/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ // clang-format off #ifndef TDENGINE_EXECUTORIMPL_H #define TDENGINE_EXECUTORIMPL_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "os.h" #include "tcommon.h" #include "tlosertree.h" #include "tsort.h" #include "ttszip.h" #include "tvariant.h" #include "dataSinkMgt.h" #include "executil.h" #include "executor.h" #include "planner.h" #include "scalar.h" #include "taosdef.h" #include "tarray.h" #include "thash.h" #include "tlockfree.h" #include "tmsg.h" #include "tpagedbuf.h" #include "tstreamUpdate.h" #include "vnode.h" #include "executorInt.h" typedef int32_t (*__block_search_fn_t)(char* data, int32_t num, int64_t key, int32_t order); #define IS_QUERY_KILLED(_q) ((_q)->code == TSDB_CODE_TSC_QUERY_CANCELLED) #define Q_STATUS_EQUAL(p, s) (((p) & (s)) != 0u) #define QUERY_IS_ASC_QUERY(q) (GET_FORWARD_DIRECTION_FACTOR((q)->order.order) == QUERY_ASC_FORWARD_STEP) #define NEEDTO_COMPRESS_QUERY(size) ((size) > tsCompressColData ? 1 : 0) enum { // when this task starts to execute, this status will set TASK_NOT_COMPLETED = 0x1u, /* Task is over * 1. this status is used in one row result query process, e.g., count/sum/first/last/ avg...etc. * 2. when all data within queried time window, it is also denoted as query_completed */ TASK_COMPLETED = 0x2u, }; /** * If the number of generated results is greater than this value, * query query will be halt and return results to client immediate. */ typedef struct SResultInfo { // TODO refactor int64_t totalRows; // total generated result size in rows int64_t totalBytes; // total results in bytes. int32_t capacity; // capacity of current result output buffer int32_t threshold; // result size threshold in rows. } SResultInfo; typedef struct STableQueryInfo { TSKEY lastKey; // last check ts, todo remove it later SResultRowPosition pos; // current active time window } STableQueryInfo; typedef struct SLimit { int64_t limit; int64_t offset; } SLimit; typedef struct STableScanAnalyzeInfo SFileBlockLoadRecorder; typedef struct STaskCostInfo { int64_t created; int64_t start; uint64_t loadStatisTime; uint64_t loadFileBlockTime; uint64_t loadDataInCacheTime; uint64_t loadStatisSize; uint64_t loadFileBlockSize; uint64_t loadDataInCacheSize; uint64_t loadDataTime; SFileBlockLoadRecorder* pRecoder; uint64_t elapsedTime; uint64_t firstStageMergeTime; uint64_t winInfoSize; uint64_t tableInfoSize; uint64_t hashSize; uint64_t numOfTimeWindows; SArray* queryProfEvents; // SArray SHashObj* operatorProfResults; // map } STaskCostInfo; typedef struct SOperatorCostInfo { double openCost; double totalCost; } SOperatorCostInfo; struct SOperatorInfo; typedef int32_t (*__optr_encode_fn_t)(struct SOperatorInfo* pOperator, char** result, int32_t* length); typedef int32_t (*__optr_decode_fn_t)(struct SOperatorInfo* pOperator, char* result); typedef int32_t (*__optr_open_fn_t)(struct SOperatorInfo* pOptr); typedef SSDataBlock* (*__optr_fn_t)(struct SOperatorInfo* pOptr); typedef void (*__optr_close_fn_t)(void* param, int32_t num); typedef int32_t (*__optr_explain_fn_t)(struct SOperatorInfo* pOptr, void** pOptrExplain, uint32_t* len); typedef struct STaskIdInfo { uint64_t queryId; // this is also a request id uint64_t subplanId; uint64_t templateId; char* str; } STaskIdInfo; typedef struct SExecTaskInfo { STaskIdInfo id; uint32_t status; STimeWindow window; STaskCostInfo cost; int64_t owner; // if it is in execution int32_t code; struct { char *tablename; char *dbname; int32_t sversion; int32_t tversion; } schemaVer; STableListInfo tableqinfoList; // this is a table list const char* sql; // query sql string jmp_buf env; // jump to this position when error happens. EOPTR_EXEC_MODEL execModel; // operator execution model [batch model|stream model] struct SOperatorInfo* pRoot; } SExecTaskInfo; enum { OP_NOT_OPENED = 0x0, OP_OPENED = 0x1, OP_RES_TO_RETURN = 0x5, OP_EXEC_DONE = 0x9, }; typedef struct SOperatorFpSet { __optr_open_fn_t _openFn; // DO NOT invoke this function directly __optr_fn_t getNextFn; __optr_fn_t getStreamResFn; // execute the aggregate in the stream model, todo remove it __optr_fn_t cleanupFn; // call this function to release the allocated resources ASAP __optr_close_fn_t closeFn; __optr_encode_fn_t encodeResultRow; __optr_decode_fn_t decodeResultRow; __optr_explain_fn_t getExplainFn; } SOperatorFpSet; typedef struct SExprSupp { SExprInfo* pExprInfo; int32_t numOfExprs; // the number of scalar expression in group operator SqlFunctionCtx* pCtx; int32_t* rowEntryInfoOffset; // offset value for each row result cell info } SExprSupp; typedef struct SOperatorInfo { uint8_t operatorType; bool blocking; // block operator or not uint8_t status; // denote if current operator is completed char* name; // name, for debug purpose void* info; // extension attribution SExprSupp exprSupp; SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo; SOperatorCostInfo cost; SResultInfo resultInfo; struct SOperatorInfo** pDownstream; // downstram pointer list int32_t numOfDownstream; // number of downstream. The value is always ONE expect for join operator SOperatorFpSet fpSet; } SOperatorInfo; typedef enum { EX_SOURCE_DATA_NOT_READY = 0x1, EX_SOURCE_DATA_READY = 0x2, EX_SOURCE_DATA_EXHAUSTED = 0x3, } EX_SOURCE_STATUS; #define COL_MATCH_FROM_COL_ID 0x1 #define COL_MATCH_FROM_SLOT_ID 0x2 typedef struct SSourceDataInfo { int32_t index; SRetrieveTableRsp* pRsp; uint64_t totalRows; int32_t code; EX_SOURCE_STATUS status; const char* taskId; } SSourceDataInfo; typedef struct SLoadRemoteDataInfo { uint64_t totalSize; // total load bytes from remote uint64_t totalRows; // total number of rows uint64_t totalElapsed; // total elapsed time } SLoadRemoteDataInfo; typedef struct SExchangeInfo { SArray* pSources; SArray* pSourceDataInfo; tsem_t ready; void* pTransporter; SSDataBlock* pResult; bool seqLoadData; // sequential load data or not, false by default int32_t current; SLoadRemoteDataInfo loadInfo; uint64_t self; } SExchangeInfo; typedef struct SColMatchInfo { int32_t srcSlotId; // source slot id int32_t colId; int32_t targetSlotId; bool output; int32_t matchType; // determinate the source according to col id or slot id } SColMatchInfo; typedef struct SScanInfo { int32_t numOfAsc; int32_t numOfDesc; } SScanInfo; typedef struct SSampleExecInfo { double sampleRatio; // data block sample ratio, 1 by default uint32_t seed; // random seed value } SSampleExecInfo; typedef struct STableScanInfo { void* dataReader; SReadHandle readHandle; SFileBlockLoadRecorder readRecorder; int64_t numOfRows; // int32_t prevGroupId; // previous table group id SScanInfo scanInfo; int32_t scanTimes; SNode* pFilterNode; // filter info, which is push down by optimizer SqlFunctionCtx* pCtx; // which belongs to the direct upstream operator operator query context SResultRowInfo* pResultRowInfo; int32_t* rowEntryInfoOffset; SExprInfo* pExpr; SSDataBlock* pResBlock; SArray* pColMatchInfo; int32_t numOfOutput; SExprSupp pseudoSup; SQueryTableDataCond cond; int32_t scanFlag; // table scan flag to denote if it is a repeat/reverse/main scan int32_t dataBlockLoadFlag; SInterval interval; // if the upstream is an interval operator, the interval info is also kept here to get the time window to check if current data block needs to be loaded. SSampleExecInfo sample; // sample execution info int32_t curTWinIdx; } STableScanInfo; typedef struct STagScanInfo { SColumnInfo *pCols; SSDataBlock *pRes; SArray *pColMatchInfo; int32_t curPos; SReadHandle readHandle; STableListInfo *pTableList; SNode* pFilterNode; // filter info, } STagScanInfo; typedef enum EStreamScanMode { STREAM_SCAN_FROM_READERHANDLE = 1, STREAM_SCAN_FROM_RES, STREAM_SCAN_FROM_UPDATERES, STREAM_SCAN_FROM_DATAREADER, } EStreamScanMode; typedef struct SCatchSupporter { SHashObj* pWindowHashTable; // quick locate the window object for each window SDiskbasedBuf* pDataBuf; // buffer based on blocked-wised disk file int32_t keySize; int64_t* pKeyBuf; } SCatchSupporter; typedef struct SStreamAggSupporter { SHashObj* pResultRows; SArray* pCurWins; int32_t valueSize; int32_t keySize; char* pKeyBuf; // window key buffer SDiskbasedBuf* pResultBuf; // query result buffer based on blocked-wised disk file int32_t resultRowSize; // the result buffer size for each result row, with the meta data size for each row SArray* pScanWindow; } SStreamAggSupporter; typedef struct SessionWindowSupporter { SStreamAggSupporter* pStreamAggSup; int64_t gap; uint8_t parentType; } SessionWindowSupporter; typedef struct SStreamBlockScanInfo { SArray* pBlockLists; // multiple SSDatablock. SSDataBlock* pRes; // result SSDataBlock SSDataBlock* pUpdateRes; // update SSDataBlock int32_t updateResIndex; int32_t blockType; // current block type int32_t validBlockIndex; // Is current data has returned? SColumnInfo* pCols; // the output column info uint64_t numOfExec; // execution times void* streamBlockReader;// stream block reader handle SArray* pColMatchInfo; // SNode* pCondition; int32_t tsArrayIndex; SArray* tsArray; uint64_t groupId; SUpdateInfo* pUpdateInfo; SExprInfo* pPseudoExpr; int32_t numOfPseudoExpr; int32_t primaryTsIndex; // primary time stamp slot id void* pDataReader; SReadHandle readHandle; uint64_t tableUid; // queried super table uid EStreamScanMode scanMode; SOperatorInfo* pOperatorDumy; SInterval interval; // if the upstream is an interval operator, the interval info is also kept here. SArray* childIds; SessionWindowSupporter sessionSup; bool assignBlockUid; // assign block uid to groupId, temporarily used for generating rollup SMA. int32_t scanWinIndex; } SStreamBlockScanInfo; typedef struct SSysTableScanInfo { SRetrieveMetaTableRsp* pRsp; SRetrieveTableReq req; SEpSet epSet; tsem_t ready; SReadHandle readHandle; int32_t accountId; bool showRewrite; SNode* pCondition; // db_name filter condition, to discard data that are not in current database SMTbCursor* pCur; // cursor for iterate the local table meta store. SArray* scanCols; // SArray scan column id list SName name; SSDataBlock* pRes; int64_t numOfBlocks; // extract basic running information. SLoadRemoteDataInfo loadInfo; } SSysTableScanInfo; typedef struct SBlockDistInfo { SSDataBlock* pResBlock; void* pHandle; SReadHandle readHandle; uint64_t uid; // table uid } SBlockDistInfo; // todo remove this typedef struct SOptrBasicInfo { SResultRowInfo resultRowInfo; SSDataBlock* pRes; } SOptrBasicInfo; typedef struct SAggSupporter { SHashObj* pResultRowHashTable; // quick locate the window object for each result char* keyBuf; // window key buffer SDiskbasedBuf* pResultBuf; // query result buffer based on blocked-wised disk file int32_t resultRowSize; // the result buffer size for each result row, with the meta data size for each row } SAggSupporter; typedef struct STimeWindowSupp { int8_t calTrigger; int64_t waterMark; TSKEY maxTs; SColumnInfoData timeWindowData; // query time window info for scalar function execution. } STimeWindowAggSupp; typedef struct SIntervalAggOperatorInfo { // SOptrBasicInfo should be first, SAggSupporter should be second for stream encode SOptrBasicInfo binfo; // basic info SAggSupporter aggSup; // aggregate supporter SGroupResInfo groupResInfo; // multiple results build supporter SInterval interval; // interval info int32_t primaryTsIndex; // primary time stamp slot id from result of downstream operator. STimeWindow win; // query time range bool timeWindowInterpo; // interpolation needed or not char** pRow; // previous