/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wwrite-strings" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-compare" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wformat" #include #ifdef WINDOWS #define TD_USE_WINSOCK #endif #include "catalog.h" #include "catalogInt.h" #include "os.h" #include "stub.h" #include "taos.h" #include "tdatablock.h" #include "tdef.h" #include "tglobal.h" #include "trpc.h" #include "tvariant.h" namespace { extern "C" int32_t ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(struct SCatalog *pCatalog, int32_t type); extern "C" int32_t ctgdGetStatNum(char *option, void *res); void ctgTestSetRspTableMeta(); void ctgTestSetRspCTableMeta(); void ctgTestSetRspSTableMeta(); void ctgTestSetRspMultiSTableMeta(); extern int32_t clientConnRefPool; enum { CTGT_RSP_VGINFO = 1, CTGT_RSP_TBMETA, CTGT_RSP_CTBMETA, CTGT_RSP_STBMETA, CTGT_RSP_MSTBMETA, CTGT_RSP_INDEXINFO_E, CTGT_RSP_USERAUTH, CTGT_RSP_TBLCFG, CTGT_RSP_TBLINDEX, CTGT_RSP_DBCFG, CTGT_RSP_QNODELIST, CTGT_RSP_UDF, CTGT_RSP_SVRVER, CTGT_RSP_DNODElIST, CTGT_RSP_TBMETA_NOT_EXIST, }; bool ctgTestStop = false; bool ctgTestEnableSleep = false; bool ctgTestEnableLog = true; bool ctgTestDeadLoop = false; int32_t ctgTestPrintNum = 10000; int32_t ctgTestMTRunSec = 5; int32_t ctgTestCurrentVgVersion = 0; int32_t ctgTestVgVersion = 1; int32_t ctgTestVgNum = 10; int32_t ctgTestColNum = 2; int32_t ctgTestTagNum = 1; int32_t ctgTestQnodeNum = 3; int32_t ctgTestIndexNum = 3; int32_t ctgTestFuncNum = 2; int32_t ctgTestFuncType = 3; int32_t ctgTestSVersion = 1; int32_t ctgTestTVersion = 1; int32_t ctgTestSuid = 2; uint64_t ctgTestDbId = 33; uint64_t ctgTestNormalTblUid = 1; uint64_t ctgTestClusterId = 0x1; char *ctgTestDbname = "1.db1"; char *ctgTestTablename = "table1"; char *ctgTestCTablename = "ctable1"; char *ctgTestSTablename = "stable1"; char *ctgTestUsername = "user1"; char *ctgTestCurrentCTableName = NULL; char *ctgTestCurrentTableName = NULL; char *ctgTestCurrentSTableName = NULL; int32_t ctgTestRspFunc[100] = {0}; int32_t ctgTestRspIdx = 0; void sendCreateDbMsg(void *shandle, SEpSet *pEpSet) { SCreateDbReq createReq = {0}; strcpy(createReq.db, "1.db1"); createReq.numOfVgroups = 2; createReq.buffer = -1; createReq.pageSize = -1; createReq.pages = -1; createReq.daysPerFile = 10; createReq.daysToKeep0 = 3650; createReq.daysToKeep1 = 3650; createReq.daysToKeep2 = 3650; createReq.minRows = 100; createReq.maxRows = 4096; createReq.walFsyncPeriod = 3000; createReq.walLevel = 1; createReq.precision = 0; createReq.compression = 2; createReq.replications = 1; createReq.strict = 1; createReq.cacheLast = 0; createReq.ignoreExist = 1; int32_t contLen = tSerializeSCreateDbReq(NULL, 0, &createReq); void *pReq = rpcMallocCont(contLen); tSerializeSCreateDbReq(pReq, contLen, &createReq); SRpcMsg rpcMsg = {0}; rpcMsg.pCont = pReq; rpcMsg.contLen = contLen; rpcMsg.msgType = TDMT_MND_CREATE_DB; SRpcMsg rpcRsp = {0}; rpcSendRecv(shandle, pEpSet, &rpcMsg, &rpcRsp); ASSERT_EQ(rpcRsp.code, 0); } void ctgTestInitLogFile() { if (!ctgTestEnableLog) { return; } const char *defaultLogFileNamePrefix = "taoslog"; const int32_t maxLogFileNum = 10; tsAsyncLog = 0; qDebugFlag = 159; strcpy(tsLogDir, TD_LOG_DIR_PATH); ctgdEnableDebug("api", true); ctgdEnableDebug("meta", true); ctgdEnableDebug("cache", true); ctgdEnableDebug("lock", true); if (taosInitLog(defaultLogFileNamePrefix, maxLogFileNum) < 0) { printf("failed to open log file in directory:%s\n", tsLogDir); } } int32_t ctgTestGetVgNumFromVgVersion(int32_t vgVersion) { return ((vgVersion % 2) == 0) ? ctgTestVgNum - 2 : ctgTestVgNum; } void ctgTestBuildCTableMetaOutput(STableMetaOutput *output) { SName cn = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, 1, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(cn.dbname, "db1"); strcpy(cn.tname, ctgTestCTablename); SName sn = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, 1, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(sn.dbname, "db1"); strcpy(sn.tname, ctgTestSTablename); char db[TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN] = {0}; tNameGetFullDbName(&cn, db); strcpy(output->dbFName, db); SET_META_TYPE_BOTH_TABLE(output->metaType); strcpy(output->ctbName, cn.tname); strcpy(output->tbName, sn.tname); output->ctbMeta.vgId = 9; output->ctbMeta.tableType = TSDB_CHILD_TABLE; output->ctbMeta.uid = 3; output->ctbMeta.suid = 2; output->tbMeta = (STableMeta *)taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(STableMeta) + sizeof(SSchema) * (ctgTestColNum + ctgTestColNum)); output->tbMeta->vgId = 9; output->tbMeta->tableType = TSDB_SUPER_TABLE; output->tbMeta->uid = 2; output->tbMeta->suid = 2; output->tbMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns = ctgTestColNum; output->tbMeta->tableInfo.numOfTags = ctgTestTagNum; output->tbMeta->sversion = ctgTestSVersion; output->tbMeta->tversion = ctgTestTVersion; SSchema *s = NULL; s = &output->tbMeta->schema[0]; s->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; s->colId = 1; s->bytes = 8; strcpy(s->name, "ts"); s = &output->tbMeta->schema[1]; s->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT; s->colId = 2; s->bytes = 4; strcpy(s->name, "col1s"); s = &output->tbMeta->schema[2]; s->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY; s->colId = 3; s->bytes = 12; strcpy(s->name, "tag1s"); } void ctgTestBuildDBVgroup(SDBVgInfo **pdbVgroup) { static int32_t vgVersion = ctgTestVgVersion + 1; int32_t vgNum = 0; SVgroupInfo vgInfo = {0}; SDBVgInfo *dbVgroup = (SDBVgInfo *)taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SDBVgInfo)); dbVgroup->vgVersion = vgVersion++; ctgTestCurrentVgVersion = dbVgroup->vgVersion; dbVgroup->hashMethod = 0; dbVgroup->hashPrefix = 0; dbVgroup->hashSuffix = 0; dbVgroup->vgHash = taosHashInit(ctgTestVgNum, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT), true, HASH_ENTRY_LOCK); vgNum = ctgTestGetVgNumFromVgVersion(dbVgroup->vgVersion); uint32_t hashUnit = UINT32_MAX / vgNum; for (int32_t i = 0; i < vgNum; ++i) { vgInfo.vgId = i + 1; vgInfo.hashBegin = i * hashUnit; vgInfo.hashEnd = hashUnit * (i + 1) - 1; vgInfo.epSet.numOfEps = i % TSDB_MAX_REPLICA + 1; vgInfo.epSet.inUse = i % vgInfo.epSet.numOfEps; for (int32_t n = 0; n < vgInfo.epSet.numOfEps; ++n) { SEp *addr = &vgInfo.epSet.eps[n]; strcpy(addr->fqdn, "a0"); addr->port = n + 22; } taosHashPut(dbVgroup->vgHash, &vgInfo.vgId, sizeof(vgInfo.vgId), &vgInfo, sizeof(vgInfo)); } *pdbVgroup = dbVgroup; } void ctgTestBuildSTableMetaRsp(STableMetaRsp *rspMsg) { strcpy(rspMsg->dbFName, ctgTestDbname); sprintf(rspMsg->tbName, "%s", ctgTestSTablename); sprintf(rspMsg->stbName, "%s", ctgTestSTablename); rspMsg->numOfTags = ctgTestTagNum; rspMsg->numOfColumns = ctgTestColNum; rspMsg->precision = 1 + 1; rspMsg->tableType = TSDB_SUPER_TABLE; rspMsg->sversion = ctgTestSVersion + 1; rspMsg->tversion = ctgTestTVersion + 1; rspMsg->suid = ctgTestSuid; rspMsg->tuid = ctgTestSuid; rspMsg->vgId = 1; rspMsg->pSchemas = (SSchema *)taosMemoryCalloc(rspMsg->numOfTags + rspMsg->numOfColumns, sizeof(SSchema)); SSchema *s = NULL; s = &rspMsg->pSchemas[0]; s->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; s->colId = 1; s->bytes = 8; strcpy(s->name, "ts"); s = &rspMsg->pSchemas[1]; s->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT; s->colId = 2; s->bytes = 4; strcpy(s->name, "col1s"); s = &rspMsg->pSchemas[2]; s->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY; s->colId = 3; s->bytes = 12 + 1; strcpy(s->name, "tag1s"); return; } void ctgTestRspDbVgroups(void *shandle, SEpSet *pEpSet, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg *pRsp) { rpcFreeCont(pMsg->pCont); SUseDbRsp usedbRsp = {0}; strcpy(usedbRsp.db, ctgTestDbname); usedbRsp.vgVersion = ctgTestVgVersion; ctgTestCurrentVgVersion = ctgTestVgVersion; usedbRsp.vgNum = ctgTestVgNum; usedbRsp.hashMethod = 0; usedbRsp.uid = ctgTestDbId; usedbRsp.pVgroupInfos = taosArrayInit(usedbRsp.vgNum, sizeof(SVgroupInfo)); uint32_t hashUnit = UINT32_MAX / ctgTestVgNum; for (int32_t i = 0; i < ctgTestVgNum; ++i) { SVgroupInfo vg = {0}; vg.vgId = i + 1; vg.hashBegin = i * hashUnit; vg.hashEnd = hashUnit * (i + 1) - 1; if (i == ctgTestVgNum - 1) { vg.hashEnd = htonl(UINT32_MAX); } vg.epSet.numOfEps = i % TSDB_MAX_REPLICA + 1; vg.epSet.inUse = i % vg.epSet.numOfEps; for (int32_t n = 0; n < vg.epSet.numOfEps; ++n) { SEp *addr = &vg.epSet.eps[n]; strcpy(addr->fqdn, "a0"); addr->port = n + 22; } vg.numOfTable = i % 2; taosArrayPush(usedbRsp.pVgroupInfos, &vg); } int32_t contLen = tSerializeSUseDbRsp(NULL, 0, &usedbRsp); void *pReq = rpcMallocCont(contLen); tSerializeSUseDbRsp(pReq, contLen, &usedbRsp); pRsp->code = 0; pRsp->contLen = contLen; pRsp->pCont = pReq; taosArrayDestroy(usedbRsp.pVgroupInfos); } void ctgTestRspTableMeta(void *shandle, SEpSet *pEpSet, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg *pRsp) { rpcFreeCont(pMsg->pCont); STableMetaRsp metaRsp = {0}; strcpy(metaRsp.dbFName, ctgTestDbname); strcpy(metaRsp.tbName, ctgTestTablename); metaRsp.numOfTags = 0; metaRsp.numOfColumns = ctgTestColNum; metaRsp.precision = 1; metaRsp.tableType = TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE; metaRsp.sversion = ctgTestSVersion; metaRsp.tversion = ctgTestTVersion; metaRsp.suid = 0; metaRsp.tuid = ctgTestNormalTblUid++; metaRsp.vgId = 8; metaRsp.pSchemas = (SSchema *)taosMemoryMalloc((metaRsp.numOfTags + metaRsp.numOfColumns) * sizeof(SSchema)); SSchema *s = NULL; s = &metaRsp.pSchemas[0]; s->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; s->colId = 1; s->bytes = 8; strcpy(s->name, "ts"); s = &metaRsp.pSchemas[1]; s->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT; s->colId = 2; s->bytes = 4; strcpy(s->name, "col1"); int32_t contLen = tSerializeSTableMetaRsp(NULL, 0, &metaRsp); void *pReq = rpcMallocCont(contLen); tSerializeSTableMetaRsp(pReq, contLen, &metaRsp); pRsp->code = 0; pRsp->contLen = contLen; pRsp->pCont = pReq; tFreeSTableMetaRsp(&metaRsp); } void ctgTestRspTableMetaNotExist(void *shandle, SEpSet *pEpSet, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg *pRsp) { rpcFreeCont(pMsg->pCont); pRsp->code = CTG_ERR_CODE_TABLE_NOT_EXIST; } void ctgTestRspCTableMeta(void *shandle, SEpSet *pEpSet, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg *pRsp) { rpcFreeCont(pMsg->pCont); STableMetaRsp metaRsp = {0}; strcpy(metaRsp.dbFName, ctgTestDbname); strcpy(metaRsp.tbName, ctgTestCurrentCTableName ? ctgTestCurrentCTableName : ctgTestCTablename); strcpy(metaRsp.stbName, ctgTestSTablename); metaRsp.numOfTags = ctgTestTagNum; metaRsp.numOfColumns = ctgTestColNum; metaRsp.precision = 1; metaRsp.tableType = TSDB_CHILD_TABLE; metaRsp.sversion = ctgTestSVersion; metaRsp.tversion = ctgTestTVersion; metaRsp.suid = 0x0000000000000002; metaRsp.tuid = 0x0000000000000003; metaRsp.vgId = 9; metaRsp.pSchemas = (SSchema *)taosMemoryMalloc((metaRsp.numOfTags + metaRsp.numOfColumns) * sizeof(SSchema)); SSchema *s = NULL; s = &metaRsp.pSchemas[0]; s->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; s->colId = 1; s->bytes = 8; strcpy(s->name, "ts"); s = &metaRsp.pSchemas[1]; s->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT; s->colId = 2; s->bytes = 4; strcpy(s->name, "col1s"); s = &metaRsp.pSchemas[2]; s->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY; s->colId = 3; s->bytes = 12; strcpy(s->name, "tag1s"); int32_t contLen = tSerializeSTableMetaRsp(NULL, 0, &metaRsp); void *pReq = rpcMallocCont(contLen); tSerializeSTableMetaRsp(pReq, contLen, &metaRsp); pRsp->code = 0; pRsp->contLen = contLen; pRsp->pCont = pReq; tFreeSTableMetaRsp(&metaRsp); } void ctgTestRspSTableMeta(void *shandle, SEpSet *pEpSet, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg *pRsp) { rpcFreeCont(pMsg->pCont); STableMetaRsp metaRsp = {0}; strcpy(metaRsp.dbFName, ctgTestDbname); strcpy(metaRsp.tbName, ctgTestCurrentSTableName ? ctgTestCurrentSTableName : ctgTestSTablename); strcpy(metaRsp.stbName, ctgTestSTablename); metaRsp.numOfTags = ctgTestTagNum; metaRsp.numOfColumns = ctgTestColNum; metaRsp.precision = 1; metaRsp.tableType = TSDB_SUPER_TABLE; metaRsp.sversion = ctgTestSVersion; metaRsp.tversion = ctgTestTVersion; metaRsp.suid = ctgTestSuid; metaRsp.tuid = ctgTestSuid + 1; metaRsp.vgId = 0; metaRsp.pSchemas = (SSchema *)taosMemoryMalloc((metaRsp.numOfTags + metaRsp.numOfColumns) * sizeof(SSchema)); SSchema *s = NULL; s = &metaRsp.pSchemas[0]; s->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; s->colId = 1; s->bytes = 8; strcpy(s->name, "ts"); s = &metaRsp.pSchemas[1]; s->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT; s->colId = 2; s->bytes = 4; strcpy(s->name, "col1s"); s = &metaRsp.pSchemas[2]; s->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY; s->colId = 3; s->bytes = 12; strcpy(s->name, "tag1s"); int32_t contLen = tSerializeSTableMetaRsp(NULL, 0, &metaRsp); void *pReq = rpcMallocCont(contLen); tSerializeSTableMetaRsp(pReq, contLen, &metaRsp); pRsp->code = 0; pRsp->contLen = contLen; pRsp->pCont = pReq; tFreeSTableMetaRsp(&metaRsp); } void ctgTestRspMultiSTableMeta(void *shandle, SEpSet *pEpSet, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg *pRsp) { rpcFreeCont(pMsg->pCont); static int32_t idx = 1; STableMetaRsp metaRsp = {0}; strcpy(metaRsp.dbFName, ctgTestDbname); sprintf(metaRsp.tbName, "%s_%d", ctgTestSTablename, idx); sprintf(metaRsp.stbName, "%s_%d", ctgTestSTablename, idx); metaRsp.numOfTags = ctgTestTagNum; metaRsp.numOfColumns = ctgTestColNum; metaRsp.precision = 1; metaRsp.tableType = TSDB_SUPER_TABLE; metaRsp.sversion = ctgTestSVersion; metaRsp.tversion = ctgTestTVersion; metaRsp.suid = ctgTestSuid + idx; metaRsp.tuid = ctgTestSuid + idx; metaRsp.vgId = 0; metaRsp.pSchemas = (SSchema *)taosMemoryMalloc((metaRsp.numOfTags + metaRsp.numOfColumns) * sizeof(SSchema)); SSchema *s = NULL; s = &metaRsp.pSchemas[0]; s->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; s->colId = 1; s->bytes = 8; strcpy(s->name, "ts"); s = &metaRsp.pSchemas[1]; s->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT; s->colId = 2; s->bytes = 4; strcpy(s->name, "col1s"); s = &metaRsp.pSchemas[2]; s->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY; s->colId = 3; s->bytes = 12; strcpy(s->name, "tag1s"); ++idx; int32_t contLen = tSerializeSTableMetaRsp(NULL, 0, &metaRsp); void *pReq = rpcMallocCont(contLen); tSerializeSTableMetaRsp(pReq, contLen, &metaRsp); pRsp->code = 0; pRsp->contLen = contLen; pRsp->pCont = pReq; tFreeSTableMetaRsp(&metaRsp); } void ctgTestRspErrIndexInfo(void *shandle, SEpSet *pEpSet, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg *pRsp) { rpcFreeCont(pMsg->pCont); pRsp->code = TSDB_CODE_MND_DB_INDEX_NOT_EXIST; pRsp->contLen = 0; pRsp->pCont = NULL; } void ctgTestRspUserAuth(void *shandle, SEpSet *pEpSet, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg *pRsp) { rpcFreeCont(pMsg->pCont); SGetUserAuthRsp userRsp = {0}; strcpy(userRsp.user, ctgTestUsername); userRsp.version = 1; userRsp.superAuth = 1; userRsp.enable = 1; int32_t contLen = tSerializeSGetUserAuthRsp(NULL, 0, &userRsp); void *pReq = rpcMallocCont(contLen); tSerializeSGetUserAuthRsp(pReq, contLen, &userRsp); pRsp->code = 0; pRsp->contLen = contLen; pRsp->pCont = pReq; } void ctgTestRspTableCfg(void *shandle, SEpSet *pEpSet, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg *pRsp) { rpcFreeCont(pMsg->pCont); static int32_t idx = 1; STableCfgRsp tblRsp = {0}; strcpy(tblRsp.tbName, ctgTestTablename); tblRsp.numOfColumns = ctgTestColNum; tblRsp.pSchemas = (SSchema *)taosMemoryMalloc((tblRsp.numOfTags + tblRsp.numOfColumns) * sizeof(SSchema)); SSchema *s = NULL; s = &tblRsp.pSchemas[0]; s->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; s->colId = 1; s->bytes = 8; strcpy(s->name, "ts"); s = &tblRsp.pSchemas[1]; s->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT; s->colId = 2; s->bytes = 4; strcpy(s->name, "col1"); int32_t contLen = tSerializeSTableCfgRsp(NULL, 0, &tblRsp); void *pReq = rpcMallocCont(contLen); tSerializeSTableCfgRsp(pReq, contLen, &tblRsp); pRsp->code = 0; pRsp->contLen = contLen; pRsp->pCont = pReq; tFreeSTableCfgRsp(&tblRsp); } void ctgTestRspTableIndex(void *shandle, SEpSet *pEpSet, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg *pRsp) { rpcFreeCont(pMsg->pCont); static int32_t idx = 1; STableIndexRsp tblRsp = {0}; strcpy(tblRsp.tbName, ctgTestSTablename); tblRsp.pIndex = taosArrayInit(ctgTestIndexNum, sizeof(STableIndexInfo)); STableIndexInfo info = {0}; for (int32_t i = 0; i < ctgTestIndexNum; ++i) { info.interval = 1 + i; info.expr = (char *)taosMemoryCalloc(1, 10); taosArrayPush(tblRsp.pIndex, &info); } int32_t contLen = tSerializeSTableIndexRsp(NULL, 0, &tblRsp); void *pReq = rpcMallocCont(contLen); tSerializeSTableIndexRsp(pReq, contLen, &tblRsp); pRsp->code = 0; pRsp->contLen = contLen; pRsp->pCont = pReq; tFreeSTableIndexRsp(&tblRsp); } void ctgTestRspDBCfg(void *shandle, SEpSet *pEpSet, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg *pRsp) { rpcFreeCont(pMsg->pCont); static int32_t idx = 1; SDbCfgRsp dbRsp = {0}; dbRsp.numOfVgroups = ctgTestVgNum; int32_t contLen = tSerializeSDbCfgRsp(NULL, 0, &dbRsp); void *pReq = rpcMallocCont(contLen); tSerializeSDbCfgRsp(pReq, contLen, &dbRsp); pRsp->code = 0; pRsp->contLen = contLen; pRsp->pCont = pReq; } void ctgTestRspQnodeList(void *shandle, SEpSet *pEpSet, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg *pRsp) { rpcFreeCont(pMsg->pCont); SQnodeListRsp qlistRsp = {0}; qlistRsp.qnodeList = taosArrayInit(10, sizeof(SQueryNodeLoad)); for (int32_t i = 0; i < ctgTestQnodeNum; ++i) { SQueryNodeLoad nodeLoad = {0}; nodeLoad.addr.nodeId = i; (void)taosArrayPush(qlistRsp.qnodeList, &nodeLoad); } int32_t rspLen = tSerializeSQnodeListRsp(NULL, 0, &qlistRsp); void *pReq = rpcMallocCont(rspLen); tSerializeSQnodeListRsp(pReq, rspLen, &qlistRsp); pRsp->code = 0; pRsp->contLen = rspLen; pRsp->pCont = pReq; tFreeSQnodeListRsp(&qlistRsp); } void ctgTestRspUdfInfo(void *shandle, SEpSet *pEpSet, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg *pRsp) { rpcFreeCont(pMsg->pCont); SRetrieveFuncRsp funcRsp = {0}; funcRsp.numOfFuncs = 1; funcRsp.pFuncInfos = taosArrayInit(1, sizeof(SFuncInfo)); SFuncInfo funcInfo = {0}; strcpy(funcInfo.name, "func1"); funcInfo.funcType = ctgTestFuncType; (void)taosArrayPush(funcRsp.pFuncInfos, &funcInfo); int32_t rspLen = tSerializeSRetrieveFuncRsp(NULL, 0, &funcRsp); void *pReq = rpcMallocCont(rspLen); tSerializeSRetrieveFuncRsp(pReq, rspLen, &funcRsp); pRsp->code = 0; pRsp->contLen = rspLen; pRsp->pCont = pReq; tFreeSRetrieveFuncRsp(&funcRsp); } void ctgTestRspSvrVer(void *shandle, SEpSet *pEpSet, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg *pRsp) { rpcFreeCont(pMsg->pCont); SServerVerRsp verRsp = {0}; strcpy(verRsp.ver, "1.0"); int32_t rspLen = tSerializeSServerVerRsp(NULL, 0, &verRsp); void *pReq = rpcMallocCont(rspLen); tSerializeSServerVerRsp(pReq, rspLen, &verRsp); pRsp->code = 0; pRsp->contLen = rspLen; pRsp->pCont = pReq; } void ctgTestRspDndeList(void *shandle, SEpSet *pEpSet, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg *pRsp) { rpcFreeCont(pMsg->pCont); SDnodeListRsp dRsp = {0}; dRsp.dnodeList = taosArrayInit(1, sizeof(SEpSet)); SEpSet epSet = {0}; epSet.numOfEps = 1; tstrncpy(epSet.eps[0].fqdn, "localhost", TSDB_FQDN_LEN); epSet.eps[0].port = 6030; (void)taosArrayPush(dRsp.dnodeList, &epSet); int32_t rspLen = tSerializeSDnodeListRsp(NULL, 0, &dRsp); void *pReq = rpcMallocCont(rspLen); tSerializeSDnodeListRsp(pReq, rspLen, &dRsp); pRsp->code = 0; pRsp->contLen = rspLen; pRsp->pCont = pReq; tFreeSDnodeListRsp(&dRsp); } void ctgTestRspAuto(void *shandle, SEpSet *pEpSet, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg *pRsp) { switch (pMsg->msgType) { case TDMT_MND_USE_DB: ctgTestRspDbVgroups(shandle, pEpSet, pMsg, pRsp); break; case TDMT_VND_TABLE_CFG: case TDMT_MND_TABLE_CFG: ctgTestRspTableCfg(shandle, pEpSet, pMsg, pRsp); break; case TDMT_MND_GET_TABLE_INDEX: ctgTestRspTableIndex(shandle, pEpSet, pMsg, pRsp); break; case TDMT_MND_GET_DB_CFG: ctgTestRspDBCfg(shandle, pEpSet, pMsg, pRsp); break; case TDMT_MND_QNODE_LIST: ctgTestRspQnodeList(shandle, pEpSet, pMsg, pRsp); break; case TDMT_MND_RETRIEVE_FUNC: ctgTestRspUdfInfo(shandle, pEpSet, pMsg, pRsp); break; case TDMT_MND_SERVER_VERSION: ctgTestRspSvrVer(shandle, pEpSet, pMsg, pRsp); break; case TDMT_MND_DNODE_LIST: ctgTestRspDndeList(shandle, pEpSet, pMsg, pRsp); break; default: break; } return; } void ctgTestRspByIdx(void *shandle, SEpSet *pEpSet, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg *pRsp) { switch (ctgTestRspFunc[ctgTestRspIdx]) { case CTGT_RSP_VGINFO: ctgTestRspDbVgroups(shandle, pEpSet, pMsg, pRsp); break; case CTGT_RSP_TBMETA: ctgTestRspTableMeta(shandle, pEpSet, pMsg, pRsp); break; case CTGT_RSP_CTBMETA: ctgTestRspCTableMeta(shandle, pEpSet, pMsg, pRsp); break; case CTGT_RSP_STBMETA: ctgTestRspSTableMeta(shandle, pEpSet, pMsg, pRsp); break; case CTGT_RSP_MSTBMETA: ctgTestRspMultiSTableMeta(shandle, pEpSet, pMsg, pRsp); break; case CTGT_RSP_INDEXINFO_E: ctgTestRspErrIndexInfo(shandle, pEpSet, pMsg, pRsp); break; case CTGT_RSP_USERAUTH: ctgTestRspUserAuth(shandle, pEpSet, pMsg, pRsp); break; case CTGT_RSP_TBLCFG: ctgTestRspTableCfg(shandle, pEpSet, pMsg, pRsp); break; case CTGT_RSP_TBMETA_NOT_EXIST: