/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "mockCatalogService.h" #include #include #include #include #include "systable.h" #include "tdatablock.h" #include "tmisce.h" #include "tname.h" #include "ttypes.h" using std::string; std::unique_ptr g_mockCatalogService; class TableBuilder : public ITableBuilder { public: virtual TableBuilder& addColumn(const string& name, int8_t type, int32_t bytes) { SSchema* col = schema()->schema + (colId_ - 1); col->type = type; col->colId = colId_++; col->bytes = bytes; strcpy(col->name, name.c_str()); rowsize_ += bytes; return *this; } virtual TableBuilder& setVgid(int16_t vgid) { schema()->vgId = vgid; SVgroupInfo vgroup = {vgid, 0, 0, {0}, 0}; addEpIntoEpSet(&vgroup.epSet, "dnode_1", 6030); addEpIntoEpSet(&vgroup.epSet, "dnode_2", 6030); addEpIntoEpSet(&vgroup.epSet, "dnode_3", 6030); vgroup.epSet.inUse = 0; meta_->vgs.emplace_back(vgroup); return *this; } virtual TableBuilder& setPrecision(uint8_t precision) { schema()->tableInfo.precision = precision; return *this; } virtual void done() { schema()->tableInfo.rowSize = rowsize_; } private: friend class MockCatalogServiceImpl; static std::unique_ptr createTableBuilder(int8_t tableType, int32_t numOfColumns, int32_t numOfTags) { STableMeta* meta = (STableMeta*)taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(STableMeta) + sizeof(SSchema) * (numOfColumns + numOfTags)); if (nullptr == meta) { throw std::bad_alloc(); } meta->tableType = tableType; meta->tableInfo.numOfTags = numOfTags; meta->tableInfo.numOfColumns = numOfColumns; return std::unique_ptr(new TableBuilder(meta)); } TableBuilder(STableMeta* schemaMeta) : colId_(1), rowsize_(0), meta_(new MockTableMeta()) { meta_->schema = schemaMeta; } STableMeta* schema() { return meta_->schema; } std::shared_ptr table() { return meta_; } col_id_t colId_; int32_t rowsize_; std::shared_ptr meta_; }; class MockCatalogServiceImpl { public: static const int32_t numOfDataTypes = sizeof(tDataTypes) / sizeof(tDataTypes[0]); MockCatalogServiceImpl() : id_(1), havaCache_(true) {} ~MockCatalogServiceImpl() { for (auto& cfg : dbCfg_) { taosArrayDestroy(cfg.second.pRetensions); } for (auto& indexes : index_) { for (auto& index : indexes.second) { taosMemoryFree(index.expr); } } } int32_t catalogGetHandle() const { return 0; } int32_t catalogGetTableMeta(const SName* pTableName, STableMeta** pTableMeta, bool onlyCache = false) const { if (onlyCache && !havaCache_) { return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } std::unique_ptr table; char db[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN] = {0}; tNameGetDbName(pTableName, db); const char* tname = tNameGetTableName(pTableName); int32_t code = copyTableSchemaMeta(db, tname, &table); if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS != code) { return code; } *pTableMeta = table.release(); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t catalogGetTableHashVgroup(const SName* pTableName, SVgroupInfo* vgInfo, bool onlyCache = false) const { if (onlyCache && !havaCache_) { vgInfo->vgId = 0; return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } vgInfo->vgId = 1; return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t catalogGetTableDistVgInfo(const SName* pTableName, SArray** vgList) const { char db[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN] = {0}; tNameGetDbName(pTableName, db); return copyTableVgroup(db, tNameGetTableName(pTableName), vgList); } int32_t catalogGetDBVgList(const