/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "deploy.h" class DndTestUser : public ::testing::Test { protected: void SetUp() override {} void TearDown() override {} static void SetUpTestSuite() { const char* user = "root"; const char* pass = "taosdata"; const char* path = "/tmp/dndTestUser"; const char* fqdn = "localhost"; uint16_t port = 9524; pServer = createServer(path, fqdn, port); ASSERT(pServer); pClient = createClient(user, pass, fqdn, port); } static void TearDownTestSuite() { dropServer(pServer); dropClient(pClient); } static SServer* pServer; static SClient* pClient; static int32_t connId; }; SServer* DndTestUser::pServer; SClient* DndTestUser::pClient; int32_t DndTestUser::connId; #if 0 TEST_F(DndTestUser, ShowUser) { int32_t showId = 0; //--- meta --- SShowMsg* pShow = (SShowMsg*)rpcMallocCont(sizeof(SShowMsg)); pShow->type = TSDB_MGMT_TABLE_USER; strcpy(pShow->db, ""); SRpcMsg showRpcMsg = {0}; showRpcMsg.pCont = pShow; showRpcMsg.contLen = sizeof(SShowMsg); showRpcMsg.msgType = TSDB_MSG_TYPE_SHOW; sendMsg(pClient, &showRpcMsg); ASSERT_NE(pClient->pRsp, nullptr); SShowRsp* pShowRsp = (SShowRsp*)pClient->pRsp->pCont; ASSERT_NE(pShowRsp, nullptr); pShowRsp->showId = htonl(pShowRsp->showId); STableMetaMsg* pMeta = &pShowRsp->tableMeta; pMeta->contLen = htonl(pMeta->contLen); pMeta->numOfColumns = htons(pMeta->numOfColumns); pMeta->sversion = htons(pMeta->sversion); pMeta->tversion = htons(pMeta->tversion); pMeta->tid = htonl(pMeta->tid); pMeta->uid = htobe64(pMeta->uid); pMeta->suid = htobe64(pMeta->suid); showId = pShowRsp->showId; EXPECT_NE(pShowRsp->showId, 0); EXPECT_EQ(pMeta->contLen, 0); EXPECT_STREQ(pMeta->tableFname, "show users"); EXPECT_EQ(pMeta->numOfTags, 0); EXPECT_EQ(pMeta->precision, 0); EXPECT_EQ(pMeta->tableType, 0); EXPECT_EQ(pMeta->numOfColumns, 4); EXPECT_EQ(pMeta->sversion, 0); EXPECT_EQ(pMeta->tversion, 0); EXPECT_EQ(pMeta->tid, 0); EXPECT_EQ(pMeta->uid, 0); EXPECT_STREQ(pMeta->sTableName, ""); EXPECT_EQ(pMeta->suid, 0); SSchema* pSchema = NULL; pSchema = &pMeta->schema[0]; pSchema->bytes = htons(pSchema->bytes); EXPECT_EQ(pSchema->colId, 0); EXPECT_EQ(pSchema->type, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY); EXPECT_EQ(pSchema->bytes, TSDB_USER_LEN + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE); EXPECT_STREQ(pSchema->name, "name"); pSchema = &pMeta->schema[1]; pSchema->bytes = htons(pSchema->bytes); EXPECT_EQ(pSchema->colId, 0); EXPECT_EQ(pSchema->type, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY); EXPECT_EQ(pSchema->bytes, 10 + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE); EXPECT_STREQ(pSchema->name, "privilege"); pSchema = &pMeta->schema[2]; pSchema->bytes = htons(pSchema->bytes); EXPECT_EQ(pSchema->colId, 0); EXPECT_EQ(pSchema->type, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP); EXPECT_EQ(pSchema->bytes, 8); EXPECT_STREQ(pSchema->name, "create_time"); pSchema = &pMeta->schema[3]; pSchema->bytes = htons(pSchema->bytes); EXPECT_EQ(pSchema->colId, 0); EXPECT_EQ(pSchema->type, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY); EXPECT_EQ(pSchema->bytes, TSDB_USER_LEN + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE); EXPECT_STREQ(pSchema->name, "account"); //--- retrieve --- SRetrieveTableMsg* pRetrieve = (SRetrieveTableMsg*)rpcMallocCont(sizeof(SRetrieveTableMsg)); pRetrieve->showId = htonl(showId); pRetrieve->free = 0; SRpcMsg retrieveRpcMsg = {0}; retrieveRpcMsg.pCont = pRetrieve; retrieveRpcMsg.contLen = sizeof(SRetrieveTableMsg); retrieveRpcMsg.msgType = TSDB_MSG_TYPE_SHOW_RETRIEVE; sendMsg(pClient, &retrieveRpcMsg); ASSERT_NE(pClient->pRsp, nullptr); ASSERT_EQ(pClient->pRsp->code, 0); SRetrieveTableRsp* pRetrieveRsp = (SRetrieveTableRsp*)pClient->pRsp->pCont; ASSERT_NE(pRetrieveRsp, nullptr); pRetrieveRsp->numOfRows = htonl(pRetrieveRsp->numOfRows); pRetrieveRsp->offset = htobe64(pRetrieveRsp->offset); pRetrieveRsp->useconds = htobe64(pRetrieveRsp->useconds); pRetrieveRsp->compLen = htonl(pRetrieveRsp->compLen); EXPECT_EQ(pRetrieveRsp->numOfRows, 2); EXPECT_EQ(pRetrieveRsp->offset, 0); EXPECT_EQ(pRetrieveRsp->useconds, 0); EXPECT_EQ(pRetrieveRsp->completed, 1); EXPECT_EQ(pRetrieveRsp->precision, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MILLI); EXPECT_EQ(pRetrieveRsp->compressed, 0); EXPECT_EQ(pRetrieveRsp->reserved, 0); EXPECT_EQ(pRetrieveRsp->compLen, 0); char* pData = pRetrieveRsp->data; int32_t pos = 0; char* strVal = NULL; int64_t int64Val = 0; //--- name --- { pos += sizeof(VarDataLenT); strVal = (char*)(pData + pos); pos += TSDB_USER_LEN; EXPECT_STREQ(strVal, "root"); pos += sizeof(VarDataLenT); strVal = (char*)(pData + pos); pos += TSDB_USER_LEN; EXPECT_STREQ(strVal, "_root"); } //--- privilege --- { pos += sizeof(VarDataLenT); strVal = (char*)(pData + pos); pos += 10; EXPECT_STREQ(strVal, "super"); pos += sizeof(VarDataLenT); strVal = (char*)(pData + pos); pos += 10; EXPECT_STREQ(strVal, "writable"); } //--- create_time --- { int64Val = *((int64_t*)(pData + pos)); pos += sizeof(int64_t); EXPECT_GT(int64Val, 0); int64Val = *((int64_t*)(pData + pos)); pos += sizeof(int64_t); EXPECT_GT(int64Val, 0); } //--- account --- { pos += sizeof(VarDataLenT); strVal = (char*)(pData + pos); pos += TSDB_USER_LEN; EXPECT_STREQ(strVal, "root"); pos += sizeof(VarDataLenT); strVal = (char*)(pData + pos); pos += TSDB_USER_LEN; EXPECT_STREQ(strVal, "root"); } } #endif