ctgTestRspTableMetaNotExist(shandle, pEpSet, pMsg, pRsp); break; case CTGT_RSP_TBLINDEX: ctgTestRspTableIndex(shandle, pEpSet, pMsg, pRsp); break; case CTGT_RSP_DBCFG: ctgTestRspDBCfg(shandle, pEpSet, pMsg, pRsp); break; case CTGT_RSP_QNODELIST: ctgTestRspQnodeList(shandle, pEpSet, pMsg, pRsp); break; case CTGT_RSP_UDF: ctgTestRspUdfInfo(shandle, pEpSet, pMsg, pRsp); break; case CTGT_RSP_SVRVER: ctgTestRspSvrVer(shandle, pEpSet, pMsg, pRsp); break; case CTGT_RSP_DNODElIST: ctgTestRspDndeList(shandle, pEpSet, pMsg, pRsp); break; default: ctgTestRspAuto(shandle, pEpSet, pMsg, pRsp); break; } ctgTestRspIdx++; return; } void ctgTestRspDbVgroupsAndNormalMeta(void *shandle, SEpSet *pEpSet, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg *pRsp) { ctgTestRspDbVgroups(shandle, pEpSet, pMsg, pRsp); ctgTestSetRspTableMeta(); return; } void ctgTestRspDbVgroupsAndChildMeta(void *shandle, SEpSet *pEpSet, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg *pRsp) { ctgTestRspDbVgroups(shandle, pEpSet, pMsg, pRsp); ctgTestSetRspCTableMeta(); return; } void ctgTestRspDbVgroupsAndSuperMeta(void *shandle, SEpSet *pEpSet, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg *pRsp) { ctgTestRspDbVgroups(shandle, pEpSet, pMsg, pRsp); ctgTestSetRspSTableMeta(); return; } void ctgTestRspDbVgroupsAndMultiSuperMeta(void *shandle, SEpSet *pEpSet, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg *pRsp) { ctgTestRspDbVgroups(shandle, pEpSet, pMsg, pRsp); ctgTestSetRspMultiSTableMeta(); return; } void ctgTestSetRspDbVgroups() { static Stub stub; stub.set(rpcSendRecv, ctgTestRspDbVgroups); { #ifdef WINDOWS AddrAny any; std::map result; any.get_func_addr("rpcSendRecv", result); #endif #ifdef LINUX AddrAny any("libtransport.so"); std::map result; any.get_global_func_addr_dynsym("^rpcSendRecv$", result); #endif for (const auto &f : result) { stub.set(f.second, ctgTestRspDbVgroups); } } } void ctgTestSetRspTableMeta() { static Stub stub; stub.set(rpcSendRecv, ctgTestRspTableMeta); { #ifdef WINDOWS AddrAny any; std::map result; any.get_func_addr("rpcSendRecv", result); #endif #ifdef LINUX AddrAny any("libtransport.so"); std::map result; any.get_global_func_addr_dynsym("^rpcSendRecv$", result); #endif for (const auto &f : result) { stub.set(f.second, ctgTestRspTableMeta); } } } void ctgTestSetRspCTableMeta() { static Stub stub; stub.set(rpcSendRecv, ctgTestRspCTableMeta); { #ifdef WINDOWS AddrAny any; std::map result; any.get_func_addr("rpcSendRecv", result); #endif #ifdef LINUX AddrAny any("libtransport.so"); std::map result; any.get_global_func_addr_dynsym("^rpcSendRecv$", result); #endif for (const auto &f : result) { stub.set(f.second, ctgTestRspCTableMeta); } } } void ctgTestSetRspSTableMeta() { static Stub stub; stub.set(rpcSendRecv, ctgTestRspSTableMeta); { #ifdef WINDOWS AddrAny any; std::map result; any.get_func_addr("rpcSendRecv", result); #endif #ifdef LINUX AddrAny any("libtransport.so"); std::map result; any.get_global_func_addr_dynsym("^rpcSendRecv$", result); #endif for (const auto &f : result) { stub.set(f.second, ctgTestRspSTableMeta); } } } void ctgTestSetRspMultiSTableMeta() { static Stub stub; stub.set(rpcSendRecv, ctgTestRspMultiSTableMeta); { #ifdef WINDOWS AddrAny any; std::map result; any.get_func_addr("rpcSendRecv", result); #endif #ifdef LINUX AddrAny any("libtransport.so"); std::map result; any.get_global_func_addr_dynsym("^rpcSendRecv$", result); #endif for (const auto &f : result) { stub.set(f.second, ctgTestRspMultiSTableMeta); } } } void ctgTestSetRspByIdx() { static Stub stub; stub.set(rpcSendRecv, ctgTestRspByIdx); { #ifdef WINDOWS AddrAny any; std::map result; any.get_func_addr("rpcSendRecv", result); #endif #ifdef LINUX AddrAny any("libtransport.so"); std::map result; any.get_global_func_addr_dynsym("^rpcSendRecv$", result); #endif for (const auto &f : result) { stub.set(f.second, ctgTestRspByIdx); } } } void ctgTestSetRspDbVgroupsAndNormalMeta() { static Stub stub; stub.set(rpcSendRecv, ctgTestRspDbVgroupsAndNormalMeta); { #ifdef WINDOWS AddrAny any; std::map result; any.get_func_addr("rpcSendRecv", result); #endif #ifdef LINUX AddrAny any("libtransport.so"); std::map result; any.get_global_func_addr_dynsym("^rpcSendRecv$", result); #endif for (const auto &f : result) { stub.set(f.second, ctgTestRspDbVgroupsAndNormalMeta); } } } void ctgTestSetRspDbVgroupsAndChildMeta() { static Stub stub; stub.set(rpcSendRecv, ctgTestRspDbVgroupsAndChildMeta); { #ifdef WINDOWS AddrAny any; std::map result; any.get_func_addr("rpcSendRecv", result); #endif #ifdef LINUX AddrAny any("libtransport.so"); std::map result; any.get_global_func_addr_dynsym("^rpcSendRecv$", result); #endif for (const auto &f : result) { stub.set(f.second, ctgTestRspDbVgroupsAndChildMeta); } } } void ctgTestSetRspDbVgroupsAndSuperMeta() { static Stub stub; stub.set(rpcSendRecv, ctgTestRspDbVgroupsAndSuperMeta); { #ifdef WINDOWS AddrAny any; std::map result; any.get_func_addr("rpcSendRecv", result); #endif #ifdef LINUX AddrAny any("libtransport.so"); std::map result; any.get_global_func_addr_dynsym("^rpcSendRecv$", result); #endif for (const auto &f : result) { stub.set(f.second, ctgTestRspDbVgroupsAndSuperMeta); } } } void ctgTestSetRspDbVgroupsAndMultiSuperMeta() { static Stub stub; stub.set(rpcSendRecv, ctgTestRspDbVgroupsAndMultiSuperMeta); { #ifdef WINDOWS AddrAny any; std::map result; any.get_func_addr("rpcSendRecv", result); #endif #ifdef LINUX AddrAny any("libtransport.so"); std::map result; any.get_global_func_addr_dynsym("^rpcSendRecv$", result); #endif for (const auto &f : result) { stub.set(f.second, ctgTestRspDbVgroupsAndMultiSuperMeta); } } } } // namespace void *ctgTestGetDbVgroupThread(void *param) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = (struct SCatalog *)param; int32_t code = 0; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; SArray *vgList = NULL; int32_t n = 0; while (!ctgTestStop) { code = catalogGetDBVgList(pCtg, mockPointer, ctgTestDbname, &vgList); if (code) { printf("code:%x\n", code); assert(0); } if (vgList) { taosArrayDestroy(vgList); } if (ctgTestEnableSleep) { taosUsleep(taosRand() % 5); } if (++n % ctgTestPrintNum == 0) { printf("Get:%d\n", n); } } return NULL; } void *ctgTestSetSameDbVgroupThread(void *param) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = (struct SCatalog *)param; int32_t code = 0; SDBVgInfo *dbVgroup = NULL; int32_t n = 0; while (!ctgTestStop) { ctgTestBuildDBVgroup(&dbVgroup); code = catalogUpdateDBVgInfo(pCtg, ctgTestDbname, ctgTestDbId, dbVgroup); if (code) { assert(0); } if (ctgTestEnableSleep) { taosUsleep(taosRand() % 5); } if (++n % ctgTestPrintNum == 0) { printf("Set:%d\n", n); } } return NULL; } void *ctgTestSetDiffDbVgroupThread(void *param) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = (struct SCatalog *)param; int32_t code = 0; SDBVgInfo *dbVgroup = NULL; int32_t n = 0; while (!ctgTestStop) { ctgTestBuildDBVgroup(&dbVgroup); code = catalogUpdateDBVgInfo(pCtg, ctgTestDbname, ctgTestDbId++, dbVgroup); if (code) { assert(0); } if (ctgTestEnableSleep) { taosUsleep(taosRand() % 5); } if (++n % ctgTestPrintNum == 0) { printf("Set:%d\n", n); } } return NULL; } void *ctgTestGetCtableMetaThread(void *param) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = (struct SCatalog *)param; int32_t code = 0; int32_t n = 0; STableMeta *tbMeta = NULL; bool inCache = false; SName cn = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, 1, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(cn.dbname, "db1"); strcpy(cn.tname, ctgTestCTablename); SCtgTbMetaCtx ctx = {0}; ctx.pName = &cn; ctx.flag = CTG_FLAG_UNKNOWN_STB; while (!ctgTestStop) { code = ctgReadTbMetaFromCache(pCtg, &ctx, &tbMeta); if (code || NULL == tbMeta) { assert(0); } taosMemoryFreeClear(tbMeta); if (ctgTestEnableSleep) { taosUsleep(taosRand() % 5); } if (++n % ctgTestPrintNum == 0) { printf("Get:%d\n", n); } } return NULL; } void *ctgTestSetCtableMetaThread(void *param) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = (struct SCatalog *)param; int32_t code = 0; SDBVgInfo dbVgroup = {0}; int32_t n = 0; STableMetaOutput *output = NULL; SCtgCacheOperation operation = {0}; operation.opId = CTG_OP_UPDATE_TB_META; while (!ctgTestStop) { output = (STableMetaOutput *)taosMemoryMalloc(sizeof(STableMetaOutput)); ctgTestBuildCTableMetaOutput(output); SCtgUpdateTbMetaMsg *msg = (SCtgUpdateTbMetaMsg *)taosMemoryMalloc(sizeof(SCtgUpdateTbMetaMsg)); msg->pCtg = pCtg; msg->pMeta = output; operation.data = msg; code = ctgOpUpdateTbMeta(&operation); if (code) { assert(0); } if (ctgTestEnableSleep) { taosUsleep(taosRand() % 5); } if (++n % ctgTestPrintNum == 0) { printf("Set:%d\n", n); } } return NULL; } void ctgTestFetchRows(TAOS_RES *result, int32_t *rows) { TAOS_ROW row; int num_fields = taos_num_fields(result); TAOS_FIELD *fields = taos_fetch_fields(result); char temp[256]; // fetch the records row by row while ((row = taos_fetch_row(result))) { (*rows)++; memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp)); taos_print_row(temp, row, fields, num_fields); printf("\t[%s]\n", temp); } } void ctgTestExecQuery(TAOS *taos, char *sql, bool fetch, int32_t *rows) { TAOS_RES *result = taos_query(taos, sql); int code = taos_errno(result); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); if (fetch) { ctgTestFetchRows(result, rows); } taos_free_result(result); } TEST(tableMeta, normalTable) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SVgroupInfo vgInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; ctgTestInitLogFile(); ctgTestSetRspDbVgroups(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); // sendCreateDbMsg(pConn->pTransporter, &pConn->pAppInfo->mgmtEp.epSet); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); SName n = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, 1, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(n.dbname, "db1"); strcpy(n.tname, ctgTestTablename); code = catalogGetTableHashVgroup(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &vgInfo); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(vgInfo.vgId, 8); ASSERT_EQ(vgInfo.epSet.numOfEps, 3); while (true) { uint64_t n = 0; ctgdGetStatNum("runtime.numOfOpDequeue", (void *)&n); if (n != 1) { taosMsleep(50); } else { break; } } memset(&vgInfo, 0, sizeof(vgInfo)); bool exists = false; code = catalogGetCachedTableHashVgroup(pCtg, &n, &vgInfo, &exists); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(vgInfo.vgId, 8); ASSERT_EQ(vgInfo.epSet.numOfEps, 3); ASSERT_EQ(exists, true); ctgTestSetRspTableMeta(); STableMeta *tableMeta = NULL; code = catalogGetTableMeta(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &tableMeta); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->vgId, 8); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableType, TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->uid, ctgTestNormalTblUid - 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->sversion, ctgTestSVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tversion, ctgTestTVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns, ctgTestColNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfTags, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.precision, 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.rowSize, 12); taosMemoryFree(tableMeta); while (true) { uint32_t n = ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_META_NUM); if (0 == n) { taosMsleep(50); } else { break; } } tableMeta = NULL; code = catalogGetTableMeta(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &tableMeta); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->vgId, 8); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableType, TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->sversion, ctgTestSVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tversion, ctgTestTVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns, ctgTestColNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfTags, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.precision, 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.rowSize, 12); taosMemoryFree(tableMeta); tableMeta = NULL; catalogGetCachedTableMeta(pCtg, &n, &tableMeta); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->vgId, 8); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableType, TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->sversion, ctgTestSVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tversion, ctgTestTVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns, ctgTestColNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfTags, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.precision, 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.rowSize, 12); SDbVgVersion *dbs = NULL; SSTableVersion *stb = NULL; uint32_t dbNum = 0, stbNum = 0, allDbNum = 0, allStbNum = 0; int32_t i = 0; while (i < 5) { ++i; code = catalogGetExpiredDBs(pCtg, &dbs, &dbNum); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); code = catalogGetExpiredSTables(pCtg, &stb, &stbNum); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); if (dbNum) { printf("got expired db,dbId:%" PRId64 "\n", dbs->dbId); taosMemoryFree(dbs); dbs = NULL; } else { printf("no expired db\n"); } if (stbNum) { printf("got expired stb,suid:%" PRId64 ",dbFName:%s, stbName:%s\n", stb->suid, stb->dbFName, stb->stbName); taosMemoryFree(stb); stb = NULL; } else { printf("no expired stb\n"); } allDbNum += dbNum; allStbNum += stbNum; taosSsleep(2); } ASSERT_EQ(allDbNum, 1); ASSERT_EQ(allStbNum, 0); catalogDestroy(); } TEST(tableMeta, childTableCase) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; SVgroupInfo vgInfo = {0}; ctgTestInitLogFile(); ctgTestSetRspDbVgroupsAndChildMeta(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); // sendCreateDbMsg(pConn->pTransporter, &pConn->pAppInfo->mgmtEp.epSet); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); SName n = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, 1, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(n.dbname, "db1"); strcpy(n.tname, ctgTestCTablename); STableMeta *tableMeta = NULL; code = catalogGetTableMeta(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &tableMeta); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->vgId, 9); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableType, TSDB_CHILD_TABLE); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->sversion, ctgTestSVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tversion, ctgTestTVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns, ctgTestColNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfTags, ctgTestTagNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.precision, 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.rowSize, 12); taosMemoryFree(tableMeta); while (true) { uint32_t n = ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_META_NUM); if (0 == n) { taosMsleep(50); } else { break; } } tableMeta = NULL; code = catalogGetTableMeta(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &tableMeta); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->vgId, 9); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableType, TSDB_CHILD_TABLE); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->sversion, ctgTestSVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tversion, ctgTestTVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns, ctgTestColNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfTags, ctgTestTagNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.precision, 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.rowSize, 12); taosMemoryFreeClear(tableMeta); strcpy(n.tname, ctgTestSTablename); code = catalogGetTableMeta(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &tableMeta); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->vgId, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableType, TSDB_SUPER_TABLE); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->sversion, ctgTestSVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tversion, ctgTestTVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns, ctgTestColNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfTags, ctgTestTagNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.precision, 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.rowSize, 12); taosMemoryFree(tableMeta); SDbVgVersion *dbs = NULL; SSTableVersion *stb = NULL; uint32_t dbNum = 0, stbNum = 0, allDbNum = 0, allStbNum = 0; int32_t i = 0; while (i < 5) { ++i; code = catalogGetExpiredDBs(pCtg, &dbs, &dbNum); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); code = catalogGetExpiredSTables(pCtg, &stb, &stbNum); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); if (dbNum) { printf("got expired db,dbId:%" PRId64 "\n", dbs->dbId); taosMemoryFree(dbs); dbs = NULL; } else { printf("no expired db\n"); } if (stbNum) { printf("got expired stb,suid:%" PRId64 ",dbFName:%s, stbName:%s\n", stb->suid, stb->dbFName, stb->stbName); taosMemoryFree(stb); stb = NULL; } else { printf("no expired stb\n"); } allDbNum += dbNum; allStbNum += stbNum; taosSsleep(2); } ASSERT_EQ(allDbNum, 1); ASSERT_EQ(allStbNum, 1); catalogDestroy(); } TEST(tableMeta, superTableCase) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; SVgroupInfo vgInfo = {0}; ctgTestSetRspDbVgroupsAndSuperMeta(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); // sendCreateDbMsg(pConn->pTransporter, &pConn->pAppInfo->mgmtEp.epSet); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); SName n = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, 1, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(n.dbname, "db1"); strcpy(n.tname, ctgTestSTablename); STableMeta *tableMeta = NULL; code = catalogGetTableMeta(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &tableMeta); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->vgId, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableType, TSDB_SUPER_TABLE); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->sversion, ctgTestSVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tversion, ctgTestTVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->uid, ctgTestSuid); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->suid, ctgTestSuid); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns, ctgTestColNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfTags, ctgTestTagNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.precision, 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.rowSize, 12); taosMemoryFree(tableMeta); while (true) { uint32_t n = ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_META_NUM); if (0 == n) { taosMsleep(50); } else { break; } } tableMeta = NULL; code = catalogGetCachedSTableMeta(pCtg, &n, &tableMeta); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->vgId, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableType, TSDB_SUPER_TABLE); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->sversion, ctgTestSVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tversion, ctgTestTVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->uid, ctgTestSuid); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->suid, ctgTestSuid); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns, ctgTestColNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfTags, ctgTestTagNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.precision, 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.rowSize, 12); taosMemoryFree(tableMeta); ctgTestSetRspCTableMeta(); tableMeta = NULL; strcpy(n.dbname, "db1"); strcpy(n.tname, ctgTestCTablename); code = catalogGetTableMeta(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &tableMeta); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->vgId, 9); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableType, TSDB_CHILD_TABLE); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->sversion, ctgTestSVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tversion, ctgTestTVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns, ctgTestColNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfTags, ctgTestTagNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.precision, 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.rowSize, 12); taosMemoryFree(tableMeta); while (true) { uint32_t n = ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_META_NUM); if (2 != n) { taosMsleep(50); } else { break; } } tableMeta = NULL; code = catalogRefreshGetTableMeta(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &tableMeta, 0); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->vgId, 9); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableType, TSDB_CHILD_TABLE); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->sversion, ctgTestSVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tversion, ctgTestTVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns, ctgTestColNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfTags, ctgTestTagNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.precision, 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.rowSize, 12); taosMemoryFree(tableMeta); SDbVgVersion *dbs = NULL; SSTableVersion *stb = NULL; uint32_t dbNum = 0, stbNum = 0, allDbNum = 0, allStbNum = 0; int32_t i = 0; while (i < 5) { ++i; code = catalogGetExpiredDBs(pCtg, &dbs, &dbNum); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); code = catalogGetExpiredSTables(pCtg, &stb, &stbNum); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); if (dbNum) { printf("got expired db,dbId:%" PRId64 "\n", dbs->dbId); taosMemoryFree(dbs); dbs = NULL; } else { printf("no expired db\n"); } if (stbNum) { printf("got expired stb,suid:%" PRId64 ",dbFName:%s, stbName:%s\n", stb->suid, stb->dbFName, stb->stbName); taosMemoryFree(stb); stb = NULL; } else { printf("no expired stb\n"); } allDbNum += dbNum; allStbNum += stbNum; taosSsleep(2); } ASSERT_EQ(allDbNum, 1); ASSERT_EQ(allStbNum, 1); catalogDestroy(); } TEST(tableMeta, rmStbMeta) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; SVgroupInfo vgInfo = {0}; ctgTestInitLogFile(); ctgTestSetRspDbVgroupsAndSuperMeta(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); // sendCreateDbMsg(pConn->pTransporter, &pConn->pAppInfo->mgmtEp.epSet); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); SName n = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, 1, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(n.dbname, "db1"); strcpy(n.tname, ctgTestSTablename); STableMeta *tableMeta = NULL; code = catalogGetTableMeta(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &tableMeta); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->vgId, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableType, TSDB_SUPER_TABLE); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->sversion, ctgTestSVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tversion, ctgTestTVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->uid, ctgTestSuid); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->suid, ctgTestSuid); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns, ctgTestColNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfTags, ctgTestTagNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.precision, 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.rowSize, 12); taosMemoryFree(tableMeta); while (true) { uint32_t n = ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_META_NUM); if (0 == n) { taosMsleep(50); } else { break; } } code = catalogRemoveStbMeta(pCtg, "1.db1", ctgTestDbId, ctgTestSTablename, ctgTestSuid); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); while (true) { int32_t n = ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_META_NUM); int32_t m = ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_STB_RENT_NUM); if (n || m) { taosMsleep(50); } else { break; } } ASSERT_EQ(ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_DB_NUM), 1); ASSERT_EQ(ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_META_NUM), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_STB_NUM), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_DB_RENT_NUM), 1); ASSERT_EQ(ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_STB_RENT_NUM), 0); catalogDestroy(); } TEST(tableMeta, updateStbMeta) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; SVgroupInfo vgInfo = {0}; ctgTestInitLogFile(); ctgTestSetRspDbVgroupsAndSuperMeta(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); // sendCreateDbMsg(pConn->pTransporter, &pConn->pAppInfo->mgmtEp.epSet); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); SName n = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, 1, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(n.dbname, "db1"); strcpy(n.tname, ctgTestSTablename); STableMeta *tableMeta = NULL; code = catalogGetTableMeta(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &tableMeta); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->vgId, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableType, TSDB_SUPER_TABLE); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->sversion, ctgTestSVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tversion, ctgTestTVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->uid, ctgTestSuid); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->suid, ctgTestSuid); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns, ctgTestColNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfTags, ctgTestTagNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.precision, 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.rowSize, 12); while (true) { uint32_t n = ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_META_NUM); if (0 == n) { taosMsleep(50); } else { break; } } taosMemoryFreeClear(tableMeta); STableMetaRsp rsp = {0}; ctgTestBuildSTableMetaRsp(&rsp); code = catalogUpdateTableMeta(pCtg, &rsp); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); taosMemoryFreeClear(rsp.pSchemas); while (true) { uint64_t n = 0; ctgdGetStatNum("runtime.numOfOpDequeue", (void *)&n); if (n != 3) { taosMsleep(50); } else { break; } } ASSERT_EQ(ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_DB_NUM), 1); ASSERT_EQ(ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_META_NUM), 1); ASSERT_EQ(ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_STB_NUM), 1); ASSERT_EQ(ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_DB_RENT_NUM), 1); ASSERT_EQ(ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_STB_RENT_NUM), 1); code = catalogGetTableMeta(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &tableMeta); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->vgId, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableType, TSDB_SUPER_TABLE); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->sversion, ctgTestSVersion + 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tversion, ctgTestTVersion + 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->uid, ctgTestSuid); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->suid, ctgTestSuid); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns, ctgTestColNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfTags, ctgTestTagNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.precision, 1 + 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.rowSize, 12); taosMemoryFreeClear(tableMeta); catalogDestroy(); } TEST(getIndexInfo, notExists) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; SVgroupInfo vgInfo = {0}; SArray *vgList = NULL; ctgTestInitLogFile(); memset(ctgTestRspFunc, 0, sizeof(ctgTestRspFunc)); ctgTestRspIdx = 0; ctgTestRspFunc[0] = CTGT_RSP_INDEXINFO_E; ctgTestSetRspByIdx(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); SIndexInfo info; code = catalogGetIndexMeta(pCtg, mockPointer, "index1", &info); ASSERT_TRUE(code != 0); catalogDestroy(); } TEST(refreshGetMeta, normal2normal) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; SVgroupInfo vgInfo = {0}; SArray *vgList = NULL; ctgTestInitLogFile(); memset(ctgTestRspFunc, 0, sizeof(ctgTestRspFunc)); ctgTestRspIdx = 0; ctgTestRspFunc[0] = CTGT_RSP_VGINFO; ctgTestRspFunc[1] = CTGT_RSP_TBMETA; ctgTestRspFunc[2] = CTGT_RSP_TBMETA; ctgTestSetRspByIdx(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); // sendCreateDbMsg(pConn->pTransporter, &pConn->pAppInfo->mgmtEp.epSet); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); SName n = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, 1, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(n.dbname, "db1"); strcpy(n.tname, ctgTestTablename); code = catalogGetTableHashVgroup(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &vgInfo); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(vgInfo.vgId, 8); ASSERT_EQ(vgInfo.epSet.numOfEps, 3); while (true) { uint64_t n = 0; ctgdGetStatNum("runtime.numOfOpDequeue", (void *)&n); if (n > 0) { break; } taosMsleep(50); } STableMeta *tableMeta = NULL; code = catalogGetTableMeta(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &tableMeta); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->vgId, 8); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableType, TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->uid, ctgTestNormalTblUid - 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->sversion, ctgTestSVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tversion, ctgTestTVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns, ctgTestColNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfTags, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.precision, 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.rowSize, 12); taosMemoryFreeClear(tableMeta); while (0 == ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_META_NUM)) { taosMsleep(50); } code = catalogRefreshGetTableMeta(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &tableMeta, 0); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->vgId, 8); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableType, TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->uid, ctgTestNormalTblUid - 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->sversion, ctgTestSVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tversion, ctgTestTVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns, ctgTestColNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfTags, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.precision, 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.rowSize, 12); taosMemoryFreeClear(tableMeta); catalogDestroy(); } TEST(refreshGetMeta, normal2notexist) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; SVgroupInfo vgInfo = {0}; SArray *vgList = NULL; ctgTestInitLogFile(); memset(ctgTestRspFunc, 0, sizeof(ctgTestRspFunc)); ctgTestRspIdx = 0; ctgTestRspFunc[0] = CTGT_RSP_VGINFO; ctgTestRspFunc[1] = CTGT_RSP_TBMETA; ctgTestRspFunc[2] = CTGT_RSP_TBMETA_NOT_EXIST; ctgTestSetRspByIdx(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); // sendCreateDbMsg(pConn->pTransporter, &pConn->pAppInfo->mgmtEp.epSet); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); SName n = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, 1, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(n.dbname, "db1"); strcpy(n.tname, ctgTestTablename); code = catalogGetTableHashVgroup(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &vgInfo); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(vgInfo.vgId, 8); ASSERT_EQ(vgInfo.epSet.numOfEps, 3); while (true) { uint64_t n = 0; ctgdGetStatNum("runtime.numOfOpDequeue", (void *)&n); if (n > 0) { break; } taosMsleep(50); } STableMeta *tableMeta = NULL; code = catalogGetTableMeta(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &tableMeta); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->vgId, 8); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableType, TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->uid, ctgTestNormalTblUid - 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->sversion, ctgTestSVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tversion, ctgTestTVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns, ctgTestColNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfTags, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.precision, 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.rowSize, 12); taosMemoryFreeClear(tableMeta); while (0 == ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_META_NUM)) { taosMsleep(50); } code = catalogRefreshGetTableMeta(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &tableMeta, 0); ASSERT_EQ(code, CTG_ERR_CODE_TABLE_NOT_EXIST); ASSERT_TRUE(tableMeta == NULL); catalogDestroy(); } TEST(refreshGetMeta, normal2child) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; SVgroupInfo vgInfo = {0}; SArray *vgList = NULL; ctgTestInitLogFile(); memset(ctgTestRspFunc, 0, sizeof(ctgTestRspFunc)); ctgTestRspIdx = 0; ctgTestRspFunc[0] = CTGT_RSP_VGINFO; ctgTestRspFunc[1] = CTGT_RSP_TBMETA; ctgTestRspFunc[2] = CTGT_RSP_CTBMETA; ctgTestRspFunc[3] = CTGT_RSP_STBMETA; ctgTestSetRspByIdx(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); // sendCreateDbMsg(pConn->pTransporter, &pConn->pAppInfo->mgmtEp.epSet); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); SName n = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, 1, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(n.dbname, "db1"); strcpy(n.tname, ctgTestTablename); ctgTestCurrentCTableName = ctgTestTablename; ctgTestCurrentSTableName = ctgTestSTablename; code = catalogGetTableHashVgroup(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &vgInfo); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(vgInfo.vgId, 8); ASSERT_EQ(vgInfo.epSet.numOfEps, 3); while (true) { uint64_t n = 0; ctgdGetStatNum("runtime.numOfOpDequeue", (void *)&n); if (n > 0) { break; } taosMsleep(50); } STableMeta *tableMeta = NULL; code = catalogGetTableMeta(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &tableMeta); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->vgId, 8); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableType, TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->uid, ctgTestNormalTblUid - 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->sversion, ctgTestSVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tversion, ctgTestTVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns, ctgTestColNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfTags, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.precision, 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.rowSize, 12); taosMemoryFreeClear(tableMeta); while (0 == ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_META_NUM)) { taosMsleep(50); } code = catalogRefreshGetTableMeta(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &tableMeta, 0); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->vgId, 9); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableType, TSDB_CHILD_TABLE); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->sversion, ctgTestSVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tversion, ctgTestTVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns, ctgTestColNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfTags, ctgTestTagNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.precision, 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.rowSize, 12); taosMemoryFreeClear(tableMeta); catalogDestroy(); ctgTestCurrentCTableName = NULL; ctgTestCurrentSTableName = NULL; } TEST(refreshGetMeta, stable2child) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; SVgroupInfo vgInfo = {0}; SArray *vgList = NULL; ctgTestInitLogFile(); memset(ctgTestRspFunc, 0, sizeof(ctgTestRspFunc)); ctgTestRspIdx = 0; ctgTestRspFunc[0] = CTGT_RSP_VGINFO; ctgTestRspFunc[1] = CTGT_RSP_STBMETA; ctgTestRspFunc[2] = CTGT_RSP_STBMETA; ctgTestRspFunc[3] = CTGT_RSP_CTBMETA; ctgTestRspFunc[4] = CTGT_RSP_STBMETA; ctgTestSetRspByIdx(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); // sendCreateDbMsg(pConn->pTransporter, &pConn->pAppInfo->mgmtEp.epSet); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); SName n = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, 1, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(n.dbname, "db1"); strcpy(n.tname, ctgTestTablename); ctgTestCurrentSTableName = ctgTestTablename; ctgTestCurrentCTableName = ctgTestTablename; code = catalogGetTableHashVgroup(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &vgInfo); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(vgInfo.vgId, 8); ASSERT_EQ(vgInfo.epSet.numOfEps, 3); while (true) { uint64_t n = 0; ctgdGetStatNum("runtime.numOfOpDequeue", (void *)&n); if (n > 0) { break; } taosMsleep(50); } STableMeta *tableMeta = NULL; code = catalogGetTableMeta(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &tableMeta); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->vgId, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableType, TSDB_SUPER_TABLE); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->sversion, ctgTestSVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tversion, ctgTestTVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->uid, ctgTestSuid); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->suid, ctgTestSuid); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns, ctgTestColNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfTags, ctgTestTagNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.precision, 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.rowSize, 12); taosMemoryFreeClear(tableMeta); while (0 == ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_META_NUM)) { taosMsleep(50); } ctgTestCurrentSTableName = ctgTestSTablename; code = catalogRefreshGetTableMeta(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &tableMeta, 0); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->vgId, 9); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableType, TSDB_CHILD_TABLE); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->sversion, ctgTestSVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tversion, ctgTestTVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns, ctgTestColNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfTags, ctgTestTagNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.precision, 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.rowSize, 12); taosMemoryFreeClear(tableMeta); catalogDestroy(); ctgTestCurrentCTableName = NULL; ctgTestCurrentSTableName = NULL; } TEST(refreshGetMeta, stable2stable) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; SVgroupInfo vgInfo = {0}; SArray *vgList = NULL; ctgTestInitLogFile(); memset(ctgTestRspFunc, 0, sizeof(ctgTestRspFunc)); ctgTestRspIdx = 0; ctgTestRspFunc[0] = CTGT_RSP_VGINFO; ctgTestRspFunc[1] = CTGT_RSP_STBMETA; ctgTestRspFunc[2] = CTGT_RSP_STBMETA; ctgTestRspFunc[3] = CTGT_RSP_STBMETA; ctgTestRspFunc[4] = CTGT_RSP_STBMETA; ctgTestSetRspByIdx(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); // sendCreateDbMsg(pConn->pTransporter, &pConn->pAppInfo->mgmtEp.epSet); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); SName n = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, 1, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(n.dbname, "db1"); strcpy(n.tname, ctgTestTablename); ctgTestCurrentSTableName = ctgTestTablename; code = catalogGetTableHashVgroup(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &vgInfo); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(vgInfo.vgId, 8); ASSERT_EQ(vgInfo.epSet.numOfEps, 3); while (true) { uint64_t n = 0; ctgdGetStatNum("runtime.numOfOpDequeue", (void *)&n); if (n > 0) { break; } taosMsleep(50); } STableMeta *tableMeta = NULL; code = catalogGetTableMeta(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &tableMeta); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->vgId, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableType, TSDB_SUPER_TABLE); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->sversion, ctgTestSVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tversion, ctgTestTVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->uid, ctgTestSuid); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->suid, ctgTestSuid); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns, ctgTestColNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfTags, ctgTestTagNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.precision, 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.rowSize, 12); taosMemoryFreeClear(tableMeta); while (0 == ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_META_NUM)) { taosMsleep(50); } code = catalogRefreshGetTableMeta(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &tableMeta, 0); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->vgId, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableType, TSDB_SUPER_TABLE); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->sversion, ctgTestSVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tversion, ctgTestTVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->uid, ctgTestSuid); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->suid, ctgTestSuid); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns, ctgTestColNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfTags, ctgTestTagNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.precision, 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.rowSize, 12); taosMemoryFreeClear(tableMeta); catalogDestroy(); ctgTestCurrentCTableName = NULL; ctgTestCurrentSTableName = NULL; } TEST(refreshGetMeta, child2stable) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; SVgroupInfo vgInfo = {0}; SArray *vgList = NULL; ctgTestInitLogFile(); memset(ctgTestRspFunc, 0, sizeof(ctgTestRspFunc)); ctgTestRspIdx = 0; ctgTestRspFunc[0] = CTGT_RSP_VGINFO; ctgTestRspFunc[1] = CTGT_RSP_CTBMETA; ctgTestRspFunc[2] = CTGT_RSP_STBMETA; ctgTestRspFunc[3] = CTGT_RSP_STBMETA; ctgTestRspFunc[4] = CTGT_RSP_STBMETA; ctgTestSetRspByIdx(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); // sendCreateDbMsg(pConn->pTransporter, &pConn->pAppInfo->mgmtEp.epSet); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); SName n = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, 1, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(n.dbname, "db1"); strcpy(n.tname, ctgTestTablename); ctgTestCurrentCTableName = ctgTestTablename; ctgTestCurrentSTableName = ctgTestSTablename; code = catalogGetTableHashVgroup(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &vgInfo); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(vgInfo.vgId, 