version: '3.2' services: mnode: # Build properties build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile.mnode image: mnode_img # Deploy properties deploy: mode: replicated replicas: 1 restart_policy: condition: on-failure delay: 5s max_attempts: 3 window: 120s ports: - "6100:6100" - "6120:6120" - "6220:6220" - "6260:6260" - "6280:6280" volumes: - type: volume source: taos_data target: /var/lib/taos/ - type: volume source: taos_log target: /var/log/taos/ # And also configuration files. network_mode: bridge dnode: # Build properties build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile.dnode image: dnode_img # Deploy properties deploy: mode: replicated replicas: 1 restart_policy: condition: on-failure delay: 5s max_attempts: 3 window: 120s ports: - "6140:6140" - "6160:6160" - "6180:6180" - "6200:6200" - "6240:6240" volumes: - type: volume source: taos_data target: /var/lib/taos/ - type: volume source: taos_log target: /var/log/taos/ # And also configuration files. network_mode: bridge taos: # Build properties build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile.taos image: taos_img # Deploy properties volumes: taos_data: taos_log: # To build the images: docker-compose build