# author : wenzhouwww from ssl import ALERT_DESCRIPTION_CERTIFICATE_UNOBTAINABLE import taos import sys import time import os from util.log import * from util.sql import * from util.cases import * from util.dnodes import TDDnodes from util.dnodes import TDDnode from util.cluster import * import time import socket import subprocess ,threading sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__)) class TDTestCase: def init(self,conn ,logSql): tdLog.debug(f"start to excute {__file__}") tdSql.init(conn.cursor()) self.host = socket.gethostname() self.mnode_list = {} self.dnode_list = {} self.ts = 1483200000000 self.db_name ='testdb' self.replica = 3 self.vgroups = 10 self.tb_nums = 10 self.row_nums = 100 self.max_restart_time = 20 self.restart_server_times = 10 self.query_times = 100 def getBuildPath(self): selfPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) if ("community" in selfPath): projPath = selfPath[:selfPath.find("community")] else: projPath = selfPath[:selfPath.find("tests")] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(projPath): if ("taosd" in files): rootRealPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(root)) if ("packaging" not in rootRealPath): buildPath = root[:len(root) - len("/build/bin")] break return buildPath def check_setup_cluster_status(self): tdSql.query("select * from information_schema.ins_mnodes") for mnode in tdSql.queryResult: name = mnode[1] info = mnode self.mnode_list[name] = info tdSql.query("select * from information_schema.ins_dnodes") for dnode in tdSql.queryResult: name = dnode[1] info = dnode self.dnode_list[name] = info count = 0 is_leader = False mnode_name = '' for k,v in self.mnode_list.items(): count +=1 # only for 1 mnode mnode_name = k if v[2] =='leader': is_leader=True if count==1 and is_leader: tdLog.notice("===== depoly cluster success with 1 mnode as leader =====") else: tdLog.exit("===== depoly cluster fail with 1 mnode as leader =====") for k ,v in self.dnode_list.items(): if k == mnode_name: if v[3]==0: tdLog.notice("===== depoly cluster mnode only success at {} , support_vnodes is {} ".format(mnode_name,v[3])) else: tdLog.exit("===== depoly cluster mnode only fail at {} , support_vnodes is {} ".format(mnode_name,v[3])) else: continue def create_db_check_vgroups(self): tdSql.execute("drop database if exists test") tdSql.execute("create database if not exists test replica 1 duration 300") tdSql.execute("use test") tdSql.execute( '''create table stb1 (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 bigint, c3 smallint, c4 tinyint, c5 float, c6 double, c7 bool, c8 binary(16),c9 nchar(32), c10 timestamp) tags (t1 int) ''' ) tdSql.execute( ''' create table t1 (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 bigint, c3 smallint, c4 tinyint, c5 float, c6 double, c7 bool, c8 binary(16),c9 nchar(32), c10 timestamp) ''' ) for i in range(5): tdSql.execute("create table sub_tb_{} using stb1 tags({})".format(i,i)) tdSql.query("show stables") tdSql.checkRows(1) tdSql.query("show tables") tdSql.checkRows(6) tdSql.query("show test.vgroups;") vgroups_infos = {} # key is id: value is info list for vgroup_info in tdSql.queryResult: vgroup_id = vgroup_info[0] tmp_list = [] for role in vgroup_info[3:-4]: if role in ['leader','leader*','follower']: tmp_list.append(role) vgroups_infos[vgroup_id]=tmp_list for k , v in vgroups_infos.items(): if len(v) ==1 and v[0] in ['leader', 'leader*']: tdLog.notice(" === create database replica only 1 role leader check success of vgroup_id {} ======".format(k)) else: tdLog.exit(" === create database replica only 1 role leader check fail of vgroup_id {} ======".format(k)) def create_db_replica_3_insertdatas(self, dbname, replica_num ,vgroup_nums ,tb_nums , row_nums ): newTdSql=tdCom.newTdSql() drop_db_sql = "drop database if exists {}".format(dbname) create_db_sql = "create database {} replica {} vgroups {}".format(dbname,replica_num,vgroup_nums) tdLog.notice(" ==== create database {} and insert rows begin =====".format(dbname)) newTdSql.execute(drop_db_sql) newTdSql.execute(create_db_sql) newTdSql.execute("use {}".format(dbname)) newTdSql.execute( '''create table stb1 (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 bigint, c3 smallint, c4 tinyint, c5 float, c6 double, c7 bool, c8 binary(32),c9 nchar(32), c10 timestamp) tags (t1 int) ''' ) newTdSql.execute( ''' create table t1 (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 bigint, c3 smallint, c4 tinyint, c5 float, c6 double, c7 bool, c8 binary(32),c9 nchar(32), c10 timestamp) ''' ) for i in range(tb_nums): sub_tbname = "sub_tb_{}".format(i) newTdSql.execute("create table {} using stb1 tags({})".format(sub_tbname,i)) # insert datas about new database for row_num in range(row_nums): if row_num % (int(row_nums*0.1)) == 0 : tdLog.notice( " === database {} writing records {} rows".format(dbname , row_num ) ) ts = self.ts + 1000*row_num newTdSql.execute(f"insert into {sub_tbname} values ({ts}, {row_num} ,{row_num}, 10 ,1 ,{row_num} ,{row_num},true,'bin_{row_num}','nchar_{row_num}',now) ") tdLog.notice(" ==== create database {} and insert rows execute end =====".format(dbname)) def _get_stop_dnode_id(self,dbname ,dnode_role): tdSql.query("show {}.vgroups".format(dbname)) vgroup_infos = tdSql.queryResult status = False for vgroup_info in vgroup_infos: if "error" not in vgroup_info: status = True else: status = False while status!=True : time.sleep(0.1) tdSql.query("show {}.vgroups".format(dbname)) vgroup_infos = tdSql.queryResult for vgroup_info in vgroup_infos: if "error" not in vgroup_info: status = True else: status = False # print(status) for vgroup_info in vgroup_infos: leader_infos = vgroup_info[3:-4] # print(vgroup_info) for ind ,role in enumerate(leader_infos): if role == dnode_role: # print(ind,leader_infos) self.stop_dnode_id = leader_infos[ind-1] break return self.stop_dnode_id def wait_stop_dnode_OK(self , newTdSql): def _get_status(): # newTdSql=tdCom.newTdSql() status = "" newTdSql.query("select * from information_schema.ins_dnodes") dnode_infos = newTdSql.queryResult for dnode_info in dnode_infos: id = dnode_info[0] dnode_status = dnode_info[4] if id == self.stop_dnode_id: status = dnode_status break return status status = _get_status() while status !="offline": time.sleep(0.1) status = _get_status() # tdLog.notice("==== stop dnode has not been stopped , endpoint is {}".format(self.stop_dnode)) tdLog.notice("==== stop_dnode has stopped , id is {} ====".format(self.stop_dnode_id)) def wait_start_dnode_OK(self , newTdSql ): def _get_status(): # newTdSql=tdCom.newTdSql() status = "" newTdSql.query("select * from information_schema.ins_dnodes") dnode_infos = newTdSql.queryResult for dnode_info in dnode_infos: id = dnode_info[0] dnode_status = dnode_info[4] if id == self.stop_dnode_id: status = dnode_status break return status status = _get_status() while status !="ready": time.sleep(0.1) status = _get_status() # tdLog.notice("==== stop dnode has not been stopped , endpoint is {}".format(self.stop_dnode)) tdLog.notice("==== stop_dnode has restart , id is {} ====".format(self.stop_dnode_id)) def get_leader_infos(self , newTdSql , dbname): # newTdSql=tdCom.newTdSql() newTdSql.query("show {}.vgroups".format(dbname)) vgroup_infos = newTdSql.queryResult leader_infos = set() for vgroup_info in vgroup_infos: leader_infos.add(vgroup_info[3:-4]) return leader_infos def check_revote_leader_success(self, dbname, before_leader_infos , after_leader_infos): check_status = False vote_act = set(set(after_leader_infos)-set(before_leader_infos)) if not vote_act: print("=======before_revote_leader_infos ======\n" , before_leader_infos) print("=======after_revote_leader_infos ======\n" , after_leader_infos) tdLog.exit(" ===maybe revote not occured , there is no dnode offline ====") else: for vgroup_info in vote_act: for ind , role in enumerate(vgroup_info): if role==self.stop_dnode_id: if vgroup_info[ind+1] =="offline" and "leader" in vgroup_info: tdLog.notice(" === revote leader ok , leader is {} now ====".format(vgroup_info[list(vgroup_info).index("leader")-1])) check_status = True elif vgroup_info[ind+1] !="offline": tdLog.notice(" === dnode {} should be offline ".format(self.stop_dnode_id)) else: continue break return check_status def check_insert_status(self, newTdSql , dbname, tb_nums , row_nums): newTdSql.execute("use {}".format(dbname)) newTdSql.query("select count(*) from {}.{}".format(dbname,'stb1')) # tdSql.checkData(0 , 0 , tb_nums*row_nums) newTdSql.query("select distinct tbname from {}.{}".format(dbname,'stb1')) # tdSql.checkRows(tb_nums) def loop_query_constantly(self, times , db_name, tb_nums ,row_nums): newTdSql=tdCom.newTdSql() for loop_time in range(times): tdLog.debug(" === query is going ,this is {}_th query === ".format(loop_time)) self.check_insert_status( newTdSql ,db_name, tb_nums , row_nums) def loop_restart_follower_constantly(self, times , db_name): tdDnodes = cluster.dnodes newTdSql=tdCom.newTdSql() for loop_time in range(times): self.stop_dnode_id = self._get_stop_dnode_id(db_name , "leader") # print(self.stop_dnode_id) # begin stop dnode start = time.time() before_leader_infos = self.get_leader_infos( newTdSql ,db_name) tdDnodes[self.stop_dnode_id-1].stoptaosd() self.wait_stop_dnode_OK(newTdSql) start = time.time() # get leader info after stop after_leader_infos = self.get_leader_infos(newTdSql , db_name) revote_status = self.check_revote_leader_success(db_name ,before_leader_infos , after_leader_infos) # append rows of stablename when dnode stop make sure revote leaders while not revote_status: after_leader_infos = self.get_leader_infos(newTdSql , db_name) revote_status = self.check_revote_leader_success(db_name ,before_leader_infos , after_leader_infos) end = time.time() time_cost = end - start tdLog.notice(" ==== revote leader of database {} cost time {} ====".format(db_name , time_cost)) tdLog.notice(" === this is {}_th restart taosd === ".format(loop_time)) # begin start dnode tdDnodes[self.stop_dnode_id-1].starttaosd() self.wait_start_dnode_OK(newTdSql) end = time.time() time_cost = int(end -start) if time_cost > self.max_restart_time: tdLog.exit(" ==== restart dnode {} cost too much time , please check ====".format(self.stop_dnode_id)) def run(self): self.check_setup_cluster_status() self.create_db_check_vgroups() # start writing constantly writing = threading.Thread(target = self.create_db_replica_3_insertdatas, args=(self.db_name , self.replica , self.vgroups , self.tb_nums , self.row_nums)) writing.start() tdSql.query(" show {}.stables ".format(self.db_name)) while not tdSql.queryResult: print(tdSql.queryResult) time.sleep(0.1) tdSql.query(" show {}.stables ".format(self.db_name)) restart_servers = threading.Thread(target = self.loop_restart_follower_constantly, args = (self.restart_server_times ,self.db_name)) restart_servers.start() reading = threading.Thread(target = self.loop_query_constantly, args=(self.query_times,self.db_name , self.tb_nums , self.row_nums)) reading.start() writing.join() reading.join() restart_servers.join() def stop(self): tdSql.close() tdLog.success(f"{__file__} successfully executed") tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase()) tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())