/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "catalog.h" #include "clientInt.h" #include "clientLog.h" #include "os.h" #include "query.h" #include "systable.h" #include "tdatablock.h" #include "tdef.h" #include "tglobal.h" #include "tname.h" #include "tversion.h" static void setErrno(SRequestObj* pRequest, int32_t code) { pRequest->code = code; terrno = code; } int32_t genericRspCallback(void* param, SDataBuf* pMsg, int32_t code) { SRequestObj* pRequest = param; setErrno(pRequest, code); if (NEED_CLIENT_RM_TBLMETA_REQ(pRequest->type)) { removeMeta(pRequest->pTscObj, pRequest->targetTableList); } taosMemoryFree(pMsg->pEpSet); taosMemoryFree(pMsg->pData); if (pRequest->body.queryFp != NULL) { pRequest->body.queryFp(pRequest->body.param, pRequest, code); } else { tsem_post(&pRequest->body.rspSem); } return code; } int32_t processConnectRsp(void* param, SDataBuf* pMsg, int32_t code) { SRequestObj* pRequest = acquireRequest(*(int64_t*)param); if (NULL == pRequest) { goto End; } if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { setErrno(pRequest, code); tsem_post(&pRequest->body.rspSem); goto End; } STscObj* pTscObj = pRequest->pTscObj; if (NULL == pTscObj->pAppInfo || NULL == pTscObj->pAppInfo->pAppHbMgr) { setErrno(pRequest, TSDB_CODE_TSC_DISCONNECTED); tsem_post(&pRequest->body.rspSem); goto End; } SConnectRsp connectRsp = {0}; if (tDeserializeSConnectRsp(pMsg->pData, pMsg->len, &connectRsp) != 0) { code = TSDB_CODE_TSC_INVALID_VERSION; setErrno(pRequest, code); tsem_post(&pRequest->body.rspSem); goto End; } if ((code = taosCheckVersionCompatibleFromStr(version, connectRsp.sVer, 3)) != 0) { setErrno(pRequest, code); tsem_post(&pRequest->body.rspSem); goto End; } int32_t now = taosGetTimestampSec(); int32_t delta = abs(now - connectRsp.svrTimestamp); if (delta > timestampDeltaLimit) { code = TSDB_CODE_TIME_UNSYNCED; tscError("time diff:%ds is too big", delta); setErrno(pRequest, code); tsem_post(&pRequest->body.rspSem); goto End; } /*assert(connectRsp.epSet.numOfEps > 0);*/ if (connectRsp.epSet.numOfEps == 0) { setErrno(pRequest, TSDB_CODE_APP_ERROR); tsem_post(&pRequest->body.rspSem); goto End; } if (connectRsp.dnodeNum == 1) { SEpSet srcEpSet = getEpSet_s(&pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp); SEpSet dstEpSet = connectRsp.epSet; rpcSetDefaultAddr(pTscObj->pAppInfo->pTransporter, srcEpSet.eps[srcEpSet.inUse].fqdn, dstEpSet.eps[dstEpSet.inUse].fqdn); } else if (connectRsp.dnodeNum > 1 && !isEpsetEqual(&pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp.epSet, &connectRsp.epSet)) { SEpSet* pOrig = &pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp.epSet; SEp* pOrigEp = &pOrig->eps[pOrig->inUse]; SEp* pNewEp = &connectRsp.epSet.eps[connectRsp.epSet.inUse]; tscDebug("mnode epset updated from %d/%d=>%s:%d to %d/%d=>%s:%d in connRsp", pOrig->inUse, pOrig->numOfEps, pOrigEp->fqdn, pOrigEp->port, connectRsp.epSet.inUse, connectRsp.epSet.numOfEps, pNewEp->fqdn, pNewEp->port); updateEpSet_s(&pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp, &connectRsp.epSet); } for (int32_t i = 0; i < connectRsp.epSet.numOfEps; ++i) { tscDebug("0x%" PRIx64 " epSet.fqdn[%d]:%s port:%d, connObj:0x%" PRIx64, pRequest->requestId, i, connectRsp.epSet.eps[i].fqdn, connectRsp.epSet.eps[i].port, pTscObj->id); } pTscObj->sysInfo = connectRsp.sysInfo; pTscObj->connId = connectRsp.connId; pTscObj->acctId = connectRsp.acctId; tstrncpy(pTscObj->sVer, connectRsp.sVer, tListLen(pTscObj->sVer)); tstrncpy(pTscObj->sDetailVer, connectRsp.sDetailVer, tListLen(pTscObj->sDetailVer)); // update the appInstInfo pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId = connectRsp.clusterId; lastClusterId = connectRsp.clusterId; pTscObj->connType = connectRsp.connType; hbRegisterConn(pTscObj->pAppInfo->pAppHbMgr, pTscObj->id, connectRsp.clusterId, connectRsp.connType); tscDebug("0x%" PRIx64 " clusterId:%" PRId64 ", totalConn:%" PRId64, pRequest->requestId, connectRsp.clusterId, pTscObj->pAppInfo->numOfConns); tsem_post(&pRequest->body.rspSem); End: if (pRequest) { releaseRequest(pRequest->self); } taosMemoryFree(param); taosMemoryFree(pMsg->pEpSet); taosMemoryFree(pMsg->pData); return code; } SMsgSendInfo* buildMsgInfoImpl(SRequestObj* pRequest) { SMsgSendInfo* pMsgSendInfo = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SMsgSendInfo)); pMsgSendInfo->requestObjRefId = pRequest->self; pMsgSendInfo->requestId = pRequest->requestId; pMsgSendInfo->param = pRequest; pMsgSendInfo->msgType = pRequest->type; pMsgSendInfo->target.type = TARGET_TYPE_MNODE; pMsgSendInfo->msgInfo = pRequest->body.requestMsg; pMsgSendInfo->fp = getMsgRspHandle(pRequest->type); return pMsgSendInfo; } int32_t processCreateDbRsp(void* param, SDataBuf* pMsg, int32_t code) { // todo rsp with the vnode id list SRequestObj* pRequest = param; taosMemoryFree(pMsg->pData); taosMemoryFree(pMsg->pEpSet); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { setErrno(pRequest, code); } else { struct SCatalog* pCatalog = NULL; int32_t code = catalogGetHandle(pRequest->pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId, &pCatalog); if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code) { STscObj* pTscObj = pRequest->pTscObj; SRequestConnInfo conn = {.pTrans = pTscObj->pAppInfo->pTransporter, .requestId = pRequest->requestId, .requestObjRefId = pRequest->self, .mgmtEps = getEpSet_s(&pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp)}; char dbFName[TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN]; snprintf(dbFName, sizeof(dbFName) - 1, "%d.%s", pTscObj->acctId, TSDB_INFORMATION_SCHEMA_DB); catalogRefreshDBVgInfo(pCatalog, &conn, dbFName); snprintf(dbFName, sizeof(dbFName) - 1, "%d.%s", pTscObj->acctId, TSDB_PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA_DB); catalogRefreshDBVgInfo(pCatalog, &conn, dbFName); } } if (pRequest->body.queryFp) { pRequest->body.queryFp(pRequest->body.param, pRequest, code); } else { tsem_post(&pRequest->body.rspSem); } return code; } int32_t processUseDbRsp(void* param, SDataBuf* pMsg, int32_t code) { SRequestObj* pRequest = param; if (TSDB_CODE_MND_DB_NOT_EXIST == code || TSDB_CODE_MND_DB_IN_CREATING == code || TSDB_CODE_MND_DB_IN_DROPPING == code) { SUseDbRsp usedbRsp = {0}; tDeserializeSUseDbRsp(pMsg->pData, pMsg->len, &usedbRsp); struct SCatalog* pCatalog = NULL; if (usedbRsp.vgVersion >= 0) { // cached in local uint64_t clusterId = pRequest->pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId; int32_t code1 = catalogGetHandle(clusterId, &pCatalog); if (code1 != