/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free * Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "index.h" #include "indexCache.h" #include "indexFst.h" #include "indexFstCountingWriter.h" #include "indexFstUtil.h" #include "indexInt.h" #include "indexTfile.h" #include "indexUtil.h" #include "tskiplist.h" #include "tutil.h" using namespace std; #define NUM_OF_THREAD 10 class DebugInfo { public: DebugInfo(const char* str) : info(str) { std::cout << "------------" << info << "\t" << "begin" << "-------------" << std::endl; } ~DebugInfo() { std::cout << "-----------" << info << "\t" << "end" << "--------------" << std::endl; } private: std::string info; }; class FstWriter { public: FstWriter() { _wc = writerCtxCreate(TFile, "/tmp/tindex", false, 64 * 1024 * 1024); _b = fstBuilderCreate(NULL, 0); } bool Put(const std::string& key, uint64_t val) { FstSlice skey = fstSliceCreate((uint8_t*)key.c_str(), key.size()); bool ok = fstBuilderInsert(_b, skey, val); fstSliceDestroy(&skey); return ok; } ~FstWriter() { fstBuilderFinish(_b); fstBuilderDestroy(_b); writerCtxDestroy(_wc, false); } private: FstBuilder* _b; WriterCtx* _wc; }; class FstReadMemory { public: FstReadMemory(size_t size) { _wc = writerCtxCreate(TFile, "/tmp/tindex", true, 64 * 1024); _w = fstCountingWriterCreate(_wc); _size = size; memset((void*)&_s, 0, sizeof(_s)); } bool init() { char* buf = (char*)taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(char) * _size); int nRead = fstCountingWriterRead(_w, (uint8_t*)buf, _size); if (nRead <= 0) { return false; } _size = nRead; _s = fstSliceCreate((uint8_t*)buf, _size); _fst = fstCreate(&_s); taosMemoryFree(buf); return _fst != NULL; } bool Get(const std::string& key, uint64_t* val) { FstSlice skey = fstSliceCreate((uint8_t*)key.c_str(), key.size()); bool ok = fstGet(_fst, &skey, val); fstSliceDestroy(&skey); return ok; } bool GetWithTimeCostUs(const std::string& key, uint64_t* val, uint64_t* elapse) { int64_t s = taosGetTimestampUs(); bool ok = this->Get(key, val); int64_t e = taosGetTimestampUs(); *elapse = e - s; return ok; } // add later bool Search(AutomationCtx* ctx, std::vector& result) { FstStreamBuilder* sb = fstSearch(_fst, ctx); StreamWithState* st = streamBuilderIntoStream(sb); StreamWithStateResult* rt = NULL; while ((rt = streamWithStateNextWith(st, NULL)) != NULL) { result.push_back((uint64_t)(rt->out.out)); } return true; } bool SearchWithTimeCostUs(AutomationCtx* ctx, std::vector& result) { int64_t s = taosGetTimestampUs(); bool ok = this->Search(ctx, result); int64_t e = taosGetTimestampUs(); return ok; } ~FstReadMemory() { fstCountingWriterDestroy(_w); fstDestroy(_fst); fstSliceDestroy(&_s); writerCtxDestroy(_wc, true); } private: FstCountingWriter* _w; Fst* _fst; FstSlice _s; WriterCtx* _wc; size_t _size; }; #define L 100 #define M 100 #define N 100 int Performance_fstWriteRecords(FstWriter* b) { std::string str("aa"); for (int i = 0; i < L; i++) { str[0] = 'a' + i; str.resize(2); for (int j = 0; j < M; j++) { str[1] = 'a' + j; str.resize(2); for (int k = 0; k < N; k++) { str.push_back('a'); b->Put(str, k); printf("(%d, %d, %d, %s)\n", i, j, k, str.c_str()); } } } return L * M * N; } void Performance_fstReadRecords(FstReadMemory* m) { std::string str("aa"); for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) { str[0] = 'a' + i; str.resize(2); for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) { str[1] = 'a' + j; str.resize(2); for (int k = 0; k < L; k++) { str.push_back('a'); uint64_t val, cost; if (m->GetWithTimeCostUs(str, &val, &cost)) { printf("succes to get kv(%s, %" PRId64 "), cost: %" PRId64 "\n", str.c_str(), val, cost); } else { printf("failed to get key: %s\n", str.c_str()); } } } } } void checkFstPerf() { FstWriter* fw = new FstWriter; int64_t s = taosGetTimestampUs(); int num = Performance_fstWriteRecords(fw); int64_t e = taosGetTimestampUs(); printf("write %d record cost %" PRId64 "us\n", num, e - s); delete fw; FstReadMemory* m = new FstReadMemory(1024 * 64); if (m->init()) { printf("success to init fst read"); } Performance_fstReadRecords(m); delete m; } void checkFstPrefixSearch() { FstWriter* fw = new FstWriter; int64_t s = taosGetTimestampUs(); int count = 2; std::string key("ab"); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { key[1] = key[1] + i; fw->Put(key, i); } int64_t e = taosGetTimestampUs(); std::cout << "insert data count : " << count << "elapas time: " << e - s << std::endl; delete fw; FstReadMemory* m = new FstReadMemory(1024 * 64); if (m->init() == false) { std::cout << "init readMemory failed" << std::endl; delete m; return; } // prefix search std::vector result; AutomationCtx* ctx = automCtxCreate((void*)"ab", AUTOMATION_PREFIX); m->Search(ctx, result); assert(result.size() == count); for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { assert(result[i] == i); // check result } taosMemoryFree(ctx); delete m; } void validateFst() { int val = 100; int count = 100; FstWriter* fw = new FstWriter; // write { std::string key("ab"); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { key.push_back('a' + i); fw->Put(key, val - i); } } delete fw; // read FstReadMemory* m = new FstReadMemory(1024 * 64); if (m->init() == false) { std::cout << "init readMemory failed" << std::endl; delete m; return; } { std::string key("ab"); uint64_t out; if (m->Get(key, &out)) { printf("success to get (%s, %" PRId64 ")\n", key.c_str(), out); } else { printf("failed to get(%s)\n", key.c_str()); } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { key.push_back('a' + i); if (m->Get(key, &out)) { assert(val - i == out); printf("success to get (%s, %" PRId64 ")\n", key.c_str(), out); } else { printf("failed to get(%s)\n", key.c_str()); } } } delete m; } class IndexEnv : public ::testing::Test { protected: virtual void SetUp() { taosRemoveDir(path); opts = indexOptsCreate(); int ret = indexOpen(opts, path, &index); assert(ret == 0); } virtual void TearDown() { indexClose(index); indexOptsDestroy(opts); } const char* path = "/tmp/tindex"; SIndexOpts* opts; SIndex* index; }; /// TEST_F(IndexEnv, testPut) { // / // single index column // / { // / std::string colName("tag1"), colVal("Hello world"); // / SIndexTerm* term = // indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(), colVal.c_str(), / // colVal.size()); // SIndexMultiTerm* terms = indexMultiTermCreate(); // indexMultiTermAdd(terms, term); // / / for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) { // / int tableId = i; // / int ret = indexPut(index, terms, tableId); // / assert(ret == 0); // / // } // / indexMultiTermDestroy(terms); // / // } // / // multi index column // / { // / SIndexMultiTerm* terms = indexMultiTermCreate(); // / { // / std::string colName("tag1"), colVal("Hello world"); // / SIndexTerm* term = // / indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(), colVal.c_str(), // colVal.size()); // / indexMultiTermAdd(terms, term); // / // } // / { // / std::string colName("tag2"), colVal("Hello world"); // / SIndexTerm* term = // / indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(), colVal.c_str(), // colVal.size()); // / indexMultiTermAdd(terms, term); // / // } // / / for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { // / int tableId = i; // / int ret = indexPut(index, terms, tableId); // / assert(ret == 0); // / // } // / indexMultiTermDestroy(terms); // / // } // / // // / //} class TFileObj { public: TFileObj(const std::string& path = "/tmp/tindex", const std::string& colName = "voltage") : path_(path), colName_(colName) { colId_ = 10; reader_ = NULL; writer_ = NULL; // Do Nothing // } int Put(SArray* tv) { if (reader_ != NULL) { tfileReaderDestroy(reader_); reader_ = NULL; } if (writer_ == NULL) { InitWriter(); } return tfileWriterPut(writer_, tv, false); } bool InitWriter() { TFileHeader header; header.suid = 1; header.version = 1; memcpy(header.colName, colName_.c_str(), colName_.size()); header.colType = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY; std::string path(path_); int colId = 2; char buf[64] = {0}; sprintf(buf, "%" PRIu64 "-%d-%d.tindex", header.suid, colId_, header.version); path.append("/").append(buf); fileName_ = path; WriterCtx* ctx = writerCtxCreate(TFile, path.c_str(), false, 64 * 1024 * 1024); writer_ = tfileWriterCreate(ctx, &header); return writer_ != NULL ? true : false; } bool InitReader() { WriterCtx* ctx = writerCtxCreate(TFile, fileName_.c_str(), true, 64 * 1024 * 1024); reader_ = tfileReaderCreate(ctx); return reader_ != NULL ? true : false; } int Get(SIndexTermQuery* query, SArray* result) { if (writer_ != NULL) { tfileWriterDestroy(writer_); writer_ = NULL; } if (reader_ == NULL && InitReader()) { // // } SIdxTempResult* tr = sIdxTempResultCreate(); int ret = tfileReaderSearch(reader_, query, tr); sIdxTempResultMergeTo(result, tr); sIdxTempResultDestroy(tr); return ret; } ~TFileObj() { if (writer_) { tfileWriterDestroy(writer_); } if (reader_) { tfileReaderDestroy(reader_); } } private: std::string path_; std::string colName_; std::string fileName_; TFileWriter* writer_; TFileReader* reader_; int colId_; }; class IndexTFileEnv : public ::testing::Test { protected: virtual void SetUp() { taosRemoveDir(dir.c_str()); taosMkDir(dir.c_str()); fObj = new TFileObj(dir, colName); } virtual void TearDown() { // indexClose(index); // indexeptsDestroy(opts); delete fObj; // tfileWriterDestroy(twrite); } TFileObj* fObj; std::string dir = "/tmp/tindex"; std::string colName = "voltage"; int coldId = 2; int version = 1; int colType = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY; }; static TFileValue* genTFileValue(const char* val) { TFileValue* tv = (TFileValue*)taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(TFileValue)); int32_t vlen = strlen(val) + 1; tv->colVal = (char*)taosMemoryCalloc(1, vlen); memcpy(tv->colVal, val, vlen); tv->tableId = (SArray*)taosArrayInit(1, sizeof(uint64_t)); for (size_t i = 0; i < 200; i++) { uint64_t v = i; taosArrayPush(tv->tableId, &v); } return tv; } static void destroyTFileValue(void* val) { TFileValue* tv = (TFileValue*)val; taosMemoryFree(tv->colVal); taosArrayDestroy(tv->tableId); taosMemoryFree(tv); } TEST_F(IndexTFileEnv, test_tfile_write) { TFileValue* v1 = genTFileValue("ab"); SArray* data = (SArray*)taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(void*)); taosArrayPush(data, &v1); // taosArrayPush(data, &v2); // taosArrayPush(data, &v3); // taosArrayPush(data, &v4); fObj->Put(data); for (size_t i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(data); i++) { // data destroyTFileValue(taosArrayGetP(data, i)); } taosArrayDestroy(data); std::string colName("voltage"); std::string colVal("ab"); SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(1, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(), colVal.c_str(), colVal.size()); SIndexTermQuery query = {term, QUERY_TERM}; SArray* result = (SArray*)taosArrayInit(1, sizeof(uint64_t)); fObj->Get(&query, result); assert(taosArrayGetSize(result) == 