# -----!/usr/bin/python3.7 ################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies. # No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted, # disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as # expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao # ################################################################### # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # For type hinting before definition, ref: # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33533148/how-do-i-specify-that-the-return-type-of-a-method-is-the-same-as-the-class-itsel from __future__ import annotations import taos from util.sql import * from util.cases import * from util.dnodes import * from util.log import * from queue import Queue, Empty from typing import IO from typing import Set from typing import Dict from typing import List from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth import textwrap import datetime import logging import time import random import threading import requests import copy import argparse import getopt import sys import os import io import signal import traceback import resource from guppy import hpy import gc try: import psutil except: print("Psutil module needed, please install: sudo pip3 install psutil") sys.exit(-1) # Require Python 3 if sys.version_info[0] < 3: raise Exception("Must be using Python 3") # Global variables, tried to keep a small number. # Command-line/Environment Configurations, will set a bit later # ConfigNameSpace = argparse.Namespace gConfig = argparse.Namespace() # Dummy value, will be replaced later gSvcMgr = None # TODO: refactor this hack, use dep injection logger = None # type: Logger def runThread(wt: WorkerThread): wt.run() class CrashGenError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg=None, errno=None): self.msg = msg self.errno = errno def __str__(self): return self.msg class WorkerThread: def __init__(self, pool: ThreadPool, tid, tc: ThreadCoordinator, # te: TaskExecutor, ): # note: main thread context! # self._curStep = -1 self._pool = pool self._tid = tid self._tc = tc # type: ThreadCoordinator # self.threadIdent = threading.get_ident() self._thread = threading.Thread(target=runThread, args=(self,)) self._stepGate = threading.Event() # Let us have a DB connection of our own if (gConfig.per_thread_db_connection): # type: ignore # print("connector_type = {}".format(gConfig.connector_type)) if gConfig.connector_type == 'native': self._dbConn = DbConn.createNative() elif gConfig.connector_type == 'rest': self._dbConn = DbConn.createRest() elif gConfig.connector_type == 'mixed': if Dice.throw(2) == 0: # 1/2 chance self._dbConn = DbConn.createNative() else: self._dbConn = DbConn.createRest() else: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected connector type: {}".format(gConfig.connector_type)) # self._dbInUse = False # if "use db" was executed already def logDebug(self, msg): logger.debug(" TRD[{}] {}".format(self._tid, msg)) def logInfo(self, msg): logger.info(" TRD[{}] {}".format(self._tid, msg)) # def dbInUse(self): # return self._dbInUse # def useDb(self): # if (not self._dbInUse): # self.execSql("use db") # self._dbInUse = True def getTaskExecutor(self): return self._tc.getTaskExecutor() def start(self): self._thread.start() # AFTER the thread is recorded def run(self): # initialization after thread starts, in the thread context # self.isSleeping = False logger.info("Starting to run thread: {}".format(self._tid)) if (gConfig.per_thread_db_connection): # type: ignore logger.debug("Worker thread openning database connection") self._dbConn.open() self._doTaskLoop() # clean up if (gConfig.per_thread_db_connection): # type: ignore if self._dbConn.isOpen: #sometimes it is not open self._dbConn.close() else: logger.warning("Cleaning up worker thread, dbConn already closed") def _doTaskLoop(self): # while self._curStep < self._pool.maxSteps: # tc = ThreadCoordinator(None) while True: tc = self._tc # Thread Coordinator, the overall master try: tc.crossStepBarrier() # shared barrier first, INCLUDING the last one except threading.BrokenBarrierError as err: # main thread timed out print("_bto", end="") logger.debug("[TRD] Worker thread exiting due to main thread barrier time-out") break logger.debug("[TRD] Worker thread [{}] exited barrier...".format(self._tid)) self.crossStepGate() # then per-thread gate, after being tapped logger.debug("[TRD] Worker thread [{}] exited step gate...".format(self._tid)) if not self._tc.isRunning(): print("_wts", end="") logger.debug("[TRD] Thread Coordinator not running any more, worker thread now stopping...") break # Before we fetch the task and run it, let's ensure we properly "use" the database (not needed any more) try: if (gConfig.per_thread_db_connection): # most likely TRUE if not self._dbConn.isOpen: # might have been closed during server auto-restart self._dbConn.open() # self.useDb() # might encounter exceptions. TODO: catch except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err: errno = Helper.convertErrno(err.errno) if errno in [0x383, 0x386, 0x00B, 0x014] : # invalid database, dropping, Unable to establish connection, Database not ready # ignore dummy = 0 else: print("\nCaught programming error. errno=0x{:X}, msg={} ".format(errno, err.msg)) raise # Fetch a task from the Thread Coordinator logger.debug( "[TRD] Worker thread [{}] about to fetch task".format(self._tid)) task = tc.fetchTask() # Execute such a task logger.debug("[TRD] Worker thread [{}] about to execute task: {}".format( self._tid, task.__class__.__name__)) task.execute(self) tc.saveExecutedTask(task) logger.debug("[TRD] Worker thread [{}] finished executing task".format(self._tid)) # self._dbInUse = False # there may be changes between steps # print("_wtd", end=None) # worker thread died def verifyThreadSelf(self): # ensure we are called by this own thread if (threading.get_ident() != self._thread.ident): raise RuntimeError("Unexpectly called from other threads") def verifyThreadMain(self): # ensure we are called by the main thread if (threading.get_ident() != threading.main_thread().ident): raise RuntimeError("Unexpectly called from other threads") def verifyThreadAlive(self): if (not self._thread.is_alive()): raise RuntimeError("Unexpected dead thread") # A gate is different from a barrier in that a thread needs to be "tapped" def crossStepGate(self): self.verifyThreadAlive() self.verifyThreadSelf() # only allowed by ourselves # Wait again at the "gate", waiting to be "tapped" logger.debug( "[TRD] Worker thread {} about to cross the step gate".format( self._tid)) self._stepGate.wait() self._stepGate.clear() # self._curStep += 1 # off to a new step... def tapStepGate(self): # give it a tap, release the thread waiting there # self.verifyThreadAlive() self.verifyThreadMain() # only allowed for main thread if self._thread.is_alive(): logger.debug("[TRD] Tapping worker thread {}".format(self._tid)) self._stepGate.set() # wake up! time.sleep(0) # let the released thread run a bit else: print("_tad", end="") # Thread already dead def execSql(self, sql): # TODO: expose DbConn directly return self.getDbConn().execute(sql) def querySql(self, sql): # TODO: expose DbConn directly return self.getDbConn().query(sql) def getQueryResult(self): return self.getDbConn().getQueryResult() def getDbConn(self) -> DbConn : if (gConfig.per_thread_db_connection): return self._dbConn else: return self._tc.getDbManager().getDbConn() # def querySql(self, sql): # not "execute", since we are out side the DB context # if ( gConfig.per_thread_db_connection ): # return self._dbConn.query(sql) # else: # return self._tc.getDbState().getDbConn().query(sql) # The coordinator of all worker threads, mostly running in main thread class ThreadCoordinator: WORKER_THREAD_TIMEOUT = 60 # one minute def __init__(self, pool: ThreadPool, dbManager: DbManager): self._curStep = -1 # first step is 0 self._pool = pool # self._wd = wd self._te = None # prepare for every new step self._dbManager = dbManager self._executedTasks: List[Task] = [] # in a given step self._lock = threading.RLock() # sync access for a few things self._stepBarrier = threading.Barrier( self._pool.numThreads + 1) # one barrier for all threads self._execStats = ExecutionStats() self._runStatus = MainExec.STATUS_RUNNING self._initDbs() def getTaskExecutor(self): return self._te def getDbManager(self) -> DbManager: return self._dbManager def crossStepBarrier(self, timeout=None): self._stepBarrier.wait(timeout) def requestToStop(self): self._runStatus = MainExec.STATUS_STOPPING self._execStats.registerFailure("User Interruption") def _runShouldEnd(self, transitionFailed, hasAbortedTask, workerTimeout): maxSteps = gConfig.max_steps # type: ignore if self._curStep >= (maxSteps - 1): # maxStep==10, last curStep should be 9 return True if self._runStatus != MainExec.STATUS_RUNNING: return True if transitionFailed: return True if hasAbortedTask: return True if workerTimeout: return True return False def _hasAbortedTask(self): # from execution of previous step for task in self._executedTasks: if task.isAborted(): # print("Task aborted: {}".format(task)) # hasAbortedTask = True return True return False def _releaseAllWorkerThreads(self, transitionFailed): self._curStep += 1 # we are about to get into next step. TODO: race condition here! # Now not all threads had time to go to sleep logger.debug( "--\r\n\n--> Step {} starts with main thread waking up".format(self._curStep)) # A new TE for the new step self._te = None # set to empty first, to signal worker thread to stop if not transitionFailed: # only if not failed self._te = TaskExecutor(self._curStep) logger.debug("[TRD] Main thread waking up at step {}, tapping worker threads".format( self._curStep)) # Now not all threads had time to go to sleep # Worker threads will wake up at this point, and each execute it's own task self.tapAllThreads() # release all worker thread from their "gates" def _syncAtBarrier(self): # Now main thread (that's us) is ready to enter a step # let other threads go past the pool barrier, but wait at the # thread gate logger.debug("[TRD] Main thread about to cross the barrier") self.crossStepBarrier(timeout=self.WORKER_THREAD_TIMEOUT) self._stepBarrier.reset() # Other worker threads should now be at the "gate" logger.debug("[TRD] Main thread finished crossing the barrier") def _doTransition(self): transitionFailed = False try: for x in self._dbs: db = x # type: Database sm = db.getStateMachine() logger.debug("[STT] starting transitions for DB: {}".format(db.getName())) # at end of step, transiton the DB state tasksForDb = db.filterTasks(self._executedTasks) sm.transition(tasksForDb, self.getDbManager().getDbConn()) logger.debug("[STT] transition ended for DB: {}".format(db.getName())) # Due to limitation (or maybe not) of the TD Python library, # we cannot share connections across threads # Here we are in main thread, we cannot operate the connections created in workers # Moving below to task loop # if sm.hasDatabase(): # for t in self._pool.threadList: # logger.debug("[DB] use db for all worker threads") # t.useDb() # t.execSql("use db") # main thread executing "use # db" on behalf of every worker thread except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err: if (err.msg == 'network unavailable'): # broken DB connection logger.info("DB connection broken, execution failed") traceback.print_stack() transitionFailed = True self._te = None # Not running any more self._execStats.registerFailure("Broken DB Connection") # continue # don't do that, need to tap all threads at # end, and maybe signal them to stop else: raise # return transitionFailed # Why did we have this??!! self.resetExecutedTasks() # clear the tasks after we are done # Get ready for next step logger.debug("<-- Step {} finished, trasition failed = {}".format(self._curStep, transitionFailed)) return transitionFailed def run(self): self._pool.createAndStartThreads(self) # Coordinate all threads step by step self._curStep = -1 # not started yet self._execStats.startExec() # start the stop watch transitionFailed = False hasAbortedTask = False workerTimeout = False while not self._runShouldEnd(transitionFailed, hasAbortedTask, workerTimeout): if not gConfig.debug: # print this only if we are not in debug mode