#!/bin/sh packgeName=$1 version=$2 originPackageName=$3 originversion=$4 testFile=$5 subFile="taos.tar.gz" password=$6 if [ ${testFile} = "server" ];then tdPath="TDengine-server-${version}" originTdpPath="TDengine-server-${originversion}" installCmd="install.sh" elif [ ${testFile} = "client" ];then tdPath="TDengine-client-${version}" originTdpPath="TDengine-client-${originversion}" installCmd="install_client.sh" elif [ ${testFile} = "tools" ];then tdPath="taosTools-${version}" originTdpPath="taosTools-${originversion}" installCmd="install-taostools.sh" fi function cmdInstall { comd=$1 if command -v ${comd} ;then echo "${comd} is already installed" else if command -v apt ;then apt-get install ${comd} -y elif command -v yum ;then yum -y install ${comd} echo "you should install ${comd} manually" fi fi } echo "Uninstall all components of TDeingne" if command -v rmtaos ;then echo "uninstall all components of TDeingne:rmtaos" rmtaos else echo "os doesn't include TDengine " fi if command -v rmtaostools ;then echo "uninstall all components of TDeingne:rmtaostools" rmtaostools else echo "os doesn't include rmtaostools " fi cmdInstall tree cmdInstall wget cmdInstall sshpass echo "new workroom path" installPath="/usr/local/src/packageTest" oriInstallPath="/usr/local/src/packageTest/3.1" if [ ! -d ${installPath} ] ;then mkdir -p ${installPath} else echo "${installPath} already exists" fi if [ ! -d ${oriInstallPath} ] ;then mkdir -p ${oriInstallPath} else echo "${oriInstallPath} already exists" fi echo "download installPackage" # cd ${installPath} # wget https://www.taosdata.com/assets-download/3.0/${packgeName} # cd ${oriInstallPath} # wget https://www.taosdata.com/assets-download/3.0/${originPackageName} cd ${installPath} if [ ! -f {packgeName} ];then sshpass -p ${password} scp${version}/community/${packgeName} . fi if [ ! -f debAuto.sh ];then echo '#!/usr/bin/expect ' > debAuto.sh echo 'set timeout 3 ' >> debAuto.sh echo 'pset packgeName [lindex $argv 0]' >> debAuto.sh echo 'spawn dpkg -i ${packgeName}' >> debAuto.sh echo 'expect "*one:"' >> debAuto.sh echo 'send "\r"' >> debAuto.sh echo 'expect "*skip:"' >> debAuto.sh echo 'send "\r" ' >> debAuto.sh fi if [[ ${packgeName} =~ "deb" ]];then cd ${installPath} dpkg -r taostools dpkg -r tdengine if [[ ${packgeName} =~ "TDengine" ]];then echo "./debAuto.sh ${packgeName}" && chmod 755 debAuto.sh && ./debAuto.sh ${packgeName} else echo "dpkg -i ${packgeName}" && dpkg -i ${packgeName} fi elif [[ ${packgeName} =~ "rpm" ]];then cd ${installPath} echo "rpm ${packgeName}" && rpm -ivh ${packgeName} --quiet elif [[ ${packgeName} =~ "tar" ]];then cd ${oriInstallPath} if [ ! -f {originPackageName} ];then sshpass -p ${password} scp${originversion}/community${originPackageName} . fi echo "tar -xvf ${originPackageName}" && tar -xvf ${originPackageName} cd ${installPath} echo "tar -xvf ${packgeName}" && tar -xvf ${packgeName} if [ ${testFile} != "tools" ] ;then cd ${installPath}/${tdPath} && tar vxf ${subFile} cd ${oriInstallPath}/${originTdpPath} && tar vxf ${subFile} fi echo "check installPackage File" cd ${oriInstallPath}/${originTdpPath} && tree > ${installPath}/base_${originversion}_checkfile cd ${installPath}/${tdPath} && tree > ${installPath}/now_${version}_checkfile cd ${installPath} diff ${installPath}/base_${originversion}_checkfile ${installPath}/now_${version}_checkfile > ${installPath}/diffFile.log diffNumbers=`cat ${installPath}/diffFile.log |wc -l ` if [ ${diffNumbers} != 0 ];then echo "The number and names of files have changed from the previous installation package" echo `cat ${installPath}/diffFile.log` exit -1 fi cd ${installPath}/${tdPath} if [ ${testFile} = "server" ];then bash ${installCmd} -e no else bash ${installCmd} fi if [[ ${packgeName} =~ "Lite" ]] && [[ ${packgeName} =~ "tar" ]] ;then cd ${installPath} sshpass -p ${password} scp${version}/community/taosTools-2.1.2-Linux-x64.tar.gz . # wget https://www.taosdata.com/assets-download/3.0/taosTools-2.1.2-Linux-x64.tar.gz tar xvf taosTools-2.1.2-Linux-x64.tar.gz cd taosTools-2.1.2 && bash install-taostools.sh elif [[ ${packgeName} =~ "Lite" ]] && [[ ${packgeName} =~ "deb" ]] ;then cd ${installPath} sshpass -p ${password} scp${version}/community/taosTools-2.1.2-Linux-x64.deb . dpkg -i taosTools-2.1.2-Linux-x64.deb elif [[ ${packgeName} =~ "Lite" ]] && [[ ${packgeName} =~ "rpm" ]] ;then cd ${installPath} sshpass -p ${password} scp${version}/community/taosTools-2.1.2-Linux-x64.rpm . rpm -ivh taosTools-2.1.2-Linux-x64.rpm --quiet fi fi