row/tuple of already processed datablock SArray* pInterpCols; // interpolation columns int32_t order; // current SSDataBlock scan order EOPTR_EXEC_MODEL execModel; // operator execution model [batch model|stream model] STimeWindowAggSupp twAggSup; bool invertible; SArray* pPrevValues; // SArray used to keep the previous not null value for interpolation. } SIntervalAggOperatorInfo; typedef struct SStreamFinalIntervalOperatorInfo { // SOptrBasicInfo should be first, SAggSupporter should be second for stream encode SOptrBasicInfo binfo; // basic info SAggSupporter aggSup; // aggregate supporter SGroupResInfo groupResInfo; // multiple results build supporter SInterval interval; // interval info int32_t primaryTsIndex; // primary time stamp slot id from result of downstream operator. int32_t order; // current SSDataBlock scan order STimeWindowAggSupp twAggSup; SArray* pChildren; SSDataBlock* pUpdateRes; SPhysiNode* pPhyNode; // create new child } SStreamFinalIntervalOperatorInfo; typedef struct SAggOperatorInfo { // SOptrBasicInfo should be first, SAggSupporter should be second for stream encode SOptrBasicInfo binfo; SAggSupporter aggSup; STableQueryInfo *current; uint64_t groupId; SGroupResInfo groupResInfo; SExprSupp scalarExprSup; } SAggOperatorInfo; typedef struct SProjectOperatorInfo { // SOptrBasicInfo should be first, SAggSupporter should be second for stream encode SOptrBasicInfo binfo; SAggSupporter aggSup; SNode* pFilterNode; // filter info, which is push down by optimizer SSDataBlock* existDataBlock; SArray* pPseudoColInfo; SLimit limit; SLimit slimit; uint64_t groupId; int64_t curSOffset; int64_t curGroupOutput; int64_t curOffset; int64_t curOutput; } SProjectOperatorInfo; typedef struct SIndefOperatorInfo { SOptrBasicInfo binfo; SAggSupporter aggSup; SArray* pPseudoColInfo; SExprSupp scalarSup; } SIndefOperatorInfo; typedef struct SFillOperatorInfo { struct SFillInfo* pFillInfo; SSDataBlock* pRes; int64_t totalInputRows; void** p; SSDataBlock* existNewGroupBlock; bool multigroupResult; } SFillOperatorInfo; typedef struct SGroupbyOperatorInfo { // SOptrBasicInfo should be first, SAggSupporter should be second for stream encode SOptrBasicInfo binfo; SAggSupporter aggSup; SArray* pGroupCols; // group by columns, SArray SArray* pGroupColVals; // current group column values, SArray SNode* pCondition; bool isInit; // denote if current val is initialized or not char* keyBuf; // group by keys for hash int32_t groupKeyLen; // total group by column width SGroupResInfo groupResInfo; SExprSupp scalarSup; } SGroupbyOperatorInfo; typedef struct SDataGroupInfo { uint64_t groupId; int64_t numOfRows; SArray* pPageList; } SDataGroupInfo; // The sort in partition may be needed later. typedef struct SPartitionOperatorInfo { SOptrBasicInfo binfo; SArray* pGroupCols; SArray* pGroupColVals; // current group column values, SArray char* keyBuf; // group by keys for hash int32_t groupKeyLen; // total group by column width SHashObj* pGroupSet; // quick locate the window object for each result SDiskbasedBuf* pBuf; // query result buffer based on blocked-wised disk file int32_t rowCapacity; // maximum number of rows for each buffer page int32_t* columnOffset; // start position for each column data void* pGroupIter; // group iterator int32_t pageIndex; // page index of current group SSDataBlock* pUpdateRes; SExprSupp scalarSup; } SPartitionOperatorInfo; typedef struct SWindowRowsSup { STimeWindow win; TSKEY prevTs; int32_t startRowIndex; int32_t numOfRows; } SWindowRowsSup; typedef struct SSessionAggOperatorInfo { // SOptrBasicInfo should be first, SAggSupporter should be second for stream encode SOptrBasicInfo binfo; SAggSupporter aggSup; SGroupResInfo groupResInfo; SWindowRowsSup winSup; bool reptScan; // next round scan int64_t gap; // session window gap int32_t