$loop_all = 0 looptest: system sh/stop_dnodes.sh system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1 system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start sleep 200 sql connect sql drop stream if exists streams1; sql drop stream if exists streams2; sql drop stream if exists streams3; sql drop stream if exists streams4; sql drop stream if exists streams5; sql drop database if exists test1; sql create database test1 vgroups 1; sql use test1; sql create stable st(ts timestamp, a int, b int , c int, d double, s varchar(20)) tags(ta int,tb int,tc int); sql create table t1 using st tags(1,1,1); sql create table t2 using st tags(2,2,2); sql create stream streams1 trigger at_once into streamt1 as select _wstart as ts, max(a) c1, sum(b), count(*) from st where ts >= 1648791210000 and ts < 1648791261000 partition by ta interval(1s) fill(NULL); sql create stream streams2 trigger at_once into streamt2 as select _wstart as ts, max(a) c1, sum(b), count(*) from st where ts >= 1648791210000 and ts < 1648791261000 partition by ta interval(1s) fill(value,100,200,300); sql create stream streams3 trigger at_once into streamt3 as select _wstart as ts, max(a) c1, sum(b), count(*) from st where ts >= 1648791210000 and ts < 1648791261000 partition by ta interval(1s) fill(next); sql create stream streams4 trigger at_once into streamt4 as select _wstart as ts, max(a) c1, sum(b), count(*) from st where ts >= 1648791210000 and ts < 1648791261000 partition by ta interval(1s) fill(prev); sql create stream streams5 trigger at_once into streamt5 as select _wstart as ts, max(a) c1, sum(b), count(*) from st where ts >= 1648791210000 and ts < 1648791261000 partition by ta interval(1s) fill(linear); sql insert into t1 values(1648791210000,0,0,0,0.0,'aaa'); sql insert into t1 values(1648791213000,1,1,1,1.0,'bbb'); sql insert into t1 values(1648791215000,5,5,5,5.0,'ccc'); sql insert into t1 values(1648791216000,6,6,6,6.0,'ddd'); sql insert into t2 values(1648791210000,7,0,0,0.0,'aaa'); sql insert into t2 values(1648791213000,8,1,1,1.0,'bbb'); sql insert into t2 values(1648791215000,9,5,5,5.0,'ccc'); sql insert into t2 values(1648791216000,10,6,6,6.0,'ddd'); $loop_count = 0 loop2: sleep 200 $loop_count = $loop_count + 1 if $loop_count == 10 then return -1 endi sql select * from streamt1 order by group_id, ts; if $rows != 14 then print ====streamt1=rows1=$rows goto loop2 endi sql select * from streamt2 order by group_id, ts; if $rows != 14 then print ====streamt2=rows2=$rows goto loop2 endi sql select * from streamt3 order by group_id, ts; if $rows != 14 then print ====streamt3=rows3=$rows goto loop2 endi sql select * from streamt4 order by group_id, ts; if $rows != 14 then print ====streamt4=rows4=$rows goto loop2 endi sql select * from streamt5 order by group_id, ts; if $rows != 14 then print ====streamt5=rows5=$rows goto loop2 endi sql delete from t1 where ts = 1648791216000; print ======delete from t1 where ts = 1648791216000; $loop_count = 0 loop3: sleep 200 $loop_count = $loop_count + 1 if $loop_count == 10 then return -1 endi sql select * from streamt1 order by group_id, ts; if $rows != 13 then print ====streamt1=rows1=$rows goto loop3 endi sql select * from streamt2 order by group_id, ts; if $rows != 13 then print ====streamt2=rows2=$rows goto loop3 endi sql select * from streamt3 order by group_id, ts; if $rows != 13 then print ====streamt3=rows3=$rows goto loop3 endi sql select * from streamt4 order by group_id, ts; if $rows != 13 then print ====streamt4=rows4=$rows goto loop3 endi sql select * from streamt5 order by group_id, ts; if $rows != 13 then print ====streamt5=rows5=$rows goto loop3 endi sql insert into t2 values(1648791217000,11,11,11,11.0,'eee') (1648791219000,11,11,11,11.0,'eee') t1 values(1648791217000,11,11,11,11.0,'eee') (1648791219000,11,11,11,11.0,'eee'); $loop_count = 0 loop4: sleep 200 $loop_count = $loop_count + 1 if $loop_count == 10 then return -1 endi sql select * from streamt1 order by group_id, ts; if $rows != 20 then print ====streamt1=rows1=$rows goto loop4 endi if $data04 == 0 then print ====streamt1=data04=$data04 goto loop4 endi sql select group_id,count(*) from streamt1 group by group_id; if $rows != 2 then print ====streamt1=rows2=$rows goto loop4 endi sql select * from streamt2 order by group_id, ts; if $rows != 20 then print ====streamt2=rows2=$rows goto loop4 endi if $data04 == 0 then print ====streamt2=data04=$data04 goto loop4 endi sql select group_id,count(*) from streamt2 group by group_id; if $rows != 2 then print ====streamt2=rows2=$rows goto loop4 endi sql select * from streamt3 order by group_id, ts; if $rows != 20 then print ====streamt3=rows3=$rows goto loop4 endi if $data04 == 0 then print ====streamt3=data04=$data04 goto loop4 endi sql select group_id,count(*) from streamt3 group by group_id; if $rows != 2 then print ====streamt3=rows2=$rows goto loop4 endi sql select * from streamt4 order by group_id, ts; if $rows != 20 then print ====streamt4=rows4=$rows goto loop4 endi if $data04 == 0 then print ====streamt4=data04=$data04 goto loop4 endi sql select group_id,count(*) from streamt4 group by group_id; if $rows != 2 then print ====streamt4=rows2=$rows goto loop4 endi sql select * from streamt5 order by group_id, ts; if $rows != 20 then print ====streamt5=rows5=$rows goto loop4 endi if $data04 == 0 then print ====streamt5=data04=$data04 goto loop4 endi sql select group_id,count(*) from streamt5 group by group_id; if $rows != 2 then print ====streamt5=rows2=$rows goto loop4 endi sql drop stream if exists streams0; sql drop stream if exists streams1; sql drop stream if exists streams2; sql drop stream if exists streams3; sql drop stream if exists streams4; sql drop stream if exists streams5; sql drop stream if exists streams6; sql drop stream if exists streams7; sql drop stream if exists streams8; sql drop stream if exists streams9; sql drop stream if exists streams10; sql use test1; sql select * from t1; print $data00 $loop_all = $loop_all + 1 print ============loop_all=$loop_all system sh/stop_dnodes.sh #goto looptest