system sh/ system sh/ -n dnode1 -i 1 system sh/ -n dnode2 -i 2 system sh/ -n dnode3 -i 3 system sh/ -n dnode4 -i 4 system sh/ -n dnode1 -c supportVnodes -v 0 system sh/ -n dnode1 -s start system sh/ -n dnode2 -s start system sh/ -n dnode3 -s start system sh/ -n dnode4 -s start sql connect sql create dnode $hostname port 7200 sql create dnode $hostname port 7300 sql create dnode $hostname port 7400 $x = 0 step1: $x = $x + 1 sleep 1000 if $x == 10 then print ====> dnode not ready! return -1 endi sql select * from information_schema.ins_dnodes print ===> $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 print ===> $data10 $data11 $data12 $data13 $data14 $data15 print ===> $data20 $data21 $data22 $data23 $data24 $data25 print ===> $data30 $data31 $data32 $data33 $data34 $data35 if $rows != 4 then return -1 endi if $data(1)[4] != ready then goto step1 endi if $data(2)[4] != ready then goto step1 endi if $data(3)[4] != ready then goto step1 endi if $data(4)[4] != ready then goto step1 endi $replica = 3 $vgroups = 1 print ============= create database db sql create database db replica $replica vgroups $vgroups $loop_cnt = 0 check_db_ready: $loop_cnt = $loop_cnt + 1 sleep 200 if $loop_cnt == 100 then print ====> db not ready! return -1 endi sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases print ===> rows: $rows print $data[2][0] $data[2][1] $data[2][2] $data[2][3] $data[2][4] $data[2][5] $data[2][6] $data[2][7] $data[2][8] $data[2][9] $data[2][6] $data[2][11] $data[2][12] $data[2][13] $data[2][14] $data[2][15] $data[2][16] $data[2][17] $data[2][18] $data[2][19] if $rows != 3 then return -1 endi if $data[2][15] != ready then goto check_db_ready endi sql use db $loop_cnt = 0 check_vg_ready: $loop_cnt = $loop_cnt + 1 sleep 200 if $loop_cnt == 300 then print ====> vgroups not ready! return -1 endi sql show vgroups print ===> rows: $rows print $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6] $data[0][7] $data[0][8] $data[0][9] $data[0][10] $data[0][11] if $rows != $vgroups then return -1 endi if $data[0][4] == leader then if $data[0][6] == follower then if $data[0][8] == follower then print ---- vgroup $data[0][0] leader locate on dnode $data[0][3] endi endi elif $data[0][6] == leader then if $data[0][4] == follower then if $data[0][8] == follower then print ---- vgroup $data[0][0] leader locate on dnode $data[0][5] endi endi elif $data[0][8] == leader then if $data[0][4] == follower then if $data[0][6] == follower then print ---- vgroup $data[0][0] leader locate on dnode $data[0][7] endi endi else goto check_vg_ready endi vg_ready: print ====> create stable/child table sql create table stb (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 float, c3 binary(10)) tags (t1 int) sql show stables if $rows != 1 then return -1 endi $ctbPrefix = ctb $ntbPrefix = ntb $tbNum = 10 $i = 0 while $i < $tbNum $ctb = $ctbPrefix . $i sql create table $ctb using stb tags( $i ) $ntb = $ntbPrefix . $i sql create table $ntb (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 float, c3 binary(10)) $i = $i + 1 endw $totalTblNum = $tbNum * 2 sleep 1000 sql show tables print ====> expect $totalTblNum and insert $rows in fact if $rows != $totalTblNum then return -1 endi print ====> start_switch_leader: start_switch_leader: $switch_loop_cnt = 0 sql show vgroups $dnodeId = $data[0][3] $dnodeId = dnode . $dnodeId switch_leader_to_offine_loop: print $dnodeId print ====> stop $dnodeId system sh/ -n $dnodeId -s stop -x SIGINT $loop_cnt = 0 $loop_cnt = $loop_cnt + 1 sleep 