char* pDbFName, SArray** pVgList) const { string dbName(string(pDbFName).substr(string(pDbFName).find_last_of('.') + 1)); if (0 == dbName.compare(TSDB_INFORMATION_SCHEMA_DB) || 0 == dbName.compare(TSDB_PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA_DB)) { return catalogGetAllDBVgList(pVgList); } return catalogGetDBVgListImpl(dbName, pVgList); } int32_t catalogGetDBCfg(const char* pDbFName, SDbCfgInfo* pDbCfg) const { string dbFName(pDbFName); DbCfgCache::const_iterator it = dbCfg_.find(dbFName.substr(string(pDbFName).find_last_of('.') + 1)); if (dbCfg_.end() == it) { return TSDB_CODE_FAILED; } memcpy(pDbCfg, &(it->second), sizeof(SDbCfgInfo)); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t catalogGetUdfInfo(const string& funcName, SFuncInfo* pInfo) const { auto it = udf_.find(funcName); if (udf_.end() == it) { return TSDB_CODE_FAILED; } memcpy(pInfo, it->second.get(), sizeof(SFuncInfo)); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t catalogGetTableIndex(const SName* pTableName, SArray** pIndexes) const { char tbFName[TSDB_TABLE_FNAME_LEN] = {0}; tNameExtractFullName(pTableName, tbFName); auto it = index_.find(tbFName); if (index_.end() == it) { return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } *pIndexes = taosArrayInit(it->second.size(), sizeof(STableIndexInfo)); for (const auto& index : it->second) { STableIndexInfo info; taosArrayPush(*pIndexes, copyTableIndexInfo(&info, &index)); } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t catalogGetDnodeList(SArray** pDnodes) const { *pDnodes = taosArrayInit(dnode_.size(), sizeof(SEpSet)); for (const auto& dnode : dnode_) { taosArrayPush(*pDnodes, &dnode.second); } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t catalogGetAllMeta(const SCatalogReq* pCatalogReq, SMetaData* pMetaData) const { int32_t code = getAllTableMeta(pCatalogReq->pTableMeta, &pMetaData->pTableMeta); if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code) { code = getAllTableVgroup(pCatalogReq->pTableHash, &pMetaData->pTableHash); } if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code) { code = getAllDbVgroup(pCatalogReq->pDbVgroup, &pMetaData->pDbVgroup); } if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code) { code = getAllDbCfg(pCatalogReq->pDbCfg, &pMetaData->pDbCfg); } if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code) { code = getAllDbInfo(pCatalogReq->pDbInfo, &pMetaData->pDbInfo); } if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code) { code = getAllUserAuth(pCatalogReq->pUser, &pMetaData->pUser); } if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code) { code = getAllUdf(pCatalogReq->pUdf, &pMetaData->pUdfList); } if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code) { code = getAllTableIndex(pCatalogReq->pTableIndex, &pMetaData->pTableIndex); } if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code && pCatalogReq->dNodeRequired) { code = getAllDnodeList(&pMetaData->pDnodeList); } if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code) { code = getAllTableCfg(pCatalogReq->pTableCfg, &pMetaData->pTableCfg); } return code; } TableBuilder& createTableBuilder(const string& db, const string& tbname, int8_t tableType, int32_t numOfColumns, int32_t numOfTags) { builder_ = TableBuilder::createTableBuilder(tableType, numOfColumns, numOfTags); meta_[db][tbname] = builder_->table(); meta_[db][tbname]->schema->uid = getNextId(); return *(builder_.get()); } void createSubTable(const string& db, const string& stbname, const