200); indexTermDestroy(term); taosArrayDestroy(result); // tfileWriterDestroy(twrite); } class CacheObj { public: CacheObj() { // TODO cache = indexCacheCreate(NULL, 0, "voltage", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY); } int Put(SIndexTerm* term, int16_t colId, int32_t version, uint64_t uid) { int ret = indexCachePut(cache, term, uid); if (ret != 0) { // std::cout << "failed to put into cache: " << ret << std::endl; } return ret; } void Debug() { // indexCacheDebug(cache); } int Get(SIndexTermQuery* query, int16_t colId, int32_t version, SArray* result, STermValueType* s) { SIdxTempResult* tr = sIdxTempResultCreate(); int ret = indexCacheSearch(cache, query, tr, s); sIdxTempResultMergeTo(result, tr); sIdxTempResultDestroy(tr); if (ret != 0) { std::cout << "failed to get from cache:" << ret << std::endl; } return ret; } ~CacheObj() { // TODO indexCacheDestroy(cache); } private: IndexCache* cache = NULL; }; class IndexCacheEnv : public ::testing::Test { protected: virtual void SetUp() { // TODO coj = new CacheObj(); } virtual void TearDown() { delete coj; // formate } CacheObj* coj; }; #define MAX_TERM_KEY_LEN 128 TEST_F(IndexCacheEnv, cache_test) { int version = 0; int16_t colId = 0; int16_t othColId = 10; uint64_t suid = 0; std::string colName("voltage"); { std::string colVal("v1"); SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(), colVal.c_str(), colVal.size()); coj->Put(term, colId, version++, suid++); indexTermDestroy(term); // indexTermDestry(term); } { std::string colVal("v3"); SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(), colVal.c_str(), colVal.size()); coj->Put(term, colId, version++, suid++); indexTermDestroy(term); } { std::string colVal("v2"); SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(), colVal.c_str(), colVal.size()); coj->Put(term, colId, version++, suid++); indexTermDestroy(term); } { std::string colVal("v3"); SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(), colVal.c_str(), colVal.size()); coj->Put(term, colId, version++, suid++); indexTermDestroy(term); } { std::string colVal("v3"); SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(), colVal.c_str(), colVal.size()); coj->Put(term, colId, version++, suid++); indexTermDestroy(term); } coj->Debug(); std::cout << "--------first----------" << std::endl; { std::string colVal("v3"); SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(), colVal.c_str(), colVal.size()); coj->Put(term, othColId, version++, suid++); indexTermDestroy(term); } { std::string colVal("v4"); SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(), colVal.c_str(), colVal.size()); coj->Put(term, othColId, version++, suid++); indexTermDestroy(term); } coj->Debug(); std::cout << "--------second----------" << std::endl; { std::string colVal("v4"); for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) { colVal[colVal.size() - 1] = 'a' + i; SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(), colVal.c_str(), colVal.size()); coj->Put(term, colId, version++, suid++); indexTermDestroy(term); } } coj->Debug(); // begin query { std::string colVal("v3"); SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(), colVal.c_str(), colVal.size()); SIndexTermQuery query = {term, QUERY_TERM}; SArray* ret = (SArray*)taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(suid)); STermValueType valType; coj->Get(&query, colId, 10000, ret, &valType); std::cout << "size : " << taosArrayGetSize(ret) << std::endl; assert(taosArrayGetSize(ret) == 4); taosArrayDestroy(ret); indexTermDestroy(term); } { std::string colVal("v2"); SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(), colVal.c_str(), colVal.size()); SIndexTermQuery