--- title: Write from Kafka description: This document describes how to insert data into TDengine using Kafka. --- import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs"; import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem"; import PyKafka from "./_py_kafka.mdx"; ## About Kafka Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform, used by thousands of companies for high-performance data pipelines, streaming analytics, data integration, and mission-critical applications. For the key concepts of kafka, please refer to [kafka documentation](https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#gettingStarted). ### kafka topic Messages in Kafka are organized by topics. A topic may have one or more partitions. We can manage kafka topics through `kafka-topics`. create a topic named `kafka-events`: ``` bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --topic kafka-events --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 ``` Alter `kafka-events` topic to set partitions to 3: ``` bin/kafka-topics.sh --alter --topic kafka-events --partitions 3 --bootstrap-server=localhost:9092 ``` Show all topics and partitions in Kafka: ``` bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server=localhost:9092 --describe ``` ## Insert into TDengine We can write data into TDengine via SQL or Schemaless. For more information, please refer to [Insert Using SQL](/develop/insert-data/sql-writing/) or [High Performance Writing](/develop/insert-data/high-volume/) or [Schemaless Writing](/reference/schemaless/). ## Examples