/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "tsdb.h" typedef struct { TSKEY ts; SColVal colVal; } SLastCol; int32_t tsdbOpenCache(STsdb *pTsdb) { int32_t code = 0; SLRUCache *pCache = NULL; size_t cfgCapacity = pTsdb->pVnode->config.cacheLastSize * 1024 * 1024; pCache = taosLRUCacheInit(cfgCapacity, -1, .5); if (pCache == NULL) { code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto _err; } taosLRUCacheSetStrictCapacity(pCache, true); _err: pTsdb->lruCache = pCache; return code; } void tsdbCloseCache(SLRUCache *pCache) { if (pCache) { taosLRUCacheEraseUnrefEntries(pCache); taosLRUCacheCleanup(pCache); } } static void getTableCacheKeyS(tb_uid_t uid, const char *cacheType, char *key, int *len) { snprintf(key, 30, "%" PRIi64 "%s", uid, cacheType); *len = strlen(key); } static void getTableCacheKey(tb_uid_t uid, int cacheType, char *key, int *len) { if (cacheType == 0) { // last_row *(uint64_t *)key = (uint64_t)uid; } else { // last *(uint64_t *)key = ((uint64_t)uid) | 0x8000000000000000; } *len = sizeof(uint64_t); } static void deleteTableCacheLastrow(const void *key, size_t keyLen, void *value) { taosMemoryFree(value); } static void deleteTableCacheLast(const void *key, size_t keyLen, void *value) { taosArrayDestroy(value); } int32_t tsdbCacheDeleteLastrow(SLRUCache *pCache, tb_uid_t uid, TSKEY eKey) { int32_t code = 0; char key[32] = {0}; int keyLen = 0; // getTableCacheKey(uid, "lr", key, &keyLen); getTableCacheKey(uid, 0, key, &keyLen); LRUHandle *h = taosLRUCacheLookup(pCache, key, keyLen); if (h) { STSRow *pRow = (STSRow *)taosLRUCacheValue(pCache, h); if (pRow->ts <= eKey) { taosLRUCacheRelease(pCache, h, true); } else { taosLRUCacheRelease(pCache, h, false); } // void taosLRUCacheErase(SLRUCache * cache, const void *key, size_t keyLen); } return code; } int32_t tsdbCacheDeleteLast(SLRUCache *pCache, tb_uid_t uid, TSKEY eKey) { int32_t code = 0; char key[32] = {0}; int keyLen = 0; // getTableCacheKey(uid, "l", key, &keyLen); getTableCacheKey(uid, 1, key, &keyLen); LRUHandle *h = taosLRUCacheLookup(pCache, key, keyLen); if (h) { SArray *pLast = (SArray *)taosLRUCacheValue(pCache, h); bool invalidate = false; int16_t nCol = taosArrayGetSize(pLast); for (int16_t iCol = 0; iCol < nCol; ++iCol) { SLastCol *tTsVal = (SLastCol *)taosArrayGet(pLast, iCol); if (eKey >= tTsVal->ts) { invalidate = true; break; } } if (invalidate) { taosLRUCacheRelease(pCache, h, true); } else { taosLRUCacheRelease(pCache, h, false); } // void taosLRUCacheErase(SLRUCache * cache, const void *key, size_t keyLen); } return code; } int32_t tsdbCacheDelete(SLRUCache *pCache, tb_uid_t uid, TSKEY eKey) { int32_t code = 0; char key[32] = {0}; int keyLen = 0; // getTableCacheKey(uid, "lr", key, &keyLen); getTableCacheKey(uid, 0, key, &keyLen); LRUHandle *h = taosLRUCacheLookup(pCache, key, keyLen); if (h) { STSRow *pRow = (STSRow *)taosLRUCacheValue(pCache, h); if (pRow->ts <= eKey) { taosLRUCacheRelease(pCache, h, true); } else { taosLRUCacheRelease(pCache, h, false); } // void taosLRUCacheErase(SLRUCache * cache, const void *key, size_t keyLen); } // getTableCacheKey(uid, "l", key, &keyLen); getTableCacheKey(uid, 1, key, &keyLen); h = taosLRUCacheLookup(pCache, key, keyLen); if (h) { SArray *pLast = (SArray *)taosLRUCacheValue(pCache, h); bool invalidate = false; int16_t nCol = taosArrayGetSize(pLast); for (int16_t iCol = 0; iCol < nCol; ++iCol) { SLastCol *tTsVal = (SLastCol *)taosArrayGet(pLast, iCol); if (eKey >= tTsVal->ts) { invalidate = true; break; } } if (invalidate) { taosLRUCacheRelease(pCache, h, true); } else { taosLRUCacheRelease(pCache, h, false); } // void taosLRUCacheErase(SLRUCache * cache, const void *key, size_t keyLen); } return code; } int32_t tsdbCacheInsertLastrow(SLRUCache *pCache, STsdb *pTsdb, tb_uid_t uid, STSRow *row, bool dup) { int32_t code = 0; STSRow *cacheRow = NULL; char key[32] = {0}; int keyLen = 0; // getTableCacheKey(uid, "lr", key, &keyLen); getTableCacheKey(uid, 0, key, &keyLen); LRUHandle *h = taosLRUCacheLookup(pCache, key, keyLen); if (h) { cacheRow = (STSRow *)taosLRUCacheValue(pCache, h); if (row->ts >= cacheRow->ts) { if (row->ts == cacheRow->ts) { STSRow *mergedRow; SRowMerger merger = {0}; STSchema *pTSchema = metaGetTbTSchema(pTsdb->pVnode->pMeta, uid, -1); tRowMergerInit(&merger, &tsdbRowFromTSRow(0, cacheRow), pTSchema); tRowMerge(&merger, &tsdbRowFromTSRow(1, row)); tRowMergerGetRow(&merger, &mergedRow); tRowMergerClear(&merger); taosMemoryFreeClear(pTSchema); row = mergedRow; dup = false; } if (TD_ROW_LEN(row) <= TD_ROW_LEN(cacheRow)) { tdRowCpy(cacheRow, row); if (!dup) { taosMemoryFree(row); } taosLRUCacheRelease(pCache, h, false); } else { taosLRUCacheRelease(pCache, h, true); // tsdbCacheDeleteLastrow(pCache, uid, TSKEY_MAX); if (dup) { cacheRow = tdRowDup(row); } else { cacheRow = row; } _taos_lru_deleter_t deleter = deleteTableCacheLastrow; LRUStatus status = taosLRUCacheInsert(pCache, key, keyLen, cacheRow, TD_ROW_LEN(cacheRow), deleter, NULL, TAOS_LRU_PRIORITY_LOW); if (status != TAOS_LRU_STATUS_OK) { code = -1; } /* tsdbCacheInsertLastrow(pCache, uid, row, dup); */ } } } /*else { if (dup) { cacheRow = tdRowDup(row); } else { cacheRow = row; } _taos_lru_deleter_t deleter = deleteTableCacheLastrow; LRUStatus status = taosLRUCacheInsert(pCache, key, keyLen, cacheRow, TD_ROW_LEN(cacheRow), deleter, NULL, TAOS_LRU_PRIORITY_LOW); if (status != TAOS_LRU_STATUS_OK) { code = -1; } }*/ return code; } int32_t tsdbCacheInsertLast(SLRUCache *pCache, tb_uid_t uid, STSRow *row, STsdb *pTsdb) { int32_t code = 0; STSRow *cacheRow = NULL; char key[32] = {0}; int keyLen = 0; // ((void)(row)); // getTableCacheKey(uid, "l", key, &keyLen); getTableCacheKey(uid, 1, key, &keyLen); LRUHandle *h = taosLRUCacheLookup(pCache, key, keyLen); if (h) { STSchema *pTSchema = metaGetTbTSchema(pTsdb->pVnode->pMeta, uid, -1); TSKEY keyTs = row->ts; bool invalidate = false; SArray *pLast = (SArray *)taosLRUCacheValue(pCache, h); int16_t nCol = taosArrayGetSize(pLast); int16_t iCol = 0; SLastCol *tTsVal = (SLastCol *)taosArrayGet(pLast, iCol); if (keyTs > tTsVal->ts) { STColumn *pTColumn = &pTSchema->columns[0]; SColVal tColVal = COL_VAL_VALUE(pTColumn->colId, pTColumn->type, (SValue){.ts = keyTs}); taosArraySet(pLast, iCol, &(SLastCol){.ts = keyTs, .colVal = tColVal}); } for (++iCol; iCol < nCol; ++iCol) { SLastCol *tTsVal = (SLastCol *)taosArrayGet(pLast, iCol); if (keyTs >= tTsVal->ts) { SColVal *tColVal = &tTsVal->colVal; SColVal colVal = {0}; tTSRowGetVal(row, pTSchema, iCol, &colVal); if (colVal.isNone || colVal.isNull) { if (keyTs == tTsVal->ts && !tColVal->isNone && !tColVal->isNull) { invalidate = true; break; } } else { taosArraySet(pLast, iCol, &(SLastCol){.ts = keyTs, .colVal = colVal}); } } } taosMemoryFreeClear(pTSchema); taosLRUCacheRelease(pCache, h, invalidate); // clear last cache anyway, lazy load when get last lookup // taosLRUCacheRelease(pCache, h, true); } return code; } static tb_uid_t getTableSuidByUid(tb_uid_t uid, STsdb *pTsdb) { tb_uid_t suid = 0; SMetaReader mr = {0}; metaReaderInit(&mr, pTsdb->pVnode->pMeta, 0); if (metaGetTableEntryByUid(&mr, uid) < 0) { metaReaderClear(&mr); // table not esist return 0; } if (mr.me.type == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE) { suid = mr.me.ctbEntry.suid; } else if (mr.me.type == TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE) { suid = 0; } else { suid = 0; } metaReaderClear(&mr); return suid; } static int32_t getTableDelDataFromDelIdx(SDelFReader *pDelReader, SDelIdx *pDelIdx, SArray *aDelData) { int32_t code = 0; // SMapData delDataMap; // SDelData delData; if (pDelIdx) { // tMapDataReset(&delDataMap); // code = tsdbReadDelData(pDelReader, pDelIdx, &delDataMap, NULL); code = tsdbReadDelData(pDelReader, pDelIdx, aDelData, NULL); if (code) goto _err; /* for (int32_t iDelData = 0; iDelData < delDataMap.nItem; ++iDelData) { code = tMapDataGetItemByIdx(&delDataMap, iDelData, &delData, tGetDelData); if (code) goto _err; taosArrayPush(aDelData, &delData); } */ } _err: return code; } static int32_t getTableDelDataFromTbData(STbData *pTbData, SArray *aDelData) { int32_t code = 0; SDelData *pDelData = pTbData ? pTbData->pHead : NULL; for (; pDelData; pDelData = pDelData->pNext) { taosArrayPush(aDelData, pDelData); } return code; } static int32_t getTableDelData(STbData *pMem, STbData *pIMem, SDelFReader *pDelReader, SDelIdx *pDelIdx, SArray *aDelData) { int32_t code = 0; if (pMem) { code = getTableDelDataFromTbData(pMem, aDelData); if (code) goto _err; } if (pIMem) { code = getTableDelDataFromTbData(pIMem, aDelData); if (code) goto _err; } if (pDelIdx) { code = getTableDelDataFromDelIdx(pDelReader, pDelIdx, aDelData); if (code) goto _err; } _err: return code; } static int32_t getTableDelSkyline(STbData *pMem, STbData *pIMem, SDelFReader *pDelReader, SDelIdx *pDelIdx, SArray *aSkyline) { int32_t code = 0; SArray *aDelData = NULL; aDelData = taosArrayInit(32, sizeof(SDelData)); code = getTableDelData(pMem, pIMem, pDelReader, pDelIdx, aDelData); if (code) goto _err; size_t nDelData = taosArrayGetSize(aDelData); if (nDelData > 0) { code = tsdbBuildDeleteSkyline(aDelData, 0, (int32_t)(nDelData - 1), aSkyline); if (code) goto _err; } if (aDelData) { taosArrayDestroy(aDelData); } _err: return code; } static int32_t getTableDelIdx(SDelFReader *pDelFReader, tb_uid_t suid, tb_uid_t uid, SDelIdx *pDelIdx) { int32_t code = 0; SArray *pDelIdxArray = NULL; // SMapData delIdxMap; pDelIdxArray = taosArrayInit(32, sizeof(SDelIdx)); SDelIdx idx = {.suid = suid, .uid = uid}; // tMapDataReset(&delIdxMap); // code = tsdbReadDelIdx(pDelFReader, &delIdxMap, NULL); code = tsdbReadDelIdx(pDelFReader, pDelIdxArray, NULL); if (code) goto _err; // code = tMapDataSearch(&delIdxMap, &idx, tGetDelIdx, tCmprDelIdx, pDelIdx); SDelIdx *pIdx = taosArraySearch(pDelIdxArray, &idx, tCmprDelIdx, TD_EQ); if (code) goto _err; *pDelIdx = *pIdx; if (pDelIdxArray) { taosArrayDestroy(pDelIdxArray); } _err: return code; } typedef enum SFSNEXTROWSTATES { SFSNEXTROW_FS, SFSNEXTROW_FILESET, SFSNEXTROW_BLOCKDATA, SFSNEXTROW_BLOCKROW } SFSNEXTROWSTATES; typedef struct SFSNextRowIter { SFSNEXTROWSTATES state; // [input] STsdb *pTsdb; // [input] SBlockIdx *pBlockIdxExp; // [input] int32_t nFileSet; int32_t iFileSet; SArray *aDFileSet; SDataFReader *pDataFReader; SArray *aBlockIdx; // SMapData blockIdxMap; // SBlockIdx blockIdx; SBlockIdx *pBlockIdx; SMapData blockMap; int32_t nBlock; int32_t iBlock; SBlock