system sh/ system sh/ -n dnode1 -i 1 system sh/ -n dnode1 -s start sql connect sql create database db; sql use db; sql create table t (ts timestamp, i int); sql create table st1 (ts timestamp, f1 int) tags(t1 int); sql create table st2 (ts timestamp, f2 int) tags(t2 int); sql create table t1 using st1 tags(1); sql create table t2 using st2 tags(1); sql insert into t1 values(1575880055000, 1); sql insert into t1 values(1575880059000, 1); sql insert into t1 values(1575880069000, 1); sql insert into t2 values(1575880055000, 2); sql select st1.ts, st1.f1, st2.f2 from db.st1, db.st2 where st1.t1=st2.t2 and st1.ts=st2.ts system_content curl -H 'Authorization: Taosd /KfeAzX/f9na8qdtNZmtONryp201ma04bEl8LcvLUd7a8qdtNZmtONryp201ma04' -d 'select st1.ts, st1.f1, st2.f2 from db.st1, db.st2 where st1.t1=st2.t2 and st1.ts=st2.ts' print ==============select with user-defined columns sql select 'abc' as f, ts,f1 from t1 if $rows != 3 then return -1 endi if $data00 != @abc@ then return -1 endi if $data01 != @19-12-09 16:27:35.000@ then return -1 endi if $data02 != 1 then return -1 endi sql select 'abc', ts, f1 from t1 if $rows != 3 then return -1 endi if $data01 != @19-12-09 16:27:35.000@ then return -1 endi if $data02 != 1 then return -1 endi if $data10 != @abc@ then return -1 endi sql select 'abc' from t1 if $rows != 3 then return -1 endi if $data00 != @abc@ then return -1 endi sql select 'abc' as f1 from t1 if $rows != 3 then return -1 endi if $data00 != @abc@ then return -1 endi sql select 1 from t1 if $rows != 3 then return -1 endi if $data00 != 1 then return -1 endi if $data10 != 1 then return -1 endi if $data20 != 1 then return -1 endi sql select 1 as f1 from t1 if $rows != 3 then return -1 endi if $data00 != 1 then return -1 endi sql select 1 as f, f1 from t1 if $rows != 3 then return -1 endi if $data00 != 1 then return -1 endi if $data01 != 1 then return -1 endi sql select 1.123 as f, f1 from t1 if $rows != 3 then return -1 endi if $data00 != 1.123000000 then print expect 1.123000000 , actual:$data00 return -1 endi if $data10 != 1.123000000 then print expect 1.123000000 , actual:$data10 return -1 endi sql select 1, f1 from t1 if $rows != 3 then return -1 endi if $data00 != 1 then return -1 endi if $data01 != 1 then return -1 endi if $data10 != 1 then return -1 endi sql select 1.2391, f1 from t1 if $rows != 3 then return -1 endi if $data00 != 1.239100000 then print expect 1.239100000 actual: $data00 return -1 endi if $data10 != 1.239100000 then print expect 1.239100000 actual: $data00 return -1 endi if $data01 != 1 then return -1 endi print ===================== user-defined columns with agg functions sql select 1 as t, count(*) from t1 if $rows != 1 then return -1 endi if $data00 != 1 then return -1 endi if $data01 != 3 then return -1 endi sql select 1, sum(f1) from t1 if $rows != 1 then return -1 endi if $data00 != 1 then return -1 endi if $data01 != 3 then return -1 endi sql select 1,2,3, sum(f1)*99, 4,5,6,7,8,9,10 from t1 if $rows != 1 then return -1 endi if $data00 != 1 then return -1 endi if $data01 != 2 then return -1 endi if $data02 != 3 then return -1 endi if $data03 != 297.000000000 then print expect 297.000000000, actual:$data03 return -1 endi sql select sum(f1)*avg(f1)+12, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 from t1 if $rows != 1 then return -1 endi if $data00 != 15.000000000 then print expect 15.000000000 actual:$data00 return -1 endi if $data01 != 1 then return -1 endi if $data02 != 2 then return -1 endi sql select 1.2987, f1, 'k' from t1 where f1=1 if $rows != 3 then return -1 endi if $data00 != 1.298700000 then print expect 1.298700000 actual:$data00 return -1 endi if $data01 != 1 then return -1 endi if $data02 != @k@ then return -1 endi print ====================user-defined columns with union sql select f1, 'f1' from t1 union all select f1, 'f1' from t1; if $rows != 6 then return -1 endi if $data00 != 1 then return -1 endi if $data01 != @f1@ then return -1 endi if $data10 != 1 then return -1 endi if $data11 != @f1@ then return -1 endi print =====================udc with join sql select st1.ts, st1.f1, st2.f2, 'abc', 1.9827 from db.st1, db.st2 where st1.t1=st2.t2 and st1.ts=st2.ts if $rows != 1 then return -1 endi if $data00 != @19-12-09 16:27:35.000@ then print expect @19-12-09 16:27:35.000@ actual:$data00 return -1 endi if $data01 != 1 then return -1 endi if $data02 != 2 then return -1 endi if $data03 != @abc@ then return -1 endi if $data04 != 1.982700000 then print expect 1.982700000 actual:$data04 return -1 endi print ======================udc with interval sql select count(*), 'uuu' from t1 interval(1s) order by ts desc; if $rows != 3 then return -1 endi print ======================udc with tags sql select t1,'abc',tbname from st1 if $rows != 1 then return -1 endi if $data01 != @abc@ then return -1 endi if $data02 != @t1@ then return -1 endi print ======================udc with arithmetic sql select 1+1 from t1 if $rows != 3 then return -1 endi sql select 0.1 + 0.2 from t1 if $rows != 3 then return -1 endi print =============================> td-2036 if $data00 != 0.300000000 then print expect: 0.300000000, actual:$data00 return -1 endi print =============================> td-3996 sql select 'abc' as res from t1 where f1 < 0 if $rows != 0 then return -1 endi print ======================udc with normal column group by sql_error select from t1 sql_error select abc from t1 sql_error select abc as tu from t1 print ========================> td-1756 sql_error select * from t1 where ts>now-1y sql_error select * from t1 where ts>now-1n print ========================> td-1752 sql select * from db.st2 where t2 < 200 and t2 is not null; if $rows != 1 then return -1 endi if $data00 != @19-12-09 16:27:35.000@ then return -1 endi if $data01 != 2 then return -1 endi if $data02 != 1 then return -1 endi sql select * from db.st2 where t2 > 200 or t2 is null; if $rows != 0 then return -1 endi sql select * from st2 where t2 < 200 and t2 is null; if $rows != 0 then return -1 endi system sh/ -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT