const ref = require('ref-napi'); const StructType = require('ref-struct-di')(ref); const taosConst = require('./constants'); const { TDError } = require('./error'); var bufferType = ref.types.int32; var buffer = ref.refType(ref.types.void); var bufferLength = ref.types.uint64; var length = ref.refType(ref.types.uint64); var isNull = ref.refType(ref.types.int32); var is_unsigned =; var error = ref.refType(ref.types.void); var u = ref.types.int64; var allocated = ref.types.uint32; var TAOS_BIND = StructType({ buffer_type: bufferType, buffer: buffer, buffer_length: bufferLength, length: length, is_null: isNull, is_unsigned: is_unsigned, error: error, u: u, allocated: allocated, }); class TaosBind { constructor(num) { this.buf = Buffer.alloc(TAOS_BIND.size * num); this.num = num; this.index = 0; } /** * Used to bind null value for all data types that tdengine supports. */ bindNil() { if (!this._isOutOfBound()) { let nil = new TAOS_BIND({ buffer_type: taosConst.C_NULL, is_null: ref.alloc(ref.types.int32, 1), }); TAOS_BIND.set(this.buf, this.index * TAOS_BIND.size, nil); this.index++ } else { throw new TDError(`bindNil() failed,since index:${this.index} is out of Buffer bound ${this.num}.`); } } /** * * @param {bool} val is not null bool value,true or false. */ bindBool(val) { if (!this._isOutOfBound()) { let bl = new TAOS_BIND({ buffer_type: taosConst.C_BOOL, buffer: ref.alloc(ref.types.bool, val), buffer_length: ref.types.bool.size, length: ref.alloc(ref.types.uint64, ref.types.bool.size), is_null: ref.alloc(ref.types.int32, 0), }); TAOS_BIND.set(this.buf, this.index * TAOS_BIND.size, bl); this.index++ } else { throw new TDError(`bindBool() failed with ${val},since index:${this.index} is out of Buffer bound ${this.num}.`); } } /** * * @param {int8} val is a not null tinyint value. */ bindTinyInt(val) { if (!this._isOutOfBound()) { let tinnyInt = new TAOS_BIND({ buffer_type: taosConst.C_TINYINT, buffer: ref.alloc(ref.types.int8, val), buffer_length: ref.types.int8.size, length: ref.alloc(ref.types.uint64, ref.types.int8.size), is_null: ref.alloc(ref.types.int32, 0), }); TAOS_BIND.set(this.buf, this.index * TAOS_BIND.size, tinnyInt); this.index++ } else { throw new TDError(`bindTinyInt() failed with ${val},since index:${this.index} is out of Buffer bound ${this.num}.`); } } /** * * @param {short} val is a not null small int value. */ bindSmallInt(val) { if (!this._isOutOfBound()) { let samllint = new TAOS_BIND({ buffer_type: taosConst.C_SMALLINT, buffer: ref.alloc(ref.types.int16, val), buffer_length: ref.types.int16.size, length: ref.alloc(ref.types.uint64, ref.types.int16.size), is_null: ref.alloc(ref.types.int32, 0), }); TAOS_BIND.set(this.buf, this.index * TAOS_BIND.size, samllint); this.index++ } else { throw new TDError(`bindSmallInt() failed with ${val},since index:${this.index} is out of Buffer bound ${this.num}.`); } } /** * * @param {int} val is a not null int value. */ bindInt(val) { if (!this._isOutOfBound()) { let int = new TAOS_BIND({ buffer_type: taosConst.C_INT, buffer: ref.alloc(ref.types.int32, val), buffer_length: ref.types.int32.size, length: ref.alloc(ref.types.uint64, ref.types.int32.size), is_null: ref.alloc(ref.types.int32, 0), }); TAOS_BIND.set(this.buf, this.index * TAOS_BIND.size, int); this.index++ } else { throw new TDError(`bindInt() failed with ${val},since index:${this.index} is out of Buffer bound ${this.num}.`); } } /** * * @param {long} val is not null big int value. */ bindBigInt(val) { if (!this._isOutOfBound()) { let bigint = new TAOS_BIND({ buffer_type: taosConst.C_BIGINT, buffer: ref.alloc(ref.types.int64, val.toString()), buffer_length: ref.types.int64.size, length: ref.alloc(ref.types.uint64, ref.types.int64.size), is_null: ref.alloc(ref.types.int32, 0), }); TAOS_BIND.set(this.buf, this.index * TAOS_BIND.size, bigint); this.index++ } else { throw new TDError(`bindBigInt() failed with ${val},since index:${this.index} is out of Buffer bound ${this.num}.`); } } /** * * @param {float} val is a not null float value */ bindFloat(val) { if (!this._isOutOfBound()) { let float = new TAOS_BIND({ buffer_type: taosConst.C_FLOAT, buffer: ref.alloc(ref.types.float, val), buffer_length: ref.types.float.size, length: ref.alloc(ref.types.uint64, ref.types.float.size), is_null: ref.alloc(ref.types.int32, 0), }); TAOS_BIND.set(this.buf, this.index * TAOS_BIND.size, float); this.index++ } else { throw new TDError(`bindFloat() failed with ${val},since index:${this.index} is out of Buffer bound ${this.num}.