/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef USE_UV #include "transComm.h" #define BUFFER_CAP 4096 static TdThreadOnce transModuleInit = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; static int32_t refMgt; static int32_t instMgt; bool transCompressMsg(char* msg, int32_t len, int32_t* flen) { return false; // SRpcHead* pHead = rpcHeadFromCont(pCont); bool succ = false; int overhead = sizeof(STransCompMsg); if (!NEEDTO_COMPRESSS_MSG(len)) { return succ; } char* buf = taosMemoryMalloc(len + overhead + 8); // 8 extra bytes if (buf == NULL) { tError("failed to allocate memory for rpc msg compression, contLen:%d", len); *flen = len; return succ; } int32_t clen = LZ4_compress_default(msg, buf, len, len + overhead); tDebug("compress rpc msg, before:%d, after:%d, overhead:%d", len, clen, overhead); /* * only the compressed size is less than the value of contLen - overhead, the compression is applied * The first four bytes is set to 0, the second four bytes are utilized to keep the original length of message */ if (clen > 0 && clen < len - overhead) { STransCompMsg* pComp = (STransCompMsg*)msg; pComp->reserved = 0; pComp->contLen = htonl(len); memcpy(msg + overhead, buf, clen); tDebug("compress rpc msg, before:%d, after:%d", len, clen); *flen = clen + overhead; succ = true; } else { *flen = len; succ = false; } taosMemoryFree(buf); return succ; } bool transDecompressMsg(char* msg, int32_t len, int32_t* flen) { // impl later return false; STransCompMsg* pComp = (STransCompMsg*)msg; int overhead = sizeof(STransCompMsg); int clen = 0; return false; } void transFreeMsg(void* msg) { if (msg == NULL) { return; } taosMemoryFree((char*)msg - sizeof(STransMsgHead)); } int transSockInfo2Str(struct sockaddr* sockname, char* dst) { struct sockaddr_in addr = *(struct sockaddr_in*)sockname; char buf[20] = {0}; int r = uv_ip4_name(&addr, (char*)buf, sizeof(buf)); sprintf(dst, "%s:%d", buf, ntohs(addr.sin_port)); return r; } int transInitBuffer(SConnBuffer* buf) { buf->cap = BUFFER_CAP; buf->buf = taosMemoryCalloc(1, BUFFER_CAP); buf->left = -1; buf->len = 0; buf->total = 0; buf->invalid = 0; return 0; } int transDestroyBuffer(SConnBuffer* p) { taosMemoryFree(p->buf); p->buf = NULL; return 0; } int transClearBuffer(SConnBuffer* buf) { SConnBuffer* p = buf; if (p->cap > BUFFER_CAP) { p->cap = BUFFER_CAP; p->buf = taosMemoryRealloc(p->buf, BUFFER_CAP); } p->left = -1; p->len = 0; p->total = 0; p->invalid = 0; return 0; } int transDumpFromBuffer(SConnBuffer* connBuf, char** buf) { static const int HEADSIZE = sizeof(STransMsgHead); SConnBuffer* p = connBuf; if (p->left != 0) { return -1; } int total = connBuf->total; if (total >= HEADSIZE && !p->invalid) { *buf = taosMemoryCalloc(1, total); memcpy(*buf, p->buf, total); transResetBuffer(connBuf); } else { total = -1; } return total; } int transResetBuffer(SConnBuffer* connBuf) { SConnBuffer* p = connBuf; if (p->total < p->len) { int left = p->len - p->total; memmove(p->buf, p->buf + p->total, left); p->left = -1; p->total = 0; p->len = left; } else if (p->total == p->len) { p->left = -1; p->total = 0; p->len = 0; } else { assert(0); } return 0; } int transAllocBuffer(SConnBuffer* connBuf, uv_buf_t* uvBuf) { /* * formate of data buffer: * |<--------------------------data from socket------------------------------->| * |<------STransMsgHead------->|<-------------------userdata--------------->|<-----auth data----->|<----user * info--->| */ SConnBuffer* p = connBuf; uvBuf->base = p->buf + p->len; if (p->left == -1) { uvBuf->len = p->cap - p->len; } else { if (p->left < p->cap - p->len) { uvBuf->len = p->left; } else { p->cap = p->left + p->len; p->buf = taosMemoryRealloc(p->buf, p->cap); uvBuf->base = p->buf + p->len; uvBuf->len = p->left; } } return 0; } // check