string& tbname, int16_t vgid) { std::unique_ptr table; if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS != copyTableSchemaMeta(db, stbname, &table)) { throw std::runtime_error("copyTableSchemaMeta failed"); } meta_[db][tbname].reset(new MockTableMeta()); meta_[db][tbname]->schema = table.release(); meta_[db][tbname]->schema->uid = getNextId(); meta_[db][tbname]->schema->tableType = TSDB_CHILD_TABLE; SVgroupInfo vgroup = {vgid, 0, 0, {0}, 0}; genEpSet(&vgroup.epSet); meta_[db][tbname]->vgs.emplace_back(vgroup); // super table meta_[db][stbname]->vgs.emplace_back(vgroup); } void showTables() const { // number of forward fills #define NOF(n) ((n) / 2) // number of backward fills #define NOB(n) ((n) % 2 ? (n) / 2 + 1 : (n) / 2) // center aligned #define CA(n, s) \ std::setw(NOF((n) - int((s).length()))) << "" << (s) << std::setw(NOB((n) - int((s).length()))) << "" \ << "|" // string field length #define SFL 20 // string field header #define SH(h) CA(SFL, string(h)) // string field #define SF(n) CA(SFL, n) // integer field length #define IFL 10 // integer field header #define IH(i) CA(IFL, string(i)) // integer field #define IF(i) CA(IFL, std::to_string(i)) // split line #define SL(sn, in) std::setfill('=') << std::setw((sn) * (SFL + 1) + (in) * (IFL + 1)) << "" << std::setfill(' ') for (const auto& db : meta_) { std::cout << "Databse:" << db.first << std::endl; std::cout << SH("Table") << SH("Type") << SH("Precision") << IH("Vgid") << IH("RowSize") << std::endl; std::cout << SL(3, 1) << std::endl; for (const auto& table : db.second) { const auto& schema = table.second->schema; std::cout << SF(table.first) << SF(ttToString(schema->tableType)) << SF(pToString(schema->tableInfo.precision)) << IF(schema->vgId) << IF(schema->tableInfo.rowSize) << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; } for (const auto& db : meta_) { for (const auto& table : db.second) { const auto& schema = table.second->schema; std::cout << "Table:" << table.first << std::endl; std::cout << SH("Field") << SH("Type") << SH("DataType") << IH("Bytes") << std::endl; std::cout << SL(3, 1) << std::endl; int16_t numOfColumns = schema->tableInfo.numOfColumns; int16_t numOfFields = numOfColumns + schema->tableInfo.numOfTags; for (int16_t i = 0; i < numOfFields; ++i) { const SSchema* col = schema->schema + i; std::cout << SF(string(col->name)) << SH(ftToString(i, numOfColumns)) << SH(dtToString(col->type)) << IF(col->bytes) << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; } } } void createFunction(const string& func, int8_t funcType, int8_t outputType, int32_t outputLen, int32_t bufSize) { std::shared_ptr info(new SFuncInfo); strcpy(info->name, func.c_str()); info->funcType = funcType; info->scriptType = TSDB_FUNC_SCRIPT_BIN_LIB; info->outputType = outputType; info->outputLen = outputLen; info->bufSize = bufSize; info->pCode = nullptr; info->pComment = nullptr; udf_.insert(std::make_pair(func, info)); } void createSmaIndex(const SMCreateSmaReq* pReq) { STableIndexInfo info = {0}; info.intervalUnit = pReq->intervalUnit; info.slidingUnit = pReq->slidingUnit; info.interval = pReq->interval; info.offset = pReq->offset; info.sliding = pReq->sliding; info.dstTbUid = getNextId(); info.dstVgId = pReq->dstVgId; genEpSet(&info.epSet); info.expr = strdup(pReq->expr); auto it = index_.find(pReq->stb); if (index_.end() == it) { index_.insert(std::make_pair(string(pReq->stb), std::vector{info})); } else { it->second.push_back(info); } } void