################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies. # No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted, # disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as # expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao # ################################################################### # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys from util.log import * from util.cases import * from util.sql import * from util.dnodes import * class TDTestCase: def init(self, conn, logSql): tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__) tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), logSql) def run(self): tdSql.prepare() tdSql.execute("drop database if exists db") tdSql.execute("create database if not exists db keep 3650") tdSql.execute("use db") tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step1:create table") tdSql.execute( "create table stb1 (ts timestamp, c11 int, c12 float ) TAGS(t11 int, t12 int )" ) tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step2:insert data with new syntax") tdSql.execute( "insert into t1 using stb1(t11, t12) tags(11, 12) (ts, c11, c12) values (now, 10, 20)" ) # case for tag-value tdSql.execute( "insert into t2 using stb1(t11) tags(21) (ts, c11, c12) values (now-1m, 11, 21)" ) tdSql.execute( "insert into t3 using stb1 tags(31, 32) (ts, c11, c12) values (now-2m, 12, 22)" ) tdSql.error( "insert into t4 using stb1(t11, t12) (ts, c11, c12) values (now-3m, 13, 23)" ) tdSql.error( "insert into t5 using stb1(t11, t12) tags() (ts, c11, c12) values (now-4m, 14, 24)" ) tdSql.error( "insert into t6 using stb1(t11, t12) tags(41) (ts, c11, c12) values (now-5m, 15, 25)" ) tdSql.error( "insert into t7 using stb1(t12) tags(51, 52) (ts, c11, c12) values (now-6m, 16, 26)" ) tdSql.execute( "insert into t8 using stb1(t11, t12) tags('61', 62) (ts, c11, c12) values (now-7m, 17, 27)" ) # case for col-value tdSql.execute( "insert into t9 using stb1(t11, t12) tags(71, 72) values (now-8m, 18, 28)" ) tdSql.error( "insert into t10 using stb1(t11, t12) tags(81, 82) (ts, c11, c12) values ()" ) tdSql.error( "insert into t11 using stb1(t11, t12) tags(91, 92) (ts, c11, c12) " ) tdSql.error( "insert into t12 using stb1(t11, t12) tags(101, 102) values (now-9m, 19)" ) tdSql.error( "insert into t13 using stb1(t11, t12) tags(111, 112) (ts, c11) values (now-10m, 110, 210)" ) tdSql.error( "insert into t14 using stb1(t11, t12) tags(121, 122) (ts, c11, c12) values (now-11m, 111)" ) tdSql.execute( "insert into t15 using stb1(t11, t12) tags(131, 132) (ts, c11, c12) values (now-12m, NULL , 212)" ) tdSql.execute( "insert into t16 using stb1(t11, t12) tags(141, 142) (ts, c11, c12) values (now-13m, 'NULL', 213)" ) tdSql.error( "insert into t17 using stb1(t11, t12) tags(151, 152) (ts, c11, c12) values (now-14m, Nan, 214)" ) tdSql.error( "insert into t18 using stb1(t11, t12) tags(161, 162) (ts, c11, c12) values (now-15m, 'NaN', 215)" ) tdSql.execute( "insert into t19 using stb1(t11, t12) tags(171, 172) (ts, c11) values (now-16m, 216)" ) tdSql.error( "insert into t20 using stb1(t11, t12) tags(181, 182) (c11, c12) values (117, 217)" ) # multi-col_value tdSql.execute( "insert into t21 using stb1(t11, t12) tags(191, 192) (ts, c11, c12) values (now-17m, 118, 218)(now-18m, 119, 219)" ) tdSql.execute( "insert into t22 using stb1(t11, t12) tags(201, 202) values (now-19m, 120, 220)(now-19m, 121, 221)" ) tdSql.error( "insert into t23 using stb1(t11, t12) tags(211, 212) values (now-20m, 122, 222) (ts, c11, c12) values (now-21m, 123, 223)" ) tdSql.error( "insert into t24 using stb1(t11, t12) tags(221, 222) (ts, c11, c12) values (now-22m, 124, 224) (ts, c11, c12) values (now-23m, 125, 225)" ) tdSql.execute( "insert into t25 (ts, c11, c12) using stb1(t11, t12) tags(231, 232) values (now-24m, 126, 226)(now-25m, 127, 227)" ) tdSql.error( "insert into t26 (ts, c11, c12) values (now-24m, 128, 228)(now-25m, 129, 229) using stb1(t11, t12) tags(241, 242) " ) tdSql.error( "insert into t27 (ts, c11, c12) values (now-24m, 130, 230) using stb1(t11, t12) tags(251, 252) " ) tdSql.query("show tables") tdSql.checkRows(21) def stop(self): tdSql.close() tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__) tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase()) tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())