whether already read complete bool transReadComplete(SConnBuffer* connBuf) { SConnBuffer* p = connBuf; if (p->len >= sizeof(STransMsgHead)) { if (p->left == -1) { STransMsgHead head; memcpy((char*)&head, connBuf->buf, sizeof(head)); int32_t msgLen = (int32_t)htonl(head.msgLen); p->total = msgLen; p->invalid = TRANS_NOVALID_PACKET(htonl(head.magicNum)); } if (p->total >= p->len) { p->left = p->total - p->len; } else { p->left = 0; } } return (p->left == 0 || p->invalid) ? true : false; } int transSetConnOption(uv_tcp_t* stream) { uv_tcp_nodelay(stream, 1); int ret = uv_tcp_keepalive(stream, 5, 60); return ret; } SAsyncPool* transAsyncPoolCreate(uv_loop_t* loop, int sz, void* arg, AsyncCB cb) { SAsyncPool* pool = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SAsyncPool)); pool->nAsync = sz; pool->asyncs = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(uv_async_t) * pool->nAsync); for (int i = 0; i < pool->nAsync; i++) { SAsyncItem* item = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SAsyncItem)); item->pThrd = arg; QUEUE_INIT(&item->qmsg); taosThreadMutexInit(&item->mtx, NULL); uv_async_t* async = &(pool->asyncs[i]); uv_async_init(loop, async, cb); async->data = item; } return pool; } void transAsyncPoolDestroy(SAsyncPool* pool) { for (int i = 0; i < pool->nAsync; i++) { uv_async_t* async = &(pool->asyncs[i]); SAsyncItem* item = async->data; taosThreadMutexDestroy(&item->mtx); taosMemoryFree(item); } taosMemoryFree(pool->asyncs); taosMemoryFree(pool); } bool transAsyncPoolIsEmpty(SAsyncPool* pool) { for (int i = 0; i < pool->nAsync; i++) { uv_async_t* async = &(pool->asyncs[i]); SAsyncItem* item = async->data; if (!QUEUE_IS_EMPTY(&item->qmsg)) return false; } return true; } int transAsyncSend(SAsyncPool* pool, queue* q) { if (atomic_load_8(&pool->stop) == 1) { return -1; } int idx = pool->index; idx = idx % pool->nAsync; // no need mutex here if (pool->index++ > pool->nAsync) { pool->index = 0; } uv_async_t* async = &(pool->asyncs[idx]); SAsyncItem* item = async->data; taosThreadMutexLock(&item->mtx); QUEUE_PUSH(&item->qmsg, q); taosThreadMutexUnlock(&item->mtx); return uv_async_send(async); } void transCtxInit(STransCtx* ctx) { // init transCtx ctx->args = taosHashInit(2, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT), true, HASH_NO_LOCK); } void transCtxCleanup(STransCtx* ctx) { if (ctx->args == NULL) { return; } STransCtxVal* iter = taosHashIterate(ctx->args, NULL); while (iter) { ctx->freeFunc(iter->val); iter = taosHashIterate(ctx->args, iter); } ctx->freeFunc(ctx->brokenVal.val); taosHashCleanup(ctx->args); ctx->args = NULL; } void transCtxMerge(STransCtx* dst, STransCtx* src) { if (dst->args == NULL) { dst->args = src->args; dst->brokenVal = src->brokenVal; dst->freeFunc = src->freeFunc; src->args = NULL; return; } void* key = NULL; size_t klen = 0; void* iter = taosHashIterate(src->args, NULL); while (iter) { STransCtxVal* sVal = (STransCtxVal*)iter; key = taosHashGetKey(sVal, &klen); // STransCtxVal* dVal = taosHashGet(dst->args, key, klen); // if (dVal) { // dst->freeFunc(dVal->val); // } taosHashPut(dst->args, key, klen, sVal, sizeof(*sVal)); iter = taosHashIterate(src->args, iter); } taosHashCleanup(src->args); } void* transCtxDumpVal(STransCtx* ctx, int32_t key) { if (ctx->args == NULL) { return NULL; } STransCtxVal* cVal = taosHashGet(ctx->args, (const void*)&key, sizeof(key)); if (cVal == NULL) { return NULL; } void* ret = NULL; (*cVal->clone)(cVal->val, &ret); return ret; } void* transCtxDumpBrokenlinkVal(STransCtx* ctx, int32_t* msgType) { void* ret = NULL; if (ctx->brokenVal.clone == NULL) { return ret; } (*ctx->brokenVal.clone)(ctx->brokenVal.val, &ret); *msgType = ctx->brokenVal.msgType; return ret; } void transReqQueueInit(queue* q) { // init req queue