SDnode *pDnode) { if (pDnode == NULL) return; if (dndGetStat(pDnode) == DND_STAT_STOPPED) { dError("dnode is shutting down"); return; } dInfo("start to cleanup TDengine"); dndSetStat(pDnode, DND_STAT_STOPPED); dndCleanupTrans(pDnode); dndCleanupMnode(pDnode); dndCleanupVnodes(pDnode); dndCleanupDnode(pDnode); vnodeClear(); walCleanUp(); rpcCleanup(); dndCleanupEnv(pDnode); free(pDnode); dInfo("TDengine is cleaned up successfully"); }