################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies. # No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted, # disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as # expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao # ################################################################### # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import taos import sys import os import json import argparse import subprocess import datetime import re from multiprocessing import cpu_count from util.log import * from util.sql import * from util.cases import * from util.dnodes import * from util.dnodes import TDDnode class Taosdemo: def __init__(self, clearCache, dbName, keep): self.clearCache = clearCache self.dbname = dbName self.drop = "yes" self.keep = keep self.host = "" self.user = "root" self.password = "taosdata" # self.config = "/etc/taosperf" # self.conn = taos.connect( # self.host, # self.user, # self.password, # self.config) # env config def getBuildPath(self) -> str: selfPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) if ("community" in selfPath): projPath = selfPath[:selfPath.find("community")] else: projPath = selfPath[:selfPath.find("tests")] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(projPath): if ("taosd" in files): rootRealPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(root)) if ("packaging" not in rootRealPath): buildPath = root[:len(root) - len("/debug/build/bin")] break return buildPath def getExeToolsDir(self) -> str: self.debugdir = self.getBuildPath() + "/debug/build/bin" return self.debugdir def getCfgDir(self) -> str: self.config = self.getBuildPath() + "/sim/dnode1/cfg" return self.config # taodemo insert file config def dbinfocfg(self) -> dict: return { "name": self.dbname, "drop": self.drop, "replica": 1, "days": 10, "cache": 16, "blocks": 8, "precision": "ms", "keep": self.keep, "minRows": 100, "maxRows": 4096, "comp": 2, "walLevel": 1, "cachelast": 0, "quorum": 1, "fsync": 3000, "update": 0 } def type_check(func): def wrapper(self, **kwargs): num_types = ["int", "float", "bigint", "tinyint", "smallint", "double"] str_types = ["binary", "nchar"] for k ,v in kwargs.items(): if k.lower() not in num_types and k.lower() not in str_types: return f"args {k} type error, not allowed" elif not isinstance(v, (int, list, tuple)): return f"value {v} type error, not allowed" elif k.lower() in num_types and not isinstance(v, int): return f"arg {v} takes 1 positional argument must be type int " elif isinstance(v, (list,tuple)) and len(v) > 2: return f"arg {v} takes from 1 to 2 positional arguments but more than 2 were given " elif isinstance(v,(list,tuple)) and [ False for _ in v if not isinstance(_, int) ]: return f"arg {v} takes from 1 to 2 positional arguments must be type int " else: pass return func(self, **kwargs) return wrapper @type_check def column_tag_count(self, **column_tag) -> list : init_column_tag = [] for k, v in column_tag.items(): if re.search(k, "int, float, bigint, tinyint, smallint, double", re.IGNORECASE): init_column_tag.append({"type": k, "count": v}) elif re.search(k, "binary, nchar", re.IGNORECASE): if isinstance(v, int): init_column_tag.append({"type": k, "count": v, "len":8}) elif len(v) == 1: init_column_tag.append({"type": k, "count": v[0], "len": 8}) else: init_column_tag.append({"type": k, "count": v[0], "len": v[1]}) return init_column_tag def stbcfg(self, stb: str, child_tab_count: int, rows: int, prechildtab: str, columns: dict, tags: dict) -> dict: return { "name": stb, "child_table_exists": "no", "childtable_count": child_tab_count, "childtable_prefix": prechildtab, "auto_create_table": "no", "batch_create_tbl_num": 10, "data_source": "rand", "insert_mode": "taosc", "insert_rows": rows, "childtable_limit": 0, "childtable_offset": 0, "rows_per_tbl": 1, "max_sql_len": 65480, "disorder_ratio": 0, "disorder_range": 1000, "timestamp_step": 10, "start_timestamp": f"{datetime.datetime.now():%F %X}", "sample_format": "csv", "sample_file": "./sample.csv", "tags_file": "", "columns": self.column_tag_count(**columns), "tags": self.column_tag_count(**tags) } def schemecfg(self,intcount=1,floatcount=0,bcount=0,tcount=0,scount=0,doublecount=0,binarycount=0,ncharcount=0): return { "INT": intcount, "FLOAT": floatcount, "BIGINT": bcount, "TINYINT": tcount, "SMALLINT": scount, "DOUBLE": doublecount, "BINARY": binarycount, "NCHAR": ncharcount } def insertcfg(self,db: dict, stbs: list) -> dict: return { "filetype": "insert", "cfgdir": self.config, "host": self.host, "port": 6030, "user": self.user, "password": self.password, "thread_count": cpu_count(), "thread_count_create_tbl": cpu_count(), "result_file": "/tmp/insert_res.txt", "confirm_parameter_prompt": "no", "insert_interval": 0, "num_of_records_per_req": 100, "max_sql_len": 1024000, "databases": [{ "dbinfo": db, "super_tables": stbs }] } def createinsertfile(self,db: dict, stbs: list) -> str: date = datetime.datetime.now() file_create_table = f"/tmp/insert_{date:%F-%H%M}.json" with open(file_create_table, 'w') as f: json.dump(self.insertcfg(db, stbs), f) return file_create_table # taosdemo query file config def querysqls(self, sql: str) -> list: return [{"sql":sql,"result":""}] def querycfg(self, sql: str) -> dict: return { "filetype": "query", "cfgdir": self.config, "host": self.host, "port": 6030, "user": self.user, "password": self.password, "confirm_parameter_prompt": "yes", "query_times": 10, "query_mode": "taosc", "databases": self.dbname, "specified_table_query": { "query_interval": 0, "concurrent": cpu_count(), "sqls": self.querysqls(sql) } } def createqueryfile(self, sql: str): date = datetime.datetime.now() file_query_table = f"/tmp/query_{date:%F-%H%M}.json" with open(file_query_table,"w") as f: json.dump(self.querycfg(sql), f) return file_query_table # Execute taosdemo, and delete temporary files when finished def taosdemotable(self, filepath: str, resultfile="/dev/null"): taosdemopath = self.getBuildPath() + "/debug/build/bin" with open(filepath,"r") as f: filetype = json.load(f)["filetype"] if filetype == "insert": taosdemo_table_cmd = f"{taosdemopath}/taosdemo -f {filepath} > {resultfile} 2>&1" else: taosdemo_table_cmd = f"yes | {taosdemopath}/taosdemo -f {filepath} > {resultfile} 2>&1" try: _ = subprocess.check_output(taosdemo_table_cmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: _ = e.output def droptmpfile(self, filepath: str): drop_file_cmd = f"[ -f {filepath} ] && rm -f {filepath}" try: _ = subprocess.check_output(drop_file_cmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: _ = e.output # TODO:需要完成TD-4153的数据插入和客户端请求的性能查询。 def td4153insert(self): tdLog.printNoPrefix("========== start to create table and insert data ==========") self.dbname = "td4153" db = self.dbinfocfg() stblist = [] columntype = self.schemecfg(intcount=1, ncharcount=100) tagtype = self.schemecfg(intcount=1) stbname = "stb1" prechild = "t1" stable = self.stbcfg( stb=stbname, prechildtab=prechild, child_tab_count=2, rows=10000, columns=columntype, tags=tagtype ) stblist.append(stable) insertfile = self.createinsertfile(db=db, stbs=stblist) nmon_file = f"/tmp/insert_{datetime.datetime.now():%F-%H%M}.nmon" cmd = f"nmon -s5 -F {nmon_file} -m /tmp/" try: _ = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: _ = e.output self.taosdemotable(insertfile) self.droptmpfile(insertfile) self.droptmpfile("/tmp/insert_res.txt") # In order to prevent too many performance files from being generated, the nmon file is deleted. # and the delete statement can be cancelled during the actual test. self.droptmpfile(nmon_file) cmd = f"ps -ef|grep -w nmon| grep -v grep | awk '{{print $2}}'" try: time.sleep(10) _ = subprocess.check_output(cmd,shell=True).decode("utf-8") except BaseException as e: raise e def td4153query(self): tdLog.printNoPrefix("========== start to query operation ==========") sqls = { "select_all": "select * from stb1", "select_join": "select * from t10, t11 where t10.ts=t11.ts" } for type, sql in sqls.items(): result_file = f"/tmp/queryResult_{type}.log" query_file = self.createqueryfile(sql) try: self.taosdemotable(query_file, resultfile=result_file) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: out_put = e.output if result_file: print(f"execute rows {type.split('_')[1]} sql, the sql is: {sql}") max_sql_time_cmd = f''' grep -o Spent.*s {result_file} |awk 'NR==1{{max=$2;next}}{{max=max>$2?max:$2}}END{{print "Max=",max,"s"}}' ''' max_sql_time = subprocess.check_output(max_sql_time_cmd, shell=True).decode("UTF-8") print(f"{type.split('_')[1]} rows sql time : {max_sql_time}") min_sql_time_cmd = f''' grep -o Spent.*s {result_file} |awk 'NR==1{{min=$2;next}}{{min=min<$2?min:$2}}END{{print "Min=",min,"s"}}' ''' min_sql_time = subprocess.check_output(min_sql_time_cmd, shell=True).decode("UTF-8") print(f"{type.split('_')[1]} rows sql time : {min_sql_time}") avg_sql_time_cmd = f''' grep -o Spent.*s {result_file} |awk '{{sum+=$2}}END{{print "Average=",sum/NR,"s"}}' ''' avg_sql_time = subprocess.check_output(avg_sql_time_cmd, shell=True).decode("UTF-8") print(f"{type.split('_')[1]} rows sql time : {avg_sql_time}") self.droptmpfile(query_file) self.droptmpfile(result_file) drop_query_tmt_file_cmd = " find ./ -name 'querySystemInfo-*' -type f -exec rm {} \; " try: _ = subprocess.check_output(drop_query_tmt_file_cmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: _ = e.output pass def td4153(self): self.td4153insert() self.td4153query() if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '-r', '--remove-cache', action='store_true', default=False, help='clear cache before query (default: False)') parser.add_argument( '-d', '--database-name', action='store', default='db', type=str, help='Database name to be created (default: db)') parser.add_argument( '-k', '--keep-time', action='store', default=3650, type=int, help='Database keep parameters (default: 3650)') args = parser.parse_args() taosdemo = Taosdemo(args.remove_cache, args.database_name, args.keep_time) # taosdemo.conn = taos.connect( # taosdemo.host, # taosdemo.user, # taosdemo.password, # taosdemo.config # ) debugdir = taosdemo.getExeToolsDir() cfgdir = taosdemo.getCfgDir() cmd = f"{debugdir}/taosd -c {cfgdir} >/dev/null 2>&1 &" try: _ = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: _ = e.output if taosdemo.clearCache: # must be root permission subprocess.check_output("echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches", shell=True).decode("utf-8") taosdemo.td4153()