QUEUE_INIT(q); } void* transReqQueuePush(queue* q) { STransReq* req = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(STransReq)); req->wreq.data = req; QUEUE_PUSH(q, &req->q); return &req->wreq; } void* transReqQueueRemove(void* arg) { void* ret = NULL; uv_write_t* wreq = arg; STransReq* req = wreq ? wreq->data : NULL; if (req == NULL) return NULL; QUEUE_REMOVE(&req->q); ret = wreq && wreq->handle ? wreq->handle->data : NULL; taosMemoryFree(req); return ret; } void transReqQueueClear(queue* q) { while (!QUEUE_IS_EMPTY(q)) { queue* h = QUEUE_HEAD(q); QUEUE_REMOVE(h); STransReq* req = QUEUE_DATA(h, STransReq, q); taosMemoryFree(req); } } void transQueueInit(STransQueue* queue, void (*freeFunc)(const void* arg)) { queue->q = taosArrayInit(2, sizeof(void*)); queue->freeFunc = (void (*)(const void*))freeFunc; } bool transQueuePush(STransQueue* queue, void* arg) { if (queue->q == NULL) { return true; } taosArrayPush(queue->q, &arg); if (taosArrayGetSize(queue->q) > 1) { return false; } return true; } void* transQueuePop(STransQueue* queue) { if (queue->q == NULL || taosArrayGetSize(queue->q) == 0) { return NULL; } void* ptr = taosArrayGetP(queue->q, 0); taosArrayRemove(queue->q, 0); return ptr; } int32_t transQueueSize(STransQueue* queue) { if (queue->q == NULL) { return 0; } return taosArrayGetSize(queue->q); } void* transQueueGet(STransQueue* queue, int i) { if (queue->q == NULL || taosArrayGetSize(queue->q) == 0) { return NULL; } if (i >= taosArrayGetSize(queue->q)) { return NULL; } void* ptr = taosArrayGetP(queue->q, i); return ptr; } void* transQueueRm(STransQueue* queue, int i) { if (queue->q == NULL || taosArrayGetSize(queue->q) == 0) { return NULL; } if (i >= taosArrayGetSize(queue->q)) { return NULL; } void* ptr = taosArrayGetP(queue->q, i); taosArrayRemove(queue->q, i); return ptr; } bool transQueueEmpty(STransQueue* queue) { if (queue->q == NULL) { return true; } return taosArrayGetSize(queue->q) == 0; } void transQueueClear(STransQueue* queue) { if (queue->freeFunc != NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(queue->q); i++) { void* p = taosArrayGetP(queue->q, i); queue->freeFunc(p); } } taosArrayClear(queue->q); } void transQueueDestroy(STransQueue* queue) { transQueueClear(queue); taosArrayDestroy(queue->q); } static FORCE_INLINE int32_t timeCompare(const HeapNode* a, const HeapNode* b) { SDelayTask* arg1 = container_of(a, SDelayTask, node); SDelayTask* arg2 = container_of(b, SDelayTask, node); if (arg1->execTime > arg2->execTime) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } static void transDQTimeout(uv_timer_t* timer) { SDelayQueue* queue = timer->data; tTrace("timer %p timeout", timer); uint64_t timeout = 0; int64_t current = taosGetTimestampMs(); do { HeapNode* minNode = heapMin(queue->heap); if (minNode == NULL) break; SDelayTask* task = container_of(minNode, SDelayTask, node); if (task->execTime <= current) { heapRemove(queue->heap, minNode); task->func(task->arg); taosMemoryFree(task); timeout = 0; } else { timeout = task->execTime - current; break; } } while (1); if (timeout != 0) { uv_timer_start(queue->timer, transDQTimeout, timeout, 0); } } int transDQCreate(uv_loop_t* loop, SDelayQueue** queue) { uv_timer_t* timer = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(uv_timer_t)); uv_timer_init(loop, timer); Heap* heap = heapCreate(timeCompare); SDelayQueue* q = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SDelayQueue)); q->heap = heap; q->timer = timer; q->loop = loop; q->timer->data = q; *queue = q; return 0; } void transDQDestroy(SDelayQueue* queue, void (*freeFunc)(void* arg)) { taosMemoryFree(queue->timer); while (heapSize(queue->heap) > 0) { HeapNode* minNode = heapMin(queue->heap); if (minNode == NULL) { return; } heapRemove(queue->heap, minNode); SDelayTask* task = container_of(minNode, SDelayTask, node); STaskArg* arg = task->arg; if (freeFunc) freeFunc(arg->param1); taosMemoryFree(arg); taosMemoryFree(task); } heapDestroy(queue->heap); taosMemoryFree(queue); } void transDQCancel(SDelayQueue* queue, SDelayTask* task) { uv_timer_stop(queue->timer); if (heapSize(queue->heap) <= 0) { taosMemoryFree(task->arg); taosMemoryFree(task); return; } heapRemove(queue->heap, &task->node); taosMemoryFree(task->arg); taosMemoryFree(task); if (heapSize(queue->heap) != 0) { HeapNode* minNode = heapMin(queue->heap); if (minNode == NULL) return; uint64_t now = taosGetTimestampMs(); SDelayTask* task = container_of(minNode, SDelayTask, node); uint64_t timeout = now > task->execTime ? now - task->execTime : 0; uv_timer_start(queue->timer, transDQTimeout, timeout, 0); } } SDelayTask* transDQSched(SDelayQueue* queue, void (*func)(void* arg), void* arg, uint64_t timeoutMs) { uint64_t now = taosGetTimestampMs(); SDelayTask* task = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SDelayTask)); task->func = func; task->arg = arg; task->execTime = now + timeoutMs; HeapNode* minNode = heapMin(queue->heap); if (minNode) { SDelayTask* minTask = container_of(minNode, SDelayTask, node); if (minTask->execTime < task->execTime) { timeoutMs = minTask->execTime <= now ? 0 : minTask->execTime - now; } } tTrace("timer %p put task into delay queue, timeoutMs:%" PRIu64, queue->timer, timeoutMs); heapInsert(queue->heap, &task->node); uv_timer_start(queue->timer, transDQTimeout, timeoutMs, 0); return task; } void transPrintEpSet(SEpSet* pEpSet) { if (pEpSet == NULL) { tTrace("NULL epset"); return; } char buf[512] = {0}; int len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "epset:{"); for (int i = 0; i < pEpSet->numOfEps; i++) { if (i == pEpSet->numOfEps - 1) { len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, "%d. %s:%d", i, pEpSet->eps[i].fqdn, pEpSet->eps[i].port); } else { len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, "%d. %s:%d, ", i, pEpSet->eps[i].fqdn, pEpSet->eps[i].port); } } len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, "}"); tTrace("%s, inUse:%d", buf, pEpSet->inUse); } bool transEpSetIsEqual(SEpSet* a, SEpSet* b) { if (a->numOfEps != b->numOfEps || a->inUse != b->inUse) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < a->numOfEps; i++) { if (strncmp(a->eps[i].fqdn, b->eps[i].fqdn, TSDB_FQDN_LEN) != 0 || a->eps[i].port != b->eps[i].port) { return false; } } return true; } static void transInitEnv() { refMgt = transOpenRefMgt(50000, transDestoryExHandle); instMgt = taosOpenRef(50, rpcCloseImpl); uv_os_setenv("UV_TCP_SINGLE_ACCEPT", "1"); } static void transDestroyEnv() { transCloseRefMgt(refMgt); transCloseRefMgt(instMgt); } void transInit() { // init env taosThreadOnce(&transModuleInit, transInitEnv); } int32_t transGetRefMgt() { return refMgt; } int32_t transGetInstMgt() { return instMgt; } void transCleanup() { // clean env transDestroyEnv(); } int32_t transOpenRefMgt(int size, void (*func)(void*)) { // added into once later return taosOpenRef(size, func); } void transCloseRefMgt(int32_t mgt) { // close ref taosCloseRef(mgt); } int64_t transAddExHandle(int32_t refMgt, void* p) { // acquire extern handle return taosAddRef(refMgt, p); } int32_t transRemoveExHandle(int32_t refMgt, int64_t refId) { // acquire extern handle return taosRemoveRef(refMgt, refId); } void* transAcquireExHandle(int32_t refMgt, int64_t refId) { // acquire extern handle return (void*)taosAcquireRef(refMgt, refId); } int32_t transReleaseExHandle(int32_t refMgt, int64_t refId) { // release extern handle return taosReleaseRef(refMgt, refId); } void transDestoryExHandle(void* handle) { if (handle == NULL) { return; } taosMemoryFree(handle); } #endif