/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #define ALLOW_FORBID_FUNC #include #include "os.h" int32_t taosThreadCreate(TdThread * tid, const TdThreadAttr * attr, void *(*start)(void *), void *arg) { return pthread_create(tid, attr, start, arg); } int32_t taosThreadAttrDestroy(TdThreadAttr * attr) { return pthread_attr_destroy(attr); } int32_t taosThreadAttrGetDetachState(const TdThreadAttr * attr, int32_t *detachstate) { return pthread_attr_getdetachstate(attr, detachstate); } int32_t taosThreadAttrGetInheritSched(const TdThreadAttr * attr, int32_t *inheritsched) { return pthread_attr_getinheritsched(attr, inheritsched); } int32_t taosThreadAttrGetSchedParam(const TdThreadAttr * attr, struct sched_param *param) { return pthread_attr_getschedparam(attr, param); } int32_t taosThreadAttrGetSchedPolicy(const TdThreadAttr * attr, int32_t *policy) { return pthread_attr_getschedpolicy(attr, policy); } int32_t taosThreadAttrGetScope(const TdThreadAttr * attr, int32_t *contentionscope) { return pthread_attr_getscope(attr, contentionscope); } int32_t taosThreadAttrGetStackSize(const TdThreadAttr * attr, size_t * stacksize) { return pthread_attr_getstacksize(attr, stacksize); } int32_t taosThreadAttrInit(TdThreadAttr * attr) { return pthread_attr_init(attr); } int32_t taosThreadAttrSetDetachState(TdThreadAttr * attr, int32_t detachstate) { return pthread_attr_setdetachstate(attr, detachstate); } int32_t taosThreadAttrSetInheritSched(TdThreadAttr * attr, int32_t inheritsched) { return pthread_attr_setinheritsched(attr, inheritsched); } int32_t taosThreadAttrSetSchedParam(TdThreadAttr * attr, const struct sched_param *param) { return pthread_attr_setschedparam(attr, param); } int32_t taosThreadAttrSetSchedPolicy(TdThreadAttr * attr, int32_t policy) { return pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(attr, policy); } int32_t taosThreadAttrSetScope(TdThreadAttr * attr, int32_t contentionscope) { return pthread_attr_setscope(attr, contentionscope); } int32_t taosThreadAttrSetStackSize(TdThreadAttr * attr, size_t stacksize) { return pthread_attr_setstacksize(attr, stacksize); } int32_t taosThreadCancel(TdThread thread) { return pthread_cancel(thread); } int32_t taosThreadCondDestroy(TdThreadCond * cond) { return pthread_cond_destroy(cond); } int32_t taosThreadCondInit(TdThreadCond * cond, const TdThreadCondAttr * attr) { return pthread_cond_init(cond, attr); } int32_t taosThreadCondSignal(TdThreadCond * cond) { return pthread_cond_signal(cond); } int32_t taosThreadCondBroadcast(TdThreadCond * cond) { return pthread_cond_broadcast(cond); } int32_t taosThreadCondWait(TdThreadCond * cond, TdThreadMutex * mutex) { return pthread_cond_wait(cond, mutex); } int32_t taosThreadCondTimedWait(TdThreadCond * cond, TdThreadMutex * mutex, const struct timespec *abstime) { return pthread_cond_timedwait(cond, mutex, abstime); } int32_t taosThreadCondAttrDestroy(TdThreadCondAttr * attr) { return pthread_condattr_destroy(attr); } int32_t taosThreadCondAttrGetPshared(const TdThreadCondAttr * attr, int32_t *pshared) { return pthread_condattr_getpshared(attr, pshared); } int32_t taosThreadCondAttrInit(TdThreadCondAttr * attr) { return pthread_condattr_init(attr); } int32_t taosThreadCondAttrSetPshared(TdThreadCondAttr * attr, int32_t pshared) { return pthread_condattr_setpshared(attr, pshared); } int32_t taosThreadDetach(TdThread thread) { return pthread_detach(thread); } int32_t taosThreadEqual(TdThread t1, TdThread t2) { return pthread_equal(t1, t2); } void taosThreadExit(void *valuePtr) { return pthread_exit(valuePtr); } int32_t taosThreadGetSchedParam(TdThread thread, int32_t *policy, struct sched_param *param) { return pthread_getschedparam(thread, policy, param); } void *taosThreadGetSpecific(TdThreadKey key) { return pthread_getspecific(key); } int32_t taosThreadJoin(TdThread thread, void **valuePtr) { return pthread_join(thread, valuePtr); } int32_t taosThreadKeyCreate(TdThreadKey * key, void(*destructor)(void *)) { return pthread_key_create(key, destructor); } int32_t taosThreadKeyDelete(TdThreadKey key) { return pthread_key_delete(key); } int32_t taosThreadKill(TdThread thread, int32_t sig) { return pthread_kill(thread, sig); } int32_t taosThreadMutexConsistent(TdThreadMutex* mutex) { return pthread_mutex_consistent(mutex); } int32_t taosThreadMutexDestroy(TdThreadMutex * mutex) { return pthread_mutex_destroy(mutex); } int32_t taosThreadMutexInit(TdThreadMutex * mutex, const TdThreadMutexAttr * attr) { return pthread_mutex_init(mutex, attr); } int32_t taosThreadMutexLock(TdThreadMutex * mutex) { return pthread_mutex_lock(mutex); } int32_t taosThreadMutexTimedLock(TdThreadMutex * mutex, const struct timespec *abstime) { return pthread_mutex_timedlock(mutex, abstime); } int32_t taosThreadMutexTryLock(TdThreadMutex * mutex) { return pthread_mutex_trylock(mutex); } int32_t