print(".", end="", flush=True) # if (self._curStep % 2) == 0: # print memory usage once every 10 steps # memUsage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss # print("[m:{}]".format(memUsage), end="", flush=True) # print memory usage # if (self._curStep % 10) == 3: # h = hpy() # print("\n") # print(h.heap()) try: self._syncAtBarrier() # For now just cross the barrier except threading.BrokenBarrierError as err: logger.info("Main loop aborted, caused by worker thread time-out") self._execStats.registerFailure("Aborted due to worker thread timeout") print("\n\nWorker Thread time-out detected, important thread info:") ts = ThreadStacks() ts.print(filterInternal=True) workerTimeout = True break # At this point, all threads should be pass the overall "barrier" and before the per-thread "gate" # We use this period to do house keeping work, when all worker # threads are QUIET. hasAbortedTask = self._hasAbortedTask() # from previous step if hasAbortedTask: logger.info("Aborted task encountered, exiting test program") self._execStats.registerFailure("Aborted Task Encountered") break # do transition only if tasks are error free # Ending previous step try: transitionFailed = self._doTransition() # To start, we end step -1 first except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err: transitionFailed = True errno2 = Helper.convertErrno(err.errno) # correct error scheme errMsg = "Transition failed: errno=0x{:X}, msg: {}".format(errno2, err) logger.info(errMsg) self._execStats.registerFailure(errMsg) # Then we move on to the next step self._releaseAllWorkerThreads(transitionFailed) if hasAbortedTask or transitionFailed : # abnormal ending, workers waiting at "gate" logger.debug("Abnormal ending of main thraed") elif workerTimeout: logger.debug("Abnormal ending of main thread, due to worker timeout") else: # regular ending, workers waiting at "barrier" logger.debug("Regular ending, main thread waiting for all worker threads to stop...") self._syncAtBarrier() self._te = None # No more executor, time to end logger.debug("Main thread tapping all threads one last time...") self.tapAllThreads() # Let the threads run one last time logger.debug("\r\n\n--> Main thread ready to finish up...") logger.debug("Main thread joining all threads") self._pool.joinAll() # Get all threads to finish logger.info("\nAll worker threads finished") self._execStats.endExec() def cleanup(self): # free resources self._pool.cleanup() self._pool = None self._te = None self._dbManager = None self._executedTasks = None self._lock = None self._stepBarrier = None self._execStats = None self._runStatus = None def printStats(self): self._execStats.printStats() def isFailed(self): return self._execStats.isFailed() def getExecStats(self): return self._execStats def tapAllThreads(self): # in a deterministic manner wakeSeq = [] for i in range(self._pool.numThreads): # generate a random sequence if Dice.throw(2) == 1: wakeSeq.append(i) else: wakeSeq.insert(0, i) logger.debug( "[TRD] Main thread waking up worker threads: {}".format( str(wakeSeq))) # TODO: set dice seed to a deterministic value for i in wakeSeq: # TODO: maybe a bit too deep?! self._pool.threadList[i].tapStepGate() time.sleep(0) # yield def isRunning(self): return self._te is not None def _initDbs(self): ''' Initialize multiple databases, invoked at __ini__() time ''' self._dbs = [] # type: List[Database] dbc = self.getDbManager().getDbConn() if gConfig.max_dbs == 0: self._dbs.append(Database(0, dbc)) else: for i in range(gConfig.max_dbs): self._dbs.append(Database(i, dbc)) def pickDatabase(self): idxDb = 0 if gConfig.max_dbs != 0 : idxDb = Dice.throw(gConfig.max_dbs) # 0 to N-1 db = self._dbs[idxDb] # type: Database return db def fetchTask(self) -> Task: ''' The thread coordinator (that's us) is responsible for fetching a task to be executed next. ''' if (not self.isRunning()): # no task raise RuntimeError("Cannot fetch task when not running") # pick a task type for current state db = self.pickDatabase() taskType = db.getStateMachine().pickTaskType() # type: Task return taskType(self._execStats, db) # create a task from it def resetExecutedTasks(self): self._executedTasks = [] # should be under single thread def saveExecutedTask(self, task): with self._lock: self._executedTasks.append(task) # We define a class to run a number of threads in locking steps. class Helper: @classmethod def convertErrno(cls, errno): return errno if (errno > 0) else 0x80000000 + errno class ThreadPool: def __init__(self, numThreads, maxSteps): self.numThreads = numThreads self.maxSteps = maxSteps # Internal class variables self.curStep = 0 self.threadList = [] # type: List[WorkerThread] # starting to run all the threads, in locking steps def createAndStartThreads(self, tc: ThreadCoordinator): for tid in range(0, self.numThreads): # Create the threads workerThread = WorkerThread(self, tid, tc) self.threadList.append(workerThread) workerThread.start() # start, but should block immediately before step 0 def joinAll(self): for workerThread in self.threadList: logger.debug("Joining thread...") workerThread._thread.join() def cleanup(self): self.threadList = None # maybe clean up each? # A queue of continguous POSITIVE integers, used by DbManager to generate continuous numbers # for new table names class LinearQueue(): def __init__(self): self.firstIndex = 1 # 1st ever element self.lastIndex = 0 self._lock = threading.RLock() # our functions may call each other self.inUse = set() # the indexes that are in use right now def toText(self): return "[{}..{}], in use: {}".format( self.firstIndex, self.lastIndex, self.inUse) # Push (add new element, largest) to the tail, and mark it in use def push(self): with self._lock: # if ( self.isEmpty() ): # self.lastIndex = self.firstIndex # return self.firstIndex # Otherwise we have something self.lastIndex += 1 self.allocate(self.lastIndex) # self.inUse.add(self.lastIndex) # mark it in use immediately return self.lastIndex def pop(self): with self._lock: if (self.isEmpty()): # raise RuntimeError("Cannot pop an empty queue") return False # TODO: None? index = self.firstIndex if (index in self.inUse): return False self.firstIndex += 1 return index def isEmpty(self): return self.firstIndex > self.lastIndex def popIfNotEmpty(self): with self._lock: if (self.isEmpty()): return 0 return self.pop() def allocate(self, i): with self._lock: # logger.debug("LQ allocating item {}".format(i)) if (i in self.inUse): raise RuntimeError( "Cannot re-use same index in queue: {}".format(i)) self.inUse.add(i) def release(self, i): with self._lock: # logger.debug("LQ releasing item {}".format(i)) self.inUse.remove(i) # KeyError possible, TODO: why? def size(self): return self.lastIndex + 1 - self.firstIndex def pickAndAllocate(self): if (self.isEmpty()): return None with self._lock: cnt = 0 # counting the interations while True: cnt += 1 if (cnt > self.size() * 10): # 10x iteration already # raise RuntimeError("Failed to allocate LinearQueue element") return None ret = Dice.throwRange(self.firstIndex, self.lastIndex + 1) if (ret not in self.inUse): self.allocate(ret) return ret class DbConn: TYPE_NATIVE = "native-c" TYPE_REST = "rest-api" TYPE_INVALID = "invalid" @classmethod def create(cls, connType): if connType == cls.TYPE_NATIVE: return DbConnNative() elif connType == cls.TYPE_REST: return DbConnRest() else: raise RuntimeError( "Unexpected connection type: {}".format(connType)) @classmethod def createNative(cls): return cls.create(cls.TYPE_NATIVE) @classmethod def createRest(cls): return cls.create(cls.TYPE_REST) def __init__(self): self.isOpen = False self._type = self.TYPE_INVALID self._lastSql = None def getLastSql(self): return self._lastSql def open(self): if (self.isOpen): raise RuntimeError("Cannot re-open an existing DB connection") # below implemented by child classes self.openByType() logger.debug("[DB] data connection opened, type = {}".format(self._type)) self.isOpen = True def queryScalar(self, sql) -> int: return self._queryAny(sql) def queryString(self, sql) -> str: return self._queryAny(sql) def _queryAny(self, sql): # actual query result as an int if (not self.isOpen): raise RuntimeError("Cannot query database until connection is open") nRows = self.query(sql) if nRows != 1: raise taos.error.ProgrammingError( "Unexpected result for query: {}, rows = {}".format(sql, nRows), (0x991 if nRows==0 else 0x992) ) if self.getResultRows() != 1 or self.getResultCols() != 1: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected result set for query: {}".format(sql)) return self.getQueryResult()[0][0] def use(self, dbName): self.execute("use {}".format(dbName)) def existsDatabase(self, dbName: str): ''' Check if a certain database exists ''' self.query("show databases") dbs = [v[0] for v in self.getQueryResult()] # ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/643823/python-list-transformation # ret2 = dbName in dbs # print("dbs = {}, str = {}, ret2={}, type2={}".format(dbs, dbName,ret2, type(dbName))) return dbName in dbs # TODO: super weird type mangling seen, once here def hasTables(self): return self.query("show tables") > 0 def execute(self, sql): ''' Return the number of rows affected''' raise RuntimeError("Unexpected execution, should be overriden") def safeExecute(self, sql): '''Safely execute any SQL query, returning True/False upon success/failure''' try: self.execute(sql) return True # ignore num of results, return success except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err: return False # failed, for whatever TAOS reason # Not possile to reach here, non-TAOS exception would have been thrown def query(self, sql) -> int: # return num rows returned ''' Return the number of rows affected''' raise RuntimeError("Unexpected execution, should be overriden") def openByType(self): raise RuntimeError("Unexpected execution, should be overriden") def getQueryResult(self): raise RuntimeError("Unexpected execution, should be overriden") def getResultRows(self): raise RuntimeError("Unexpected execution, should be overriden") def getResultCols(self): raise RuntimeError("Unexpected execution, should be overriden") # Sample: curl -u root:taosdata -d "show databases" localhost:6020/rest/sql class DbConnRest(DbConn): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._type = self.TYPE_REST self._url = "http://localhost:6041/rest/sql" # fixed for now self._result = None def openByType(self): # Open connection pass # do nothing, always open def close(self): if (not self.isOpen): raise RuntimeError("Cannot clean up database until connection is open") # Do nothing for REST logger.debug("[DB] REST Database connection closed") self.isOpen = False def _doSql(self, sql): self._lastSql = sql # remember this, last SQL attempted try: r = requests.post(self._url, data = sql, auth = HTTPBasicAuth('root', 'taosdata')) except: print("REST API Failure (TODO: more info here)") raise rj = r.json() # Sanity check for the "Json Result" if ('status' not in rj): raise RuntimeError("No status in REST response") if rj['status'] == 'error': # clearly reported error if ('code' not in rj): # error without code raise RuntimeError("REST error return without code") errno = rj['code'] # May need to massage this in the future # print("Raising programming error with REST return: {}".format(rj)) raise taos.error.ProgrammingError( rj['desc'], errno) # todo: check existance of 'desc' if rj['status'] != 'succ': # better be this raise RuntimeError( "Unexpected REST return status: {}".format( rj['status'])) nRows = rj['rows'] if ('rows' in rj) else 0 self._result = rj return nRows def execute(self, sql): if (not self.isOpen): raise RuntimeError( "Cannot execute database commands until connection is open") logger.debug("[SQL-REST] Executing SQL: {}".format(sql)) nRows = self._doSql(sql) logger.debug( "[SQL-REST] Execution Result, nRows = {}, SQL = {}".format(nRows, sql)) return nRows def query(self, sql): # return rows affected return self.execute(sql) def getQueryResult(self): return self._result['data'] def getResultRows(self): print(self._result) raise RuntimeError("TBD") # return self._tdSql.queryRows def getResultCols(self): print(self._result) raise RuntimeError("TBD") # Duplicate code from TDMySQL, TODO: merge all this into DbConnNative class MyTDSql: # Class variables _clsLock = threading.Lock() # class wide locking longestQuery = None # type: str longestQueryTime = 0.0 # seconds lqStartTime = 0.0 # lqEndTime = 0.0 # Not needed, as we have the two above already def __init__(self, hostAddr, cfgPath): # Make the DB connection self._conn = taos.connect(host=hostAddr, config=cfgPath) self._cursor = self._conn.cursor() self.queryRows = 0 self.queryCols = 0 self.affectedRows = 0 # def init(self, cursor, log=True): # self.cursor = cursor # if (log): # caller = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.stack()[1][0]) # self.cursor.log(caller.filename + ".sql") def close(self): self._cursor.close() # can we double close? self._conn.close() # TODO: very important, cursor close does NOT close DB connection! self._cursor.close() def _execInternal(self, sql): startTime = time.time() ret = self._cursor.execute(sql) # print("\nSQL success: {}".format(sql)) queryTime = time.time() - startTime # Record the query time cls = self.