createDnode(int32_t dnodeId, const string& host, int16_t port) { SEpSet epSet = {0}; addEpIntoEpSet(&epSet, host.c_str(), port); dnode_.insert(std::make_pair(dnodeId, epSet)); } void createDatabase(const string& db, bool rollup, int8_t cacheLast) { SDbCfgInfo cfg = {0}; if (rollup) { cfg.pRetensions = taosArrayInit(TARRAY_MIN_SIZE, sizeof(SRetention)); } cfg.cacheLast = cacheLast; dbCfg_.insert(std::make_pair(db, cfg)); } private: typedef std::map> TableMetaCache; typedef std::map DbMetaCache; typedef std::map> UdfMetaCache; typedef std::map> IndexMetaCache; typedef std::map DnodeCache; typedef std::map DbCfgCache; uint64_t getNextId() { return id_++; } void genEpSet(SEpSet* pEpSet) { addEpIntoEpSet(pEpSet, "dnode_1", 6030); addEpIntoEpSet(pEpSet, "dnode_2", 6030); addEpIntoEpSet(pEpSet, "dnode_3", 6030); pEpSet->inUse = 0; } STableIndexInfo* copyTableIndexInfo(STableIndexInfo* pDst, const STableIndexInfo* pSrc) const { memcpy(pDst, pSrc, sizeof(STableIndexInfo)); pDst->expr = strdup(pSrc->expr); return pDst; } string toDbname(const string& dbFullName) const { string::size_type n = dbFullName.find("."); if (n == string::npos) { return dbFullName; } return dbFullName.substr(n + 1); } string ttToString(int8_t tableType) const { switch (tableType) { case TSDB_SUPER_TABLE: return "super table"; case TSDB_CHILD_TABLE: return "child table"; case TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE: return "normal table"; default: return "unknown"; } } string pToString(uint8_t precision) const { switch (precision) { case TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MILLI: return "millisecond"; case TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MICRO: return "microsecond"; case TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO: return "nanosecond"; default: return "unknown"; } } string dtToString(int8_t type) const { return tDataTypes[type].name; } string ftToString(int16_t colid, int16_t numOfColumns) const { return (0 == colid ? "column" : (colid < numOfColumns ? "column" : "tag")); } STableMeta* getTableSchemaMeta(const string& db, const string& tbname) const { std::shared_ptr table = getTableMeta(db, tbname); return table ? table->schema : nullptr; } int32_t copyTableSchemaMeta(const string& db, const string& tbname, std::unique_ptr* dst) const { STableMeta* src = getTableSchemaMeta(db, tbname); if (nullptr == src) { return TSDB_CODE_PAR_TABLE_NOT_EXIST; } int32_t len = sizeof(STableMeta) + sizeof(SSchema) * (src->tableInfo.numOfTags + src->tableInfo.numOfColumns); dst->reset((STableMeta*)taosMemoryCalloc(1, len)); if (!dst) { return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } memcpy(dst->get(), src, len); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t copyTableVgroup(const string& db, const string& tbname, SVgroupInfo* vg) const { std::shared_ptr table = getTableMeta(db, tbname); if (table->vgs.empty()) { return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } memcpy(vg, &(table->vgs[0]), sizeof(SVgroupInfo)); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t copyTableVgroup(const string& db, const string& tbname, SArray** vgList) const { std::shared_ptr table = getTableMeta(db, tbname); if (table->vgs.empty()) { return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } *vgList = taosArrayInit(table->vgs.size(), sizeof(SVgroupInfo)); for (const SVgroupInfo& vg : table->vgs) { taosArrayPush(*vgList, &vg); } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } std::shared_ptr