tsSlotId; // primary timestamp slot id STimeWindowAggSupp twAggSup; } SSessionAggOperatorInfo; typedef struct SResultWindowInfo { SResultRowPosition pos; STimeWindow win; bool isOutput; bool isClosed; } SResultWindowInfo; typedef struct SStateWindowInfo { SResultWindowInfo winInfo; SStateKeys stateKey; } SStateWindowInfo; typedef struct SStreamSessionAggOperatorInfo { SOptrBasicInfo binfo; SStreamAggSupporter streamAggSup; SGroupResInfo groupResInfo; int64_t gap; // session window gap int32_t primaryTsIndex; // primary timestamp slot id int32_t order; // current SSDataBlock scan order STimeWindowAggSupp twAggSup; SSDataBlock* pWinBlock; // window result SqlFunctionCtx* pDummyCtx; // for combine SSDataBlock* pDelRes; SHashObj* pStDeleted; void* pDelIterator; SArray* pChildren; // cache for children's result; final stream operator } SStreamSessionAggOperatorInfo; typedef struct STimeSliceOperatorInfo { SOptrBasicInfo binfo; STimeWindow win; SInterval interval; int64_t current; SArray* pPrevRow; // SArray SArray* pCols; // SArray int32_t fillType; // fill type struct SFillColInfo* pFillColInfo; // fill column info } STimeSliceOperatorInfo; typedef struct SStateWindowOperatorInfo { // SOptrBasicInfo should be first, SAggSupporter should be second for stream encode SOptrBasicInfo binfo; SAggSupporter aggSup; SGroupResInfo groupResInfo; SWindowRowsSup winSup; SColumn stateCol; // start row index bool hasKey; SStateKeys stateKey; int32_t tsSlotId; // primary timestamp column slot id STimeWindowAggSupp twAggSup; // bool reptScan; } SStateWindowOperatorInfo; typedef struct SStreamStateAggOperatorInfo { SOptrBasicInfo binfo; SStreamAggSupporter streamAggSup; SGroupResInfo groupResInfo; int32_t primaryTsIndex; // primary timestamp slot id int32_t order; // current SSDataBlock scan order STimeWindowAggSupp twAggSup; SColumn stateCol; // start row index SqlFunctionCtx* pDummyCtx; // for combine SSDataBlock* pDelRes; SHashObj* pSeDeleted; void* pDelIterator; SArray* pScanWindow; SArray* pChildren; // cache for children's result; } SStreamStateAggOperatorInfo; typedef struct SSortedMergeOperatorInfo { // SOptrBasicInfo should be first, SAggSupporter should be second for stream encode SOptrBasicInfo binfo; SAggSupporter aggSup; SArray* pSortInfo; int32_t numOfSources; SSortHandle *pSortHandle; int32_t bufPageSize; uint32_t sortBufSize; // max buffer size for in-memory sort int32_t resultRowFactor; bool hasGroupVal; SDiskbasedBuf *pTupleStore; // keep the final results int32_t numOfResPerPage; char** groupVal; SArray *groupInfo; } SSortedMergeOperatorInfo; typedef struct SSortOperatorInfo { SOptrBasicInfo binfo; uint32_t sortBufSize; // max buffer size for in-memory sort SArray* pSortInfo; SSortHandle* pSortHandle; SArray* pColMatchInfo; // for index map from table scan output int32_t bufPageSize; int64_t startTs; // sort start time uint64_t sortElapsed; // sort elapsed time, time to flush to disk not included. } SSortOperatorInfo; typedef struct STagFilterOperatorInfo { SOptrBasicInfo binfo; } STagFilterOperatorInfo; typedef struct SJoinOperatorInfo { SSDataBlock *pRes; int32_t joinType; SSDataBlock *pLeft; int32_t leftPos; SColumnInfo leftCol; SSDataBlock *pRight; int32_t rightPos; SColumnInfo rightCol; SNode *pOnCondition; } SJoinOperatorInfo; #define OPTR_IS_OPENED(_optr) (((_optr)->status & OP_OPENED) == OP_OPENED) #define OPTR_SET_OPENED(_optr) ((_optr)->status |= OP_OPENED) void doDestroyExchangeOperatorInfo(void* param); SOperatorFpSet createOperatorFpSet(__optr_open_fn_t openFn, __optr_fn_t nextFn, __optr_fn_t streamFn, __optr_fn_t cleanup, __optr_close_fn_t closeFn, __optr_encode_fn_t encode, __optr_decode_fn_t decode, __optr_explain_fn_t explain); int32_t operatorDummyOpenFn(SOperatorInfo* pOperator); void operatorDummyCloseFn(void* param, int32_t numOfCols); int32_t