query = {term, QUERY_TERM}; SArray* ret = (SArray*)taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(suid)); STermValueType valType; coj->Get(&query, colId, 10000, ret, &valType); assert(taosArrayGetSize(ret) == 1); taosArrayDestroy(ret); indexTermDestroy(term); } } class IndexObj { public: IndexObj() { // opt numOfWrite = 0; numOfRead = 0; indexInit(); } int Init(const std::string& dir) { taosRemoveDir(dir.c_str()); taosMkDir(dir.c_str()); int ret = indexOpen(&opts, dir.c_str(), &idx); if (ret != 0) { // opt std::cout << "failed to open index: %s" << dir << std::endl; } return ret; } void Del(const std::string& colName, const std::string& colVal, uint64_t uid) { SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, DEL_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(), colVal.c_str(), colVal.size()); SIndexMultiTerm* terms = indexMultiTermCreate(); indexMultiTermAdd(terms, term); Put(terms, uid); indexMultiTermDestroy(terms); } int WriteMillonData(const std::string& colName, const std::string& colVal = "Hello world", size_t numOfTable = 100 * 10000) { SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(), colVal.c_str(), colVal.size()); SIndexMultiTerm* terms = indexMultiTermCreate(); indexMultiTermAdd(terms, term); for (size_t i = 0; i < numOfTable; i++) { int ret = Put(terms, i); assert(ret == 0); } indexMultiTermDestroy(terms); return numOfTable; } int WriteMultiMillonData(const std::string& colName, const std::string& colVal = "Hello world", size_t numOfTable = 100 * 10000) { std::string tColVal = colVal; size_t colValSize = tColVal.size(); int skip = 100; numOfTable /= skip; for (int i = 0; i < numOfTable; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < 10 && k < colVal.size(); k++) { // opt tColVal[taosRand() % colValSize] = 'a' + k % 26; } SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(), tColVal.c_str(), tColVal.size()); SIndexMultiTerm* terms = indexMultiTermCreate(); indexMultiTermAdd(terms, term); for (size_t j = 0; j < skip; j++) { int ret = Put(terms, j); assert(ret == 0); } indexMultiTermDestroy(terms); } return numOfTable; } int ReadMultiMillonData(const std::string& colName, const std::string& colVal = "Hello world", size_t numOfTable = 100) { std::string tColVal = colVal; int colValSize = tColVal.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numOfTable; i++) { tColVal[i % colValSize] = 'a' + i % 26; SearchOne(colName, tColVal); } return 0; } int Put(SIndexMultiTerm* fvs, uint64_t uid) { numOfWrite += taosArrayGetSize(fvs); return indexPut(idx, fvs, uid); } int Search(SIndexMultiTermQuery* multiQ, SArray* result) { SArray* query = multiQ->query; numOfRead = taosArrayGetSize(query); return indexSearch(idx, multiQ, result); } int SearchOne(const std::string& colName, const std::string& colVal) { SIndexMultiTermQuery* mq = indexMultiTermQueryCreate(MUST); SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(), colVal.c_str(), colVal.size()); indexMultiTermQueryAdd(mq, term, QUERY_TERM); SArray* result = (SArray*)taosArrayInit(1, sizeof(uint64_t)); int64_t s = taosGetTimestampUs(); if (Search(mq, result) == 0) { int64_t e = taosGetTimestampUs(); std::cout << "search and time cost:" << e - s << "\tquery col:" << colName << "\t val: " << colVal << "\t size:" << taosArrayGetSize(result) << std::endl; } else { return -1; } int sz = taosArrayGetSize(result); indexMultiTermQueryDestroy(mq); taosArrayDestroy(result); return sz; // assert(taosArrayGetSize(result) == targetSize); } int SearchOneTarget(const std::string& colName, const std::string& colVal, uint64_t val) { SIndexMultiTermQuery* mq = indexMultiTermQueryCreate(MUST); SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(), colVal.c_str(), colVal.size()); indexMultiTermQueryAdd(mq, term, QUERY_TERM); SArray* result = (SArray*)taosArrayInit(1, sizeof(uint64_t)); int64_t s = taosGetTimestampUs(); if (Search(mq, result) == 0) { int64_t e = taosGetTimestampUs(); std::cout << "search one successfully and time cost:" << e - s << "us\tquery col:" << colName << "\t val: " << colVal << "\t size:" << taosArrayGetSize(result) << std::endl; } else { } int sz = taosArrayGetSize(result); indexMultiTermQueryDestroy(mq); taosArrayDestroy(result); assert(sz == 1); uint64_t* ret = (uint64_t*)taosArrayGet(result, 0); assert(val = *ret); return sz; } void PutOne(const std::string& colName, const std::string& colVal) { SIndexMultiTerm* terms = indexMultiTermCreate(); SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(), colVal.c_str(), colVal.size()); indexMultiTermAdd(terms, term); Put(terms, 10); indexMultiTermDestroy(terms); } void PutOneTarge(const std::string& colName, const std::string& colVal, uint64_t val) { SIndexMultiTerm* terms = indexMultiTermCreate(); SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(), colVal.c_str(), colVal.size()); indexMultiTermAdd(terms, term); Put(terms, val); indexMultiTermDestroy(terms); } void Debug() { std::cout << "numOfWrite:" << numOfWrite << std::endl; std::cout << "numOfRead:" << numOfRead << std::endl; } ~IndexObj() { indexCleanUp(); indexClose(idx); } private: SIndexOpts opts; SIndex* idx; int numOfWrite; int numOfRead; }; class IndexEnv2 : public ::testing::Test { protected: virtual void SetUp() { index = new IndexObj(); } virtual void TearDown() { delete index; } IndexObj* index; }; TEST_F(IndexEnv2, testIndexOpen) { std::string path = "/tmp/test"; if (index->Init(path) != 0) { std::cout << "failed to init index" << std::endl; exit(1); } int targetSize = 200; { std::string colName("tag1"), colVal("Hello"); SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(), colVal.c_str(), colVal.size()); SIndexMultiTerm* terms = indexMultiTermCreate(); indexMultiTermAdd(terms, term); for (size_t i = 0; i < targetSize; i++) { int tableId = i; int ret = index->Put(terms, tableId); assert(ret == 0); } indexMultiTermDestroy(terms); } { size_t size = 200; std::string colName("tag1"), colVal("hello"); SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(), colVal.c_str(), colVal.size()); SIndexMultiTerm* terms = indexMultiTermCreate(); indexMultiTermAdd(terms, term); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { int tableId = i; int ret = index->Put(terms, tableId); assert(ret == 0); } indexMultiTermDestroy(terms); } { size_t size = 200; std::string colName("tag1"), colVal("Hello"); SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(), colVal.c_str(), colVal.size()); SIndexMultiTerm* terms = indexMultiTermCreate(); indexMultiTermAdd(terms, term); for (size_t i = size * 3; i < size * 4; i++) { int tableId = i; int ret = index->Put(terms, tableId); assert(ret == 0); } indexMultiTermDestroy(terms); } { std::string colName("tag1"), colVal("Hello"); SIndexMultiTermQuery* mq = indexMultiTermQueryCreate(MUST); SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(), colVal.c_str(), colVal.size()); indexMultiTermQueryAdd(mq, term, QUERY_TERM); SArray* result = (SArray*)taosArrayInit(1, sizeof(uint64_t)); index->Search(mq, result); std::cout << "target size: " << taosArrayGetSize(result) << std::endl; assert(taosArrayGetSize(result) == 400); taosArrayDestroy(result); indexMultiTermQueryDestroy(mq); } } TEST_F(IndexEnv2, testIndex_TrigeFlush) { std::string path = "/tmp/testxxx"; if (index->Init(path) != 