from util.log import * from util.sql import * from util.cases import * from util.dnodes import * INT_COL = "c1" BINT_COL = "c2" SINT_COL = "c3" TINT_COL = "c4" FLOAT_COL = "c5" DOUBLE_COL = "c6" BOOL_COL = "c7" BINARY_COL = "c8" NCHAR_COL = "c9" TS_COL = "c10" UN_CHAR_COL = [INT_COL, BINT_COL, SINT_COL, TINT_COL, FLOAT_COL, DOUBLE_COL, BOOL_COL, ] CHAR_COL = [ BINARY_COL, NCHAR_COL, ] TS_TYPE_COL = [TS_COL] DBNAME = "db" class TDTestCase: def init(self, conn, logSql): tdLog.debug(f"start to excute {__file__}") tdSql.init(conn.cursor()) def __length_condition(self): length_condition = [] for char_col in CHAR_COL: length_condition.extend( ( char_col, f"upper( {char_col} )", ) ) length_condition.extend( f"cast( {un_char_col} as binary(16) ) " for un_char_col in UN_CHAR_COL) length_condition.extend( f"cast( {char_col} + {char_col_2} as binary(32) ) " for char_col_2 in CHAR_COL ) length_condition.extend( f"cast( {char_col} + {un_char_col} as binary(32) ) " for un_char_col in UN_CHAR_COL ) length_condition.append('''"test1234!@#$%^&*():'> 0 " return "" def __group_condition(self, col, having = ""): return f" group by {col} having {having}" if having else f" group by {col} " def __length_current_check(self, tbname): length_condition = self.__length_condition() for condition in length_condition: where_condition = self.__where_condition(condition) group_having = self.__group_condition(condition, having=f"{condition} is not null " ) group_no_having= self.__group_condition(condition ) groups = ["", group_having, group_no_having] for group_condition in groups: tdSql.query(f"select {condition}, length( {condition} ) from {tbname} {where_condition} {group_condition} ") for i in range(tdSql.queryRows): if not tdSql.getData(i,1): tdSql.checkData(i, 1, None) elif "as nchar" in condition or (NCHAR_COL in condition and "as binary" not in condition): tdSql.checkData(i, 1, len(str(tdSql.getData(i,0) ) ) * 4 ) else: tdSql.checkData(i, 1, len(str(tdSql.getData(i,0) ) ) ) def __length_err_check(self,tbname): sqls = [] for un_char_col in UN_CHAR_COL: sqls.extend( ( f"select length( {un_char_col} ) from {tbname} ", f"select length(ceil( {un_char_col} )) from {tbname} ", f"select {un_char_col} from {tbname} group by length( {un_char_col} ) ", ) ) sqls.extend( f"select length( {un_char_col} + {un_char_col_2} ) from {tbname} " for un_char_col_2 in UN_CHAR_COL ) sqls.extend( f"select length( {un_char_col} + {ts_col} ) from {tbname} " for ts_col in TS_TYPE_COL ) sqls.extend( f"select {char_col} from {tbname} group by length( {char_col} ) " for char_col in CHAR_COL) sqls.extend( f"select length( {ts_col} ) from {tbname} " for ts_col in TS_TYPE_COL ) sqls.extend( f"select length( {char_col} + {ts_col} ) from {tbname} " for char_col in UN_CHAR_COL for ts_col in TS_TYPE_COL) sqls.extend( f"select length( {char_col} + {char_col_2} ) from {tbname} " for char_col in CHAR_COL for char_col_2 in CHAR_COL ) sqls.extend( f"select upper({char_col}, 11) from {tbname} " for char_col in CHAR_COL ) sqls.extend( f"select upper({char_col}) from {tbname} interval(2d) sliding(1d)" for char_col in CHAR_COL ) sqls.extend( ( f"select length() from {tbname} ", f"select length(*) from {tbname} ", f"select length(ccccccc) from {tbname} ", f"select length(111) from {tbname} ", f"select length(c8, 11) from {tbname} ", ) ) return sqls def __test_current(self, dbname=DBNAME): tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========current sql condition check , must return query ok==========") tbname = [f"{dbname}.ct1", f"{dbname}.ct2", f"{dbname}.ct4", f"{dbname}.nt1", f"{dbname}.stb1"] for tb in tbname: self.__length_current_check(tb) tdLog.printNoPrefix(f"==========current sql condition check in {tb} over==========") def __test_error(self, dbname=DBNAME): tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========err sql condition check , must return error==========") tbname = [f"{dbname}.ct1", f"{dbname}.ct2", f"{dbname}.ct4", f"{dbname}.nt1", f"{dbname}.stb1"] for tb in tbname: for errsql in self.__length_err_check(tb): tdSql.error(sql=errsql) tdLog.printNoPrefix(f"==========err sql condition check in {tb} over==========") def all_test(self): self.__test_current() self.