__class__ if queryTime > (cls.longestQueryTime + 0.01) : with cls._clsLock: cls.longestQuery = sql cls.longestQueryTime = queryTime cls.lqStartTime = startTime return ret def query(self, sql): self.sql = sql try: self._execInternal(sql) self.queryResult = self._cursor.fetchall() self.queryRows = len(self.queryResult) self.queryCols = len(self._cursor.description) except Exception as e: # caller = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.stack()[1][0]) # args = (caller.filename, caller.lineno, sql, repr(e)) # tdLog.exit("%s(%d) failed: sql:%s, %s" % args) raise return self.queryRows def execute(self, sql): self.sql = sql try: self.affectedRows = self._execInternal(sql) except Exception as e: # caller = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.stack()[1][0]) # args = (caller.filename, caller.lineno, sql, repr(e)) # tdLog.exit("%s(%d) failed: sql:%s, %s" % args) raise return self.affectedRows class DbConnNative(DbConn): # Class variables _lock = threading.Lock() _connInfoDisplayed = False totalConnections = 0 # Not private def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._type = self.TYPE_NATIVE self._conn = None # self._cursor = None def getBuildPath(self): selfPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) if ("community" in selfPath): projPath = selfPath[:selfPath.find("communit")] else: projPath = selfPath[:selfPath.find("tests")] buildPath = None for root, dirs, files in os.walk(projPath): if ("taosd" in files): rootRealPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(root)) if ("packaging" not in rootRealPath): buildPath = root[:len(root) - len("/build/bin")] break if buildPath == None: raise RuntimeError("Failed to determine buildPath, selfPath={}, projPath={}" .format(selfPath, projPath)) return buildPath def openByType(self): # Open connection cfgPath = self.getBuildPath() + "/test/cfg" hostAddr = "" cls = self.__class__ # Get the class, to access class variables with cls._lock: # force single threading for opening DB connections. # TODO: whaaat??!!! if not cls._connInfoDisplayed: cls._connInfoDisplayed = True # updating CLASS variable logger.info("Initiating TAOS native connection to {}, using config at {}".format(hostAddr, cfgPath)) # Make the connection # self._conn = taos.connect(host=hostAddr, config=cfgPath) # TODO: make configurable # self._cursor = self._conn.cursor() # Record the count in the class self._tdSql = MyTDSql(hostAddr, cfgPath) # making DB connection cls.totalConnections += 1 self._tdSql.execute('reset query cache') # self._cursor.execute('use db') # do this at the beginning of every # Open connection # self._tdSql = MyTDSql() # self._tdSql.init(self._cursor) def close(self): if (not self.isOpen): raise RuntimeError("Cannot clean up database until connection is open") self._tdSql.close() # Decrement the class wide counter cls = self.__class__ # Get the class, to access class variables with cls._lock: cls.totalConnections -= 1 logger.debug("[DB] Database connection closed") self.isOpen = False def execute(self, sql): if (not self.isOpen): raise RuntimeError("Cannot execute database commands until connection is open") logger.debug("[SQL] Executing SQL: {}".format(sql)) self._lastSql = sql nRows = self._tdSql.execute(sql) logger.debug( "[SQL] Execution Result, nRows = {}, SQL = {}".format( nRows, sql)) return nRows def query(self, sql): # return rows affected if (not self.isOpen): raise RuntimeError( "Cannot query database until connection is open") logger.debug("[SQL] Executing SQL: {}".format(sql)) self._lastSql = sql nRows = self._tdSql.query(sql) logger.debug( "[SQL] Query Result, nRows = {}, SQL = {}".format( nRows, sql)) return nRows # results are in: return self._tdSql.queryResult def getQueryResult(self): return self._tdSql.queryResult def getResultRows(self): return self._tdSql.queryRows def getResultCols(self): return self._tdSql.queryCols class AnyState: STATE_INVALID = -1 STATE_EMPTY = 0 # nothing there, no even a DB STATE_DB_ONLY = 1 # we have a DB, but nothing else STATE_TABLE_ONLY = 2 # we have a table, but totally empty STATE_HAS_DATA = 3 # we have some data in the table _stateNames = ["Invalid", "Empty", "DB_Only", "Table_Only", "Has_Data"] STATE_VAL_IDX = 0 CAN_CREATE_DB = 1 # For below, if we can "drop the DB", but strictly speaking # only "under normal circumstances", as we may override it with the -b option CAN_DROP_DB = 2 CAN_CREATE_FIXED_SUPER_TABLE = 3 CAN_DROP_FIXED_SUPER_TABLE = 4 CAN_ADD_DATA = 5 CAN_READ_DATA = 6 def __init__(self): self._info = self.getInfo() def __str__(self): # -1 hack to accomodate the STATE_INVALID case return self._stateNames[self._info[self.STATE_VAL_IDX] + 1] # Each sub state tells us the "info", about itself, so we can determine # on things like canDropDB() def getInfo(self): raise RuntimeError("Must be overriden by child classes") def equals(self, other): if isinstance(other, int): return self.getValIndex() == other elif isinstance(other, AnyState): return self.getValIndex() == other.getValIndex() else: raise RuntimeError( "Unexpected comparison, type = {}".format( type(other))) def verifyTasksToState(self, tasks, newState): raise RuntimeError("Must be overriden by child classes") def getValIndex(self): return self._info[self.STATE_VAL_IDX] def getValue(self): return self._info[self.STATE_VAL_IDX] def canCreateDb(self): return self._info[self.CAN_CREATE_DB] def canDropDb(self): # If user requests to run up to a number of DBs, # we'd then not do drop_db operations any more if gConfig.max_dbs > 0 : return False return self._info[self.CAN_DROP_DB] def canCreateFixedSuperTable(self): return self._info[self.CAN_CREATE_FIXED_SUPER_TABLE] def canDropFixedSuperTable(self): return self._info[self.CAN_DROP_FIXED_SUPER_TABLE] def canAddData(self): return self._info[self.CAN_ADD_DATA] def canReadData(self): return self._info[self.CAN_READ_DATA] def assertAtMostOneSuccess(self, tasks, cls): sCnt = 0 for task in tasks: if not isinstance(task, cls): continue if task.isSuccess(): # task.logDebug("Task success found") sCnt += 1 if (sCnt >= 2): raise RuntimeError( "Unexpected more than 1 success with task: {}".format(cls)) def assertIfExistThenSuccess(self, tasks, cls): sCnt = 0 exists = False for task in tasks: if not isinstance(task, cls): continue exists = True # we have a valid instance if task.isSuccess(): sCnt += 1 if (exists and sCnt <= 0): raise RuntimeError("Unexpected zero success for task type: {}, from tasks: {}" .format(cls, tasks)) def assertNoTask(self, tasks, cls): for task in tasks: if isinstance(task, cls): raise CrashGenError( "This task: {}, is not expected to be present, given the success/failure of others".format(cls.__name__)) def assertNoSuccess(self, tasks, cls): for task in tasks: if isinstance(task, cls): if task.isSuccess(): raise RuntimeError( "Unexpected successful task: {}".format(cls)) def hasSuccess(self, tasks, cls): for task in tasks: if not isinstance(task, cls): continue if task.isSuccess(): return True return False def hasTask(self, tasks, cls): for task in tasks: if isinstance(task, cls): return True return False class StateInvalid(AnyState): def getInfo(self): return [ self.STATE_INVALID, False, False, # can create/drop Db False, False, # can create/drop fixed table False, False, # can insert/read data with fixed table ] # def verifyTasksToState(self, tasks, newState): class StateEmpty(AnyState): def getInfo(self): return [ self.STATE_EMPTY, True, False, # can create/drop Db False, False, # can create/drop fixed table False, False, # can insert/read data with fixed table ] def verifyTasksToState(self, tasks, newState): if (self.hasSuccess(tasks, TaskCreateDb) ): # at EMPTY, if there's succes in creating DB if (not self.hasTask(tasks, TaskDropDb)): # and no drop_db tasks # we must have at most one. TODO: compare numbers self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, TaskCreateDb) class StateDbOnly(AnyState): def getInfo(self): return [ self.STATE_DB_ONLY, False, True, True, False, False, False, ] def verifyTasksToState(self, tasks, newState): if (not self.hasTask(tasks, TaskCreateDb)): # only if we don't create any more self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, TaskDropDb) # TODO: restore the below, the problem exists, although unlikely in real-world # if (gSvcMgr!=None) and gSvcMgr.isRestarting(): # if (gSvcMgr == None) or (not gSvcMgr.isRestarting()) : # self.assertIfExistThenSuccess(tasks, TaskDropDb) class StateSuperTableOnly(AnyState): def getInfo(self): return [ self.STATE_TABLE_ONLY, False, True, False, True, True, True, ] def verifyTasksToState(self, tasks, newState): if (self.hasSuccess(tasks, TaskDropSuperTable) ): # we are able to drop the table #self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, TaskDropSuperTable) # we must have had recreted it self.hasSuccess(tasks, TaskCreateSuperTable) # self._state = self.STATE_DB_ONLY # elif ( self.hasSuccess(tasks, AddFixedDataTask) ): # no success dropping the table, but added data # self.assertNoTask(tasks, DropFixedTableTask) # not true in massively parrallel cases # self._state = self.STATE_HAS_DATA # elif ( self.hasSuccess(tasks, ReadFixedDataTask) ): # no success in prev cases, but was able to read data # self.assertNoTask(tasks, DropFixedTableTask) # self.assertNoTask(tasks, AddFixedDataTask) # self._state = self.STATE_TABLE_ONLY # no change # else: # did not drop table, did not insert data, did not read successfully, that is impossible # raise RuntimeError("Unexpected no-success scenarios") # TODO: need to revamp!! class StateHasData(AnyState): def getInfo(self): return [ self.STATE_HAS_DATA, False, True, False, True, True, True, ] def verifyTasksToState(self, tasks, newState): if (newState.equals(AnyState.STATE_EMPTY)): self.hasSuccess(tasks, TaskDropDb) if (not self.hasTask(tasks, TaskCreateDb)): self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, TaskDropDb) # TODO: dicy elif (newState.equals(AnyState.STATE_DB_ONLY)): # in DB only if (not self.hasTask(tasks, TaskCreateDb) ): # without a create_db task # we must have drop_db task self.assertNoTask(tasks, TaskDropDb) self.hasSuccess(tasks, TaskDropSuperTable) # self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, DropFixedSuperTableTask) # TODO: dicy # elif ( newState.equals(AnyState.STATE_TABLE_ONLY) ): # data deleted # self.assertNoTask(tasks, TaskDropDb) # self.assertNoTask(tasks, TaskDropSuperTable) # self.assertNoTask(tasks, TaskAddData) # self.hasSuccess(tasks, DeleteDataTasks) else: # should be STATE_HAS_DATA if (not self.hasTask(tasks, TaskCreateDb) ): # only if we didn't create one # we shouldn't have dropped it self.assertNoTask(tasks, TaskDropDb) if (not self.hasTask(tasks, TaskCreateSuperTable) ): # if we didn't create the table # we should not have a task that drops it self.assertNoTask(tasks, TaskDropSuperTable) # self.assertIfExistThenSuccess(tasks, ReadFixedDataTask) class StateMechine: def __init__(self, db: Database): self._db = db # transitition target probabilities, indexed with value of STATE_EMPTY, STATE_DB_ONLY, etc. self._stateWeights = [1, 2, 10, 40] def init(self, dbc: DbConn): # late initailization, don't save the dbConn self._curState = self._findCurrentState(dbc) # starting state logger.debug("Found Starting State: {}".format(self._curState)) # TODO: seems no lnoger used, remove? def getCurrentState(self): return self._curState def hasDatabase(self): return self._curState.canDropDb() # ha, can drop DB means it has one # May be slow, use cautionsly... def getTaskTypes(self): # those that can run (directly/indirectly) from the current state def typesToStrings(types): ss = [] for t in types: ss.append(t.