getTableMeta(const string& db, const string& tbname) const { DbMetaCache::const_iterator it = meta_.find(db); if (meta_.end() == it) { return std::shared_ptr(); } TableMetaCache::const_iterator tit = it->second.find(tbname); if (it->second.end() == tit) { return std::shared_ptr(); } return tit->second; } int32_t getAllTableMeta(SArray* pTableMetaReq, SArray** pTableMetaData) const { if (NULL != pTableMetaReq) { int32_t ndbs = taosArrayGetSize(pTableMetaReq); *pTableMetaData = taosArrayInit(ndbs, sizeof(SMetaRes)); for (int32_t i = 0; i < ndbs; ++i) { STablesReq* pReq = (STablesReq*)taosArrayGet(pTableMetaReq, i); int32_t ntables = taosArrayGetSize(pReq->pTables); for (int32_t j = 0; j < ntables; ++j) { SMetaRes res = {0}; res.code = catalogGetTableMeta((const SName*)taosArrayGet(pReq->pTables, j), (STableMeta**)&res.pRes); taosArrayPush(*pTableMetaData, &res); } } } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t getAllTableVgroup(SArray* pTableVgroupReq, SArray** pTableVgroupData) const { if (NULL != pTableVgroupReq) { int32_t ndbs = taosArrayGetSize(pTableVgroupReq); *pTableVgroupData = taosArrayInit(ndbs, sizeof(SMetaRes)); for (int32_t i = 0; i < ndbs; ++i) { STablesReq* pReq = (STablesReq*)taosArrayGet(pTableVgroupReq, i); int32_t ntables = taosArrayGetSize(pReq->pTables); for (int32_t j = 0; j < ntables; ++j) { SMetaRes res = {0}; res.pRes = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SVgroupInfo)); res.code = catalogGetTableHashVgroup((const SName*)taosArrayGet(pReq->pTables, j), (SVgroupInfo*)res.pRes); taosArrayPush(*pTableVgroupData, &res); } } } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t getAllDbVgroup(SArray* pDbVgroupReq, SArray** pDbVgroupData) const { int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; if (NULL != pDbVgroupReq) { int32_t ndbs = taosArrayGetSize(pDbVgroupReq); *pDbVgroupData = taosArrayInit(ndbs, sizeof(SMetaRes)); for (int32_t i = 0; i < ndbs; ++i) { SMetaRes res = {0}; taosArrayPush(*pDbVgroupData, &res); } } return code; } int32_t catalogGetDBVgListImpl(const string& dbName, SArray** pVgList) const { DbMetaCache::const_iterator it = meta_.find(dbName); if (meta_.end() == it) { return TSDB_CODE_FAILED; } std::set vgSet; *pVgList = taosArrayInit(it->second.size(), sizeof(SVgroupInfo)); for (const auto& vgs : it->second) { for (const auto& vg : vgs.second->vgs) { if (0 == vgSet.count(vg.vgId)) { taosArrayPush(*pVgList, &vg); vgSet.insert(vg.vgId); } } } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t catalogGetAllDBVgList(SArray** pVgList) const { std::set vgSet; *pVgList = taosArrayInit(TARRAY_MIN_SIZE, sizeof(SVgroupInfo)); for (const auto& db : meta_) { for (const auto& vgs : db.second) { for (const auto& vg : vgs.second->vgs) { if (0 == vgSet.count(vg.vgId)) { taosArrayPush(*pVgList, &vg); vgSet.insert(vg.vgId); } } } } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t getAllDbCfg(SArray* pDbCfgReq, SArray** pDbCfgData) const { int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; if (NULL != pDbCfgReq) { int32_t ndbs = taosArrayGetSize(pDbCfgReq); *pDbCfgData = taosArrayInit(ndbs, sizeof(SMetaRes)); for (int32_t i = 0; i < ndbs; ++i) { SMetaRes res = {0}; res.pRes = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SDbCfgInfo)); res.code = catalogGetDBCfg((const char*)taosArrayGet(pDbCfgReq, i), (SDbCfgInfo*)res.pRes); taosArrayPush(*pDbCfgData, &res); } } return code; } int32_t getAllDbInfo(SArray* pDbInfoReq, SArray** pDbInfoData) const { int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; if (NULL != pDbInfoReq) { int32_t ndbs = taosArrayGetSize(pDbInfoReq); *pDbInfoData = taosArrayInit(ndbs, sizeof(SMetaRes)); for (int32_t i = 0; i < ndbs; ++i) { SMetaRes res = {0}; res.pRes = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SDbInfo)); taosArrayPush(*pDbInfoData, &res); } } return code; } int32_t getAllUserAuth(SArray* pUserAuthReq, SArray** pUserAuthData) const { int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; if (NULL != pUserAuthReq) { int32_t num = taosArrayGetSize(pUserAuthReq); *pUserAuthData = taosArrayInit(num, sizeof(SMetaRes)); for (int32_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) { SMetaRes res = {0}; res.pRes = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(bool)); *(bool*)(res.pRes) = true; taosArrayPush(*pUserAuthData, &res); } } return code; } int32_t getAllUdf(SArray* pUdfReq, SArray** pUdfData) const { if (NULL != pUdfReq) { int32_t num = taosArrayGetSize(pUdfReq); *pUdfData = taosArrayInit(num, sizeof(SMetaRes)); for (int32_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) { SMetaRes res = {0}; res.pRes = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SFuncInfo)); res.code = catalogGetUdfInfo((char*)taosArrayGet(pUdfReq, i), (SFuncInfo*)res.pRes); taosArrayPush(*pUdfData, &res); } } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t getAllTableIndex(SArray* pTableIndex, SArray** pTableIndexData) const { if (NULL != pTableIndex) { int32_t num = taosArrayGetSize(pTableIndex); *pTableIndexData = taosArrayInit(num, sizeof(SMetaRes)); for (int32_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) { SMetaRes res = {0}; res.code = catalogGetTableIndex((const SName*)taosArrayGet(pTableIndex, i), (SArray**)(&res.pRes)); taosArrayPush(*pTableIndexData, &res); } } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t getAllTableCfg(SArray* pTableCfgReq, SArray** pTableCfgData) const { if (NULL != pTableCfgReq) { int32_t ntables = taosArrayGetSize(pTableCfgReq); *pTableCfgData = taosArrayInit(ntables, sizeof(SMetaRes)); for (int32_t i = 0; i < ntables; ++i) { SMetaRes res = {0}; res.pRes = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(STableCfg)); res.code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; taosArrayPush(*pTableCfgData, &res); } } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t getAllDnodeList(SArray** pDnodes) const { SMetaRes res = {0}; catalogGetDnodeList((SArray**)&res.pRes); *pDnodes = taosArrayInit(1, sizeof(SMetaRes)); taosArrayPush(*pDnodes, &res); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } uint64_t id_; std::unique_ptr builder_; DbMetaCache meta_; UdfMetaCache udf_; IndexMetaCache index_; DnodeCache dnode_; DbCfgCache dbCfg_; bool havaCache_; }; MockCatalogService::MockCatalogService() : impl_(new MockCatalogServiceImpl()) {} MockCatalogService::~MockCatalogService() {} ITableBuilder& MockCatalogService::createTableBuilder(const string& db, const string& tbname, int8_t tableType, int32_t numOfColumns, int32_t numOfTags) { return impl_->createTableBuilder(db, tbname, tableType, numOfColumns, numOfTags); } void MockCatalogService::createSubTable(const string& db, const string& stbname, const string& tbname, int16_t vgid) { impl_->createSubTable(db, stbname, tbname, vgid); } void MockCatalogService::showTables() const { impl_->showTables(); } void MockCatalogService::createFunction(const string& func, int8_t funcType, int8_t outputType, int32_t outputLen, int32_t