/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "tsdbFSet2.h" int32_t tsdbSttLvlInit(int32_t level, SSttLvl **lvl) { if (!(lvl[0] = taosMemoryMalloc(sizeof(SSttLvl)))) return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; lvl[0]->level = level; TARRAY2_INIT(lvl[0]->fobjArr); return 0; } static void tsdbSttLvlClearFObj(void *data) { tsdbTFileObjUnref(*(STFileObj **)data); } static int32_t tsdbSttLvlClear(SSttLvl **lvl) { TARRAY2_DESTROY(lvl[0]->fobjArr, tsdbSttLvlClearFObj); taosMemoryFree(lvl[0]); lvl[0] = NULL; return 0; } static int32_t tsdbSttLvlInitEx(STsdb *pTsdb, const SSttLvl *lvl1, SSttLvl **lvl) { int32_t code = tsdbSttLvlInit(lvl1->level, lvl); if (code) return code; const STFileObj *fobj1; TARRAY2_FOREACH(lvl1->fobjArr, fobj1) { STFileObj *fobj; code = tsdbTFileObjInit(pTsdb, fobj1->f, &fobj); if (code) { tsdbSttLvlClear(lvl); return code; } TARRAY2_APPEND(lvl[0]->fobjArr, fobj); } return 0; } static int32_t tsdbSttLvlInitRef(STsdb *pTsdb, const SSttLvl *lvl1, SSttLvl **lvl) { int32_t code = tsdbSttLvlInit(lvl1->level, lvl); if (code) return code; STFileObj *fobj1; TARRAY2_FOREACH(lvl1->fobjArr, fobj1) { tsdbTFileObjRef(fobj1); code = TARRAY2_APPEND(lvl[0]->fobjArr, fobj1); if (code) return code; } return 0; } static void tsdbSttLvlRemoveFObj(void *data) { tsdbTFileObjRemove(*(STFileObj **)data); } static void tsdbSttLvlRemove(SSttLvl **lvl) { TARRAY2_DESTROY(lvl[0]->fobjArr, tsdbSttLvlRemoveFObj); taosMemoryFree(lvl[0]); lvl[0] = NULL; } static int32_t tsdbSttLvlApplyEdit(STsdb *pTsdb, const SSttLvl *lvl1, SSttLvl *lvl2) { int32_t code = 0; ASSERT(lvl1->level == lvl2->level); int32_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0; while (i1 < TARRAY2_SIZE(lvl1->fobjArr) || i2 < TARRAY2_SIZE(lvl2->fobjArr)) { STFileObj *fobj1 = i1 < TARRAY2_SIZE(lvl1->fobjArr) ? TARRAY2_GET(lvl1->fobjArr, i1) : NULL; STFileObj *fobj2 = i2 < TARRAY2_SIZE(lvl2->fobjArr) ? TARRAY2_GET(lvl2->fobjArr, i2) : NULL; if (fobj1 && fobj2) { if (fobj1->f->cid < fobj2->f->cid) { // create a file obj code = tsdbTFileObjInit(pTsdb, fobj1->f, &fobj2); if (code) return code; code = TARRAY2_APPEND(lvl2->fobjArr, fobj2); if (code) return code; i1++; i2++; } else if (fobj1->f->cid > fobj2->f->cid) { // remove a file obj TARRAY2_REMOVE(lvl2->fobjArr, i2, tsdbSttLvlRemoveFObj); } else { if (tsdbIsSameTFile(fobj1->f, fobj2->f)) { if (tsdbIsTFileChanged(fobj1->f, fobj2->f)) { fobj2->f[0] = fobj1->f[0]; } } else { TARRAY2_REMOVE(lvl2->fobjArr, i2, tsdbSttLvlRemoveFObj); code = tsdbTFileObjInit(pTsdb, fobj1->f, &fobj2); if (code) return code; code = TARRAY2_SORT_INSERT(lvl2->fobjArr, fobj2, tsdbTFileObjCmpr); if (code) return code; } i1++; i2++; } } else if (fobj1) { // create a file obj code = tsdbTFileObjInit(pTsdb, fobj1->f, &fobj2); if (code) return code; code = TARRAY2_APPEND(lvl2->fobjArr, fobj2); if (code) return code; i1++; i2++; } else { // remove a file obj TARRAY2_REMOVE(lvl2->fobjArr, i2, tsdbSttLvlRemoveFObj); } } return 0; } static int32_t tsdbSttLvlCmprFn(const SSttLvl **lvl1, const SSttLvl **lvl2) { if (lvl1[0]->level < lvl2[0]->level) return -1; if (lvl1[0]->level > lvl2[0]->level) return 1; return 0; } static int32_t tsdbSttLvlToJson(const SSttLvl *lvl, cJSON *json) { if (cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json, "level", lvl->level) == NULL) { return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } cJSON *ajson = cJSON_AddArrayToObject(json, "files"); if (ajson == NULL) return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; const STFileObj *fobj; TARRAY2_FOREACH(lvl->fobjArr, fobj) { cJSON *item = cJSON_CreateObject(); if (item == NULL) return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; cJSON_AddItemToArray(ajson, item); int32_t code = tsdbTFileToJson(fobj->f, item); if (code) return code; } return 0; } static int32_t tsdbJsonToSttLvl(STsdb *pTsdb, const cJSON *json, SSttLvl **lvl) { const cJSON *item1, *item2; int32_t level; item1 = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "level"); if (cJSON_IsNumber(item1)) { level = item1->valuedouble; } else { return TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED; } int32_t code = tsdbSttLvlInit(level, lvl); if (code) return code; item1 = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "files"); if (!cJSON_IsArray(item1)) { tsdbSttLvlClear(lvl); return TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED; } cJSON_ArrayForEach(item2, item1) { STFile tf; code = tsdbJsonToTFile(item2, TSDB_FTYPE_STT, &tf); if (code) { tsdbSttLvlClear(lvl); return code; } STFileObj *fobj; code = tsdbTFileObjInit(pTsdb, &tf, &fobj); if (code) { tsdbSttLvlClear(lvl); return code; } TARRAY2_APPEND(lvl[0]->fobjArr, fobj); } return 0; } int32_t tsdbTFileSetToJson(const STFileSet *fset, cJSON *json) { int32_t code = 0; cJSON *item1, *item2; // fid if (cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json, "fid", fset->fid) == NULL) { return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } for (int32_t ftype = TSDB_FTYPE_MIN; ftype < TSDB_FTYPE_MAX; ++ftype) { if (fset->farr[ftype] == NULL) continue; code = tsdbTFileToJson(fset->farr[ftype]->f, json); if (code) return code; } // each level item1 = cJSON_AddArrayToObject(json, "stt lvl"); if (item1 == NULL) return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; const SSttLvl *lvl; TARRAY2_FOREACH(fset->lvlArr, lvl) { item2 = cJSON_CreateObject(); if (!item2) return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; cJSON_AddItemToArray(item1, item2); code = tsdbSttLvlToJson(lvl, item2); if (code) return code; } return 0; } int32_t tsdbJsonToTFileSet(STsdb *pTsdb, const cJSON *json, STFileSet **fset) { int32_t code; const cJSON *item1, *item2; int32_t fid; STFile tf; // fid item1 = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "fid"); if (cJSON_IsNumber(item1)) { fid = item1->valuedouble; } else { return TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED; } code = tsdbTFileSetInit(fid, fset); if (code) return code; for (tsdb_ftype_t ftype = TSDB_FTYPE_MIN; ftype < TSDB_FTYPE_MAX; ++ftype) { code = tsdbJsonToTFile(json, ftype, &tf); if (code == TSDB_CODE_NOT_FOUND) { continue; } else if (code) { tsdbTFileSetClear(fset); return code; } else { code = tsdbTFileObjInit(pTsdb, &tf, &(*fset)->farr[ftype]); if (code) return code; } } // each level item1 = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "stt lvl"); if (cJSON_IsArray(item1)) { cJSON_ArrayForEach(item2, item1) { SSttLvl *lvl; code = tsdbJsonToSttLvl(pTsdb, item2, &lvl); if (code) { tsdbTFileSetClear(fset); return code; } TARRAY2_APPEND((*fset)->lvlArr, lvl); } } else { return TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED; } return 0; } // NOTE: the api does not remove file, only do memory operation int32_t tsdbTFileSetEdit(STsdb *pTsdb, STFileSet *fset, const STFileOp *op) { int32_t code = 0; if (op->optype == TSDB_FOP_CREATE) { // create a new