__name__) return ss allTaskClasses = StateTransitionTask.__subclasses__() # all state transition tasks firstTaskTypes = [] for tc in allTaskClasses: # t = tc(self) # create task object if tc.canBeginFrom(self._curState): firstTaskTypes.append(tc) # now we have all the tasks that can begin directly from the current # state, let's figure out the INDIRECT ones taskTypes = firstTaskTypes.copy() # have to have these for task1 in firstTaskTypes: # each task type gathered so far endState = task1.getEndState() # figure the end state if endState is None: # does not change end state continue # no use, do nothing for tc in allTaskClasses: # what task can further begin from there? if tc.canBeginFrom(endState) and (tc not in firstTaskTypes): taskTypes.append(tc) # gather it if len(taskTypes) <= 0: raise RuntimeError( "No suitable task types found for state: {}".format( self._curState)) logger.debug( "[OPS] Tasks found for state {}: {}".format( self._curState, typesToStrings(taskTypes))) return taskTypes def _findCurrentState(self, dbc: DbConn): ts = time.time() # we use this to debug how fast/slow it is to do the various queries to find the current DB state dbName =self._db.getName() if not dbc.existsDatabase(dbName): # dbc.hasDatabases(): # no database?! logger.debug( "[STT] empty database found, between {} and {}".format(ts, time.time())) return StateEmpty() # did not do this when openning connection, and this is NOT the worker # thread, which does this on their own dbc.use(dbName) if not dbc.hasTables(): # no tables logger.debug("[STT] DB_ONLY found, between {} and {}".format(ts, time.time())) return StateDbOnly() sTable = self._db.getFixedSuperTable() if sTable.hasRegTables(dbc, dbName): # no regular tables logger.debug("[STT] SUPER_TABLE_ONLY found, between {} and {}".format(ts, time.time())) return StateSuperTableOnly() else: # has actual tables logger.debug("[STT] HAS_DATA found, between {} and {}".format(ts, time.time())) return StateHasData() # We transition the system to a new state by examining the current state itself def transition(self, tasks, dbc: DbConn): if (len(tasks) == 0): # before 1st step, or otherwise empty logger.debug("[STT] Starting State: {}".format(self._curState)) return # do nothing # this should show up in the server log, separating steps dbc.execute("show dnodes") # Generic Checks, first based on the start state if self._curState.canCreateDb(): self._curState.assertIfExistThenSuccess(tasks, TaskCreateDb) # self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, CreateDbTask) # not really, in # case of multiple creation and drops if self._curState.canDropDb(): if gSvcMgr == None: # only if we are running as client-only self._curState.assertIfExistThenSuccess(tasks, TaskDropDb) # self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, DropDbTask) # not really in # case of drop-create-drop # if self._state.canCreateFixedTable(): # self.assertIfExistThenSuccess(tasks, CreateFixedTableTask) # Not true, DB may be dropped # self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, CreateFixedTableTask) # not # really, in case of create-drop-create # if self._state.canDropFixedTable(): # self.assertIfExistThenSuccess(tasks, DropFixedTableTask) # Not True, the whole DB may be dropped # self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, DropFixedTableTask) # not # really in case of drop-create-drop # if self._state.canAddData(): # self.assertIfExistThenSuccess(tasks, AddFixedDataTask) # not true # actually # if self._state.canReadData(): # Nothing for sure newState = self._findCurrentState(dbc) logger.debug("[STT] New DB state determined: {}".format(newState)) # can old state move to new state through the tasks? self._curState.verifyTasksToState(tasks, newState) self._curState = newState def pickTaskType(self): # all the task types we can choose from at curent state taskTypes = self.getTaskTypes() weights = [] for tt in taskTypes: endState = tt.getEndState() if endState is not None: # TODO: change to a method weights.append(self._stateWeights[endState.getValIndex()]) else: # read data task, default to 10: TODO: change to a constant weights.append(10) i = self._weighted_choice_sub(weights) # logger.debug(" (weighted random:{}/{}) ".format(i, len(taskTypes))) return taskTypes[i] # ref: # https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2010/01/22/weighted-random-generation-in-python/ def _weighted_choice_sub(self, weights): # TODO: use our dice to ensure it being determinstic? rnd = random.random() * sum(weights) for i, w in enumerate(weights): rnd -= w if rnd < 0: return i class Database: ''' We use this to represent an actual TDengine database inside a service instance, possibly in a cluster environment. For now we use it to manage state transitions in that database ''' _clsLock = threading.Lock() # class wide lock _lastInt = 101 # next one is initial integer _lastTick = 0 _lastLaggingTick = 0 # lagging tick, for unsequenced insersions def __init__(self, dbNum: int, dbc: DbConn): # TODO: remove dbc self._dbNum = dbNum # we assign a number to databases, for our testing purpose self._stateMachine = StateMechine(self) self._stateMachine.init(dbc) self._lock = threading.RLock() def getStateMachine(self) -> StateMechine: return self._stateMachine def getDbNum(self): return self._dbNum def getName(self): return "db_{}".format(self._dbNum) def filterTasks(self, inTasks: List[Task]): # Pick out those belonging to us outTasks = [] for task in inTasks: if task.getDb().isSame(self): outTasks.append(task) return outTasks def isSame(self, other): return self._dbNum == other._dbNum def exists(self, dbc: DbConn): return dbc.existsDatabase(self.getName()) @classmethod def getFixedSuperTableName(cls): return "fs_table" @classmethod def getFixedSuperTable(cls) -> TdSuperTable: return TdSuperTable(cls.getFixedSuperTableName()) # We aim to create a starting time tick, such that, whenever we run our test here once # We should be able to safely create 100,000 records, which will not have any repeated time stamp # when we re-run the test in 3 minutes (180 seconds), basically we should expand time duration # by a factor of 500. # TODO: what if it goes beyond 10 years into the future # TODO: fix the error as result of above: "tsdb timestamp is out of range" @classmethod def setupLastTick(cls): t1 = datetime.datetime(2020, 6, 1) t2 = datetime.datetime.now() # maybe a very large number, takes 69 years to exceed Python int range elSec = int(t2.timestamp() - t1.timestamp()) elSec2 = (elSec % (8 * 12 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 / 500)) * \ 500 # a number representing seconds within 10 years # print("elSec = {}".format(elSec)) t3 = datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1) # default "keep" is 10 years t4 = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( t3.timestamp() + elSec2) # see explanation above logger.info("Setting up TICKS to start from: {}".format(t4)) return t4 @classmethod def getNextTick(cls): with cls._clsLock: # prevent duplicate tick if cls._lastLaggingTick==0: # 10k at 1/20 chance, should be enough to avoid overlaps cls._lastLaggingTick = cls.setupLastTick() + datetime.timedelta(0, -10000) if cls._lastTick==0: # should be quite a bit into the future cls._lastTick = cls.setupLastTick() if Dice.throw(20) == 0: # 1 in 20 chance, return lagging tick cls._lastLaggingTick += datetime.timedelta(0, 1) # Go back in time 100 seconds return cls._lastLaggingTick else: # regular # add one second to it cls._lastTick += datetime.timedelta(0, 1) return cls._lastTick def getNextInt(self): with self._lock: self._lastInt += 1 return self._lastInt def getNextBinary(self): return "Beijing_Shanghai_Los_Angeles_New_York_San_Francisco_Chicago_Beijing_Shanghai_Los_Angeles_New_York_San_Francisco_Chicago_{}".format( self.getNextInt()) def getNextFloat(self): ret = 0.9 + self.getNextInt() # print("Float obtained: {}".format(ret)) return ret class DbManager(): ''' This is a wrapper around DbConn(), to make it easier to use. TODO: rename this to DbConnManager ''' def __init__(self): self.tableNumQueue = LinearQueue() # TODO: delete? # self.openDbServerConnection() self._dbConn = DbConn.createNative() if ( gConfig.connector_type == 'native') else DbConn.createRest() try: self._dbConn.open() # may throw taos.error.ProgrammingError: disconnected except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err: # print("Error type: {}, msg: {}, value: {}".format(type(err), err.msg, err)) if (err.msg == 'client disconnected'): # cannot open DB connection print( "Cannot establish DB connection, please re-run script without parameter, and follow the instructions.") sys.exit(2) else: print("Failed to connect to DB, errno = {}, msg: {}" .format(Helper.convertErrno(err.errno), err.msg)) raise except BaseException: print("[=] Unexpected exception") raise # Do this after dbConn is in proper shape # Moved to Database() # self._stateMachine = StateMechine(self._dbConn) def getDbConn(self): return self._dbConn # TODO: not used any more, to delete def pickAndAllocateTable(self): # pick any table, and "use" it return self.tableNumQueue.pickAndAllocate() # TODO: Not used any more, to delete def addTable(self): with self._lock: tIndex = self.tableNumQueue.push() return tIndex # Not used any more, to delete def releaseTable(self, i): # return the table back, so others can use it self.tableNumQueue.release(i) # TODO: not used any more, delete def getTableNameToDelete(self): tblNum = self.tableNumQueue.pop() # TODO: race condition! if (not tblNum): # maybe false return False return "table_{}".format(tblNum) def cleanUp(self): self._dbConn.close() class TaskExecutor(): class BoundedList: def __init__(self, size=10): self._size = size self._list = [] self._lock = threading.Lock() def add(self, n: int): with self._lock: if not self._list: # empty self._list.append(n) return # now we should insert nItems = len(self._list) insPos = 0 for i in range(nItems): insPos = i if n <= self._list[i]: # smaller than this item, time to insert break # found the insertion point insPos += 1 # insert to the right if insPos == 0: # except for the 1st item, # TODO: elimiate first item as gating item return # do nothing # print("Inserting at postion {}, value: {}".format(insPos, n)) self._list.insert(insPos, n) # insert newLen = len(self._list) if newLen <= self._size: return # do nothing elif newLen == (self._size + 1): del self._list[0] # remove the first item else: raise RuntimeError("Corrupt Bounded List") def __str__(self): return repr(self._list) _boundedList = BoundedList() def __init__(self, curStep): self._curStep = curStep @classmethod def getBoundedList(cls): return cls._boundedList def getCurStep(self): return self._curStep def execute(self, task: Task, wt: WorkerThread): # execute a task on a thread task.execute(wt) def recordDataMark(self, n: int): # print("[{}]".format(n), end="", flush=True) self._boundedList.add(n) # def logInfo(self, msg): # logger.info(" T[{}.x]: ".format(self._curStep) + msg) # def logDebug(self, msg): # logger.debug(" T[{}.x]: ".format(self._curStep) + msg) class Task(): ''' A generic "Task" to be executed. For now we decide that there is no need to embed a DB connection here, we use whatever the Worker Thread has instead. But a task is always associated with a DB ''' taskSn = 100 @classmethod def allocTaskNum(cls): Task.taskSn += 1 # IMPORTANT: cannot use cls.taskSn, since each sub class will have a copy # logger.debug("Allocating taskSN: {}".format(Task.taskSn)) return Task.taskSn def __init__(self, execStats: ExecutionStats, db: Database): self._workerThread = None self._err = None # type: Exception self._aborted = False self._curStep = None self._numRows = None # Number of rows affected # Assign an incremental task serial number self._taskNum = self.allocTaskNum() # logger.debug("Creating new task {}...".format(self._taskNum)) self._execStats = execStats self._db = db # A task is always associated/for a specific DB def isSuccess(self): return self._err is None def isAborted(self): return self._aborted def clone(self): # TODO: why do we need this again? newTask = self.