block; SBlockData blockData; SBlockData *pBlockData; int32_t nRow; int32_t iRow; TSDBROW row; } SFSNextRowIter; static int32_t getNextRowFromFS(void *iter, TSDBROW **ppRow) { SFSNextRowIter *state = (SFSNextRowIter *)iter; int32_t code = 0; switch (state->state) { case SFSNEXTROW_FS: // state->aDFileSet = state->pTsdb->pFS->cState->aDFileSet; state->nFileSet = taosArrayGetSize(state->aDFileSet); state->iFileSet = state->nFileSet; state->pBlockData = NULL; case SFSNEXTROW_FILESET: { SDFileSet *pFileSet = NULL; _next_fileset: if (--state->iFileSet >= 0) { pFileSet = (SDFileSet *)taosArrayGet(state->aDFileSet, state->iFileSet); } else { // tBlockDataClear(&state->blockData, 1); if (state->pBlockData) { tBlockDataClear(state->pBlockData, 1); state->pBlockData = NULL; } *ppRow = NULL; return code; } code = tsdbDataFReaderOpen(&state->pDataFReader, state->pTsdb, pFileSet); if (code) goto _err; // tMapDataReset(&state->blockIdxMap); // code = tsdbReadBlockIdx(state->pDataFReader, &state->blockIdxMap, NULL); if (!state->aBlockIdx) { state->aBlockIdx = taosArrayInit(0, sizeof(SBlockIdx)); } else { taosArrayClear(state->aBlockIdx); } code = tsdbReadBlockIdx(state->pDataFReader, state->aBlockIdx, NULL); if (code) goto _err; /* if (state->pBlockIdx) { */ /* } */ /* code = tMapDataSearch(&state->blockIdxMap, state->pBlockIdxExp, tGetBlockIdx, tCmprBlockIdx, * &state->blockIdx); */ state->pBlockIdx = taosArraySearch(state->aBlockIdx, state->pBlockIdxExp, tCmprBlockIdx, TD_EQ); if (code) goto _err; if (!state->pBlockIdx) { goto _next_fileset; } tMapDataReset(&state->blockMap); code = tsdbReadBlock(state->pDataFReader, state->pBlockIdx, &state->blockMap, NULL); /* code = tsdbReadBlock(state->pDataFReader, &state->blockIdx, &state->blockMap, NULL); */ if (code) goto _err; state->nBlock = state->blockMap.nItem; state->iBlock = state->nBlock - 1; if (!state->pBlockData) { state->pBlockData = &state->blockData; tBlockDataInit(&state->blockData); } } case SFSNEXTROW_BLOCKDATA: if (state->iBlock >= 0) { SBlock block = {0}; tBlockReset(&block); // tBlockDataReset(&state->blockData); tBlockDataReset(state->pBlockData); tMapDataGetItemByIdx(&state->blockMap, state->iBlock, &block, tGetBlock); /* code = tsdbReadBlockData(state->pDataFReader, &state->blockIdx, &block, &state->blockData, NULL, NULL); */ code = tsdbReadBlockData(state->pDataFReader, state->pBlockIdx, &block, state->pBlockData, NULL, NULL); if (code) goto _err; state->nRow = state->blockData.nRow; state->iRow = state->nRow - 1; state->state = SFSNEXTROW_BLOCKROW; } case SFSNEXTROW_BLOCKROW: if (state->iRow >= 0) { state->row = tsdbRowFromBlockData(state->pBlockData, state->iRow); *ppRow = &state->row; if (--state->iRow < 0) { state->state = SFSNEXTROW_BLOCKDATA; if (--state->iBlock < 0) { tsdbDataFReaderClose(&state->pDataFReader); state->pDataFReader = NULL; if (state->aBlockIdx) { taosArrayDestroy(state->aBlockIdx); state->aBlockIdx = NULL; } state->state = SFSNEXTROW_FILESET; } } } return code; default: ASSERT(0); break; } _err: if (state->pDataFReader) { tsdbDataFReaderClose(&state->pDataFReader); state->pDataFReader = NULL; } if (state->aBlockIdx) { taosArrayDestroy(state->aBlockIdx); state->aBlockIdx = NULL; } if (state->pBlockData) { // tBlockDataClear(&state->blockData, 1); tBlockDataClear(state->pBlockData, 1); state->pBlockData = NULL; } *ppRow = NULL; return code; } int32_t clearNextRowFromFS(void *iter) { int32_t code = 0; SFSNextRowIter *state = (SFSNextRowIter *)iter; if (!state) { return code; } if (state->pDataFReader) { tsdbDataFReaderClose(&state->pDataFReader); state->pDataFReader = NULL; } if (state->aBlockIdx) { taosArrayDestroy(state->aBlockIdx); state->aBlockIdx = NULL; } if (state->pBlockData) { // tBlockDataClear(&state->blockData, 1); tBlockDataClear(state->pBlockData, 1); state->pBlockData = NULL; } return code; } typedef enum SMEMNEXTROWSTATES { SMEMNEXTROW_ENTER, SMEMNEXTROW_NEXT, } SMEMNEXTROWSTATES; typedef struct SMemNextRowIter { SMEMNEXTROWSTATES state; STbData *pMem; // [input] STbDataIter iter; // mem buffer skip list iterator // bool iterOpened; // TSDBROW *curRow; } SMemNextRowIter; static int32_t getNextRowFromMem(void *iter, TSDBROW **ppRow) { // static int32_t getNextRowFromMem(void *iter, SArray *pRowArray) { SMemNextRowIter *state = (SMemNextRowIter *)iter; int32_t code = 0; /* if (!state->iterOpened) { if (state->pMem != NULL) { tsdbTbDataIterOpen(state->pMem, NULL, 1, &state->iter); state->iterOpened = true; TSDBROW *pMemRow = tsdbTbDataIterGet(&state->iter); if (pMemRow) { state->curRow = pMemRow; } else { return code; } } else { return code; } } taosArrayPush(pRowArray, state->curRow); while (tsdbTbDataIterNext(&state->iter)) { TSDBROW *row = tsdbTbDataIterGet(&state->iter); if (TSDBROW_TS(row) < TSDBROW_TS(state->curRow)) { state->curRow = row; break; } else { taosArrayPush(pRowArray, row); } } return code; */ switch (state->state) { case SMEMNEXTROW_ENTER: { if (state->pMem != NULL) { tsdbTbDataIterOpen(state->pMem, NULL, 1, &state->iter); TSDBROW *pMemRow = tsdbTbDataIterGet(&state->iter); if (pMemRow) { *ppRow = pMemRow; state->state = SMEMNEXTROW_NEXT; return code; } } *ppRow = NULL; return code; } case SMEMNEXTROW_NEXT: if (tsdbTbDataIterNext(&state->iter)) { *ppRow = tsdbTbDataIterGet(&state->iter); return code; } else { *ppRow = NULL; return code; } default: ASSERT(0); break; } _err: *ppRow = NULL; return code; } static int32_t tsRowFromTsdbRow(STSchema *pTSchema, TSDBROW *pRow, STSRow **ppRow) { int32_t code = 0; SColVal *pColVal = &(SColVal){0}; if (pRow->type == 0) { *ppRow = tdRowDup(pRow->pTSRow); } else { SArray *pArray = taosArrayInit(pTSchema->numOfCols, sizeof(SColVal)); if (pArray == NULL) { code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto _exit; } TSDBKEY key = TSDBROW_KEY(pRow); STColumn *pTColumn = &pTSchema->columns[0]; *pColVal = COL_VAL_VALUE(pTColumn->colId, pTColumn->type, (SValue){.ts = key.ts}); if (taosArrayPush(pArray, pColVal) == NULL) { code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto _exit; } for (int16_t iCol = 1; iCol < pTSchema->numOfCols; iCol++) { tsdbRowGetColVal(pRow, pTSchema, iCol, pColVal); if (taosArrayPush(pArray, pColVal) == NULL) { code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto _exit; } } code = tdSTSRowNew(pArray, pTSchema, ppRow); if (code) goto _exit; } _exit: return code; } static bool tsdbKeyDeleted(TSDBKEY *key, SArray *pSkyline, int64_t *iSkyline) { bool deleted = false; while (*iSkyline > 0) { TSDBKEY *pItemBack = (TSDBKEY *)taosArrayGet(pSkyline, *iSkyline); TSDBKEY *pItemFront = (TSDBKEY *)taosArrayGet(pSkyline, *iSkyline - 1); if (key->ts > pItemBack->ts) { return false; } else if (key->ts >= pItemFront->ts && key->ts <= pItemBack->ts) { if ((key->version <= pItemFront->version || key->ts == pItemBack->ts && key->version <= pItemBack->version)) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { if (*iSkyline > 1) { --*iSkyline; } else { return false; } } } return deleted; } typedef int32_t (*_next_row_fn_t)(void *iter, TSDBROW **ppRow); // typedef int32_t (*_next_row_fn_t)(void *iter, SArray *pRowArray); typedef int32_t (*_next_row_clear_fn_t)(void *iter); // typedef struct TsdbNextRowState { typedef struct { TSDBROW *pRow; bool stop; bool next; void *iter; _next_row_fn_t nextRowFn; _next_row_clear_fn_t nextRowClearFn; } TsdbNextRowState; typedef struct { // STsdb *pTsdb; SArray *pSkyline; int64_t iSkyline; SBlockIdx idx; SMemNextRowIter memState; SMemNextRowIter imemState; SFSNextRowIter fsState; TSDBROW memRow, imemRow, fsRow; TsdbNextRowState input[3]; // SMemTable *pMemTable; // SMemTable *pIMemTable; STsdbReadSnap *pReadSnap; STsdb *pTsdb; } CacheNextRowIter; static int32_t nextRowIterOpen(CacheNextRowIter *pIter, tb_uid_t uid, STsdb *pTsdb) { int code = 0; tb_uid_t suid = getTableSuidByUid(uid, pTsdb); tsdbTakeReadSnap(pTsdb, &pIter->pReadSnap); STbData *pMem = NULL; if (pIter->pReadSnap->pMem) { tsdbGetTbDataFromMemTable(pIter->pReadSnap->pMem, suid, uid, &pMem); } STbData *pIMem = NULL; if (pIter->pReadSnap->pIMem) { tsdbGetTbDataFromMemTable(pIter->pReadSnap->pIMem, suid, uid, &pIMem); } pIter->pTsdb = pTsdb; pIter->pSkyline = taosArrayInit(32, sizeof(TSDBKEY)); SDelIdx delIdx; SDelFile *pDelFile = pIter->pReadSnap->fs.pDelFile; if (pDelFile) { SDelFReader *pDelFReader; code = tsdbDelFReaderOpen(&pDelFReader, pDelFile, pTsdb, NULL); if (code) goto _err; code = getTableDelIdx(pDelFReader, suid, uid, &delIdx); if (code) goto _err; code = getTableDelSkyline(pMem, pIMem, pDelFReader, &delIdx, pIter->pSkyline); if (code) goto _err; tsdbDelFReaderClose(&pDelFReader); } else { code = getTableDelSkyline(pMem, pIMem, NULL, NULL, pIter->pSkyline); if (code) goto _err; } pIter->iSkyline = taosArrayGetSize(pIter->pSkyline) - 1; pIter->idx = (SBlockIdx){.suid = suid, .uid = uid}; pIter->fsState.state = SFSNEXTROW_FS; pIter->fsState.pTsdb = pTsdb; pIter->fsState.aDFileSet = pIter->pReadSnap->fs.aDFileSet; pIter->fsState.pBlockIdxExp = &pIter->idx; pIter->input[0] = (TsdbNextRowState){&pIter->memRow, true, false, &pIter->memState, getNextRowFromMem, NULL}; pIter->input[1] = (TsdbNextRowState){&pIter->imemRow, true, false, &pIter->imemState, getNextRowFromMem, NULL}; pIter->input[2] = (TsdbNextRowState){&pIter->fsRow, false, true, &pIter->fsState, getNextRowFromFS, clearNextRowFromFS}; if (pMem) { pIter->memState.pMem = pMem; pIter->memState.state = SMEMNEXTROW_ENTER; pIter->input[0].stop = false; pIter->input[0].next = true; } if (pIMem) { pIter->imemState.pMem = pIMem; pIter->imemState.state = SMEMNEXTROW_ENTER; pIter->input[1].stop = false; pIter->input[1].next = true; } return code; _err: return code; } static int32_t nextRowIterClose(CacheNextRowIter *pIter) { int code = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (pIter->input[i].nextRowClearFn) { pIter->input[i].nextRowClearFn(pIter->input[i].iter); } } if (pIter->pSkyline) { taosArrayDestroy(pIter->pSkyline); } tsdbUntakeReadSnap(pIter->pTsdb, pIter->pReadSnap); return code; _err: return code; } // iterate next row non deleted backward ts, version (from high to low) static int32_t nextRowIterGet(CacheNextRowIter *pIter, TSDBROW **ppRow) { int code = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (pIter->input[i].next && !pIter->input[i].stop) { code = pIter->input[i].nextRowFn(pIter->input[i].iter, &pIter->input[i].pRow); if (code) goto _err; if (pIter->input[i].pRow == NULL) { pIter->input[i].stop = true; pIter->input[i].next = false; } } } if (pIter->input[0].stop && pIter->input[1].stop && pIter->input[2].stop) { *ppRow = NULL; return code; } // select maxpoint(s) from mem, imem, fs TSDBROW *max[3] = {0}; int iMax[3] = {-1, -1, -1}; int nMax = 0; TSKEY maxKey = TSKEY_MIN; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (!pIter->input[i].stop && pIter->input[i].pRow != NULL) { TSDBKEY key = TSDBROW_KEY(pIter->input[i].pRow); // merging & deduplicating on client side if (maxKey <= key.ts) { if (maxKey < key.ts) { nMax = 0; maxKey = key.ts; } iMax[nMax] = i; max[nMax++] = pIter->input[i].pRow; } } } // delete detection TSDBROW *merge[3] = {0}; int iMerge[3] = {-1, -1, -1}; int nMerge = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nMax; ++i) { TSDBKEY maxKey = TSDBROW_KEY(max[i]); bool deleted = tsdbKeyDeleted(&maxKey, pIter->pSkyline, &pIter->iSkyline); if (!deleted) { iMerge[nMerge] = iMax[i]; merge[nMerge++] = max[i]; } pIter->input[iMax[i]].next = deleted; } if (nMerge > 0) { pIter->input[iMerge[0]].next = true; *ppRow = merge[0]; } else { *ppRow = NULL; } return code; _err: return code; } static int32_t mergeLastRow2(tb_uid_t uid, STsdb *pTsdb, bool *dup, STSRow **ppRow) { int32_t code = 0; STSchema *pTSchema = metaGetTbTSchema(pTsdb->pVnode->pMeta, uid, -1); int16_t nCol = pTSchema->numOfCols; int16_t iCol = 0; int16_t noneCol = 0; bool setNoneCol = false; SArray *pColArray = taosArrayInit(nCol, sizeof(SColVal)); SColVal *pColVal = &(SColVal){0}; // tb_uid_t suid = getTableSuidByUid(uid, pTsdb); TSKEY lastRowTs = TSKEY_MAX; CacheNextRowIter iter = {0}; nextRowIterOpen(&iter, uid, pTsdb); do { TSDBROW *pRow = NULL; nextRowIterGet(&iter, &pRow); if (!pRow) { break; } if (lastRowTs == TSKEY_MAX) { lastRowTs = TSDBROW_TS(pRow); STColumn *pTColumn = &pTSchema->columns[0]; *pColVal = COL_VAL_VALUE(pTColumn->colId, pTColumn->type, (SValue){.ts = lastRowTs}); if (taosArrayPush(pColArray, pColVal) == NULL) { code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto _err; } for (iCol = 1; iCol < nCol; ++iCol) { tsdbRowGetColVal(pRow, pTSchema, iCol, pColVal); if (taosArrayPush(pColArray, pColVal) == NULL) { code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto _err; } if (pColVal->isNone && !setNoneCol) { noneCol = iCol; setNoneCol = true; } } if (!setNoneCol) { // goto build the result ts row break; } else { continue; } } if ((TSDBROW_TS(pRow) < lastRowTs)) { // goto build the result ts row break; } // merge into pColArray setNoneCol = false; for (iCol = noneCol; iCol < nCol; ++iCol) { // high version's column value SColVal *tColVal = (SColVal *)taosArrayGet(pColArray, iCol); tsdbRowGetColVal(pRow, pTSchema, iCol, pColVal); if (tColVal->isNone && !pColVal->isNone) { taosArraySet(pColArray, iCol, pColVal); } else if (tColVal->isNone && pColVal->isNone && !setNoneCol) { noneCol = iCol; setNoneCol = true; } } } while (setNoneCol); // build the result ts row here *dup = false; if (taosArrayGetSize(pColArray) == nCol) { code = tdSTSRowNew(pColArray, pTSchema, ppRow); if (code) goto _err; } else { *ppRow = NULL; } nextRowIterClose(&iter); taosArrayDestroy(pColArray); taosMemoryFreeClear(pTSchema); return code; _err: nextRowIterClose(&iter); taosArrayDestroy(pColArray); taosMemoryFreeClear(pTSchema); return code; } static int32_t mergeLast2(tb_uid_t uid, STsdb *pTsdb, SArray **ppLastArray) { int32_t code = 0; STSchema *pTSchema = metaGetTbTSchema(pTsdb->pVnode->pMeta, uid, -1); int16_t nCol = pTSchema->numOfCols; int16_t iCol = 0; int16_t noneCol = 0; bool setNoneCol = false; SArray *pColArray = taosArrayInit(nCol, sizeof(SLastCol)); SColVal *pColVal = &(SColVal){0}; // tb_uid_t suid = getTableSuidByUid(uid, pTsdb); TSKEY lastRowTs = TSKEY_MAX; CacheNextRowIter iter = {0}; nextRowIterOpen(&iter, uid, pTsdb); do { TSDBROW *pRow = NULL; nextRowIterGet(&iter, &pRow); if (!pRow) { break; } TSKEY rowTs = TSDBROW_TS(pRow); if (lastRowTs == TSKEY_MAX) { lastRowTs = rowTs; STColumn *pTColumn = &pTSchema->columns[0]; *pColVal = COL_VAL_VALUE(pTColumn->colId, pTColumn->type, (SValue){.ts = lastRowTs}); if (taosArrayPush(pColArray, &(SLastCol){.ts = lastRowTs, .colVal = *pColVal}) == NULL) { code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto _err; } for (iCol = 1; iCol < nCol; ++iCol) { tsdbRowGetColVal(pRow, pTSchema, iCol, pColVal); if (taosArrayPush(pColArray, &(SLastCol){.ts = lastRowTs, .colVal = *pColVal}) == NULL) { code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto _err; } if ((pColVal->isNone || pColVal->isNull) && !setNoneCol) { noneCol = iCol; setNoneCol = true; } } if (!setNoneCol) { // goto build the result ts row break; } else { continue; } } /* if ((TSDBROW_TS(pRow) < lastRowTs)) { // goto build the result ts row break; } */ // merge into pColArray setNoneCol = false; for (iCol = noneCol; iCol < nCol; ++iCol) { // high version's column value SColVal *tColVal = (SColVal *)taosArrayGet(pColArray, iCol); tsdbRowGetColVal(pRow, pTSchema, iCol, pColVal); if ((tColVal->isNone || tColVal->isNull) && (!pColVal->isNone && !pColVal->isNull)) { taosArraySet(pColArray, iCol, &(SLastCol){.ts = rowTs, .colVal = *pColVal}); //} else if (tColVal->isNone && pColVal->isNone && !setNoneCol) { } else if ((tColVal->isNone || tColVal->isNull) && (pColVal->isNone || pColVal->isNull) && !setNoneCol) { noneCol = iCol; setNoneCol = true; } } } while (setNoneCol); // build the result ts row here //*dup = false; if (taosArrayGetSize(pColArray) <= 0) { *ppLastArray = NULL; taosArrayDestroy(pColArray); } else { *ppLastArray = pColArray; } /* if (taosArrayGetSize(pColArray) == nCol) { code = tdSTSRowNew(pColArray, pTSchema, ppRow); if (code) goto _err; } else { *ppRow = NULL; }*/ nextRowIterClose(&iter); // taosArrayDestroy(pColArray); taosMemoryFreeClear(pTSchema); return code; _err: nextRowIterClose(&iter); // taosArrayDestroy(pColArray); taosMemoryFreeClear(pTSchema); return code; } // static int32_t mergeLastRow(tb_uid_t uid, STsdb *pTsdb, bool *dup, STSRow **ppRow) { // int32_t code = 0; // SArray *pSkyline = NULL; // STSchema *pTSchema = metaGetTbTSchema(pTsdb->pVnode->pMeta, uid, -1); // int16_t nCol = pTSchema->numOfCols; // SArray *pColArray = taosArrayInit(nCol, sizeof(SColVal)); // tb_uid_t suid = getTableSuidByUid(uid, pTsdb); // STbData *pMem = NULL; // if (pTsdb->mem) { // tsdbGetTbDataFromMemTable(pTsdb->mem, suid, uid, &pMem); // } // STbData *pIMem = NULL; // if (pTsdb->imem) { // tsdbGetTbDataFromMemTable(pTsdb->imem, suid, uid, &pIMem); // } // *ppRow = NULL; // pSkyline = taosArrayInit(32, sizeof(TSDBKEY)); // SDelIdx delIdx; // SDelFile *pDelFile = tsdbFSStateGetDelFile(pTsdb->pFS->cState); // if (pDelFile) { // SDelFReader *pDelFReader; // code = tsdbDelFReaderOpen(&pDelFReader, pDelFile, pTsdb, NULL); // if (code) goto _err; // code = getTableDelIdx(pDelFReader, suid, uid, &delIdx); // if (code) goto _err; // code = getTableDelSkyline(pMem, pIMem, pDelFReader, &delIdx, pSkyline); // if (code) goto _err; // tsdbDelFReaderClose(&pDelFReader); // } else { // code = getTableDelSkyline(pMem, pIMem, NULL, NULL, pSkyline); // if (code) goto _err; // } // int64_t iSkyline = taosArrayGetSize(pSkyline) - 1; // SBlockIdx idx = {.suid = suid, .uid = uid}; // SFSNextRowIter fsState = {0}; // fsState.state = SFSNEXTROW_FS; // fsState.pTsdb = pTsdb; // fsState.pBlockIdxExp = &idx; // SMemNextRowIter memState = {0}; // SMemNextRowIter imemState = {0}; // TSDBROW memRow, imemRow, fsRow; // TsdbNextRowState input[3] = {{&memRow, true, false, &memState, getNextRowFromMem, NULL}, // {&imemRow, true, false, &imemState, getNextRowFromMem, NULL}, // {&fsRow, false, true, &fsState, getNextRowFromFS, clearNextRowFromFS}}; // if (pMem) { // memState.pMem = pMem; // memState.state = SMEMNEXTROW_ENTER; // input[0].stop = false; // input[0].next = true; // } // if (pIMem) { // imemState.pMem = pIMem; // imemState.state = SMEMNEXTROW_ENTER; // input[1].stop = false; // input[1].next = true; // } // int16_t nilColCount = nCol - 1; // count of null & none cols // int iCol = 0; // index of first nil col index from left to right // bool setICol = false; // do { // for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { // if (input[i].next && !input[i].stop) { // if (input[i].pRow == NULL) { // code = input[i].nextRowFn(input[i].iter, &input[i].pRow); // if (code) goto _err; // if (input[i].pRow == NULL) { // input[i].stop = true; // input[i].next = false; // } // } // } // } // if (input[0].stop && input[1].stop && input[2].stop) { // break; // } // // select maxpoint(s) from mem, imem, fs // TSDBROW *max[3] = {0}; // int iMax[3] = {-1, -1, -1}; // int nMax = 0; // TSKEY maxKey = TSKEY_MIN; // for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { // if (!input[i].stop && input[i].pRow != NULL) { // TSDBKEY key = TSDBROW_KEY(input[i].pRow); // // merging & deduplicating on client side // if (maxKey <= key.ts) { // if (maxKey < key.ts) { // nMax = 0; // maxKey = key.ts; // } // iMax[nMax] = i; // max[nMax++] = input[i].pRow; // } // } // } // // delete detection // TSDBROW *merge[3] = {0}; // int iMerge[3] = {-1, -1, -1}; // int nMerge = 0; // for (int i = 0; i < nMax; ++i) { // TSDBKEY maxKey = TSDBROW_KEY(max[i]); // bool deleted = tsdbKeyDeleted(&maxKey, pSkyline, &iSkyline); // if (!deleted) { // iMerge[nMerge] = i; // merge[nMerge++] = max[i]; // } // input[iMax[i]].next = deleted; // } // // merge if nMerge > 1 // if (nMerge > 0) { // *dup = false; // if (nMerge == 1) { // code = tsRowFromTsdbRow(pTSchema, merge[nMerge - 1], ppRow); // if (code) goto _err; // } else { // // merge 2 or 3 rows // SRowMerger merger = {0}; // tRowMergerInit(&merger, merge[0], pTSchema); // for (int i = 1; i < nMerge; ++i) { // tRowMerge(&merger, merge[i]); // } // tRowMergerGetRow(&merger, ppRow); // tRowMergerClear(&merger); // } // } // } while (1); // for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { // if (input[i].nextRowClearFn) { // input[i].nextRowClearFn(input[i].iter); // } // } // if (pSkyline) { // taosArrayDestroy(pSkyline); // } // taosMemoryFreeClear(pTSchema); // return code; // _err: // for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { // if (input[i].nextRowClearFn) { // input[i].nextRowClearFn(input[i].iter); // } // } // if (pSkyline) { // taosArrayDestroy(pSkyline); // } // taosMemoryFreeClear(pTSchema); // tsdbError("vgId:%d merge last_row failed since %s", TD_VID(pTsdb->pVnode), tstrerror(code)); // return code; // } // static int32_t