#!/bin/bash # # This file is used to install database on linux systems. The operating system # is required to use systemd to manage services at boot set -e #set -x verMode=edge pagMode=full iplist="" serverFqdn="" # -----------------------Variables definition--------------------- script_dir="../release" # Dynamic directory data_dir="/var/lib/taos" log_dir="/var/log/taos" data_link_dir="/usr/local/taos/data" log_link_dir="/usr/local/taos/log" cfg_install_dir="/etc/taos" bin_link_dir="/usr/bin" lib_link_dir="/usr/lib" lib64_link_dir="/usr/lib64" inc_link_dir="/usr/include" #install main path install_main_dir="/usr/local/taos" # old bin dir sbin_dir="/usr/local/taos/bin" temp_version="" fin_result="" service_config_dir="/etc/systemd/system" nginx_port=6060 nginx_dir="/usr/local/nginxd" # Color setting RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[1;32m' GREEN_DARK='\033[0;32m' GREEN_UNDERLINE='\033[4;32m' NC='\033[0m' csudo="" if command -v sudo > /dev/null; then csudo="sudo" fi # ============================= get input parameters ================================================= # install.sh -v [server | client] -e [yes | no] -i [systemd | service | ...] # set parameters by default value interactiveFqdn=yes # [yes | no] verType=server # [server | client] initType=systemd # [systemd | service | ...] while getopts "hv:d:" arg do case $arg in d) #echo "interactiveFqdn=$OPTARG" script_dir=$( echo $OPTARG ) ;; h) echo "Usage: `basename $0` -d scripy_path" exit 0 ;; ?) #unknow option echo "unkonw argument" exit 1 ;; esac done #echo "verType=${verType} interactiveFqdn=${interactiveFqdn}" function kill_process() { pid=$(ps -ef | grep "$1" | grep -v "grep" | awk '{print $2}') if [ -n "$pid" ]; then ${csudo} kill -9 $pid || : fi } function check_file() { #check file whether exists if [ ! -e $1/$2 ];then echo -e "$1/$2 \033[31mnot exists\033[0m!quit" fin_result=$fin_result"\033[31m$temp_version\033[0m test failed!\n" echo -e $fin_result exit 8 fi } function get_package_name() { var=$1 if [[ $1 =~ 'aarch' ]];then echo ${var::-21} else echo ${var::-17} fi } function check_link() { #check Link whether exists or broken if [ -L $1 ] ; then if [ ! -e $1 ] ; then echo -e "$1 \033[31Broken link\033[0m" fin_result=$fin_result"\033[31m$temp_version\033[0m test failed!\n" echo -e $fin_result exit 8 fi else echo -e "$1 \033[31mnot exists\033[0m!quit" fin_result=$fin_result"\033[31m$temp_version\033[0m test failed!\n" echo -e $fin_result exit 8 fi } function check_main_path() { #check install main dir and all sub dir main_dir=("" "cfg" "bin" "connector" "driver" "examples" "include" "init.d") for i in "${main_dir[@]}";do check_file ${install_main_dir} $i done if [ "$verMode" == "cluster" ]; then nginx_main_dir=("admin" "conf" "html" "sbin" "logs") for i in "${nginx_main_dir[@]}";do check_file ${nginx_dir} $i done fi echo -e "Check main path:\033[32mOK\033[0m!" } function check_bin_path() { # check install bin dir and all sub dir bin_dir=("taos" "taosd" "blm3" "taosdemo" "taosdump" "remove.sh" "tarbitrator" "set_core.sh") for i in "${bin_dir[@]}";do check_file ${sbin_dir} $i done lbin_dir=("taos" "taosd" "blm3" "taosdemo" "taosdump" "rmtaos" "tarbitrator" "set_core") for i in "${lbin_dir[@]}";do check_link ${bin_link_dir}/$i done if [ "$verMode" == "cluster" ]; then check_file ${nginx_dir}/sbin nginx fi echo -e "Check bin path:\033[32mOK\033[0m!" } function check_lib_path() { # check all links check_link ${lib_link_dir}/libtaos.so check_link ${lib_link_dir}/libtaos.so.1 if [[ -d ${lib64_link_dir} ]]; then check_link ${lib64_link_dir}/libtaos.so check_link ${lib64_link_dir}/libtaos.so.1 fi echo -e "Check lib path:\033[32mOK\033[0m!" } function check_header_path() { # check all header header_dir=("taos.h" "taoserror.h") for i in "${header_dir[@]}";do check_link ${inc_link_dir}/$i done echo -e "Check bin path:\033[32mOK\033[0m!" } function check_blm3_config_dir() { # check all config check_file ${cfg_install_dir} blm3.toml check_file ${install_main_dir}/cfg blm.toml.org echo -e "Check conf path:\033[32mOK\033[0m!" } function check_config_dir() { # check all config check_file ${cfg_install_dir} taos.cfg check_file ${install_main_dir}/cfg taos.cfg.org echo -e "Check conf path:\033[32mOK\033[0m!" } function check_log_path() { # check log path check_file ${log_dir} echo -e "Check log path:\033[32mOK\033[0m!" } function check_data_path() { # check data path check_file ${data_dir} echo -e "Check data path:\033[32mOK\033[0m!" } function install_TDengine() { cd ${script_dir} tar zxf $1 temp_version=$(get_package_name $1) cd $(get_package_name $1) echo -e "\033[32muninstall TDengine && install TDengine...\033[0m" rmtaos >/dev/null 2>&1 || echo 'taosd not installed' && echo -e '\n\n' |./install.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 echo -e "\033[32mTDengine has been installed!\033[0m" echo -e "\033[32mTDengine is starting...\033[0m" kill_process taos && systemctl start taosd && sleep 10 } function test_TDengine() { check_main_path check_bin_path check_lib_path check_header_path check_config_dir check_blm3_config_dir check_log_path check_data_path result=`taos -s 'create database test ;create table test.tt(ts timestamp ,i int);insert into test.tt values(now,11);select * from test.tt' 2>&1 ||:` if [[ $result =~ "Unable to establish" ]];then echo -e "\033[31mTDengine connect failed\033[0m" fin_result=$fin_result"\033[31m$temp_version\033[0m test failed!\n" echo -e $fin_result exit 8 fi echo -e "Check TDengine connect:\033[32mOK\033[0m!" fin_result=$fin_result"\033[32m$temp_version\033[0m test OK!\n" } # ## ==============================Main program starts from here============================ TD_package_name=`ls ${script_dir}/*server*gz |awk -F '/' '{print $NF}' ` temp=`pwd` for i in $TD_package_name;do if [[ $i =~ 'enterprise' ]];then verMode="cluster" else verMode="" fi cd $temp install_TDengine $i test_TDengine done echo "============================================================" echo -e $fin_result