# Linux Platform install.packages('rJDBC', repos='http://cran.us.r-project.org') # Loading RJDBC packages library('RJDBC') # Set up working path and JDBC driver storage location setwd('C:/TDengine') # Load JDBC Driver for TDengine drv<-JDBC("com.taosdata.jdbc.TSDBDriver","JDBCDriver-1.0.0-dist.jar", identifier.quote="\"") # Connect to the database conn<-dbConnect(drv,"jdbc:TSDB://","root","taosdata") # Get connection information dbGetInfo(conn) # Using database test dbSendUpdate(conn, "use test") # Insert data dbSendUpdate(conn, "insert into t1 values(now, 99)") # View all tables table1<-dbGetQuery(conn,"show tables") # Functional support for RJDBC # List all tables dbListTables(conn) # Is there table iris dbExistsTable(conn,”iris”) # Connect summary information summary(conn) dbGetInfo(conn) # Read all the data from the T1 table dbReadTable(conn, "t1") # Delete table t1 dbRemoveTable(conn,"t1") # Execute any non-query SQL statements dbSendUpdate(conn, "create table t1(a timestamp, b int, c nchar(12))"); # Write data dbWriteTable(conn, "t1", t_demo_n, overwrite=FALSE, append=TRUE) # Extracting data on demand using SQL statements dbGetQuery(conn, "select k from tu") # Close the connection dbDisconnect(conn)