__class__(self._execStats, self._db) return newTask def getDb(self): return self._db def logDebug(self, msg): self._workerThread.logDebug( "Step[{}.{}] {}".format( self._curStep, self._taskNum, msg)) def logInfo(self, msg): self._workerThread.logInfo( "Step[{}.{}] {}".format( self._curStep, self._taskNum, msg)) def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread): raise RuntimeError( "To be implemeted by child classes, class name: {}".format( self.__class__.__name__)) def _isErrAcceptable(self, errno, msg): if errno in [ 0x05, # TSDB_CODE_RPC_NOT_READY # 0x200, # invalid SQL, TODO: re-examine with TD-934 0x217, # "db not selected", client side defined error code 0x218, # "Table does not exist" client side defined error code 0x360, 0x362, 0x369, # tag already exists 0x36A, 0x36B, 0x36D, 0x381, 0x380, # "db not selected" 0x383, 0x386, # DB is being dropped?! 0x503, 0x510, # vnode not in ready state 0x14, # db not ready, errno changed 0x600, 1000 # REST catch-all error ]: return True # These are the ALWAYS-ACCEPTABLE ones elif (errno in [ 0x0B ]) and gConfig.auto_start_service: return True # We may get "network unavilable" when restarting service elif errno == 0x200 : # invalid SQL, we need to div in a bit more if msg.find("invalid column name") != -1: return True elif msg.find("tags number not matched") != -1: # mismatched tags after modification return True elif msg.find("duplicated column names") != -1: # also alter table tag issues return True elif (gSvcMgr!=None) and gSvcMgr.isRestarting(): logger.info("Ignoring error when service is restarting: errno = {}, msg = {}".format(errno, msg)) return True return False # Not an acceptable error def execute(self, wt: WorkerThread): wt.verifyThreadSelf() self._workerThread = wt # type: ignore te = wt.getTaskExecutor() self._curStep = te.getCurStep() self.logDebug( "[-] executing task {}...".format(self.__class__.__name__)) self._err = None # TODO: type hint mess up? self._execStats.beginTaskType(self.__class__.__name__) # mark beginning errno2 = None # Now pick a database, and stick with it for the duration of the task execution dbName = self._db.getName() try: self._executeInternal(te, wt) # TODO: no return value? except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err: errno2 = Helper.convertErrno(err.errno) if (gConfig.continue_on_exception): # user choose to continue self.logDebug("[=] Continue after TAOS exception: errno=0x{:X}, msg: {}, SQL: {}".format( errno2, err, wt.getDbConn().getLastSql())) self._err = err elif self._isErrAcceptable(errno2, err.__str__()): self.logDebug("[=] Acceptable Taos library exception: errno=0x{:X}, msg: {}, SQL: {}".format( errno2, err, wt.getDbConn().getLastSql())) print("_", end="", flush=True) self._err = err else: # not an acceptable error errMsg = "[=] Unexpected Taos library exception ({}): errno=0x{:X}, msg: {}, SQL: {}".format( self.__class__.__name__, errno2, err, wt.getDbConn().getLastSql()) self.logDebug(errMsg) if gConfig.debug: # raise # so that we see full stack traceback.print_exc() print( "\n\n----------------------------\nProgram ABORTED Due to Unexpected TAOS Error: \n\n{}\n".format(errMsg) + "----------------------------\n") # sys.exit(-1) self._err = err self._aborted = True except Exception as e: self.logInfo("Non-TAOS exception encountered") self._err = e self._aborted = True traceback.print_exc() except BaseException as e: self.logInfo("Python base exception encountered") self._err = e self._aborted = True traceback.print_exc() except BaseException: # TODO: what is this again??!! self.logDebug( "[=] Unexpected exception, SQL: {}".format( wt.getDbConn().getLastSql())) raise self._execStats.endTaskType(self.__class__.__name__, self.isSuccess()) self.logDebug("[X] task execution completed, {}, status: {}".format( self.__class__.__name__, "Success" if self.isSuccess() else "Failure")) # TODO: merge with above. self._execStats.incExecCount(self.__class__.__name__, self.isSuccess(), errno2) # TODO: refactor away, just provide the dbConn def execWtSql(self, wt: WorkerThread, sql): # execute an SQL on the worker thread """ Haha """ return wt.execSql(sql) def queryWtSql(self, wt: WorkerThread, sql): # execute an SQL on the worker thread return wt.querySql(sql) def getQueryResult(self, wt: WorkerThread): # execute an SQL on the worker thread return wt.getQueryResult() class ExecutionStats: def __init__(self): # total/success times for a task self._execTimes: Dict[str, [int, int]] = {} self._tasksInProgress = 0 self._lock = threading.Lock() self._firstTaskStartTime = None self._execStartTime = None self._errors = {} self._elapsedTime = 0.0 # total elapsed time self._accRunTime = 0.0 # accumulated run time self._failed = False self._failureReason = None def __str__(self): return "[ExecStats: _failed={}, _failureReason={}".format( self._failed, self._failureReason) def isFailed(self): return self._failed def startExec(self): self._execStartTime = time.time() def endExec(self): self._elapsedTime = time.time() - self._execStartTime def incExecCount(self, klassName, isSuccess, eno=None): # TODO: add a lock here if klassName not in self._execTimes: self._execTimes[klassName] = [0, 0] t = self._execTimes[klassName] # tuple for the data t[0] += 1 # index 0 has the "total" execution times if isSuccess: t[1] += 1 # index 1 has the "success" execution times if eno != None: if klassName not in self._errors: self._errors[klassName] = {} errors = self._errors[klassName] errors[eno] = errors[eno]+1 if eno in errors else 1 def beginTaskType(self, klassName): with self._lock: if self._tasksInProgress == 0: # starting a new round self._firstTaskStartTime = time.time() # I am now the first task self._tasksInProgress += 1 def endTaskType(self, klassName, isSuccess): with self._lock: self._tasksInProgress -= 1 if self._tasksInProgress == 0: # all tasks have stopped self._accRunTime += (time.time() - self._firstTaskStartTime) self._firstTaskStartTime = None def registerFailure(self, reason): self._failed = True self._failureReason = reason def printStats(self): logger.info( "----------------------------------------------------------------------") logger.info( "| Crash_Gen test {}, with the following stats:". format( "FAILED (reason: {})".format( self._failureReason) if self._failed else "SUCCEEDED")) logger.info("| Task Execution Times (success/total):") execTimesAny = 0 for k, n in self._execTimes.items(): execTimesAny += n[0] errStr = None if k in self._errors: errors = self._errors[k] # print("errors = {}".format(errors)) errStrs = ["0x{:X}:{}".format(eno, n) for (eno, n) in errors.items()] # print("error strings = {}".format(errStrs)) errStr = ", ".join(errStrs) logger.info("| {0:<24}: {1}/{2} (Errors: {3})".format(k, n[1], n[0], errStr)) logger.info( "| Total Tasks Executed (success or not): {} ".format(execTimesAny)) logger.info( "| Total Tasks In Progress at End: {}".format( self._tasksInProgress)) logger.info( "| Total Task Busy Time (elapsed time when any task is in progress): {:.3f} seconds".format( self._accRunTime)) logger.info( "| Average Per-Task Execution Time: {:.3f} seconds".format(self._accRunTime / execTimesAny)) logger.info( "| Total Elapsed Time (from wall clock): {:.3f} seconds".format( self._elapsedTime)) logger.info("| Top numbers written: {}".format(TaskExecutor.getBoundedList())) logger.info("| Active DB Native Connections (now): {}".format(DbConnNative.totalConnections)) logger.info("| Longest native query time: {:.3f} seconds, started: {}". format(MyTDSql.longestQueryTime, time.strftime("%x %X", time.localtime(MyTDSql.lqStartTime))) ) logger.info("| Longest native query: {}".format(MyTDSql.longestQuery)) logger.info( "----------------------------------------------------------------------") class StateTransitionTask(Task): LARGE_NUMBER_OF_TABLES = 35 SMALL_NUMBER_OF_TABLES = 3 LARGE_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS = 50 SMALL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS = 3 @classmethod def getInfo(cls): # each sub class should supply their own information raise RuntimeError("Overriding method expected") _endState = None @classmethod def getEndState(cls): # TODO: optimize by calling it fewer times raise RuntimeError("Overriding method expected") # @classmethod # def getBeginStates(cls): # return cls.getInfo()[0] # @classmethod # def getEndState(cls): # returning the class name # return cls.getInfo()[0] @classmethod def canBeginFrom(cls, state: AnyState): # return state.getValue() in cls.getBeginStates() raise RuntimeError("must be overriden") @classmethod def getRegTableName(cls, i): return "reg_table_{}".format(i) def execute(self, wt: WorkerThread): super().execute(wt) class TaskCreateDb(StateTransitionTask): @classmethod def getEndState(cls): return StateDbOnly() @classmethod def canBeginFrom(cls, state: AnyState): return state.canCreateDb() # Actually creating the database(es) def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread): # was: self.execWtSql(wt, "create database db") repStr = "" if gConfig.max_replicas != 1: numReplica = Dice.throw(gConfig.max_replicas) + 1 # 1,2 ... N repStr = "replica {}".format(numReplica) self.execWtSql(wt, "create database {} {}" .format(self._db.getName(), repStr) ) class TaskDropDb(StateTransitionTask): @classmethod def getEndState(cls): return StateEmpty() @classmethod def canBeginFrom(cls, state: AnyState): return state.canDropDb() def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread): self.execWtSql(wt, "drop database {}".format(self._db.getName())) logger.debug("[OPS] database dropped at {}".format(time.time())) class TaskCreateSuperTable(StateTransitionTask): @classmethod def getEndState(cls): return StateSuperTableOnly() @classmethod def canBeginFrom(cls, state: AnyState): return state.canCreateFixedSuperTable() def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread): if not self._db.exists(wt.getDbConn()): logger.debug("Skipping task, no DB yet") return sTable = self._db.getFixedSuperTable() # type: TdSuperTable # wt.execSql("use db") # should always be in place sTable.create(wt.getDbConn(), self._db.getName(), {'ts':'timestamp', 'speed':'int'}, {'b':'binary(200)', 'f':'float'}) # self.execWtSql(wt,"create table db.{} (ts timestamp, speed int) tags (b binary(200), f float) ".format(tblName)) # No need to create the regular tables, INSERT will do that # automatically class TdSuperTable: def __init__(self, stName): self._stName = stName def getName(self): return self._stName # TODO: odd semantic, create() method is usually static? def create(self, dbc, dbName, cols: dict, tags: dict): '''Creating a super table''' sql = "CREATE TABLE {}.{} ({}) TAGS ({})".format( dbName, self._stName, ",".join(['%s %s'%(k,v) for (k,v) in cols.items()]), ",".join(['%s %s'%(k,v) for (k,v) in tags.items()]) ) dbc.execute(sql) def getRegTables(self, dbc: DbConn, dbName: str): try: dbc.query("select TBNAME from {}.{}".format(dbName, self._stName)) # TODO: analyze result set later except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err: errno2 = Helper.convertErrno(err.errno) logger.debug("[=] Failed to get tables from super table: errno=0x{:X}, msg: {}".format(errno2, err)) raise qr = dbc.getQueryResult() return [v[0] for v in qr] # list transformation, ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/643823/python-list-transformation def hasRegTables(self, dbc: DbConn, dbName: str): return dbc.query("SELECT * FROM {}.{}".format(dbName, self._stName)) > 0 def ensureTable(self, dbc: DbConn, dbName: str, regTableName: str): sql = "select tbname from {}.{} where tbname in ('{}')".format(dbName, self._stName, regTableName) if dbc.query(sql) >= 1 : # reg table exists already return sql = "CREATE TABLE {}.{} USING {}.{} tags ({})".format( dbName, regTableName, dbName, self._stName, self._getTagStrForSql(dbc, dbName) ) dbc.execute(sql) def _getTagStrForSql(self, dbc, dbName: str) : tags = self._getTags(dbc, dbName) tagStrs = [] for tagName in tags: tagType = tags[tagName] if tagType == 'BINARY': tagStrs.append("'Beijing-Shanghai-LosAngeles'") elif tagType == 'FLOAT': tagStrs.append('9.9') elif tagType == 'INT': tagStrs.append('88') else: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected tag type: {}".format(tagType)) return ", ".join(tagStrs) def _getTags(self, dbc, dbName) -> dict: dbc.query("DESCRIBE {}.