TEST_F(DndTestUser, CreateUser_01) { ASSERT_NE(pClient, nullptr); //--- create user --- SCreateUserMsg* pReq = (SCreateUserMsg*)rpcMallocCont(sizeof(SCreateUserMsg)); strcpy(pReq->user, "u1"); strcpy(pReq->pass, "p1"); SRpcMsg rpcMsg = {0}; rpcMsg.pCont = pReq; rpcMsg.contLen = sizeof(SCreateUserMsg); rpcMsg.msgType = TSDB_MSG_TYPE_CREATE_USER; sendMsg(pClient, &rpcMsg); SRpcMsg* pMsg = pClient->pRsp; ASSERT_NE(pMsg, nullptr); ASSERT_EQ(pMsg->code, 0); //--- meta --- SShowMsg* pShow = (SShowMsg*)rpcMallocCont(sizeof(SShowMsg)); pShow->type = TSDB_MGMT_TABLE_USER; SRpcMsg showRpcMsg = {0}; showRpcMsg.pCont = pShow; showRpcMsg.contLen = sizeof(SShowMsg); showRpcMsg.msgType = TSDB_MSG_TYPE_SHOW; sendMsg(pClient, &showRpcMsg); SShowRsp* pShowRsp = (SShowRsp*)pClient->pRsp->pCont; STableMetaMsg* pMeta = &pShowRsp->tableMeta; pMeta->numOfColumns = htons(pMeta->numOfColumns); EXPECT_EQ(pMeta->numOfColumns, 4); //--- retrieve --- SRetrieveTableMsg* pRetrieve = (SRetrieveTableMsg*)rpcMallocCont(sizeof(SRetrieveTableMsg)); pRetrieve->showId = pShowRsp->showId; SRpcMsg retrieveRpcMsg = {0}; retrieveRpcMsg.pCont = pRetrieve; retrieveRpcMsg.contLen = sizeof(SRetrieveTableMsg); retrieveRpcMsg.msgType = TSDB_MSG_TYPE_SHOW_RETRIEVE; sendMsg(pClient, &retrieveRpcMsg); SRetrieveTableRsp* pRetrieveRsp = (SRetrieveTableRsp*)pClient->pRsp->pCont; pRetrieveRsp->numOfRows = htonl(pRetrieveRsp->numOfRows); EXPECT_EQ(pRetrieveRsp->numOfRows, 3); char* pData = pRetrieveRsp->data; int32_t pos = 0; char* strVal = NULL; //--- name --- { pos += sizeof(VarDataLenT); strVal = (char*)(pData + pos); pos += TSDB_USER_LEN; EXPECT_STREQ(strVal, "u1"); pos += sizeof(VarDataLenT); strVal = (char*)(pData + pos); pos += TSDB_USER_LEN; EXPECT_STREQ(strVal, "root"); pos += sizeof(VarDataLenT); strVal = (char*)(pData + pos); pos += TSDB_USER_LEN; EXPECT_STREQ(strVal, "_root"); } } TEST_F(DndTestUser, AlterUser_01) { ASSERT_NE(pClient, nullptr); //--- drop user --- SAlterUserMsg* pReq = (SAlterUserMsg*)rpcMallocCont(sizeof(SAlterUserMsg)); strcpy(pReq->user, "u1"); strcpy(pReq->pass, "p2"); SRpcMsg rpcMsg = {0}; rpcMsg.pCont = pReq; rpcMsg.contLen = sizeof(SAlterUserMsg); rpcMsg.msgType = TSDB_MSG_TYPE_ALTER_USER; sendMsg(pClient, &rpcMsg); SRpcMsg* pMsg = pClient->pRsp; ASSERT_NE(pMsg, nullptr); ASSERT_EQ(pMsg->code, 0); //--- meta --- SShowMsg* pShow = (SShowMsg*)rpcMallocCont(sizeof(SShowMsg)); pShow->type = TSDB_MGMT_TABLE_USER; SRpcMsg showRpcMsg = {0}; showRpcMsg.pCont = pShow; showRpcMsg.contLen = sizeof(SShowMsg); showRpcMsg.msgType = TSDB_MSG_TYPE_SHOW; sendMsg(pClient, &showRpcMsg); SShowRsp* pShowRsp = (SShowRsp*)pClient->pRsp->pCont; STableMetaMsg* pMeta = &pShowRsp->tableMeta; pMeta->numOfColumns = htons(pMeta->numOfColumns); EXPECT_EQ(pMeta->numOfColumns, 