201 if $loop_cnt == 300 then print ====> vgroups switch fail!!! return -1 endi sql show vgroups print ===> rows: $rows print $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6] $data[0][7] $data[0][8] $data[0][9] $data[0][10] $data[0][11] if $rows != $vgroups then return -1 endi vg_offline_1: print ====> start $dnodeId system sh/ -n $dnodeId -s start $switch_loop_cnt = $switch_loop_cnt + 1 print $switch_loop_cnt if $switch_loop_cnt == 1 then sql show vgroups $dnodeId = $data[0][3] $dnodeId = dnode . $dnodeId goto switch_leader_to_offine_loop elif $switch_loop_cnt == 2 then sql show vgroups $dnodeId = $data[0][3] $dnodeId = dnode . $dnodeId goto switch_leader_to_offine_loop elif $switch_loop_cnt == 3 then sql show vgroups $dnodeId = $data[0][3] $dnodeId = dnode . $dnodeId goto switch_leader_to_offine_loop elif $switch_loop_cnt == 4 then sql show vgroups $dnodeId = $data[0][3] $dnodeId = dnode . $dnodeId goto switch_leader_to_offine_loop else goto stop_leader_to_offine_loop endi stop_leader_to_offine_loop: $loop_cnt = 0 check_vg_ready1: $loop_cnt = $loop_cnt + 1 print $loop_cnt sleep 202 if $loop_cnt == 300 then print ====> vgroups not ready! return -1 endi sql show vgroups print ===> rows: $rows print $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6] $data[0][7] $data[0][8] $data[0][9] $data[0][10] $data[0][11] if $rows != $vgroups then return -1 endi if $data[0][4] == leader then if $data[0][6] == follower then if $data[0][8] == follower then print ---- vgroup $data[0][0] leader locate on dnode $data[0][3] endi endi elif $data[0][6] == leader then if $data[0][4] == follower then if $data[0][8] == follower then print ---- vgroup $data[0][0] leader locate on dnode $data[0][5] endi endi elif $data[0][8] == leader then if $data[0][4] == follower then if $data[0][6] == follower then print ---- vgroup $data[0][0] leader locate on dnode $data[0][7] endi endi else goto check_vg_ready1 endi print ====> final test: create stable/child table sql create table stb1 (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 float, c3 binary(10)) tags (t1 int) sql show stables if $rows != 2 then return -1 endi $ctbPrefix = ctb1 $ntbPrefix = ntb1 $tbNum = 10 $i = 0 while $i < $tbNum $ctb = $ctbPrefix . $i sql create table $ctb using stb1 tags( $i ) $ntb = $ntbPrefix . $i sql create table $ntb (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 float, c3 binary(10)) $i = $i + 1 endw sleep 1000 sql show stables if $rows != 2 then return -1 endi sql show tables if $rows != 40 then return -1 endi system sh/ -n dnode5 -i 5 system sh/ -n dnode5 -s start sql connect sql create dnode $hostname port 7500 $loop_cnt = 0 check_dnode_ready3: $loop_cnt = $loop_cnt + 1 sleep 200 if $loop_cnt == 100 then print ====> dnode not ready! return -1 endi sql select * from information_schema.ins_dnodes print ===> $rows $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6] print ===> $rows $data[1][0] $data[1][1] $data[1][2] $data[1][3] $data[1][4] $data[1][5] $data[1][6] print ===> $rows $data[2][0] $data[2][1] $data[2][2] $data[2][3] $data[2][4] $data[2][5] $data[2][6] print ===> $rows $data[3][0] $data[3][1] $data[3][2] $data[3][3] $data[3][4] $data[3][5] $data[3][6] print ===> $rows $data[4][0] $data[4][1] $data[4][2] $data[4][3] $data[4][4] $data[4][5] $data[4][6] if $rows != 5 then return -1 endi if $data[4][4] != ready then goto check_dnode_ready3 endi # restart clusters system sh/ -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT system sh/ -n dnode2 -s stop -x SIGINT