{}".format(dbName, self._stName)) stCols = dbc.getQueryResult() # print(stCols) ret = {row[0]:row[1] for row in stCols if row[3]=='TAG'} # name:type # print("Tags retrieved: {}".format(ret)) return ret def addTag(self, dbc, dbName, tagName, tagType): if tagName in self._getTags(dbc, dbName): # already return # sTable.addTag("extraTag", "int") sql = "alter table {}.{} add tag {} {}".format(dbName, self._stName, tagName, tagType) dbc.execute(sql) def dropTag(self, dbc, dbName, tagName): if not tagName in self._getTags(dbc, dbName): # don't have this tag return sql = "alter table {}.{} drop tag {}".format(dbName, self._stName, tagName) dbc.execute(sql) def changeTag(self, dbc, dbName, oldTag, newTag): tags = self._getTags(dbc, dbName) if not oldTag in tags: # don't have this tag return if newTag in tags: # already have this tag return sql = "alter table {}.{} change tag {} {}".format(dbName, self._stName, oldTag, newTag) dbc.execute(sql) class TaskReadData(StateTransitionTask): @classmethod def getEndState(cls): return None # meaning doesn't affect state @classmethod def canBeginFrom(cls, state: AnyState): return state.canReadData() def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread): sTable = self._db.getFixedSuperTable() # 1 in 5 chance, simulate a broken connection. if random.randrange(5) == 0: # TODO: break connection in all situations wt.getDbConn().close() wt.getDbConn().open() print("_r", end="", flush=True) dbc = wt.getDbConn() dbName = self._db.getName() for rTbName in sTable.getRegTables(dbc, dbName): # regular tables aggExpr = Dice.choice([ '*', 'count(*)', 'avg(speed)', # 'twa(speed)', # TODO: this one REQUIRES a where statement, not reasonable 'sum(speed)', 'stddev(speed)', # SELECTOR functions 'min(speed)', 'max(speed)', 'first(speed)', 'last(speed)', 'top(speed, 50)', # TODO: not supported? 'bottom(speed, 50)', # TODO: not supported? 'apercentile(speed, 10)', # TODO: TD-1316 'last_row(speed)', # Transformation Functions # 'diff(speed)', # TODO: no supported?! 'spread(speed)' ]) # TODO: add more from 'top' filterExpr = Dice.choice([ # TODO: add various kind of WHERE conditions None ]) try: # Run the query against the regular table first dbc.execute("select {} from {}.{}".format(aggExpr, dbName, rTbName)) # Then run it against the super table if aggExpr not in ['stddev(speed)']: #TODO: STDDEV not valid for super tables?! dbc.execute("select {} from {}.{}".format(aggExpr, dbName, sTable.getName())) except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err: errno2 = Helper.convertErrno(err.errno) logger.debug("[=] Read Failure: errno=0x{:X}, msg: {}, SQL: {}".format(errno2, err, dbc.getLastSql())) raise class TaskDropSuperTable(StateTransitionTask): @classmethod def getEndState(cls): return StateDbOnly() @classmethod def canBeginFrom(cls, state: AnyState): return state.canDropFixedSuperTable() def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread): # 1/2 chance, we'll drop the regular tables one by one, in a randomized sequence if Dice.throw(2) == 0: # print("_7_", end="", flush=True) tblSeq = list(range( 2 + (self.LARGE_NUMBER_OF_TABLES if gConfig.larger_data else self.SMALL_NUMBER_OF_TABLES))) random.shuffle(tblSeq) tickOutput = False # if we have spitted out a "d" character for "drop regular table" isSuccess = True for i in tblSeq: regTableName = self.getRegTableName(i) # "db.reg_table_{}".format(i) try: self.execWtSql(wt, "drop table {}.{}". format(self._db.getName(), regTableName)) # nRows always 0, like MySQL except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err: # correcting for strange error number scheme errno2 = Helper.convertErrno(err.errno) if (errno2 in [0x362]): # mnode invalid table name isSuccess = False logger.debug("[DB] Acceptable error when dropping a table") continue # try to delete next regular table if (not tickOutput): tickOutput = True # Print only one time if isSuccess: print("d", end="", flush=True) else: print("f", end="", flush=True) # Drop the super table itself tblName = self._db.getFixedSuperTableName() self.execWtSql(wt, "drop table {}.{}".format(self._db.getName(), tblName)) class TaskAlterTags(StateTransitionTask): @classmethod def getEndState(cls): return None # meaning doesn't affect state @classmethod def canBeginFrom(cls, state: AnyState): return state.canDropFixedSuperTable() # if we can drop it, we can alter tags def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread): # tblName = self._dbManager.getFixedSuperTableName() dbc = wt.getDbConn() sTable = self._db.getFixedSuperTable() dbName = self._db.getName() dice = Dice.throw(4) if dice == 0: sTable.addTag(dbc, dbName, "extraTag", "int") # sql = "alter table db.{} add tag extraTag int".format(tblName) elif dice == 1: sTable.dropTag(dbc, dbName, "extraTag") # sql = "alter table db.{} drop tag extraTag".format(tblName) elif dice == 2: sTable.dropTag(dbc, dbName, "newTag") # sql = "alter table db.{} drop tag newTag".format(tblName) else: # dice == 3 sTable.changeTag(dbc, dbName, "extraTag", "newTag") # sql = "alter table db.{} change tag extraTag newTag".format(tblName) class TaskRestartService(StateTransitionTask): _isRunning = False _classLock = threading.Lock() @classmethod def getEndState(cls): return None # meaning doesn't affect state @classmethod def canBeginFrom(cls, state: AnyState): if gConfig.auto_start_service: return state.canDropFixedSuperTable() # Basicallly when we have the super table return False # don't run this otherwise CHANCE_TO_RESTART_SERVICE = 200 def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread): if not gConfig.auto_start_service: # only execute when we are in -a mode print("_a", end="", flush=True) return with self._classLock: if self._isRunning: print("Skipping restart task, another running already") return self._isRunning = True if Dice.throw(self.CHANCE_TO_RESTART_SERVICE) == 0: # 1 in N chance dbc = wt.getDbConn() dbc.execute("show databases") # simple delay, align timing with other workers gSvcMgr.restart() self._isRunning = False class TaskAddData(StateTransitionTask): # Track which table is being actively worked on activeTable: Set[int] = set() # We use these two files to record operations to DB, useful for power-off # tests fAddLogReady = None fAddLogDone = None @classmethod def prepToRecordOps(cls): if gConfig.record_ops: if (cls.fAddLogReady is None): logger.info( "Recording in a file operations to be performed...") cls.fAddLogReady = open("add_log_ready.txt", "w") if (cls.fAddLogDone is None): logger.info("Recording in a file operations completed...") cls.fAddLogDone = open("add_log_done.txt", "w") @classmethod def getEndState(cls): return StateHasData() @classmethod def canBeginFrom(cls, state: AnyState): return state.canAddData() def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread): # ds = self._dbManager # Quite DANGEROUS here, may result in multi-thread client access db = self._db dbc = wt.getDbConn() tblSeq = list(range( self.LARGE_NUMBER_OF_TABLES if gConfig.larger_data else self.SMALL_NUMBER_OF_TABLES)) random.shuffle(tblSeq) for i in tblSeq: if (i in self.activeTable): # wow already active print("x", end="", flush=True) # concurrent insertion else: self.activeTable.add(i) # marking it active sTable = db.getFixedSuperTable() regTableName = self.getRegTableName(i) # "db.reg_table_{}".format(i) sTable.ensureTable(wt.getDbConn(), db.getName(), regTableName) # Ensure the table exists for j in range(self.LARGE_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS if gConfig.larger_data else self.SMALL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS): # number of records per table nextInt = db.getNextInt() nextTick = db.getNextTick() if gConfig.record_ops: self.prepToRecordOps() self.fAddLogReady.write("Ready to write {} to {}\n".format(nextInt, regTableName)) self.fAddLogReady.flush() os.fsync(self.fAddLogReady) sql = "insert into {}.{} values ('{}', {});".format( # removed: tags ('{}', {}) db.getName(), regTableName, # ds.getFixedSuperTableName(), # ds.getNextBinary(), ds.getNextFloat(), nextTick, nextInt) dbc.execute(sql) # Successfully wrote the data into the DB, let's record it # somehow te.recordDataMark(nextInt) if gConfig.record_ops: self.fAddLogDone.write( "Wrote {} to {}\n".format( nextInt, regTableName)) self.fAddLogDone.flush() os.fsync(self.fAddLogDone) # Now read it back and verify, we might encounter an error if table is dropped if gConfig.verify_data: # only if command line asks for it try: readBack = dbc.queryScalar("SELECT speed from {}.{} WHERE ts= '{}'". format(db.getName(), regTableName, nextTick)) if readBack != nextInt : raise taos.error.ProgrammingError( "Failed to read back same data, wrote: {}, read: {}" .format(nextInt, readBack), 0x999) except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err: errno = Helper.convertErrno(err.errno) if errno in [0x991, 0x992] : # not a single result raise taos.error.ProgrammingError( "Failed to read back same data for tick: {}, wrote: {}, read: {}" .format(nextTick, nextInt, "Empty Result" if errno==0x991 else "Multiple Result"), errno) # Re-throw no matter what raise self.activeTable.discard(i) # not raising an error, unlike remove # Deterministic random number generator class Dice(): seeded = False # static, uninitialized @classmethod def seed(cls, s): # static if (cls.seeded): raise RuntimeError( "Cannot seed the random generator more than once") cls.verifyRNG() random.seed(s) cls.seeded = True # TODO: protect against multi-threading @classmethod def verifyRNG(cls): # Verify that the RNG is determinstic random.seed(0) x1 = random.randrange(0, 1000) x2 = random.randrange(0, 1000) x3 = random.randrange(0, 1000) if (x1 != 864 or x2 != 394 or x3 != 776): raise RuntimeError("System RNG is not deterministic") @classmethod def throw(cls, stop): # get 0 to stop-1 return cls.throwRange(0, stop) @classmethod def throwRange(cls, start, stop): # up to stop-1 if (not cls.seeded): raise RuntimeError("Cannot throw dice before seeding it") return random.randrange(start, stop) @classmethod def choice(cls, cList): return random.choice(cList) class LoggingFilter(logging.Filter): def filter(self, record: logging.LogRecord): if (record.levelno >= logging.INFO): return True # info or above always log # Commenting out below to adjust... # if msg.startswith("[TRD]"): # return False return True class MyLoggingAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter): def process(self, msg, kwargs): return "[{}]{}".format(threading.get_ident() % 10000, msg), kwargs # return '[%s] %s' % (self.extra['connid'], msg), kwargs class SvcManager: def __init__(self): print("Starting TDengine Service Manager") # signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.sigIntHandler) # Moved to MainExec # signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sigIntHandler) # signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self.sigUsrHandler) # different handler! self.inSigHandler = False # self._status = MainExec.STATUS_RUNNING # set inside # _startTaosService() self.svcMgrThread = None # type: ServiceManagerThread self._lock = threading.Lock() self._isRestarting = False def _doMenu(self): choice = "" while True: print("\nInterrupting Service Program, Choose an Action: ") print("1: Resume") print("2: Terminate") print("3: Restart") # Remember to update the if range below # print("Enter Choice: ", end="", flush=True) while choice == "": choice = input("Enter Choice: ") if choice != "": break # done with reading repeated input if choice in ["1", "2", "3"]: break # we are done with whole method print("Invalid choice, please try again.") choice = "" # reset return choice def sigUsrHandler(self, signalNumber, frame): print("Interrupting main thread execution upon SIGUSR1") if self.inSigHandler: # already print("Ignoring repeated SIG...") return # do nothing if it's already not running self.inSigHandler = True choice = self._doMenu() if choice == "1": # TODO: can the sub-process be blocked due to us not reading from # queue? self.sigHandlerResume() elif choice == "2": self.stopTaosService() elif choice == "3": # Restart self.restart() else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid menu choice: {}".format(choice)) self.inSigHandler = False def sigIntHandler(self, signalNumber, frame): print("SvcManager: INT Signal Handler starting...") if self.inSigHandler: print("Ignoring repeated SIG_INT...") return self.inSigHandler = True self.stopTaosService() print("SvcManager: INT Signal Handler returning...") self.inSigHandler = False def sigHandlerResume(self): print("Resuming TDengine service manager thread (main thread)...