appendDownstream(SOperatorInfo* p, SOperatorInfo** pDownstream, int32_t num); void initBasicInfo(SOptrBasicInfo* pInfo, SSDataBlock* pBlock); void cleanupBasicInfo(SOptrBasicInfo* pInfo); void initExprSupp(SExprSupp* pSup, SExprInfo* pExprInfo, int32_t numOfExpr); void cleanupExprSup(SExprSupp* pSup); int32_t initAggInfo(SExprSupp *pSup, SAggSupporter* pAggSup, SExprInfo* pExprInfo, int32_t numOfCols, size_t keyBufSize, const char* pkey); void initResultSizeInfo(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, int32_t numOfRows); void doBuildResultDatablock(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, SOptrBasicInfo* pbInfo, SGroupResInfo* pGroupResInfo, SDiskbasedBuf* pBuf); void doApplyFunctions(SExecTaskInfo* taskInfo, SqlFunctionCtx* pCtx, STimeWindow* pWin, SColumnInfoData* pTimeWindowData, int32_t offset, int32_t forwardStep, TSKEY* tsCol, int32_t numOfTotal, int32_t numOfOutput, int32_t order); int32_t extractDataBlockFromFetchRsp(SSDataBlock* pRes, SLoadRemoteDataInfo* pLoadInfo, int32_t numOfRows, char* pData, int32_t compLen, int32_t numOfOutput, int64_t startTs, uint64_t* total, SArray* pColList); void getAlignQueryTimeWindow(SInterval* pInterval, int32_t precision, int64_t key, STimeWindow* win); int32_t getTableScanInfo(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, int32_t *order, int32_t* scanFlag); int32_t getBufferPgSize(int32_t rowSize, uint32_t* defaultPgsz, uint32_t* defaultBufsz); void doSetOperatorCompleted(SOperatorInfo* pOperator); void doFilter(const SNode* pFilterNode, SSDataBlock* pBlock); void cleanupAggSup(SAggSupporter* pAggSup); void destroyBasicOperatorInfo(void* param, int32_t numOfOutput); void appendOneRowToDataBlock(SSDataBlock* pBlock, STupleHandle* pTupleHandle); void setTbNameColData(void* pMeta, const SSDataBlock* pBlock, SColumnInfoData* pColInfoData, int32_t functionId); void cleanupExecSupp(SExprSupp* pSupp); SSDataBlock* loadNextDataBlock(void* param); void setResultRowInitCtx(SResultRow* pResult, SqlFunctionCtx* pCtx, int32_t numOfOutput, int32_t* rowEntryInfoOffset); SResultRow* doSetResultOutBufByKey(SDiskbasedBuf* pResultBuf, SResultRowInfo* pResultRowInfo, char* pData, int16_t bytes, bool masterscan, uint64_t groupId, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo, bool isIntervalQuery, SAggSupporter* pSup); SOperatorInfo* createExchangeOperatorInfo(void* pTransporter, SExchangePhysiNode* pExNode, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo); SOperatorInfo* createTableScanOperatorInfo(STableScanPhysiNode* pTableScanNode, tsdbReaderT pDataReader, SReadHandle* pHandle, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo); SOperatorInfo* createTagScanOperatorInfo(SReadHandle* pReadHandle, STagScanPhysiNode* pPhyNode, STableListInfo* pTableListInfo, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo); SOperatorInfo* createSysTableScanOperatorInfo(void* readHandle, SSystemTableScanPhysiNode *pScanPhyNode, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo); SOperatorInfo* createAggregateOperatorInfo(SOperatorInfo* downstream, SExprInfo* pExprInfo, int32_t numOfCols, SSDataBlock* pResultBlock, SExprInfo* pScalarExprInfo, int32_t numOfScalarExpr, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo); SOperatorInfo* createIndefinitOutputOperatorInfo(SOperatorInfo* downstream, SPhysiNode *pNode, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo); SOperatorInfo* createProjectOperatorInfo(SOperatorInfo* downstream, SProjectPhysiNode* pProjPhyNode, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo); SOperatorInfo* createSortOperatorInfo(SOperatorInfo* downstream, SSortPhysiNode* pSortPhyNode, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo); SOperatorInfo* createMultiwaySortMergeOperatorInfo(SOperatorInfo** downStreams, int32_t