4); //--- retrieve --- SRetrieveTableMsg* pRetrieve = (SRetrieveTableMsg*)rpcMallocCont(sizeof(SRetrieveTableMsg)); pRetrieve->showId = pShowRsp->showId; SRpcMsg retrieveRpcMsg = {0}; retrieveRpcMsg.pCont = pRetrieve; retrieveRpcMsg.contLen = sizeof(SRetrieveTableMsg); retrieveRpcMsg.msgType = TSDB_MSG_TYPE_SHOW_RETRIEVE; sendMsg(pClient, &retrieveRpcMsg); SRetrieveTableRsp* pRetrieveRsp = (SRetrieveTableRsp*)pClient->pRsp->pCont; pRetrieveRsp->numOfRows = htonl(pRetrieveRsp->numOfRows); EXPECT_EQ(pRetrieveRsp->numOfRows, 3); char* pData = pRetrieveRsp->data; int32_t pos = 0; char* strVal = NULL; //--- name --- { pos += sizeof(VarDataLenT); strVal = (char*)(pData + pos); pos += TSDB_USER_LEN; EXPECT_STREQ(strVal, "u1"); pos += sizeof(VarDataLenT); strVal = (char*)(pData + pos); pos += TSDB_USER_LEN; EXPECT_STREQ(strVal, "root"); pos += sizeof(VarDataLenT); strVal = (char*)(pData + pos); pos += TSDB_USER_LEN; EXPECT_STREQ(strVal, "_root"); } } TEST_F(DndTestUser, DropUser_01) { ASSERT_NE(pClient, nullptr); //--- drop user --- SDropUserMsg* pReq = (SDropUserMsg*)rpcMallocCont(sizeof(SDropUserMsg)); strcpy(pReq->user, "u1"); SRpcMsg rpcMsg = {0}; rpcMsg.pCont = pReq; rpcMsg.contLen = sizeof(SDropUserMsg); rpcMsg.msgType = TSDB_MSG_TYPE_DROP_USER; sendMsg(pClient, &rpcMsg); SRpcMsg* pMsg = pClient->pRsp; ASSERT_NE(pMsg, nullptr); ASSERT_EQ(pMsg->code, 0); //--- meta --- SShowMsg* pShow = (SShowMsg*)rpcMallocCont(sizeof(SShowMsg)); pShow->type = TSDB_MGMT_TABLE_USER; SRpcMsg showRpcMsg = {0}; showRpcMsg.pCont = pShow; showRpcMsg.contLen = sizeof(SShowMsg); showRpcMsg.msgType = TSDB_MSG_TYPE_SHOW; sendMsg(pClient, &showRpcMsg); SShowRsp* pShowRsp = (SShowRsp*)pClient->pRsp->pCont; STableMetaMsg* pMeta = &pShowRsp->tableMeta; pMeta->numOfColumns = htons(pMeta->numOfColumns); EXPECT_EQ(pMeta->numOfColumns, 4); //--- retrieve --- SRetrieveTableMsg* pRetrieve = (SRetrieveTableMsg*)rpcMallocCont(sizeof(SRetrieveTableMsg)); pRetrieve->showId = pShowRsp->showId; SRpcMsg retrieveRpcMsg = {0}; retrieveRpcMsg.pCont = pRetrieve; retrieveRpcMsg.contLen = sizeof(SRetrieveTableMsg); retrieveRpcMsg.msgType = TSDB_MSG_TYPE_SHOW_RETRIEVE; sendMsg(pClient, &retrieveRpcMsg); SRetrieveTableRsp* pRetrieveRsp = (SRetrieveTableRsp*)pClient->pRsp->pCont; pRetrieveRsp->numOfRows = htonl(pRetrieveRsp->numOfRows); EXPECT_EQ(pRetrieveRsp->numOfRows, 2); char* pData = pRetrieveRsp->data; int32_t pos = 0; char* strVal = NULL; //--- name --- { pos += sizeof(VarDataLenT); strVal = (char*)(pData + pos); pos += TSDB_USER_LEN; EXPECT_STREQ(strVal, "root"); pos += sizeof(VarDataLenT); strVal = (char*)(pData + pos); pos += TSDB_USER_LEN; EXPECT_STREQ(strVal, "_root"); } }