file STFileObj *fobj; code = tsdbTFileObjInit(pTsdb, &op->nf, &fobj); if (code) return code; if (fobj->f->type == TSDB_FTYPE_STT) { SSttLvl *lvl = tsdbTFileSetGetSttLvl(fset, fobj->f->stt->level); if (!lvl) { code = tsdbSttLvlInit(fobj->f->stt->level, &lvl); if (code) return code; code = TARRAY2_SORT_INSERT(fset->lvlArr, lvl, tsdbSttLvlCmprFn); if (code) return code; } code = TARRAY2_SORT_INSERT(lvl->fobjArr, fobj, tsdbTFileObjCmpr); if (code) return code; } else { ASSERT(fset->farr[fobj->f->type] == NULL); fset->farr[fobj->f->type] = fobj; } } else if (op->optype == TSDB_FOP_REMOVE) { // delete a file if (op->of.type == TSDB_FTYPE_STT) { SSttLvl *lvl = tsdbTFileSetGetSttLvl(fset, op->of.stt->level); ASSERT(lvl); STFileObj tfobj = {.f[0] = {.cid = op->of.cid}}; STFileObj *tfobjp = &tfobj; int32_t idx = TARRAY2_SEARCH_IDX(lvl->fobjArr, &tfobjp, tsdbTFileObjCmpr, TD_EQ); ASSERT(idx >= 0); TARRAY2_REMOVE(lvl->fobjArr, idx, tsdbSttLvlClearFObj); if (TARRAY2_SIZE(lvl->fobjArr) == 0) { // TODO: remove the stt level if no file exists anymore // TARRAY2_REMOVE(&fset->lvlArr, lvl - fset->lvlArr.data, tsdbSttLvlClear); } } else { ASSERT(tsdbIsSameTFile(&op->of, fset->farr[op->of.type]->f)); tsdbTFileObjUnref(fset->farr[op->of.type]); fset->farr[op->of.type] = NULL; } } else { if (op->nf.type == TSDB_FTYPE_STT) { SSttLvl *lvl = tsdbTFileSetGetSttLvl(fset, op->of.stt->level); ASSERT(lvl); STFileObj tfobj = {.f[0] = {.cid = op->of.cid}}, *tfobjp = &tfobj; STFileObj **fobjPtr = TARRAY2_SEARCH(lvl->fobjArr, &tfobjp, tsdbTFileObjCmpr, TD_EQ); tfobjp = (fobjPtr ? *fobjPtr : NULL); ASSERT(tfobjp); tfobjp->f[0] = op->nf; } else { fset->farr[op->nf.type]->f[0] = op->nf; } } return 0; } int32_t tsdbTFileSetApplyEdit(STsdb *pTsdb, const STFileSet *fset1, STFileSet *fset2) { int32_t code = 0; ASSERT(fset1->fid == fset2->fid); for (tsdb_ftype_t ftype = TSDB_FTYPE_MIN; ftype < TSDB_FTYPE_MAX; ++ftype) { if (!fset1->farr[ftype] && !fset2->farr[ftype]) continue; STFileObj *fobj1 = fset1->farr[ftype]; STFileObj *fobj2 = fset2->farr[ftype]; if (fobj1 && fobj2) { if (tsdbIsSameTFile(fobj1->f, fobj2->f)) { if (tsdbIsTFileChanged(fobj1->f, fobj2->f)) { fobj2->f[0] = fobj1->f[0]; } } else { tsdbTFileObjRemove(fobj2); code = tsdbTFileObjInit(pTsdb, fobj1->f, &fset2->farr[ftype]); if (code) return code; } } else if (fobj1) { // create a new file code = tsdbTFileObjInit(pTsdb, fobj1->f, &fset2->farr[ftype]); if (code) return code; } else { // remove the file tsdbTFileObjRemove(fobj2); fset2->farr[ftype] = NULL; } } // stt part int32_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0; while (i1 < TARRAY2_SIZE(fset1->lvlArr) || i2 < TARRAY2_SIZE(fset2->lvlArr)) { SSttLvl *lvl1 = i1 < TARRAY2_SIZE(fset1->lvlArr) ? TARRAY2_GET(fset1->lvlArr, i1) : NULL; SSttLvl *lvl2 = i2 < TARRAY2_SIZE(fset2->lvlArr) ? TARRAY2_GET(fset2->lvlArr, i2) : NULL; if (lvl1 && lvl2) { if (lvl1->level < lvl2->level) { // add a new stt level code = tsdbSttLvlInitEx(pTsdb, lvl1, &lvl2); if (code) return code; code = TARRAY2_SORT_INSERT(fset2->lvlArr, lvl2, tsdbSttLvlCmprFn); if (code) return code; i1++; i2++; } else if (lvl1->level > lvl2->level) { // remove the stt level TARRAY2_REMOVE(fset2->lvlArr, i2, tsdbSttLvlRemove); } else { // apply edit on stt level code = tsdbSttLvlApplyEdit(pTsdb, lvl1, lvl2); if (code) return code; i1++; i2++; } } else if (lvl1) { // add a new stt level code = tsdbSttLvlInitEx(pTsdb, lvl1, &lvl2); if (code) return code; code = TARRAY2_SORT_INSERT(fset2->lvlArr, lvl2, tsdbSttLvlCmprFn); if (code) return code; i1++; i2++; } else { // remove the stt level TARRAY2_REMOVE(fset2->lvlArr, i2, tsdbSttLvlRemove); } } return 0; } int32_t tsdbTFileSetInit(int32_t fid, STFileSet **fset) { fset[0] = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(STFileSet)); if (fset[0] == NULL) return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; fset[0]->fid = fid; TARRAY2_INIT(fset[0]->lvlArr); return 0; } int32_t tsdbTFileSetInitDup(STsdb *pTsdb, const STFileSet *fset1, STFileSet **fset) { int32_t code = tsdbTFileSetInit(fset1->fid, fset); if (code) return code; for (int32_t ftype = TSDB_FTYPE_MIN; ftype < TSDB_FTYPE_MAX; ++ftype) { if (fset1->farr[ftype] == NULL) continue; code = tsdbTFileObjInit(pTsdb, fset1->farr[ftype]->f, &fset[0]->farr[ftype]); if (code) { tsdbTFileSetClear(fset); return code; } } const SSttLvl *lvl1; TARRAY2_FOREACH(fset1->lvlArr, lvl1) { SSttLvl *lvl; code = tsdbSttLvlInitEx(pTsdb, lvl1, &lvl); if (code) { tsdbTFileSetClear(fset); return code; } code = TARRAY2_APPEND(fset[0]->lvlArr, lvl); if (code) return code; } return 0; } int32_t tsdbTFileSetInitRef(STsdb *pTsdb, const STFileSet *fset1, STFileSet **fset) { int32_t code = tsdbTFileSetInit(fset1->fid, fset); if (code) return code; for (int32_t ftype = TSDB_FTYPE_MIN; ftype < TSDB_FTYPE_MAX; ++ftype) { if (fset1->farr[ftype] == NULL) continue; tsdbTFileObjRef(fset1->farr[ftype]); fset[0]->farr[ftype] = fset1->farr[ftype]; } const SSttLvl *lvl1; TARRAY2_FOREACH(fset1->lvlArr, lvl1) { SSttLvl *lvl; code = tsdbSttLvlInitRef(pTsdb, lvl1, &lvl); if (code) { tsdbTFileSetClear(fset); return code; } code = TARRAY2_APPEND(fset[0]->lvlArr, lvl); if (code) return code; } return 0; } int32_t tsdbTFileSetClear(STFileSet **fset) { if (!fset[0]) return 0; for (tsdb_ftype_t ftype = TSDB_FTYPE_MIN; ftype < TSDB_FTYPE_MAX; ++ftype) { if (fset[0]->farr[ftype] == NULL) continue; tsdbTFileObjUnref(fset[0]->farr[ftype]); } TARRAY2_DESTROY(fset[0]->lvlArr, tsdbSttLvlClear); taosMemoryFree(fset[0]); fset[0] = NULL; return 0; } int32_t tsdbTFileSetRemove(STFileSet **fset) { for (tsdb_ftype_t ftype = TSDB_FTYPE_MIN; ftype < TSDB_FTYPE_MAX; ++ftype) { if (fset[0]->farr[ftype] == NULL) continue; tsdbTFileObjRemove(fset[0]->farr[ftype]); } TARRAY2_DESTROY(fset[0]->lvlArr, tsdbSttLvlRemove); taosMemoryFree(fset[0]); fset[0] = NULL; return 0; } SSttLvl *tsdbTFileSetGetSttLvl(STFileSet *fset, int32_t level) { SSttLvl sttLvl = {.level = level}; SSttLvl *lvl = &sttLvl; SSttLvl **lvlPtr = TARRAY2_SEARCH(fset->lvlArr, &lvl, tsdbSttLvlCmprFn, TD_EQ); return lvlPtr ? lvlPtr[0] : NULL; } int32_t tsdbTFileSetCmprFn(const STFileSet **fset1, const STFileSet **fset2) { if (fset1[0]->fid < fset2[0]->fid) return -1; if (fset1[0]->fid > fset2[0]->fid) return 1; return 0; } int64_t tsdbTFileSetMaxCid(const STFileSet *fset) { int64_t maxCid = 0; for (tsdb_ftype_t ftype = TSDB_FTYPE_MIN; ftype < TSDB_FTYPE_MAX; ++ftype) { if (fset->farr[ftype] == NULL) continue; maxCid = TMAX(maxCid, fset->farr[ftype]->f->cid); } const SSttLvl *lvl; const STFileObj *fobj; TARRAY2_FOREACH(fset->lvlArr, lvl) { TARRAY2_FOREACH(lvl->fobjArr, fobj) { maxCid = TMAX(maxCid, fobj->f->cid); } } return maxCid; } bool tsdbTFileSetIsEmpty(const STFileSet *fset) { for (tsdb_ftype_t ftype = TSDB_FTYPE_MIN; ftype < TSDB_FTYPE_MAX; ++ftype) { if (fset->farr[ftype] != NULL) return false; } return TARRAY2_SIZE(fset->lvlArr) == 0; }