numStreams, SSDataBlock* pInputBlock, SSDataBlock* pResBlock, SArray* pSortInfo, SArray* pColMatchColInfo, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo); SOperatorInfo* createSortedMergeOperatorInfo(SOperatorInfo** downstream, int32_t numOfDownstream, SExprInfo* pExprInfo, int32_t num, SArray* pSortInfo, SArray* pGroupInfo, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo); SOperatorInfo* createIntervalOperatorInfo(SOperatorInfo* downstream, SExprInfo* pExprInfo, int32_t numOfCols, SSDataBlock* pResBlock, SInterval* pInterval, int32_t primaryTsSlotId, STimeWindowAggSupp *pTwAggSupp, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo, bool isStream); SOperatorInfo* createMergeIntervalOperatorInfo(SOperatorInfo* downstream, SExprInfo* pExprInfo, int32_t numOfCols, SSDataBlock* pResBlock, SInterval* pInterval, int32_t primaryTsSlotId, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo); SOperatorInfo* createStreamFinalIntervalOperatorInfo(SOperatorInfo* downstream, SPhysiNode* pPhyNode, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo, int32_t numOfChild); SOperatorInfo* createStreamIntervalOperatorInfo(SOperatorInfo* downstream, SExprInfo* pExprInfo, int32_t numOfCols, SSDataBlock* pResBlock, SInterval* pInterval, int32_t primaryTsSlotId, STimeWindowAggSupp *pTwAggSupp, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo); SOperatorInfo* createSessionAggOperatorInfo(SOperatorInfo* downstream, SExprInfo* pExprInfo, int32_t numOfCols, SSDataBlock* pResBlock, int64_t gap, int32_t tsSlotId, STimeWindowAggSupp* pTwAggSupp, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo); SOperatorInfo* createGroupOperatorInfo(SOperatorInfo* downstream, SExprInfo* pExprInfo, int32_t numOfCols, SSDataBlock* pResultBlock, SArray* pGroupColList, SNode* pCondition, SExprInfo* pScalarExprInfo, int32_t numOfScalarExpr, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo); SOperatorInfo* createDataBlockInfoScanOperator(void* dataReader, SReadHandle* readHandle, uint64_t uid, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo); SOperatorInfo* createStreamScanOperatorInfo(void* pDataReader, SReadHandle* pHandle, STableScanPhysiNode* pTableScanNode, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo, STimeWindowAggSupp* pTwSup); SOperatorInfo* createFillOperatorInfo(SOperatorInfo* downstream, SFillPhysiNode* pPhyFillNode, bool multigroupResult, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo); SOperatorInfo* createStatewindowOperatorInfo(SOperatorInfo* downstream, SExprInfo* pExpr, int32_t numOfCols, SSDataBlock* pResBlock, STimeWindowAggSupp *pTwAggSupp, int32_t tsSlotId, SColumn* pStateKeyCol, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo); SOperatorInfo* createPartitionOperatorInfo(SOperatorInfo* downstream, SPartitionPhysiNode* pPartNode, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo); SOperatorInfo* createTimeSliceOperatorInfo(SOperatorInfo* downstream, SExprInfo* pExprInfo, int32_t numOfCols, SSDataBlock* pResultBlock, const SNodeListNode* pValNode, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo); SOperatorInfo* createMergeJoinOperatorInfo(SOperatorInfo** pDownstream, int32_t numOfDownstream, SJoinPhysiNode* pJoinNode, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo); SOperatorInfo* createStreamSessionAggOperatorInfo(SOperatorInfo* downstream, SPhysiNode* pPhyNode, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo); SOperatorInfo* createStreamFinalSessionAggOperatorInfo(SOperatorInfo* downstream, SPhysiNode* pPhyNode, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo, int32_t numOfChild); SOperatorInfo* createStreamStateAggOperatorInfo(SOperatorInfo* downstream, SPhysiNode* pPhyNode, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo); #if 0 SOperatorInfo* createTableSeqScanOperatorInfo(void* pTsdbReadHandle, STaskRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv); #endif