system sh/ -n dnode3 -s stop -x SIGINT system sh/ -n dnode4 -s stop -x SIGINT system sh/ -n dnode5 -s stop -x SIGINT system sh/ -n dnode1 -s start system sh/ -n dnode2 -s start system sh/ -n dnode3 -s start system sh/ -n dnode4 -s start system sh/ -n dnode5 -s start $loop_cnt = 0 check_dnode_ready_2: $loop_cnt = $loop_cnt + 1 sleep 200 if $loop_cnt == 10 then print ====> dnode not ready! return -1 endi sql select * from information_schema.ins_dnodes print ===> $rows $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6] print ===> $rows $data[1][0] $data[1][1] $data[1][2] $data[1][3] $data[1][4] $data[1][5] $data[1][6] print ===> $rows $data[2][0] $data[2][1] $data[2][2] $data[2][3] $data[2][4] $data[2][5] $data[2][6] print ===> $rows $data[3][0] $data[3][1] $data[3][2] $data[3][3] $data[3][4] $data[3][5] $data[3][6] print ===> $rows $data[4][0] $data[4][1] $data[4][2] $data[4][3] $data[4][4] $data[4][5] $data[4][6] if $data[0][0] != 1 then return -1 endi if $data[0][4] != ready then goto check_dnode_ready_2 endi if $data[1][4] != ready then goto check_dnode_ready_2 endi if $data[2][4] != ready then goto check_dnode_ready_2 endi if $data[3][4] != ready then goto check_dnode_ready_2 endi print ====> final test: create child table ctb2* and table ntb2* sql use db; $ctbPrefix = ctb2 $ntbPrefix = ntb2 $tbNum = 10 $i = 0 while $i < $tbNum $ctb = $ctbPrefix . $i sql create table $ctb using stb1 tags( $i ) $ntb = $ntbPrefix . $i sql create table $ntb (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 float, c3 binary(10)) $i = $i + 1 endw sleep 1000 sql use db sql show stables if $rows != 2 then return -1 endi sql show tables print $rows if $rows != 60 then return -1 endi $replica = 3 $vgroups = 5 print ============= create database sql create database db1 replica $replica vgroups $vgroups $loop_cnt = 0 check_db_ready1: $loop_cnt = $loop_cnt + 1 sleep 200 if $loop_cnt == 100 then print ====> db not ready! return -1 endi sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases print ===> rows: $rows print $data(db1)[0] $data(db1)[1] $data(db1)[2] $data(db1)[3] $data(db1)[4] $data(db1)[5] $data(db1)[6] $data(db1)[7] $data(db1)[8] $data(db1)[9] $data(db1)[6] $data(db1)[11] $data(db1)[12] $data(db1)[13] $data(db1)[14] $data(db1)[15] $data(db1)[16] $data(db1)[17] $data(db1)[18] $data(db1)[19] if $rows != 4 then return -1 endi if $data(db1)[15] != ready then goto check_db_ready1 endi sql use db1 $loop_cnt = 0 check_vg_ready3: $loop_cnt = $loop_cnt + 1 print $loop_cnt sleep 202 if $loop_cnt == 300 then print ====> vgroups not ready! return -1 endi sql show vgroups print ===> rows: $rows print $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6] $data[0][7] $data[0][8] $data[0][9] $data[0][10] $data[0][11] if $rows != $vgroups then return -1 endi if $data[0][4] == leader then if $data[0][6] == follower then if $data[0][8] == follower then print ---- vgroup $data[0][0] leader locate on dnode $data[0][3] endi endi elif $data[0][6] == leader then if $data[0][4] == follower then if $data[0][8] == follower then print ---- vgroup $data[0][0] leader locate on dnode $data[0][5] endi endi elif $data[0][8] == leader then if $data[0][4] == follower then if $data[0][6] == follower then print ---- vgroup $data[0][0] leader locate on dnode $data[0][7] endi endi else goto check_vg_ready3 endi system sh/ -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT system sh/ -n dnode2 -s stop -x SIGINT system sh/ -n dnode3 -s stop -x SIGINT system sh/ -n dnode4 -s stop -x SIGINT