bufSize) { impl_->createFunction(func, funcType, outputType, outputLen, bufSize); } void MockCatalogService::createSmaIndex(const SMCreateSmaReq* pReq) { impl_->createSmaIndex(pReq); } void MockCatalogService::createDnode(int32_t dnodeId, const string& host, int16_t port) { impl_->createDnode(dnodeId, host, port); } void MockCatalogService::createDatabase(const string& db, bool rollup, int8_t cacheLast) { impl_->createDatabase(db, rollup, cacheLast); } int32_t MockCatalogService::catalogGetTableMeta(const SName* pTableName, STableMeta** pTableMeta, bool onlyCache) const { return impl_->catalogGetTableMeta(pTableName, pTableMeta, onlyCache); } int32_t MockCatalogService::catalogGetTableHashVgroup(const SName* pTableName, SVgroupInfo* vgInfo, bool onlyCache) const { return impl_->catalogGetTableHashVgroup(pTableName, vgInfo, onlyCache); } int32_t MockCatalogService::catalogGetTableDistVgInfo(const SName* pTableName, SArray** pVgList) const { return impl_->catalogGetTableDistVgInfo(pTableName, pVgList); } int32_t MockCatalogService::catalogGetDBVgList(const char* pDbFName, SArray** pVgList) const { return impl_->catalogGetDBVgList(pDbFName, pVgList); } int32_t MockCatalogService::catalogGetDBCfg(const char* pDbFName, SDbCfgInfo* pDbCfg) const { return impl_->catalogGetDBCfg(pDbFName, pDbCfg); } int32_t MockCatalogService::catalogGetUdfInfo(const string& funcName, SFuncInfo* pInfo) const { return impl_->catalogGetUdfInfo(funcName, pInfo); } int32_t MockCatalogService::catalogGetTableIndex(const SName* pTableName, SArray** pIndexes) const { return impl_->catalogGetTableIndex(pTableName, pIndexes); } int32_t MockCatalogService::catalogGetDnodeList(SArray** pDnodes) const { return impl_->catalogGetDnodeList(pDnodes); } int32_t MockCatalogService::catalogGetAllMeta(const SCatalogReq* pCatalogReq, SMetaData* pMetaData) const { return impl_->catalogGetAllMeta(pCatalogReq, pMetaData); } void MockCatalogService::destoryTablesReq(void* p) { STablesReq* pRes = (STablesReq*)p; taosArrayDestroy(pRes->pTables); } void MockCatalogService::destoryCatalogReq(SCatalogReq* pReq) { taosArrayDestroy(pReq->pDbVgroup); taosArrayDestroy(pReq->pDbCfg); taosArrayDestroy(pReq->pDbInfo); taosArrayDestroyEx(pReq->pTableMeta, destoryTablesReq); taosArrayDestroyEx(pReq->pTableHash, destoryTablesReq); taosArrayDestroy(pReq->pUdf); taosArrayDestroy(pReq->pIndex); taosArrayDestroy(pReq->pUser); taosArrayDestroy(pReq->pTableIndex); taosArrayDestroy(pReq->pTableCfg); delete pReq; } void MockCatalogService::destoryMetaRes(void* p) { SMetaRes* pRes = (SMetaRes*)p; taosMemoryFree(pRes->pRes); } void MockCatalogService::destoryMetaArrayRes(void* p) { SMetaRes* pRes = (SMetaRes*)p; taosArrayDestroy((SArray*)pRes->pRes); } void MockCatalogService::destoryMetaData(SMetaData* pData) { taosArrayDestroyEx(pData->pDbVgroup, destoryMetaRes); taosArrayDestroyEx(pData->pDbCfg, destoryMetaRes); taosArrayDestroyEx(pData->pDbInfo, destoryMetaRes); taosArrayDestroyEx(pData->pTableMeta, destoryMetaRes); taosArrayDestroyEx(pData->pTableHash, destoryMetaRes); taosArrayDestroyEx(pData->pTableIndex, destoryMetaRes); taosArrayDestroyEx(pData->pUdfList, destoryMetaRes); taosArrayDestroyEx(pData->pIndex, destoryMetaRes); taosArrayDestroyEx(pData->pUser, destoryMetaRes); taosArrayDestroyEx(pData->pQnodeList, destoryMetaRes); taosArrayDestroyEx(pData->pTableCfg, destoryMetaRes); taosArrayDestroyEx(pData->pDnodeList, destoryMetaArrayRes); taosMemoryFree(pData->pSvrVer); delete pData; }