__test_error() def __create_tb(self, dbname=DBNAME): tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step1:create table") create_stb_sql = f'''create table {dbname}.stb1( ts timestamp, {INT_COL} int, {BINT_COL} bigint, {SINT_COL} smallint, {TINT_COL} tinyint, {FLOAT_COL} float, {DOUBLE_COL} double, {BOOL_COL} bool, {BINARY_COL} binary(16), {NCHAR_COL} nchar(32), {TS_COL} timestamp ) tags (t1 int) ''' create_ntb_sql = f'''create table {dbname}.nt1( ts timestamp, {INT_COL} int, {BINT_COL} bigint, {SINT_COL} smallint, {TINT_COL} tinyint, {FLOAT_COL} float, {DOUBLE_COL} double, {BOOL_COL} bool, {BINARY_COL} binary(16), {NCHAR_COL} nchar(32), {TS_COL} timestamp ) ''' tdSql.execute(create_stb_sql) tdSql.execute(create_ntb_sql) for i in range(4): tdSql.execute(f'create table {dbname}.ct{i+1} using {dbname}.stb1 tags ( {i+1} )') def __insert_data(self, rows, dbname=DBNAME): now_time = int(datetime.datetime.timestamp( * 1000) for i in range(rows): tdSql.execute( f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values ( { now_time - i * 1000 }, {i}, {11111 * i}, {111 * i % 32767 }, {11 * i % 127}, {1.11*i}, {1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )" ) tdSql.execute( f"insert into {dbname}.ct4 values ( { now_time - i * 7776000000 }, {i}, {11111 * i}, {111 * i % 32767 }, {11 * i % 127}, {1.11*i}, {1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )" ) tdSql.execute( f"insert into {dbname}.ct2 values ( { now_time - i * 7776000000 }, {-i}, {-11111 * i}, {-111 * i % 32767 }, {-11 * i % 127}, {-1.11*i}, {-1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )" ) tdSql.execute( f'''insert into {dbname}.ct1 values ( { now_time - rows * 5 }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'binary0', 'nchar0', { now_time + 8 } ) ( { now_time + 10000 }, { rows }, -99999, -999, -99, -9.99, -99.99, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', { now_time + 9 } ) ''' ) tdSql.execute( f'''insert into {dbname}.ct4 values ( { now_time - rows * 7776000000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ( { now_time - rows * 3888000000+ 10800000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ( { now_time + 7776000000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ( { now_time + 5184000000}, {pow(2,31)-pow(2,15)}, {pow(2,63)-pow(2,30)}, 32767, 127, { 3.3 * pow(10,38) }, { 1.3 * pow(10,308) }, { rows % 2 }, "binary_limit-1", "nchar_limit-1", { now_time - 86400000} ) ( { now_time + 2592000000 }, {pow(2,31)-pow(2,16)}, {pow(2,63)-pow(2,31)}, 32766, 126, { 3.2 * pow(10,38) }, { 1.2 * pow(10,308) }, { (rows-1) % 2 }, "binary_limit-2", "nchar_limit-2", { now_time - 172800000} ) ''' ) tdSql.execute( f'''insert into {dbname}.ct2 values ( { now_time - rows * 7776000000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ( { now_time - rows * 3888000000+ 10800000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ( { now_time + 7776000000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ( { now_time + 5184000000 }, { -1 * pow(2,31) + pow(2,15) }, { -1 * pow(2,63) + pow(2,30) }, -32766, -126, { -1 * 3.2 * pow(10,38) }, { -1.2 * pow(10,308) }, { rows % 2 }, "binary_limit-1", "nchar_limit-1", { now_time - 86400000 } ) ( { now_time + 2592000000 }, { -1 * pow(2,31) + pow(2,16) }, { -1 * pow(2,63) + pow(2,31) }, -32767, -127, { - 3.3 * pow(10,38) }, { -1.3 * pow(10,308) }, { (rows-1) % 2 }, "binary_limit-2", "nchar_limit-2", { now_time - 172800000 } ) ''' ) for i in range(rows): insert_data = f'''insert into {dbname}.nt1 values ( { now_time - i * 3600000 }, {i}, {i * 11111}, { i % 32767 }, { i % 127}, { i * 1.11111 }, { i * 1000.1111 }, { i % 2}, "binary_{i}", "nchar_{i}", { now_time - 1000 * i } ) ''' tdSql.execute(insert_data) tdSql.execute( f'''insert into {dbname}.nt1 values ( { now_time + 10800000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ( { now_time - (( rows // 2 ) * 60 + 30) * 60000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ( { now_time - rows * 3600000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ( { now_time + 7200000 }, { pow(2,31) - pow(2,15) }, { pow(2,63) - pow(2,30) }, 32767, 127, { 3.3 * pow(10,38) }, { 1.3 * pow(10,308) }, { rows % 2 }, "binary_limit-1", "nchar_limit-1", { now_time - 86400000 } ) ( { now_time + 3600000 } , { pow(2,31) - pow(2,16) }, { pow(2,63) - pow(2,31) }, 32766, 126, { 3.2 * pow(10,38) }, { 1.2 * pow(10,308) }, { (rows-1) % 2 }, "binary_limit-2", "nchar_limit-2", { now_time - 172800000 } ) ''' ) def run(self): tdSql.prepare() tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step1:create table") self.__create_tb() tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step2:insert data") self.__insert_data(10) tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step3:all check") self.all_test() tdSql.execute("flush database db") tdSql.execute("use db") tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step4:after wal, all check again ") self.all_test() def stop(self): tdSql.close() tdLog.success(f"{__file__} successfully executed") tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase()) tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())