taosThreadMutexUnlock(TdThreadMutex * mutex) { return pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex); } int32_t taosThreadMutexAttrDestroy(TdThreadMutexAttr * attr) { return pthread_mutexattr_destroy(attr); } int32_t taosThreadMutexAttrGetPshared(const TdThreadMutexAttr * attr, int32_t *pshared) { return pthread_mutexattr_getpshared(attr, pshared); } int32_t taosThreadMutexAttrGetRobust(const TdThreadMutexAttr * attr, int32_t * robust) { return pthread_mutexattr_getrobust(attr, robust); } int32_t taosThreadMutexAttrGetType(const TdThreadMutexAttr * attr, int32_t *kind) { return pthread_mutexattr_gettype(attr, kind); } int32_t taosThreadMutexAttrInit(TdThreadMutexAttr * attr) { return pthread_mutexattr_init(attr); } int32_t taosThreadMutexAttrSetPshared(TdThreadMutexAttr * attr, int32_t pshared) { return pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(attr, pshared); } int32_t taosThreadMutexAttrSetRobust(TdThreadMutexAttr * attr, int32_t robust) { return pthread_mutexattr_setrobust(attr, robust); } int32_t taosThreadMutexAttrSetType(TdThreadMutexAttr * attr, int32_t kind) { return pthread_mutexattr_settype(attr, kind); } int32_t taosThreadOnce(TdThreadOnce * onceControl, void(*initRoutine)(void)) { return pthread_once(onceControl, initRoutine); } int32_t taosThreadRwlockDestroy(TdThreadRwlock * rwlock) { return pthread_rwlock_destroy(rwlock); } int32_t taosThreadRwlockInit(TdThreadRwlock * rwlock, const TdThreadRwlockAttr * attr) { return pthread_rwlock_init(rwlock, attr); } int32_t taosThreadRwlockRdlock(TdThreadRwlock * rwlock) { return pthread_rwlock_rdlock(rwlock); } int32_t taosThreadRwlockTimedRdlock(TdThreadRwlock * rwlock, const struct timespec *abstime) { return pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock(rwlock, abstime); } int32_t taosThreadRwlockTimedWrlock(TdThreadRwlock * rwlock, const struct timespec *abstime) { return pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock(rwlock, abstime); } int32_t taosThreadRwlockTryRdlock(TdThreadRwlock * rwlock) { return pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(rwlock); } int32_t taosThreadRwlockTryWrlock(TdThreadRwlock * rwlock) { return pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(rwlock); } int32_t taosThreadRwlockUnlock(TdThreadRwlock * rwlock) { return pthread_rwlock_unlock(rwlock); } int32_t taosThreadRwlockWrlock(TdThreadRwlock * rwlock) { return pthread_rwlock_wrlock(rwlock); } int32_t taosThreadRwlockAttrDestroy(TdThreadRwlockAttr * attr) { return pthread_rwlockattr_destroy(attr); } int32_t taosThreadRwlockAttrGetPshared(const TdThreadRwlockAttr * attr, int32_t *pshared) { return pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared(attr, pshared); } int32_t taosThreadRwlockAttrInit(TdThreadRwlockAttr * attr) { return pthread_rwlockattr_init(attr); } int32_t taosThreadRwlockAttrSetPshared(TdThreadRwlockAttr * attr, int32_t pshared) { return pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared(attr, pshared); } TdThread taosThreadSelf(void) { return pthread_self(); } int32_t taosThreadSetCancelState(int32_t state, int32_t *oldstate) { return pthread_setcancelstate(state, oldstate); } int32_t taosThreadSetCancelType(int32_t type, int32_t *oldtype) { return pthread_setcanceltype(type, oldtype); } int32_t taosThreadSetSchedParam(TdThread thread, int32_t policy, const struct sched_param *param) { return pthread_setschedparam(thread, policy, param); } int32_t taosThreadSetSpecific(TdThreadKey key, const void *value) { return pthread_setspecific(key, value); } int32_t taosThreadSpinDestroy(TdThreadSpinlock * lock) { #ifdef TD_USE_SPINLOCK_AS_MUTEX return pthread_mutex_destroy((pthread_mutex_t*)lock); #else return pthread_spin_destroy((pthread_spinlock_t*)lock); #endif } int32_t taosThreadSpinInit(TdThreadSpinlock * lock, int32_t pshared) { #ifdef TD_USE_SPINLOCK_AS_MUTEX assert(pshared == NULL); return pthread_mutex_init((pthread_mutex_t*)lock, NULL); #else return pthread_spin_init((pthread_spinlock_t*)lock, pshared); #endif } int32_t taosThreadSpinLock(TdThreadSpinlock * lock) { #ifdef TD_USE_SPINLOCK_AS_MUTEX return pthread_mutex_lock((pthread_mutex_t*)lock); #else return pthread_spin_lock((pthread_spinlock_t*)lock); #endif } int32_t taosThreadSpinTrylock(TdThreadSpinlock * lock) { #ifdef TD_USE_SPINLOCK_AS_MUTEX return pthread_mutex_trylock((pthread_mutex_t*)lock); #else return pthread_spin_trylock((pthread_spinlock_t*)lock); #endif } int32_t taosThreadSpinUnlock(TdThreadSpinlock * lock) { #ifdef TD_USE_SPINLOCK_AS_MUTEX return pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t*)lock); #else return pthread_spin_unlock((pthread_spinlock_t*)lock); #endif } void taosThreadTestCancel(void) { return pthread_testcancel(); } void taosThreadClear(TdThread *thread) { memset(thread, 0, sizeof(TdThread)); }