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { tscWarn("0x%" PRIx64 "catalogGetHandle failed, clusterId:%" PRIx64 ", error:%s", pRequest->requestId, clusterId, tstrerror(code1)); } else { catalogRemoveDB(pCatalog, usedbRsp.db, usedbRsp.uid); } } tFreeSUsedbRsp(&usedbRsp); } if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { taosMemoryFree(pMsg->pData); taosMemoryFree(pMsg->pEpSet); setErrno(pRequest, code); if (pRequest->body.queryFp != NULL) { pRequest->body.queryFp(pRequest->body.param, pRequest, pRequest->code); } else { tsem_post(&pRequest->body.rspSem); } return code; } SUseDbRsp usedbRsp = {0}; tDeserializeSUseDbRsp(pMsg->pData, pMsg->len, &usedbRsp); if (strlen(usedbRsp.db) == 0) { if (usedbRsp.errCode != 0) { return usedbRsp.errCode; } else { return TSDB_CODE_APP_ERROR; } } tscTrace("db:%s, usedbRsp received, numOfVgroups:%d", usedbRsp.db, usedbRsp.vgNum); for (int32_t i = 0; i < usedbRsp.vgNum; ++i) { SVgroupInfo* pInfo = taosArrayGet(usedbRsp.pVgroupInfos, i); tscTrace("vgId:%d, numOfEps:%d inUse:%d ", pInfo->vgId, pInfo->epSet.numOfEps, pInfo->epSet.inUse); for (int32_t j = 0; j < pInfo->epSet.numOfEps; ++j) { tscTrace("vgId:%d, index:%d epset:%s:%u", pInfo->vgId, j, pInfo->epSet.eps[j].fqdn, pInfo->epSet.eps[j].port); } } SName name = {0}; tNameFromString(&name, usedbRsp.db, T_NAME_ACCT | T_NAME_DB); SUseDbOutput output = {0}; code = queryBuildUseDbOutput(&output, &usedbRsp); if (code != 0) { terrno = code; if (output.dbVgroup) taosHashCleanup(output.dbVgroup->vgHash); tscError("0x%" PRIx64 " failed to build use db output since %s", pRequest->requestId, terrstr()); } else if (output.dbVgroup && output.dbVgroup->vgHash) { struct SCatalog* pCatalog = NULL; int32_t code1 = catalogGetHandle(pRequest->pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId, &pCatalog); if (code1 != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { tscWarn("catalogGetHandle failed, clusterId:%" PRIx64 ", error:%s", pRequest->pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId, tstrerror(code1)); } else { catalogUpdateDBVgInfo(pCatalog, output.db, output.dbId, output.dbVgroup); output.dbVgroup = NULL; } } taosMemoryFreeClear(output.dbVgroup); tFreeSUsedbRsp(&usedbRsp); char db[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN] = {0}; tNameGetDbName(&name, db); setConnectionDB(pRequest->pTscObj, db); taosMemoryFree(pMsg->pData); taosMemoryFree(pMsg->pEpSet); if (pRequest->body.queryFp != NULL) { pRequest->body.queryFp(pRequest->body.param, pRequest, pRequest->code); } else { tsem_post(&pRequest->body.rspSem); } return 0; } int32_t processCreateSTableRsp(void* param, SDataBuf* pMsg, int32_t code) { if (pMsg == NULL || param == NULL) { return TSDB_CODE_TSC_INVALID_INPUT; } SRequestObj* pRequest = param; if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { setErrno(pRequest, code); } else { SMCreateStbRsp createRsp = {0}; SDecoder coder = {0}; tDecoderInit(&coder, pMsg->pData, pMsg->len); tDecodeSMCreateStbRsp(&coder, &createRsp); tDecoderClear(&coder); pRequest->body.resInfo.execRes.msgType = TDMT_MND_CREATE_STB; pRequest->body.resInfo.execRes.res = createRsp.pMeta; } taosMemoryFree(pMsg->pEpSet); taosMemoryFree(pMsg->pData); if (pRequest->body.queryFp != NULL) { SExecResult* pRes = &pRequest->body.resInfo.execRes; if (code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { SCatalog* pCatalog = NULL; int32_t ret = catalogGetHandle(pRequest->pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId, &pCatalog); if (pRes->res != NULL) { ret = handleCreateTbExecRes(pRes->res, pCatalog); } if (ret != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { code = ret; } } pRequest->body.queryFp(pRequest->body.param, pRequest, code); } else { tsem_post(&pRequest->body.rspSem); } return code; } int32_t processDropDbRsp(void* param, SDataBuf* pMsg, int32_t code) { SRequestObj* pRequest = param; if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { setErrno(pRequest, code); } else { SDropDbRsp dropdbRsp = {0}; tDeserializeSDropDbRsp(pMsg->pData, pMsg->len, &dropdbRsp); struct SCatalog* pCatalog = NULL; int32_t code = catalogGetHandle(pRequest->pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId, &pCatalog); if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code) { catalogRemoveDB(pCatalog, dropdbRsp.db, dropdbRsp.uid); STscObj* pTscObj = pRequest->pTscObj; SRequestConnInfo conn = {.pTrans = pTscObj->pAppInfo->pTransporter, .requestId = pRequest->requestId, .requestObjRefId = pRequest->self, .mgmtEps = getEpSet_s(&pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp)}; char dbFName[TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN]; snprintf(dbFName, sizeof(dbFName) - 1, "%d.%s", pTscObj->acctId, TSDB_INFORMATION_SCHEMA_DB); catalogRefreshDBVgInfo(pCatalog, &conn, dbFName); snprintf(dbFName, sizeof(dbFName) - 1, "%d.%s", pTscObj->acctId, TSDB_PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA_DB); catalogRefreshDBVgInfo(pCatalog, &conn, dbFName); } } taosMemoryFree(pMsg->pData); taosMemoryFree(pMsg->pEpSet); if (pRequest->body.queryFp != NULL) { pRequest->body.queryFp(pRequest->body.param, pRequest, code); } else { tsem_post(&pRequest->body.rspSem); } return code; } int32_t processAlterStbRsp(void* param, SDataBuf* pMsg, int32_t code) { SRequestObj* pRequest = param; if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { setErrno(pRequest, code); } else { SMAlterStbRsp alterRsp = {0}; SDecoder coder = {0}; tDecoderInit(&coder, pMsg->pData, pMsg->len); tDecodeSMAlterStbRsp(&coder, &alterRsp); tDecoderClear(&coder); pRequest->body.resInfo.execRes.msgType = TDMT_MND_ALTER_STB; pRequest->body.resInfo.execRes.res = alterRsp.pMeta; } taosMemoryFree(pMsg->pData); taosMemoryFree(pMsg->pEpSet); if (pRequest->body.queryFp != NULL) { SExecResult* pRes = &pRequest->body.resInfo.execRes; if (code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { SCatalog* pCatalog = NULL; int32_t ret = catalogGetHandle(pRequest->pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId, &pCatalog); if (pRes->res != NULL) { ret = handleAlterTbExecRes(pRes->res, pCatalog); } if (ret != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { code = ret; } } pRequest->body.queryFp(pRequest->body.param, pRequest, code); } else { tsem_post(&pRequest->body.rspSem); } return code; } static int32_t buildShowVariablesBlock(SArray* pVars, SSDataBlock** block) { SSDataBlock* pBlock = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SSDataBlock)); pBlock->info.hasVarCol = true; pBlock->pDataBlock = taosArrayInit(SHOW_VARIABLES_RESULT_COLS, sizeof(SColumnInfoData)); SColumnInfoData infoData = {0}; infoData.info.type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR; infoData.info.bytes = SHOW_VARIABLES_RESULT_FIELD1_LEN; taosArrayPush(pBlock->pDataBlock, &infoData); infoData.info.type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR; infoData.info.bytes = SHOW_VARIABLES_RESULT_FIELD2_LEN; taosArrayPush(pBlock->pDataBlock, &infoData); int32_t