int32_t projectApplyFunctions(SExprInfo* pExpr, SSDataBlock* pResult, SSDataBlock* pSrcBlock, SqlFunctionCtx* pCtx, int32_t numOfOutput, SArray* pPseudoList); void setInputDataBlock(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, SqlFunctionCtx* pCtx, SSDataBlock* pBlock, int32_t order, int32_t scanFlag, bool createDummyCol); bool isTaskKilled(SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo); int32_t checkForQueryBuf(size_t numOfTables); void setTaskKilled(SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo); void queryCostStatis(SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo); void doDestroyTask(SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo); int32_t getMaximumIdleDurationSec(); /* * ops: root operator * data: *data save the result of encode, need to be freed by caller * length: *length save the length of *data * return: result code, 0 means success */ int32_t encodeOperator(SOperatorInfo* ops, char** data, int32_t *length); /* * ops: root operator, created by caller * data: save the result of decode * length: the length of data * return: result code, 0 means success */ int32_t decodeOperator(SOperatorInfo* ops, const char* data, int32_t length); void setTaskStatus(SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo, int8_t status); int32_t createExecTaskInfoImpl(SSubplan* pPlan, SExecTaskInfo** pTaskInfo, SReadHandle* pHandle, uint64_t taskId, const char* sql, EOPTR_EXEC_MODEL model); int32_t createDataSinkParam(SDataSinkNode *pNode, void **pParam, qTaskInfo_t* pTaskInfo); int32_t getOperatorExplainExecInfo(SOperatorInfo* operatorInfo, SExplainExecInfo** pRes, int32_t* capacity, int32_t* resNum); int32_t aggDecodeResultRow(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, char* result); int32_t aggEncodeResultRow(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, char** result, int32_t* length); STimeWindow getActiveTimeWindow(SDiskbasedBuf* pBuf, SResultRowInfo* pResultRowInfo, int64_t ts, SInterval* pInterval, int32_t precision, STimeWindow* win); int32_t getNumOfRowsInTimeWindow(SDataBlockInfo* pDataBlockInfo, TSKEY* pPrimaryColumn, int32_t startPos, TSKEY ekey, __block_search_fn_t searchFn, STableQueryInfo* item, int32_t order); int32_t binarySearchForKey(char* pValue, int num, TSKEY key, int order); int32_t initStreamAggSupporter(SStreamAggSupporter* pSup, const char* pKey, SqlFunctionCtx* pCtx, int32_t numOfOutput, int32_t size); SResultRow* getNewResultRow(SDiskbasedBuf* pResultBuf, int64_t tableGroupId, int32_t interBufSize); SResultWindowInfo* getSessionTimeWindow(SStreamAggSupporter* pAggSup, TSKEY ts, uint64_t groupId, int64_t gap, int32_t* pIndex); int32_t updateSessionWindowInfo(SResultWindowInfo* pWinInfo, TSKEY* pTs, int32_t rows, int32_t start, int64_t gap, SHashObj* pStDeleted); bool functionNeedToExecute(SqlFunctionCtx* pCtx); int32_t compareTimeWindow(const void* p1, const void* p2, const void* param); int32_t finalizeResultRowIntoResultDataBlock(SDiskbasedBuf* pBuf, SResultRowPosition* resultRowPosition, SqlFunctionCtx* pCtx, SExprInfo* pExprInfo, int32_t numOfExprs, const int32_t* rowCellOffset, SSDataBlock* pBlock, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo); int32_t createMultipleDataReaders(STableScanPhysiNode* pTableScanNode, SReadHandle* pHandle, STableListInfo* pTableListInfo, SArray* arrayReader, uint64_t queryId, uint64_t taskId, SNode* pTagCond); SOperatorInfo* createTableMergeScanOperatorInfo(STableScanPhysiNode* pTableScanNode, SArray* dataReaders, SReadHandle* readHandle, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo); void copyUpdateDataBlock(SSDataBlock* pDest, SSDataBlock* pSource, int32_t tsColIndex); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // TDENGINE_EXECUTORIMPL_H