\n\n") def _checkServiceManagerThread(self): if self.svcMgrThread: # valid svc mgr thread if self.svcMgrThread.isStopped(): # done? self.svcMgrThread.procIpcBatch() # one last time. TODO: appropriate? self.svcMgrThread = None # no more def _procIpcAll(self): while self.isRunning() or self.isRestarting() : # for as long as the svc mgr thread is still here if self.isRunning(): self.svcMgrThread.procIpcBatch() # regular processing, self._checkServiceManagerThread() elif self.isRetarting(): print("Service restarting...") time.sleep(0.5) # pause, before next round print( "Service Manager Thread (with subprocess) has ended, main thread now exiting...") def startTaosService(self): with self._lock: if self.svcMgrThread: raise RuntimeError("Cannot start TAOS service when one may already be running") # Find if there's already a taosd service, and then kill it for proc in psutil.process_iter(): if proc.name() == 'taosd': print("Killing an existing TAOSD process in 2 seconds... press CTRL-C to interrupe") time.sleep(2.0) proc.kill() # print("Process: {}".format(proc.name())) self.svcMgrThread = ServiceManagerThread() # create the object print("Attempting to start TAOS service started, printing out output...") self.svcMgrThread.start() self.svcMgrThread.procIpcBatch(trimToTarget=10, forceOutput=True) # for printing 10 lines print("TAOS service started") def stopTaosService(self, outputLines=20): with self._lock: if not self.isRunning(): logger.warning("Cannot stop TAOS service, not running") return print("Terminating Service Manager Thread (SMT) execution...") self.svcMgrThread.stop() if self.svcMgrThread.isStopped(): self.svcMgrThread.procIpcBatch(outputLines) # one last time self.svcMgrThread = None print("End of TDengine Service Output") print("----- TDengine Service (managed by SMT) is now terminated -----\n") else: print("WARNING: SMT did not terminate as expected") def run(self): self.startTaosService() self._procIpcAll() # pump/process all the messages, may encounter SIG + restart if self.isRunning(): # if sig handler hasn't destroyed it by now self.stopTaosService() # should have started already def restart(self): if self._isRestarting: logger.warning("Cannot restart service when it's already restarting") return self._isRestarting = True if self.isRunning(): self.stopTaosService() else: logger.warning("Service not running when restart requested") self.startTaosService() self._isRestarting = False def isRunning(self): return self.svcMgrThread != None def isRestarting(self): return self._isRestarting class ServiceManagerThread: MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = 10000 def __init__(self): self._tdeSubProcess = None # type: TdeSubProcess self._thread = None self._status = None def getStatus(self): return self._status def isRunning(self): # return self._thread and self._thread.is_alive() return self._status == MainExec.STATUS_RUNNING def isStopping(self): return self._status == MainExec.STATUS_STOPPING def isStopped(self): return self._status == MainExec.STATUS_STOPPED # Start the thread (with sub process), and wait for the sub service # to become fully operational def start(self): if self._thread: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected _thread") if self._tdeSubProcess: raise RuntimeError("TDengine sub process already created/running") self._status = MainExec.STATUS_STARTING self._tdeSubProcess = TdeSubProcess() self._tdeSubProcess.start() self._ipcQueue = Queue() self._thread = threading.Thread( # First thread captures server OUTPUT target=self.svcOutputReader, args=(self._tdeSubProcess.getStdOut(), self._ipcQueue)) self._thread.daemon = True # thread dies with the program self._thread.start() self._thread2 = threading.Thread( # 2nd thread captures server ERRORs target=self.svcErrorReader, args=(self._tdeSubProcess.getStdErr(), self._ipcQueue)) self._thread2.daemon = True # thread dies with the program self._thread2.start() # wait for service to start for i in range(0, 100): time.sleep(1.0) # self.procIpcBatch() # don't pump message during start up print("_zz_", end="", flush=True) if self._status == MainExec.STATUS_RUNNING: logger.info("[] TDengine service READY to process requests") return # now we've started # TODO: handle this better? self.procIpcBatch(100, True) # display output before cronking out, trim to last 20 msgs, force output raise RuntimeError("TDengine service did not start successfully") def stop(self): # can be called from both main thread or signal handler print("Terminating TDengine service running as the sub process...") if self.isStopped(): print("Service already stopped") return if self.isStopping(): print("Service is already being stopped") return # Linux will send Control-C generated SIGINT to the TDengine process # already, ref: # https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/176235/fork-and-how-signals-are-delivered-to-processes if not self._tdeSubProcess: raise RuntimeError("sub process object missing") self._status = MainExec.STATUS_STOPPING retCode = self._tdeSubProcess.stop() print("Attempted to stop sub process, got return code: {}".format(retCode)) if (retCode==-11): # SGV logger.error("[[--ERROR--]]: TDengine service SEGV fault (check core file!)") if self._tdeSubProcess.isRunning(): # still running print("FAILED to stop sub process, it is still running... pid = {}".format( self._tdeSubProcess.getPid())) else: self._tdeSubProcess = None # not running any more self.join() # stop the thread, change the status, etc. def join(self): # TODO: sanity check if not self.isStopping(): raise RuntimeError( "Unexpected status when ending svc mgr thread: {}".format( self._status)) if self._thread: self._thread.join() self._thread = None self._status = MainExec.STATUS_STOPPED # STD ERR thread self._thread2.join() self._thread2 = None else: print("Joining empty thread, doing nothing") def _trimQueue(self, targetSize): if targetSize <= 0: return # do nothing q = self._ipcQueue if (q.qsize() <= targetSize): # no need to trim return logger.debug("Triming IPC queue to target size: {}".format(targetSize)) itemsToTrim = q.qsize() - targetSize for i in range(0, itemsToTrim): try: q.get_nowait() except Empty: break # break out of for loop, no more trimming TD_READY_MSG = "TDengine is initialized successfully" def procIpcBatch(self, trimToTarget=0, forceOutput=False): self._trimQueue(trimToTarget) # trim if necessary # Process all the output generated by the underlying sub process, # managed by IO thread print("<", end="", flush=True) while True: try: line = self._ipcQueue.get_nowait() # getting output at fast speed self._printProgress("_o") except Empty: # time.sleep(2.3) # wait only if there's no output # no more output print(".>", end="", flush=True) return # we are done with THIS BATCH else: # got line, printing out if forceOutput: logger.info(line) else: logger.debug(line) print(">", end="", flush=True) _ProgressBars = ["--", "//", "||", "\\\\"] def _printProgress(self, msg): # TODO: assuming 2 chars print(msg, end="", flush=True) pBar = self._ProgressBars[Dice.throw(4)] print(pBar, end="", flush=True) print('\b\b\b\b', end="", flush=True) def svcOutputReader(self, out: IO, queue): # Important Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/375427/non-blocking-read-on-a-subprocess-pipe-in-python # print("This is the svcOutput Reader...") # for line in out : for line in iter(out.readline, b''): # print("Finished reading a line: {}".format(line)) # print("Adding item to queue...") try: line = line.decode("utf-8").rstrip() except UnicodeError: print("\nNon-UTF8 server output: {}\n".format(line)) # This might block, and then causing "out" buffer to block queue.put(line) self._printProgress("_i") if self._status == MainExec.STATUS_STARTING: # we are starting, let's see if we have started if line.find(self.TD_READY_MSG) != -1: # found logger.info("Waiting for the service to become FULLY READY") time.sleep(1.0) # wait for the server to truly start. TODO: remove this logger.info("Service is now FULLY READY") self._status = MainExec.STATUS_RUNNING # Trim the queue if necessary: TODO: try this 1 out of 10 times self._trimQueue(self.MAX_QUEUE_SIZE * 9 // 10) # trim to 90% size if self.isStopping(): # TODO: use thread status instead # WAITING for stopping sub process to finish its outptu print("_w", end="", flush=True) # queue.put(line) # meaning sub process must have died print("\nNo more output from IO thread managing TDengine service") out.close() def svcErrorReader(self, err: IO, queue): for line in iter(err.readline, b''): print("\nTDengine Service (taosd) ERROR (from stderr): {}".format(line)) class TdeSubProcess: def __init__(self): self.subProcess = None def getStdOut(self): return self.subProcess.stdout def getStdErr(self): return self.subProcess.stderr def isRunning(self): return self.subProcess is not None def getPid(self): return self.subProcess.pid def getBuildPath(self): selfPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) if ("community" in selfPath): projPath = selfPath[:selfPath.find("communit")] else: projPath = selfPath[:selfPath.find("tests")] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(projPath): if ("taosd" in files): rootRealPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(root)) if ("packaging" not in rootRealPath): buildPath = root[:len(root) - len("/build/bin")] break return buildPath def start(self): ON_POSIX = 'posix' in sys.builtin_module_names taosdPath = self.getBuildPath() + "/build/bin/taosd" cfgPath = self.getBuildPath() + "/test/cfg" # Delete the log files logPath = self.getBuildPath() + "/test/log" # ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1995373/deleting-all-files-in-a-directory-with-python/1995397 # filelist = [ f for f in os.listdir(logPath) ] # if f.endswith(".bak") ] # for f in filelist: # filePath = os.path.join(logPath, f) # print("Removing log file: {}".format(filePath)) # os.remove(filePath) if os.path.exists(logPath): logPathSaved = logPath + "_" + time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S') logger.info("Saving old log files to: {}".format(logPathSaved)) os.rename(logPath, logPathSaved) # os.mkdir(logPath) # recreate, no need actually, TDengine will auto-create with proper perms svcCmd = [taosdPath, '-c', cfgPath] # svcCmdSingle = "{} -c {}".format(taosdPath, cfgPath) # svcCmd = ['vmstat', '1'] if self.subProcess: # already there raise RuntimeError("Corrupt process state") # print("Starting service: {}".format(svcCmd)) self.subProcess = subprocess.Popen( svcCmd, shell=False, # svcCmdSingle, shell=True, # capture core dump? stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, # bufsize=1, # not supported in binary mode close_fds=ON_POSIX ) # had text=True, which interferred with reading EOF def stop(self): if not self.subProcess: print("Sub process already stopped") return -1 retCode = self.subProcess.poll() # contains real sub process return code if retCode: # valid return code, process ended self.subProcess = None else: # process still alive, let's interrupt it print( "Sub process is running, sending SIG_INT and waiting for it to terminate...") # sub process should end, then IPC queue should end, causing IO # thread to end self.subProcess.send_signal(signal.SIGINT) try: self.subProcess.wait(10) retCode = self.subProcess.returncode except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as err: print("Time out waiting for TDengine service process to exit") retCode = -3 else: print("TDengine service process terminated successfully from SIG_INT") retCode = -4 self.subProcess = None return retCode class ThreadStacks: # stack info for all threads def __init__(self): self._allStacks = {} allFrames = sys._current_frames() for th in threading.enumerate(): stack = traceback.extract_stack(allFrames[th.ident]) self._allStacks[th.native_id] = stack def print(self, filteredEndName = None, filterInternal = False): for thNid, stack in self._allStacks.items(): # for each thread lastFrame = stack[-1] if filteredEndName: # we need to filter out stacks that match this name if lastFrame.name == filteredEndName : # end did not match continue if filterInternal: if lastFrame.name in ['wait', 'invoke_excepthook', '_wait', # The Barrier exception 'svcOutputReader', # the svcMgr thread '__init__']: # the thread that extracted the stack continue # ignore # Now print print("\n<----- Thread Info for ID: {}".format(thNid)) for frame in stack: # print(frame) print("File {filename}, line {lineno}, in {name}".format( filename=frame.filename, lineno=frame.lineno, name=frame.name)) print(" {}".format(frame.line)) print("-----> End of Thread Info\n") class ClientManager: def __init__(self): print("Starting service manager") # signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.sigIntHandler) # signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sigIntHandler) self._status = MainExec.STATUS_RUNNING self.tc = None self.inSigHandler = False def sigIntHandler(self, signalNumber, frame): if self._status != MainExec.STATUS_RUNNING: print("Repeated SIGINT received, forced exit...") # return # do nothing if it's already not running sys.exit(-1) self._status = MainExec.STATUS_STOPPING # immediately set our status print("ClientManager: Terminating program...") self.tc.requestToStop() def _doMenu(self): choice = "" while True: print("\nInterrupting Client Program, Choose an Action: ") print("1: Resume") print("2: Terminate") print("3: Show Threads") # Remember to update the if range below # print("Enter Choice: ", end="", flush=True) while choice == "": choice = input("Enter Choice: ") if choice != "": break # done with reading repeated input if choice in ["1", "2", "3"]: break # we are done with whole method print("Invalid choice, please try again.") choice = "" # reset return choice def sigUsrHandler(self, signalNumber, frame): print("Interrupting main thread execution upon SIGUSR1") if self.inSigHandler: # already print("Ignoring repeated SIG_USR1...") return # do nothing if it's already not running self.inSigHandler = True choice = self._doMenu() if choice == "1": print("Resuming execution...") time.sleep(1.0) elif choice == "2": print("Not implemented yet") time.sleep(1.0) elif choice == "3": ts = ThreadStacks() ts.print() else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid menu choice: {}".format(choice)) self.inSigHandler = False # TODO: need to revise how we verify data durability # def _printLastNumbers(self): # to verify data durability # dbManager = DbManager() # dbc = dbManager.getDbConn() # if dbc.query("show databases") <= 1: # no database (we have a default called "log") # return # dbc.execute("use db") # if dbc.query("show tables") == 0: # no tables # return # sTbName = dbManager.getFixedSuperTableName() # # get all regular tables # # TODO: analyze result set later # dbc.query("select TBNAME from db.{}".format(sTbName)) # rTables = dbc.getQueryResult() # bList = TaskExecutor.BoundedList() # for rTbName in rTables: # regular tables # dbc.query("select speed from db.{}".format(rTbName[0])) # numbers = dbc.getQueryResult() # for row in numbers: # # print("<{}>".format(n), end="", flush=True) # bList.add(row[0]) # print("Top numbers in DB right now: {}".format(bList)) # print("TDengine client execution is about to start in 2 seconds...") # time.sleep(2.0) # dbManager = None # release? def run(self, svcMgr): # self._printLastNumbers() global gConfig dbManager = DbManager() # Regular function thPool = ThreadPool(gConfig.num_threads, gConfig.max_steps) self.tc = ThreadCoordinator(thPool, dbManager) self.tc.run() # print("exec stats: {}".format(self.tc.getExecStats())) # print("TC failed = {}".format(self.tc.isFailed())) if svcMgr: # gConfig.auto_start_service: svcMgr.stopTaosService() svcMgr = None # Print exec status, etc., AFTER showing messages from the server self.conclude() # print("TC failed (2) = {}".format(self.tc.isFailed())) # Linux return code: ref https://shapeshed.com/unix-exit-codes/ ret = 1 if self.tc.isFailed() else 0 self.tc.cleanup() # Release global variables gConfig = None gSvcMgr = None logger = None # Release variables here self.tc = None thPool = None dbManager = None gc.collect() # force garbage collection # h = hpy() # print("\n----- Final Python Heap -----\n") # print(h.heap()) return ret def conclude(self): # self.tc.getDbManager().cleanUp() # clean up first, so we can show ZERO db connections self.tc.printStats() class MainExec: STATUS_STARTING = 1 STATUS_RUNNING = 2 STATUS_STOPPING = 3 STATUS_STOPPED = 4 def __init__(self): self._clientMgr = None self._svcMgr = None signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.sigIntHandler) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sigIntHandler) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self.sigUsrHandler) # different handler! def sigUsrHandler(self, signalNumber, frame): if self._clientMgr: self._clientMgr.sigUsrHandler(signalNumber, frame) elif self._svcMgr: # Only if no client mgr, we are running alone self._svcMgr.sigUsrHandler(signalNumber, frame) def sigIntHandler(self, signalNumber, frame): if self._svcMgr: self._svcMgr.sigIntHandler(signalNumber, frame) if self._clientMgr: self._clientMgr.sigIntHandler(signalNumber, frame) def runClient(self): global gSvcMgr if gConfig.auto_start_service: self._svcMgr = SvcManager() gSvcMgr = self._svcMgr # hack alert self._svcMgr.startTaosService() # we start, don't run self._clientMgr = ClientManager() ret = None try: ret = self._clientMgr.run(self._svcMgr) # stop TAOS service inside except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err: logger.warning("Failed to open REST connection to DB: {}".format(err.getMessage())) # don't raise return ret def runService(self): global gSvcMgr self._svcMgr = SvcManager() gSvcMgr = self._svcMgr # save it in a global variable TODO: hack alert self._svcMgr.run() # run to some end state self._svcMgr = None gSvcMgr = None def runTemp(self): # for debugging purposes # # Hack to exercise reading from disk, imcreasing coverage. TODO: fix # dbc = dbState.getDbConn() # sTbName = dbState.getFixedSuperTableName() # dbc.execute("create database if not exists db") # if not dbState.getState().equals(StateEmpty()): # dbc.execute("use db") # rTables = None # try: # the super table may not exist # sql = "select TBNAME from db.{}".format(sTbName) # logger.info("Finding out tables in super table: {}".format(sql)) # dbc.query(sql) # TODO: analyze result set later # logger.info("Fetching result") # rTables = dbc.getQueryResult() # logger.info("Result: {}".format(rTables)) # except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err: # logger.info("Initial Super table OPS error: {}".format(err)) # # sys.exit() # if ( not rTables == None): # # print("rTables[0] = {}, type = {}".format(rTables[0], type(rTables[0]))) # try: # for rTbName in rTables : # regular tables # ds = dbState # logger.info("Inserting into table: {}".format(rTbName[0])) # sql = "insert into db.{} values ('{}', {});".format( # rTbName[0], # ds.getNextTick(), ds.getNextInt()) # dbc.execute(sql) # for rTbName in rTables : # regular tables # dbc.query("select * from db.{}".format(rTbName[0])) # TODO: check success failure # logger.info("Initial READING operation is successful") # except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err: # logger.info("Initial WRITE/READ error: {}".format(err)) # Sandbox testing code # dbc = dbState.getDbConn() # while True: # rows = dbc.query("show databases") # print("Rows: {}, time={}".format(rows, time.time())) return def main(): # Super cool Python argument library: # https://docs.python.org/3/library/argparse.html parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=textwrap.dedent('''\ TDengine Auto Crash Generator (PLEASE NOTICE the Prerequisites Below) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. You build TDengine in the top level ./build directory, as described in offical docs 2. You run the server there before this script: ./build/bin/taosd -c test/cfg ''')) # parser.add_argument('-a', '--auto-start-service', action='store_true', # help='Automatically start/stop the TDengine service (default: false)') # parser.add_argument('-c', '--connector-type', action='store', default='native', type=str, # help='Connector type to use: native, rest, or mixed (default: 10)') # parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', # help='Turn on DEBUG mode for more logging (default: false)') # parser.add_argument('-e', '--run-tdengine', action='store_true', # help='Run TDengine service in foreground (default: false)') # parser.add_argument('-l', '--larger-data', action='store_true', # help='Write larger amount of data during write operations (default: false)') # parser.add_argument('-p', '--per-thread-db-connection', action='store_true', # help='Use a single shared db connection (default: false)') # parser.add_argument('-r', '--record-ops', action='store_true', # help='Use a pair of always-fsynced fils to record operations performing + performed, for power-off tests (default: false)') # parser.add_argument('-s', '--max-steps', action='store', default=1000, type=int, # help='Maximum number of steps to run (default: 100)') # parser.add_argument('-t', '--num-threads', action='store', default=5, type=int, # help='Number of threads to run (default: 10)') # parser.add_argument('-x', '--continue-on-exception', action='store_true', # help='Continue execution after encountering unexpected/disallowed errors/exceptions (default: false)') parser.add_argument( '-a', '--auto-start-service', action='store_true', help='Automatically start/stop the TDengine service (default: false)') parser.add_argument( '-b', '--max-dbs', action='store', default=0, type=int, help='Maximum number of DBs to keep, set to disable dropping DB. (default: 0)') parser.add_argument( '-c', '--connector-type', action='store', default='native', type=str, help='Connector type to use: native, rest, or mixed (default: 10)') parser.add_argument( '-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='Turn on DEBUG mode for more logging (default: false)') parser.add_argument( '-e', '--run-tdengine', action='store_true', help='Run TDengine service in foreground (default: false)') parser.add_argument( '-i', '--max-replicas', action='store', default=1, type=int, help='Maximum number of replicas to use, when testing against clusters. (default: 1)') parser.add_argument( '-l', '--larger-data', action='store_true', help='Write larger amount of data during write operations (default: false)') parser.add_argument( '-p', '--per-thread-db-connection', action='store_true', help='Use a single shared db connection (default: false)') parser.add_argument( '-r', '--record-ops', action='store_true', help='Use a pair of always-fsynced fils to record operations performing + performed, for power-off tests (default: false)') parser.add_argument( '-s', '--max-steps', action='store', default=1000, type=int, help='Maximum number of steps to run (default: 100)') parser.add_argument( '-t', '--num-threads', action='store', default=5, type=int, help='Number of threads to run (default: 10)') parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verify-data', action='store_true', help='Verify data written in a number of places by reading back (default: false)') parser.add_argument( '-x', '--continue-on-exception', action='store_true', help='Continue execution after encountering unexpected/disallowed errors/exceptions (default: false)') global gConfig gConfig = parser.parse_args() # Logging Stuff global logger _logger = logging.getLogger('CrashGen') # real logger _logger.addFilter(LoggingFilter()) ch = logging.StreamHandler() _logger.addHandler(ch) # Logging adapter, to be used as a logger logger = MyLoggingAdapter(_logger, []) if (gConfig.debug): logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # default seems to be INFO else: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) Dice.seed(0) # initial seeding of dice # Run server or client mExec = MainExec() if gConfig.run_tdengine: # run server mExec.runService() else: return mExec.runClient() if __name__ == "__main__": exitCode = main() # print("Exiting with code: {}".format(exitCode)) sys.exit(exitCode)