mergeLast(tb_uid_t uid, STsdb *pTsdb, STSRow **ppRow) { // static int32_t mergeLast(tb_uid_t uid, STsdb *pTsdb, SArray **ppLastArray) { // int32_t code = 0; // SArray *pSkyline = NULL; // STSRow *pRow = NULL; // STSRow **ppRow = &pRow; // STSchema *pTSchema = metaGetTbTSchema(pTsdb->pVnode->pMeta, uid, -1); // int16_t nCol = pTSchema->numOfCols; // // SArray *pColArray = taosArrayInit(nCol, sizeof(SColVal)); // SArray *pColArray = taosArrayInit(nCol, sizeof(SLastCol)); // tb_uid_t suid = getTableSuidByUid(uid, pTsdb); // STbData *pMem = NULL; // if (pTsdb->mem) { // tsdbGetTbDataFromMemTable(pTsdb->mem, suid, uid, &pMem); // } // STbData *pIMem = NULL; // if (pTsdb->imem) { // tsdbGetTbDataFromMemTable(pTsdb->imem, suid, uid, &pIMem); // } // *ppLastArray = NULL; // pSkyline = taosArrayInit(32, sizeof(TSDBKEY)); // SDelIdx delIdx; // SDelFile *pDelFile = tsdbFSStateGetDelFile(pTsdb->pFS->cState); // if (pDelFile) { // SDelFReader *pDelFReader; // code = tsdbDelFReaderOpen(&pDelFReader, pDelFile, pTsdb, NULL); // if (code) goto _err; // code = getTableDelIdx(pDelFReader, suid, uid, &delIdx); // if (code) goto _err; // code = getTableDelSkyline(pMem, pIMem, pDelFReader, &delIdx, pSkyline); // if (code) goto _err; // tsdbDelFReaderClose(&pDelFReader); // } else { // code = getTableDelSkyline(pMem, pIMem, NULL, NULL, pSkyline); // if (code) goto _err; // } // int64_t iSkyline = taosArrayGetSize(pSkyline) - 1; // SBlockIdx idx = {.suid = suid, .uid = uid}; // SFSNextRowIter fsState = {0}; // fsState.state = SFSNEXTROW_FS; // fsState.pTsdb = pTsdb; // fsState.pBlockIdxExp = &idx; // SMemNextRowIter memState = {0}; // SMemNextRowIter imemState = {0}; // TSDBROW memRow, imemRow, fsRow; // TsdbNextRowState input[3] = {{&memRow, true, false, &memState, getNextRowFromMem, NULL}, // {&imemRow, true, false, &imemState, getNextRowFromMem, NULL}, // {&fsRow, false, true, &fsState, getNextRowFromFS, clearNextRowFromFS}}; // if (pMem) { // memState.pMem = pMem; // memState.state = SMEMNEXTROW_ENTER; // input[0].stop = false; // input[0].next = true; // } // if (pIMem) { // imemState.pMem = pIMem; // imemState.state = SMEMNEXTROW_ENTER; // input[1].stop = false; // input[1].next = true; // } // int16_t nilColCount = nCol - 1; // count of null & none cols // int iCol = 0; // index of first nil col index from left to right // bool setICol = false; // do { // for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { // if (input[i].next && !input[i].stop) { // code = input[i].nextRowFn(input[i].iter, &input[i].pRow); // if (code) goto _err; // if (input[i].pRow == NULL) { // input[i].stop = true; // input[i].next = false; // } // } // } // if (input[0].stop && input[1].stop && input[2].stop) { // break; // } // // select maxpoint(s) from mem, imem, fs // TSDBROW *max[3] = {0}; // int iMax[3] = {-1, -1, -1}; // int nMax = 0; // TSKEY maxKey = TSKEY_MIN; // for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { // if (!input[i].stop && input[i].pRow != NULL) { // TSDBKEY key = TSDBROW_KEY(input[i].pRow); // // merging & deduplicating on client side // if (maxKey <= key.ts) { // if (maxKey < key.ts) { // nMax = 0; // maxKey = key.ts; // } // iMax[nMax] = i; // max[nMax++] = input[i].pRow; // } // } // } // // delete detection // TSDBROW *merge[3] = {0}; // int iMerge[3] = {-1, -1, -1}; // int nMerge = 0; // for (int i = 0; i < nMax; ++i) { // TSDBKEY maxKey = TSDBROW_KEY(max[i]); // bool deleted = tsdbKeyDeleted(&maxKey, pSkyline, &iSkyline); // if (!deleted) { // iMerge[nMerge] = iMax[i]; // merge[nMerge++] = max[i]; // } // input[iMax[i]].next = deleted; // } // // merge if nMerge > 1 // if (nMerge > 0) { // if (nMerge == 1) { // code = tsRowFromTsdbRow(pTSchema, merge[nMerge - 1], ppRow); // if (code) goto _err; // } else { // // merge 2 or 3 rows // SRowMerger merger = {0}; // tRowMergerInit(&merger, merge[0], pTSchema); // for (int i = 1; i < nMerge; ++i) { // tRowMerge(&merger, merge[i]); // } // tRowMergerGetRow(&merger, ppRow); // tRowMergerClear(&merger); // } // } else { // /* *ppRow = NULL; */ // /* return code; */ // continue; // } // if (iCol == 0) { // STColumn *pTColumn = &pTSchema->columns[0]; // SColVal *pColVal = &(SColVal){0}; // *pColVal = COL_VAL_VALUE(pTColumn->colId, pTColumn->type, (SValue){.ts = maxKey}); // // if (taosArrayPush(pColArray, pColVal) == NULL) { // if (taosArrayPush(pColArray, &(SLastCol){.ts = maxKey, .colVal = *pColVal}) == NULL) { // code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; // goto _err; // } // ++iCol; // setICol = false; // for (int16_t i = iCol; i < nCol; ++i) { // // tsdbRowGetColVal(*ppRow, pTSchema, i, pColVal); // tTSRowGetVal(*ppRow, pTSchema, i, pColVal); // // if (taosArrayPush(pColArray, pColVal) == NULL) { // if (taosArrayPush(pColArray, &(SLastCol){.ts = maxKey, .colVal = *pColVal}) == NULL) { // code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; // goto _err; // } // if (pColVal->isNull || pColVal->isNone) { // for (int j = 0; j < nMerge; ++j) { // SColVal jColVal = {0}; // tsdbRowGetColVal(merge[j], pTSchema, i, &jColVal); // if (jColVal.isNull || jColVal.isNone) { // input[iMerge[j]].next = true; // } // } // if (!setICol) { // iCol = i; // setICol = true; // } // } else { // --nilColCount; // } // } // if (*ppRow) { // taosMemoryFreeClear(*ppRow); // } // continue; // } // setICol = false; // for (int16_t i = iCol; i < nCol; ++i) { // SColVal colVal = {0}; // tTSRowGetVal(*ppRow, pTSchema, i, &colVal); // TSKEY rowTs = (*ppRow)->ts; // // SColVal *tColVal = (SColVal *)taosArrayGet(pColArray, i); // SLastCol *tTsVal = (SLastCol *)taosArrayGet(pColArray, i); // SColVal *tColVal = &tTsVal->colVal; // if (!colVal.isNone && !colVal.isNull) { // if (tColVal->isNull || tColVal->isNone) { // // taosArraySet(pColArray, i, &colVal); // taosArraySet(pColArray, i, &(SLastCol){.ts = rowTs, .colVal = colVal}); // --nilColCount; // } // } else { // if ((tColVal->isNull || tColVal->isNone) && !setICol) { // iCol = i; // setICol = true; // for (int j = 0; j < nMerge; ++j) { // SColVal jColVal = {0}; // tsdbRowGetColVal(merge[j], pTSchema, i, &jColVal); // if (jColVal.isNull || jColVal.isNone) { // input[iMerge[j]].next = true; // } // } // } // } // } // if (*ppRow) { // taosMemoryFreeClear(*ppRow); // } // } while (nilColCount > 0); // // if () new ts row from pColArray if non empty // /* if (taosArrayGetSize(pColArray) == nCol) { */ // /* code = tdSTSRowNew(pColArray, pTSchema, ppRow); */ // /* if (code) goto _err; */ // /* } */ // /* taosArrayDestroy(pColArray); */ // if (taosArrayGetSize(pColArray) <= 0) { // *ppLastArray = NULL; // taosArrayDestroy(pColArray); // } else { // *ppLastArray = pColArray; // } // if (*ppRow) { // taosMemoryFreeClear(*ppRow); // } // for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { // if (input[i].nextRowClearFn) { // input[i].nextRowClearFn(input[i].iter); // } // } // if (pSkyline) { // taosArrayDestroy(pSkyline); // } // taosMemoryFreeClear(pTSchema); // return code; // _err: // taosArrayDestroy(pColArray); // if (*ppRow) { // taosMemoryFreeClear(*ppRow); // } // for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { // if (input[i].nextRowClearFn) { // input[i].nextRowClearFn(input[i].iter); // } // } // if (pSkyline) { // taosArrayDestroy(pSkyline); // } // taosMemoryFreeClear(pTSchema); // tsdbError("vgId:%d merge last_row failed since %s", TD_VID(pTsdb->pVnode), tstrerror(code)); // return code; // } int32_t tsdbCacheGetLastrowH(SLRUCache *pCache, tb_uid_t uid, STsdb *pTsdb, LRUHandle **handle) { int32_t code = 0; char key[32] = {0}; int keyLen = 0; // getTableCacheKey(uid, "lr", key, &keyLen); getTableCacheKey(uid, 0, key, &keyLen); LRUHandle *h = taosLRUCacheLookup(pCache, key, keyLen); if (h) { //*ppRow = (STSRow *)taosLRUCacheValue(pCache, h); } else { STSRow *pRow = NULL; bool dup = false; // which is always false for now code = mergeLastRow2(uid, pTsdb, &dup, &pRow); // if table's empty or error, return code of -1 if (code < 0 || pRow == NULL) { if (!dup && pRow) { taosMemoryFree(pRow); } *handle = NULL; return 0; } _taos_lru_deleter_t deleter = deleteTableCacheLastrow; LRUStatus status = taosLRUCacheInsert(pCache, key, keyLen, pRow, TD_ROW_LEN(pRow), deleter, NULL, TAOS_LRU_PRIORITY_LOW); if (status != TAOS_LRU_STATUS_OK) { code = -1; } // tsdbCacheInsertLastrow(pCache, pTsdb, uid, pRow, dup); h = taosLRUCacheLookup(pCache, key, keyLen); //*ppRow = (STSRow *)taosLRUCacheValue(pCache, h); } *handle = h; return code; } int32_t tsdbCacheLastArray2Row(SArray *pLastArray, STSRow **ppRow, STSchema *pTSchema) { int32_t code = 0; int16_t nCol = taosArrayGetSize(pLastArray); SArray *pColArray = taosArrayInit(nCol, sizeof(SColVal)); for (int16_t iCol = 0; iCol < nCol; ++iCol) { SLastCol *tTsVal = (SLastCol *)taosArrayGet(pLastArray, iCol); SColVal *tColVal = &tTsVal->colVal; taosArrayPush(pColArray, tColVal); } code = tdSTSRowNew(pColArray, pTSchema, ppRow); if (code) goto _err; taosArrayDestroy(pColArray); return code; _err: taosArrayDestroy(pColArray); return code; } int32_t tsdbCacheGetLastH(SLRUCache *pCache, tb_uid_t uid, STsdb *pTsdb, LRUHandle **handle) { int32_t code = 0; char key[32] = {0}; int keyLen = 0; // getTableCacheKey(uid, "l", key, &keyLen); getTableCacheKey(uid, 1, key, &keyLen); LRUHandle *h = taosLRUCacheLookup(pCache, key, keyLen); if (h) { //*ppRow = (STSRow *)taosLRUCacheValue(pCache, h); } else { // STSRow *pRow = NULL; // code = mergeLast(uid, pTsdb, &pRow); SArray *pLastArray = NULL; // code = mergeLast(uid, pTsdb, &pLastArray); code = mergeLast2(uid, pTsdb, &pLastArray); // if table's empty or error, return code of -1 // if (code < 0 || pRow == NULL) { if (code < 0 || pLastArray == NULL) { *handle = NULL; return 0; } _taos_lru_deleter_t deleter = deleteTableCacheLast; LRUStatus status = taosLRUCacheInsert(pCache, key, keyLen, pLastArray, pLastArray->capacity, deleter, NULL, TAOS_LRU_PRIORITY_LOW); if (status != TAOS_LRU_STATUS_OK) { code = -1; } h = taosLRUCacheLookup(pCache, key, keyLen); //*ppRow = (STSRow *)taosLRUCacheValue(pCache, h); } *handle = h; return code; } int32_t tsdbCacheRelease(SLRUCache *pCache, LRUHandle *h) { int32_t code = 0; taosLRUCacheRelease(pCache, h, false); return code; } void tsdbCacheSetCapacity(SVnode *pVnode, size_t capacity) { taosLRUCacheSetCapacity(pVnode->pTsdb->lruCache, capacity); } size_t tsdbCacheGetCapacity(SVnode *pVnode) { return taosLRUCacheGetCapacity(pVnode->pTsdb->lruCache); }