numOfCfg = taosArrayGetSize(pVars); blockDataEnsureCapacity(pBlock, numOfCfg); for (int32_t i = 0, c = 0; i < numOfCfg; ++i, c = 0) { SVariablesInfo* pInfo = taosArrayGet(pVars, i); char name[TSDB_CONFIG_OPTION_LEN + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE] = {0}; STR_WITH_MAXSIZE_TO_VARSTR(name, pInfo->name, TSDB_CONFIG_OPTION_LEN + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE); SColumnInfoData* pColInfo = taosArrayGet(pBlock->pDataBlock, c++); colDataSetVal(pColInfo, i, name, false); char value[TSDB_CONFIG_VALUE_LEN + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE] = {0}; STR_WITH_MAXSIZE_TO_VARSTR(value, pInfo->value, TSDB_CONFIG_VALUE_LEN + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE); pColInfo = taosArrayGet(pBlock->pDataBlock, c++); colDataSetVal(pColInfo, i, value, false); } pBlock->info.rows = numOfCfg; *block = pBlock; return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } static int32_t buildShowVariablesRsp(SArray* pVars, SRetrieveTableRsp** pRsp) { SSDataBlock* pBlock = NULL; int32_t code = buildShowVariablesBlock(pVars, &pBlock); if (code) { return code; } size_t rspSize = sizeof(SRetrieveTableRsp) + blockGetEncodeSize(pBlock); *pRsp = taosMemoryCalloc(1, rspSize); if (NULL == *pRsp) { blockDataDestroy(pBlock); return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } (*pRsp)->useconds = 0; (*pRsp)->completed = 1; (*pRsp)->precision = 0; (*pRsp)->compressed = 0; (*pRsp)->compLen = 0; (*pRsp)->numOfRows = htobe64((int64_t)pBlock->info.rows); (*pRsp)->numOfCols = htonl(SHOW_VARIABLES_RESULT_COLS); int32_t len = blockEncode(pBlock, (*pRsp)->data, SHOW_VARIABLES_RESULT_COLS); blockDataDestroy(pBlock); if (len != rspSize - sizeof(SRetrieveTableRsp)) { uError("buildShowVariablesRsp error, len:%d != rspSize - sizeof(SRetrieveTableRsp):%" PRIu64, len, (uint64_t)(rspSize - sizeof(SRetrieveTableRsp))); return TSDB_CODE_TSC_INVALID_INPUT; } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t processShowVariablesRsp(void* param, SDataBuf* pMsg, int32_t code) { SRequestObj* pRequest = param; if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { setErrno(pRequest, code); } else { SShowVariablesRsp rsp = {0}; SRetrieveTableRsp* pRes = NULL; code = tDeserializeSShowVariablesRsp(pMsg->pData, pMsg->len, &rsp); if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code) { code = buildShowVariablesRsp(rsp.variables, &pRes); } if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code) { code = setQueryResultFromRsp(&pRequest->body.resInfo, pRes, false, true); } if (code != 0) { taosMemoryFree(pRes); } tFreeSShowVariablesRsp(&rsp); } taosMemoryFree(pMsg->pData); taosMemoryFree(pMsg->pEpSet); if (pRequest->body.queryFp != NULL) { pRequest->body.queryFp(pRequest->body.param, pRequest, code); } else { tsem_post(&pRequest->body.rspSem); } return code; } __async_send_cb_fn_t getMsgRspHandle(int32_t msgType) { switch (msgType) { case TDMT_MND_CONNECT: return processConnectRsp; case TDMT_MND_CREATE_DB: return processCreateDbRsp; case TDMT_MND_USE_DB: return processUseDbRsp; case TDMT_MND_CREATE_STB: return processCreateSTableRsp; case TDMT_MND_DROP_DB: return processDropDbRsp; case TDMT_MND_ALTER_STB: return processAlterStbRsp; case TDMT_MND_SHOW_VARIABLES: return processShowVariablesRsp; default: return genericRspCallback; } }