0) { // r std::cout << "failed to init" << std::endl; } int numOfTable = 100 * 100; index->WriteMillonData("tag1", "Hello Wolrd", numOfTable); int target = index->SearchOne("tag1", "Hello Wolrd"); std::cout << "Get Index: " << target << std::endl; assert(numOfTable == target); } static void single_write_and_search(IndexObj* idx) { int target = idx->SearchOne("tag1", "Hello"); target = idx->SearchOne("tag2", "Test"); } static void multi_write_and_search(IndexObj* idx) { int target = idx->SearchOne("tag1", "Hello"); target = idx->SearchOne("tag2", "Test"); idx->WriteMultiMillonData("tag1", "hello world test", 100 * 100); idx->WriteMultiMillonData("tag2", "world test nothing", 100 * 10); } TEST_F(IndexEnv2, testIndex_serarch_cache_and_tfile) { std::string path = "/tmp/cache_and_tfile"; if (index->Init(path) != 0) { // opt } index->PutOne("tag1", "Hello"); index->PutOne("tag2", "Test"); index->WriteMultiMillonData("tag1", "Hello", 100 * 100); index->WriteMultiMillonData("tag2", "Test", 100 * 100); std::thread threads[NUM_OF_THREAD]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_THREAD; i++) { // threads[i] = std::thread(single_write_and_search, index); } for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_THREAD; i++) { // TOD threads[i].join(); } } TEST_F(IndexEnv2, testIndex_MultiWrite_and_MultiRead) { std::string path = "/tmp/cache_and_tfile"; if (index->Init(path) != 0) { } std::thread threads[NUM_OF_THREAD]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_THREAD; i++) { // threads[i] = std::thread(multi_write_and_search, index); } for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_THREAD; i++) { // TOD threads[i].join(); } } // TEST_F(IndexEnv2, testIndex_restart) { // std::string path = "/tmp/cache_and_tfile"; // if (index->Init(path) != 0) { // } // index->SearchOneTarget("tag1", "Hello", 10); // index->SearchOneTarget("tag2", "Test", 10); //} // TEST_F(IndexEnv2, testIndex_restart1) { // std::string path = "/tmp/cache_and_tfile"; // if (index->Init(path) != 0) { // } // index->ReadMultiMillonData("tag1", "coding"); // index->SearchOneTarget("tag1", "Hello", 10); // index->SearchOneTarget("tag2", "Test", 10); //} // TEST_F(IndexEnv2, testIndex_read_performance) { // std::string path = "/tmp/cache_and_tfile"; // if (index->Init(path) != 0) { // } // index->PutOneTarge("tag1", "Hello", 12); // index->PutOneTarge("tag1", "Hello", 15); // index->ReadMultiMillonData("tag1", "Hello"); // std::cout << "reader sz: " << index->SearchOne("tag1", "Hello") << std::endl; // assert(3 == index->SearchOne("tag1", "Hello")); //} // TEST_F(IndexEnv2, testIndexMultiTag) { // std::string path = "/tmp/multi_tag"; // if (index->Init(path) != 0) { // } // int64_t st = taosGetTimestampUs(); // int32_t num = 1000 * 10000; // index->WriteMultiMillonData("tag1", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", num); // std::cout << "numOfRow: " << num << "\ttime cost:" << taosGetTimestampUs() - st << std::endl; // // index->WriteMultiMillonData("tag2", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", 100 * 10000); //} TEST_F(IndexEnv2, testLongComVal1) { std::string path = "/tmp/long_colVal"; if (index->Init(path) != 0) { } // gen colVal by randstr std::string randstr = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; index->WriteMultiMillonData("tag1", randstr, 100 * 1000); } TEST_F(IndexEnv2, testLongComVal2) { std::string path = "/tmp/long_colVal"; if (index->Init(path) != 0) { } // gen colVal by randstr std::string randstr = "abcccc fdadfafdafda"; index->WriteMultiMillonData("tag1", randstr, 100 * 1000); } TEST_F(IndexEnv2, testLongComVal3) { std::string path = "/tmp/long_colVal"; if (index->Init(path) != 0) { } // gen colVal by randstr std::string randstr = "Yes, coding and coding and coding"; index->WriteMultiMillonData("tag1", randstr, 100 * 1000); } TEST_F(IndexEnv2, testLongComVal4) { std::string path = "/tmp/long_colVal"; if (index->Init(path) != 0) { } // gen colVal by randstr std::string randstr = "111111 bac fdadfa"; index->WriteMultiMillonData("tag1", randstr, 100 * 100); } TEST_F(IndexEnv2, testIndex_read_performance1) { std::string path = "/tmp/cache_and_tfile"; if (index->Init(path) != 0) { } index->PutOneTarge("tag1", "Hello", 12); index->PutOneTarge("tag1", "Hello", 15); index->ReadMultiMillonData("tag1", "Hello", 1000); std::cout << "reader sz: " << index->SearchOne("tag1", "Hello") << std::endl; EXPECT_EQ(2, index->SearchOne("tag1", "Hello")); } TEST_F(IndexEnv2, testIndex_read_performance2) { std::string path = "/tmp/cache_and_tfile"; if (index->Init(path) != 0) { } index->PutOneTarge("tag1", "Hello", 12); index->PutOneTarge("tag1", "Hello", 15); index->ReadMultiMillonData("tag1", "Hello", 1000); std::cout << "reader sz: " << index->SearchOne("tag1", "Hello") << std::endl; EXPECT_EQ(2, index->SearchOne("tag1", "Hello")); } TEST_F(IndexEnv2, testIndex_read_performance3) { std::string path = "/tmp/cache_and_tfile"; if (index->Init(path) != 0) { } index->PutOneTarge("tag1", "Hello", 12); index->PutOneTarge("tag1", "Hello", 15); index->ReadMultiMillonData("tag1", "Hello", 1000); std::cout << "reader sz: " << index->SearchOne("tag1", "Hello") << std::endl; EXPECT_EQ(2, index->SearchOne("tag1", "Hello")); } TEST_F(IndexEnv2, testIndex_read_performance4) { std::string path = "/tmp/cache_and_tfile"; if (index->Init(path) != 0) { } index->PutOneTarge("tag10", "Hello", 12); index->PutOneTarge("tag12", "Hello", 15); index->ReadMultiMillonData("tag10", "Hello", 1000); std::cout << "reader sz: " << index->SearchOne("tag1", "Hello") << std::endl; EXPECT_EQ(1, index->SearchOne("tag10", "Hello")); } TEST_F(IndexEnv2, testIndex_cache_del) { std::string path = "/tmp/cache_and_tfile"; if (index->Init(path) != 0) { } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { index->PutOneTarge("tag10", "Hello", i); } index->Del("tag10", "Hello", 12); index->Del("tag10", "Hello", 11); // index->WriteMultiMillonData("tag10", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx", 100 * 10000); index->Del("tag10", "Hello", 17); EXPECT_EQ(97, index->SearchOne("tag10", "Hello")); index->PutOneTarge("tag10", "Hello", 17); // add again EXPECT_EQ(98, index->SearchOne("tag10", "Hello")); // del all for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { index->Del("tag10", "Hello", i); } EXPECT_EQ(0, index->SearchOne("tag10", "Hello")); // add other item for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) { index->PutOneTarge("tag10", "World", i); } for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) { index->PutOneTarge("tag10", "Hello", i); } EXPECT_EQ(2000, index->SearchOne("tag10", "Hello")); for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) { index->Del("tag10", "Hello", i); } EXPECT_EQ(0, index->SearchOne("tag10", "Hello")); } TEST_F(IndexEnv2, testIndex_del) { std::string path = "/tmp/cache_and_tfile"; if (index->Init(path) != 0) { } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { index->PutOneTarge("tag10", "Hello", i); } index->Del("tag10", "Hello", 12); index->Del("tag10", "Hello", 11); EXPECT_EQ(98, index->SearchOne("tag10", "Hello")); index->WriteMultiMillonData("tag10", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx", 100 * 100); index->Del("tag10", "Hello", 17); EXPECT_EQ(97, index->SearchOne("tag10", "Hello")); }