8); ASSERT_EQ(vgInfo.epSet.numOfEps, 3); while (true) { uint64_t n = 0; ctgdGetStatNum("runtime.numOfOpDequeue", (void *)&n); if (n > 0) { break; } taosMsleep(50); } STableMeta *tableMeta = NULL; code = catalogGetTableMeta(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &tableMeta); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->vgId, 9); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableType, TSDB_CHILD_TABLE); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->sversion, ctgTestSVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tversion, ctgTestTVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns, ctgTestColNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfTags, ctgTestTagNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.precision, 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.rowSize, 12); taosMemoryFreeClear(tableMeta); while (2 != ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_META_NUM)) { taosMsleep(50); } ctgTestCurrentSTableName = ctgTestTablename; code = catalogRefreshGetTableMeta(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &tableMeta, 0); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->vgId, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableType, TSDB_SUPER_TABLE); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->sversion, ctgTestSVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tversion, ctgTestTVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->uid, ctgTestSuid); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->suid, ctgTestSuid); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns, ctgTestColNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfTags, ctgTestTagNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.precision, 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.rowSize, 12); taosMemoryFreeClear(tableMeta); catalogDestroy(); ctgTestCurrentCTableName = NULL; ctgTestCurrentSTableName = NULL; } TEST(tableDistVgroup, normalTable) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; SVgroupInfo *vgInfo = NULL; SArray *vgList = NULL; ctgTestInitLogFile(); memset(ctgTestRspFunc, 0, sizeof(ctgTestRspFunc)); ctgTestRspIdx = 0; ctgTestRspFunc[0] = CTGT_RSP_VGINFO; ctgTestRspFunc[1] = CTGT_RSP_TBMETA; ctgTestRspFunc[2] = CTGT_RSP_VGINFO; ctgTestSetRspByIdx(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); // sendCreateDbMsg(pConn->pTransporter, &pConn->pAppInfo->mgmtEp.epSet); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); SName n = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, 1, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(n.dbname, "db1"); strcpy(n.tname, ctgTestTablename); code = catalogGetTableDistVgInfo(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &vgList); ASSERT_TRUE(code != 0); catalogDestroy(); } TEST(tableDistVgroup, childTableCase) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; SVgroupInfo *vgInfo = NULL; SArray *vgList = NULL; ctgTestInitLogFile(); memset(ctgTestRspFunc, 0, sizeof(ctgTestRspFunc)); ctgTestRspIdx = 0; ctgTestRspFunc[0] = CTGT_RSP_VGINFO; ctgTestRspFunc[1] = CTGT_RSP_CTBMETA; ctgTestRspFunc[2] = CTGT_RSP_STBMETA; ctgTestRspFunc[3] = CTGT_RSP_VGINFO; ctgTestSetRspByIdx(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); // sendCreateDbMsg(pConn->pTransporter, &pConn->pAppInfo->mgmtEp.epSet); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); SName n = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, 1, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(n.dbname, "db1"); strcpy(n.tname, ctgTestCTablename); code = catalogGetTableDistVgInfo(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &vgList); ASSERT_TRUE(code != 0); catalogDestroy(); } TEST(tableDistVgroup, superTableCase) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; SVgroupInfo *vgInfo = NULL; SArray *vgList = NULL; ctgTestInitLogFile(); memset(ctgTestRspFunc, 0, sizeof(ctgTestRspFunc)); ctgTestRspIdx = 0; ctgTestRspFunc[0] = CTGT_RSP_VGINFO; ctgTestRspFunc[1] = CTGT_RSP_STBMETA; ctgTestRspFunc[2] = CTGT_RSP_STBMETA; ctgTestRspFunc[3] = CTGT_RSP_VGINFO; ctgTestSetRspByIdx(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); // sendCreateDbMsg(pConn->pTransporter, &pConn->pAppInfo->mgmtEp.epSet); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); SName n = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, 1, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(n.dbname, "db1"); strcpy(n.tname, ctgTestSTablename); code = catalogGetTableDistVgInfo(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &vgList); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize((const SArray *)vgList), 10); vgInfo = (SVgroupInfo *)taosArrayGet(vgList, 0); ASSERT_EQ(vgInfo->vgId, 1); ASSERT_EQ(vgInfo->epSet.numOfEps, 1); vgInfo = (SVgroupInfo *)taosArrayGet(vgList, 1); ASSERT_EQ(vgInfo->vgId, 2); ASSERT_EQ(vgInfo->epSet.numOfEps, 2); vgInfo = (SVgroupInfo *)taosArrayGet(vgList, 2); ASSERT_EQ(vgInfo->vgId, 3); ASSERT_EQ(vgInfo->epSet.numOfEps, 3); taosArrayDestroy(vgList); catalogDestroy(); } TEST(dbVgroup, getSetDbVgroupCase) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; SVgroupInfo vgInfo = {0}; SVgroupInfo *pvgInfo = NULL; SDBVgInfo *dbVgroup = NULL; SArray *vgList = NULL; ctgTestInitLogFile(); memset(ctgTestRspFunc, 0, sizeof(ctgTestRspFunc)); ctgTestRspIdx = 0; ctgTestRspFunc[0] = CTGT_RSP_VGINFO; ctgTestRspFunc[1] = CTGT_RSP_TBMETA; ctgTestSetRspByIdx(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); // sendCreateDbMsg(pConn->pTransporter, &pConn->pAppInfo->mgmtEp.epSet); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); SName n = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, 1, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(n.dbname, "db1"); strcpy(n.tname, ctgTestTablename); code = catalogGetDBVgList(pCtg, mockPointer, ctgTestDbname, &vgList); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize((const SArray *)vgList), ctgTestVgNum); taosArrayDestroy(vgList); while (true) { uint64_t n = 0; ctgdGetStatNum("runtime.numOfOpDequeue", (void *)&n); if (n > 0) { break; } taosMsleep(50); } code = catalogGetTableHashVgroup(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &vgInfo); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(vgInfo.vgId, 8); ASSERT_EQ(vgInfo.epSet.numOfEps, 3); code = catalogGetTableDistVgInfo(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &vgList); ASSERT_TRUE(code != 0); int32_t dbVer = 0; int64_t dbId = 0; int32_t tbNum = 0; int64_t stateTs = 0; code = catalogGetDBVgVersion(pCtg, ctgTestDbname, &dbVer, &dbId, &tbNum, &stateTs); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(dbVer, ctgTestVgVersion); ASSERT_EQ(dbId, ctgTestDbId); ASSERT_EQ(tbNum, ctgTestVgNum / 2); ctgTestBuildDBVgroup(&dbVgroup); code = catalogUpdateDBVgInfo(pCtg, ctgTestDbname, ctgTestDbId, dbVgroup); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); while (true) { uint64_t n = 0; ctgdGetStatNum("runtime.numOfOpDequeue", (void *)&n); if (n != 3) { taosMsleep(50); } else { break; } } code = catalogGetTableHashVgroup(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &vgInfo); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(vgInfo.vgId, 7); ASSERT_EQ(vgInfo.epSet.numOfEps, 2); code = catalogGetTableDistVgInfo(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &vgList); ASSERT_TRUE(code != 0); catalogDestroy(); } TEST(multiThread, getSetRmSameDbVgroup) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; SVgroupInfo vgInfo = {0}; SVgroupInfo *pvgInfo = NULL; SDBVgInfo dbVgroup = {0}; SArray *vgList = NULL; ctgTestStop = false; ctgTestInitLogFile(); ctgTestSetRspDbVgroups(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); // sendCreateDbMsg(pConn->pTransporter, &pConn->pAppInfo->mgmtEp.epSet); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); SName n = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, 1, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(n.dbname, "db1"); strcpy(n.tname, ctgTestTablename); TdThreadAttr thattr; taosThreadAttrInit(&thattr); TdThread thread1, thread2; taosThreadCreate(&(thread1), &thattr, ctgTestSetSameDbVgroupThread, pCtg); taosSsleep(1); taosThreadCreate(&(thread2), &thattr, ctgTestGetDbVgroupThread, pCtg); while (true) { if (ctgTestDeadLoop) { taosSsleep(1); } else { taosSsleep(ctgTestMTRunSec); break; } } ctgTestStop = true; taosSsleep(1); catalogDestroy(); } TEST(multiThread, getSetRmDiffDbVgroup) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; SVgroupInfo vgInfo = {0}; SVgroupInfo *pvgInfo = NULL; SDBVgInfo dbVgroup = {0}; SArray *vgList = NULL; ctgTestStop = false; ctgTestInitLogFile(); ctgTestSetRspDbVgroups(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); // sendCreateDbMsg(pConn->pTransporter, &pConn->pAppInfo->mgmtEp.epSet); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); SName n = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, 1, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(n.dbname, "db1"); strcpy(n.tname, ctgTestTablename); TdThreadAttr thattr; taosThreadAttrInit(&thattr); TdThread thread1, thread2; taosThreadCreate(&(thread1), &thattr, ctgTestSetDiffDbVgroupThread, pCtg); taosSsleep(1); taosThreadCreate(&(thread2), &thattr, ctgTestGetDbVgroupThread, pCtg); while (true) { if (ctgTestDeadLoop) { taosSsleep(1); } else { taosSsleep(ctgTestMTRunSec); break; } } ctgTestStop = true; taosSsleep(1); catalogDestroy(); } TEST(multiThread, ctableMeta) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; SVgroupInfo vgInfo = {0}; SVgroupInfo *pvgInfo = NULL; SDBVgInfo dbVgroup = {0}; SArray *vgList = NULL; ctgTestStop = false; ctgTestInitLogFile(); ctgTestSetRspDbVgroupsAndChildMeta(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); // sendCreateDbMsg(pConn->pTransporter, &pConn->pAppInfo->mgmtEp.epSet); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); SName n = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, 1, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(n.dbname, "db1"); strcpy(n.tname, ctgTestTablename); TdThreadAttr thattr; taosThreadAttrInit(&thattr); TdThread thread1, thread2; taosThreadCreate(&(thread1), &thattr, ctgTestSetCtableMetaThread, pCtg); taosSsleep(1); taosThreadCreate(&(thread1), &thattr, ctgTestGetCtableMetaThread, pCtg); while (true) { if (ctgTestDeadLoop) { taosSsleep(1); } else { taosSsleep(ctgTestMTRunSec); break; } } ctgTestStop = true; taosSsleep(2); catalogDestroy(); } TEST(rentTest, allRent) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; SVgroupInfo vgInfo = {0}; SVgroupInfo *pvgInfo = NULL; SDBVgInfo dbVgroup = {0}; SArray *vgList = NULL; ctgTestStop = false; SDbVgVersion *dbs = NULL; SSTableVersion *stable = NULL; uint32_t num = 0; ctgTestInitLogFile(); ctgTestSetRspDbVgroupsAndMultiSuperMeta(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); SName n = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, 1, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(n.dbname, "db1"); for (int32_t i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) { sprintf(n.tname, "%s_%d", ctgTestSTablename, i); STableMeta *tableMeta = NULL; code = catalogGetSTableMeta(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &tableMeta); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->vgId, 0); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableType, TSDB_SUPER_TABLE); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->sversion, ctgTestSVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tversion, ctgTestTVersion); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->uid, ctgTestSuid + i); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->suid, ctgTestSuid + i); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns, ctgTestColNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.numOfTags, ctgTestTagNum); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.precision, 1); ASSERT_EQ(tableMeta->tableInfo.rowSize, 12); taosMemoryFree(tableMeta); while (ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_META_NUM) < i) { taosMsleep(50); } code = catalogGetExpiredDBs(pCtg, &dbs, &num); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); printf("%d - expired dbNum:%d\n", i, num); if (dbs) { printf("%d - expired dbId:%" PRId64 ", vgVersion:%d\n", i, dbs->dbId, dbs->vgVersion); taosMemoryFree(dbs); dbs = NULL; } code = catalogGetExpiredSTables(pCtg, &stable, &num); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); printf("%d - expired stableNum:%d\n", i, num); if (stable) { for (int32_t n = 0; n < num; ++n) { printf("suid:%" PRId64 ", dbFName:%s, stbName:%s, sversion:%d, tversion:%d\n", stable[n].suid, stable[n].dbFName, stable[n].stbName, stable[n].sversion, stable[n].tversion); } taosMemoryFree(stable); stable = NULL; } printf("*************************************************\n"); taosSsleep(2); } catalogDestroy(); } TEST(apiTest, catalogRefreshDBVgInfo_test) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; ctgTestInitLogFile(); memset(ctgTestRspFunc, 0, sizeof(ctgTestRspFunc)); ctgTestRspIdx = 0; ctgTestRspFunc[0] = CTGT_RSP_VGINFO; ctgTestSetRspByIdx(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); code = catalogRefreshDBVgInfo(pCtg, mockPointer, ctgTestDbname); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); catalogDestroy(); } TEST(apiTest, catalogChkAuth_test) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; ctgTestInitLogFile(); memset(ctgTestRspFunc, 0, sizeof(ctgTestRspFunc)); ctgTestRspIdx = 0; ctgTestRspFunc[0] = CTGT_RSP_USERAUTH; ctgTestSetRspByIdx(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); SUserAuthInfo authInfo = {0}; SUserAuthRes authRes = {0}; strcpy(authInfo.user, ctgTestUsername); toName(1, ctgTestDbname, ctgTestSTablename, &authInfo.tbName); authInfo.type = AUTH_TYPE_READ; bool exists = false; code = catalogChkAuthFromCache(pCtg, &authInfo, &authRes, &exists); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(exists, false); code = catalogChkAuth(pCtg, mockPointer, &authInfo, &authRes); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(authRes.pass, true); while (true) { uint64_t n = 0; ctgdGetStatNum("runtime.numOfOpDequeue", (void *)&n); if (n != 1) { taosMsleep(50); } else { break; } } code = catalogChkAuthFromCache(pCtg, &authInfo, &authRes, &exists); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(authRes.pass, true); ASSERT_EQ(exists, true); catalogDestroy(); } TEST(apiTest, catalogRefreshGetTableCfg_test) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; ctgTestInitLogFile(); memset(ctgTestRspFunc, 0, sizeof(ctgTestRspFunc)); ctgTestRspIdx = 0; ctgTestRspFunc[0] = CTGT_RSP_VGINFO; ctgTestRspFunc[1] = CTGT_RSP_TBMETA; ctgTestSetRspByIdx(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); SName n = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, 1, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(n.dbname, "db1"); strcpy(n.tname, ctgTestTablename); STableCfg *pCfg = NULL; code = catalogRefreshGetTableCfg(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &pCfg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != pCfg); ASSERT_EQ(pCfg->numOfColumns, ctgTestColNum); tFreeSTableCfgRsp((STableCfgRsp *)pCfg); taosMemoryFree(pCfg); catalogDestroy(); } TEST(apiTest, catalogGetTableIndex_test) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; ctgTestInitLogFile(); memset(ctgTestRspFunc, 0, sizeof(ctgTestRspFunc)); ctgTestRspIdx = 0; ctgTestRspFunc[0] = CTGT_RSP_TBLINDEX; ctgTestSetRspByIdx(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); SName n = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, 1, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(n.dbname, "db1"); strcpy(n.tname, ctgTestTablename); SArray *pRes = NULL; code = catalogGetTableIndex(pCtg, mockPointer, &n, &pRes); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != pRes); ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pRes), ctgTestIndexNum); taosArrayDestroyEx(pRes, tFreeSTableIndexInfo); catalogDestroy(); } TEST(apiTest, catalogGetDBCfg_test) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; ctgTestInitLogFile(); memset(ctgTestRspFunc, 0, sizeof(ctgTestRspFunc)); ctgTestRspIdx = 0; ctgTestRspFunc[0] = CTGT_RSP_DBCFG; ctgTestSetRspByIdx(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); SName n = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, 1, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(n.dbname, "db1"); strcpy(n.tname, ctgTestTablename); SDbCfgInfo cfgInfo = {0}; code = catalogGetDBCfg(pCtg, mockPointer, ctgTestDbname, &cfgInfo); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(cfgInfo.numOfVgroups, ctgTestVgNum); catalogDestroy(); } TEST(apiTest, catalogGetQnodeList_test) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; ctgTestInitLogFile(); memset(ctgTestRspFunc, 0, sizeof(ctgTestRspFunc)); ctgTestRspIdx = 0; ctgTestRspFunc[0] = CTGT_RSP_QNODELIST; ctgTestSetRspByIdx(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); SArray *qnodeList = taosArrayInit(10, sizeof(SQueryNodeLoad)); code = catalogGetQnodeList(pCtg, mockPointer, qnodeList); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(qnodeList), ctgTestQnodeNum); for (int32_t i = 0; i < ctgTestQnodeNum; ++i) { SQueryNodeLoad *pLoad = (SQueryNodeLoad *)taosArrayGet(qnodeList, i); ASSERT_EQ(pLoad->addr.nodeId, i); } catalogDestroy(); } TEST(apiTest, catalogGetUdfInfo_test) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; ctgTestInitLogFile(); memset(ctgTestRspFunc, 0, sizeof(ctgTestRspFunc)); ctgTestRspIdx = 0; ctgTestRspFunc[0] = CTGT_RSP_UDF; ctgTestSetRspByIdx(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); SFuncInfo funcInfo = {0}; code = catalogGetUdfInfo(pCtg, mockPointer, "func1", &funcInfo); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(funcInfo.funcType, ctgTestFuncType); catalogDestroy(); } TEST(apiTest, catalogGetServerVersion_test) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; ctgTestInitLogFile(); memset(ctgTestRspFunc, 0, sizeof(ctgTestRspFunc)); ctgTestRspIdx = 0; ctgTestRspFunc[0] = CTGT_RSP_SVRVER; ctgTestSetRspByIdx(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); char *ver = NULL; code = catalogGetServerVersion(pCtg, mockPointer, &ver); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_TRUE(0 == strcmp(ver, "1.0")); catalogDestroy(); } TEST(apiTest, catalogUpdateTableIndex_test) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; ctgTestInitLogFile(); memset(ctgTestRspFunc, 0, sizeof(ctgTestRspFunc)); ctgTestRspIdx = 0; ctgTestRspFunc[0] = CTGT_RSP_SVRVER; ctgTestSetRspByIdx(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); STableIndexRsp rsp = {0}; strcpy(rsp.dbFName, ctgTestDbname); strcpy(rsp.tbName, ctgTestSTablename); rsp.suid = ctgTestSuid; rsp.version = 1; code = catalogUpdateTableIndex(pCtg, &rsp); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); catalogDestroy(); } TEST(apiTest, catalogGetDnodeList_test) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; SRequestConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SRequestConnInfo *mockPointer = (SRequestConnInfo *)&connInfo; ctgTestInitLogFile(); memset(ctgTestRspFunc, 0, sizeof(ctgTestRspFunc)); ctgTestRspIdx = 0; ctgTestRspFunc[0] = CTGT_RSP_DNODElIST; ctgTestSetRspByIdx(); initQueryModuleMsgHandle(); int32_t code = catalogInit(NULL); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); code = catalogGetHandle(ctgTestClusterId, &pCtg); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); SArray *pList = NULL; code = catalogGetDnodeList(pCtg, mockPointer, &pList); ASSERT_EQ(code, 0); ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pList), 1); taosArrayDestroy(pList); catalogDestroy(); } #ifdef INTEGRATION_TEST TEST(intTest, autoCreateTableTest) { struct SCatalog *pCtg = NULL; TAOS *taos = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0); ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != taos); ctgdEnableDebug("api", true); ctgdEnableDebug("meta", true); ctgdEnableDebug("cache", true); ctgdEnableDebug("lock", true); ctgTestExecQuery(taos, "drop database if exists db1", false, NULL); ctgTestExecQuery(taos, "create database db1", false, NULL); ctgTestExecQuery(taos, "create stable db1.st1 (ts timestamp, f1 int) tags(tg1 int)", false, NULL); ctgTestExecQuery(taos, "insert into db1.tb1 using db1.st1 tags(1) values(now, 1)", false, NULL); ctgdGetOneHandle(&pCtg); while (true) { uint32_t n = ctgdGetClusterCacheNum(pCtg, CTG_DBG_META_NUM); if (2 != n) { taosMsleep(50); } else { break; } } uint64_t n = 0, m = 0; ctgdGetStatNum("runtime.numOfOpDequeue", (void *)&n); ctgTestExecQuery(taos, "insert into db1.tb1 using db1.st1 tags(1) values(now, 2)", false, NULL); ctgTestExecQuery(taos, "insert into db1.tb1 values(now, 3)", false, NULL); taosMsleep(1000); ctgdGetStatNum("runtime.numOfOpDequeue", (void *)&m); ASSERT_EQ(n, m); ctgdEnableDebug("stopUpdate", true); ctgTestExecQuery(taos, "alter table db1.st1 add column f2 double", false, NULL); ctgdEnableDebug("stopUpdate", false); ctgTestExecQuery(taos, "insert into db1.tb1 (ts, f1) values(now, 4)", false, NULL); taos_close(taos); } #endif int main(int argc, char **argv) { testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); } #pragma GCC diagnostic pop