######################################################## # # # TDengine Configuration # # Any questions, please email support@taosdata.com # # # ######################################################## # master IP for TDengine system # masterIp # second IP for TDengine system, for cluster version only # secondIp # IP address of the server # privateIp # public IP of server, on which the tdengine are deployed # this IP is assigned by cloud service provider, for cluster version only # publicIp # network is bound to # anyIp 1 # set socket type ("udp" and "tcp") # the server and client should have the same socket type. Otherwise, connect will fail # sockettype udp # client local IP # localIp # for the cluster version, data file's directory is configured this way # option mount_path tier_level # dataDir /mnt/disk1/taos 0 # dataDir /mnt/disk2/taos 0 # dataDir /mnt/disk3/taos 0 # dataDir /mnt/disk4/taos 0 # dataDir /mnt/disk5/taos 0 # dataDir /mnt/disk6/taos 1 # dataDir /mnt/disk7/taos 1 # for the stand-alone version, data file's directory is configured this way # dataDir /var/lib/taos # log file's directory # logDir /var/log/taos # http service port, default tcp[6020] # httpPort 6020 # port for MNode connect to Client, default udp[6030-6034] tcp[6030] # mgmtShellPort 6030 # port for DNode connect to Client, default udp[6035-6039] tcp[6035] # vnodeShellPort 6035 # port for MNode connect to VNode, default udp[6040-6044] tcp[6040], for cluster version only # mgmtVnodePort 6040 # port for DNode connect to DNode, default tcp[6045], for cluster version only # vnodeVnodePort 6045 # port for MNode connect to MNode, default udp[6050], for cluster version only # mgmtMgmtPort 6050 # port sync file MNode and MNode, default tcp[6050], for cluster version only # mgmtSyncPort 6050 # number of threads per CPU core # numOfThreadsPerCore 1 # number of vnodes per core in DNode # numOfVnodesPerCore 8 # number of total vnodes in DNode # numOfTotalVnodes 0 # max number of sessions per vnode # tables 1024 # cache block size # cache 16384 # row in file block # rows 4096 # average cache blocks per meter # ablocks 4 # max number of cache blocks per Meter # tblocks 512 # interval of system monitor # monitorInterval 60 # the compressed rpc message, option: # -1 (no compression) # 0 (all message compressed), # > 0 (rpc message body which larger than this value will be compressed) # compressMsgSize -1 # RPC re-try timer, millisecond # rpcTimer 300 # RPC maximum time for ack, seconds # rpcMaxTime 600 # commit interval,unit is second # ctime 3600 # interval of DNode report status to MNode, unit is Second, for cluster version only # statusInterval 1 # interval of Shell send HB to MNode, unit is Second # shellActivityTimer 3 # interval of DNode send HB to DNode, unit is Second, for cluster version only # vnodePeerHBTimer 1 # interval of MNode send HB to MNode, unit is Second, for cluster version only # mgmtPeerHBTimer 1 # time to keep MeterMeta in Cache, seconds # meterMetaKeepTimer 7200 # time to keep MetricMeta in Cache, seconds # metricMetaKeepTimer 600 # max number of users # maxUsers 1000 # max number of databases # maxDbs 1000 # max number of tables # maxTables 650000 # max number of Dnodes, for cluster version only # maxDnodes 1000 # Max number of VGroups, for cluster version only # maxVGroups 1000 # system locale # locale en_US.UTF-8 # default system charset # charset UTF-8 # system time zone # timezone Asia/Shanghai (CST, +0800) # enable/disable commit log # clog 1 # enable/disable async log # asyncLog 1 # enable/disable compression # comp 1 # number of days per DB file # days 10 # number of days to keep DB file # keep 3650 # number of replications, for cluster version only # replications 1 # client default database(database should be created) # defaultDB # client default username # defaultUser root # client default password # defaultPass taosdata # max number of connections from client for mgmt node # maxShellConns 2000 # max numerber of meter Connections # maxMeterConnections 10000 # max connection to management node # maxMgmtConnections 2000 # max connection to Vnode # maxVnodeConnections 10000 # mnode take into account while balance, for cluster version only # mgmtEqualVnodeNum 4 # number of seconds allowed for a dnode to be offline, for cluster version only # offlineThreshold 864000 # start http service # http 1 # start system monitor module # monitor 1 # maximum number of rows returned by the restful interface # restfulRowLimit 10240 # number of threads used to process http requests # httpMaxThreads 2 # pre-allocated number of http sessions # httpCacheSessions 100 # whether to enable HTTP compression transmission # httpEnableCompress 0 # the delayed time for launching each continuous query. 10% of the whole computing time window by default. # streamCompDelayRatio 0.1 # the max allowed delayed time for launching continuous query. 20ms by default # tsMaxStreamComputDelay 20000 # whether the telegraf table name contains the number of tags and the number of fields # telegrafUseFieldNum 0 # enable table names generated by telegraf can be configured # use /etc/taos/taos.telegraf.cfg as the configuration file, such as # { # "metrics": [ # { # "name" : "system", # "tbname" : "system_uptime", # "fields": [ # "uptime" # ] # }, # { # "name": "system", # "tbname" : "system_uptime_format", # "fields": [ # "uptime_format" # ] # } # ] # } # The following parameter is used to limit the maximum number of lines in log files. # max number of rows per log filters # numOfLogLines 10000000 # The following parameters are used for debug purpose only. # debugFlag 8 bits mask: FILE-SCREEN-UNUSED-HeartBeat-DUMP-TRACE_WARN-ERROR # 131: output warning and error,135: output info, warning and error to log. # 199: output debug, info, warning and error to both screen and file # debug flag for meta management messages # mDebugFlag 135 # debug flag for dnode messages # dDebugFlag 131 # debug flag for TDengine SDB # sdbDebugFlag 135 # debug flag for RPC # rpcDebugFlag 131 # debug flag for basic utils # debugFlag 131 # debug flag for TDengine client # cDebugFlag 131 # debug flag for http server # httpDebugFlag 131 # debug flag for system monitor # monitorDebugFlag 131 # debug flag for TAOS TIMER # tmrDebugFlag 131