`); } } /** * * @param {double} val is a not null double value */ bindDouble(val) { if (!this._isOutOfBound()) { let double = new TAOS_BIND({ buffer_type: taosConst.C_DOUBLE, buffer: ref.alloc(ref.types.double, val), buffer_length: ref.types.double.size, length: ref.alloc(ref.types.uint64, ref.types.double.size), is_null: ref.alloc(ref.types.int32, 0), }); TAOS_BIND.set(this.buf, this.index * TAOS_BIND.size, double); this.index++ } else { throw new TDError(`bindDouble() failed with ${val},since index:${this.index} is out of Buffer bound ${this.num}.`); } } /** * * @param {string} val is a string. */ bindBinary(val) { let cstringBuf = ref.allocCString(val, 'utf-8'); if (!this._isOutOfBound()) { let binary = new TAOS_BIND({ buffer_type: taosConst.C_BINARY, buffer: cstringBuf, buffer_length: cstringBuf.length, length: ref.alloc(ref.types.uint64, cstringBuf.length - 1), is_null: ref.alloc(ref.types.int32, 0), }); TAOS_BIND.set(this.buf, this.index * TAOS_BIND.size, binary); this.index++ } else { throw new TDError(`bindBinary() failed with ${val},since index:${this.index} is out of Buffer bound ${this.num}.`); } } /** * * @param {long} val is a not null timestamp(long) values. */ bindTimestamp(val) { let ts = new TAOS_BIND({ buffer_type: taosConst.C_TIMESTAMP, buffer: ref.alloc(ref.types.int64, val), buffer_length: ref.types.int64.size, length: ref.alloc(ref.types.uint64, ref.types.int64.size), is_null: ref.alloc(ref.types.int32, 0), }); TAOS_BIND.set(this.buf, this.index * TAOS_BIND.size, ts); this.index++ } /** * * @param {string} val is a string. */ bindNchar(val) { let cstringBuf = ref.allocCString(val, 'utf-8'); if (!this._isOutOfBound()) { let nchar = new TAOS_BIND({ buffer_type: taosConst.C_NCHAR, buffer: cstringBuf, buffer_length: cstringBuf.length, length: ref.alloc(ref.types.uint64, cstringBuf.length - 1), is_null: ref.alloc(ref.types.int32, 0), }); TAOS_BIND.set(this.buf, this.index * TAOS_BIND.size, nchar); this.index++ } else { throw new TDError(`bindNchar() failed with ${val},since index:${this.index} is out of Buffer bound ${this.num}.`); } } /** * * @param {uint8} val is a not null unsinged tinyint value. */ bindUTinyInt(val) { if (!this._isOutOfBound()) { let uTinyInt = new TAOS_BIND({ buffer_type: taosConst.C_TINYINT_UNSIGNED, buffer: ref.alloc(ref.types.uint8, val), buffer_length: ref.types.uint8.size, length: ref.alloc(ref.types.uint64, ref.types.uint8.size), is_null: ref.alloc(ref.types.int32, 0), }); TAOS_BIND.set(this.buf, this.index * TAOS_BIND.size, uTinyInt); this.index++ } else { throw new TDError(`bindUTinyInt() failed with ${val},since index:${this.index} is out of Buffer bound ${this.num}.`); } } /** * * @param {uint16} val is a not null unsinged smallint value. */ bindUSmallInt(val) { if (!this._isOutOfBound()) { let uSmallInt = new TAOS_BIND({ buffer_type: taosConst.C_SMALLINT_UNSIGNED, buffer: ref.alloc(ref.types.uint16, val), buffer_length: ref.types.uint16.size, length: ref.alloc(ref.types.uint64, ref.types.uint16.size), is_null: ref.alloc(ref.types.int32, 0), }); TAOS_BIND.set(this.buf, this.index * TAOS_BIND.size, uSmallInt); this.index++ } else { throw new TDError(`bindUSmallInt() failed with ${val},since index:${this.index} is out of Buffer bound ${this.num}.`); } } /** * * @param {uint32} val is a not null unsinged int value. */ bindUInt(val) { if (!this._isOutOfBound()) { let uInt = new TAOS_BIND({ buffer_type: taosConst.C_INT_UNSIGNED, buffer: ref.alloc(ref.types.uint32, val), buffer_length: ref.types.uint32.size, length: ref.alloc(ref.types.uint64, ref.types.uint32.size), is_null: ref.alloc(ref.types.int32, 0), }); TAOS_BIND.set(this.buf, this.index * TAOS_BIND.size, uInt); this.index++ } else { throw new TDError(`bindUInt() failed with ${val},since index:${this.index} is out of Buffer bound ${this.num}.`); } } /** * * @param {uint64} val is a not null unsinged bigint value. */ bindUBigInt(val) { if (!this._isOutOfBound()) { let uBigInt = new TAOS_BIND({ buffer_type: taosConst.C_BIGINT_UNSIGNED, buffer: ref.alloc(ref.types.uint64, val.toString()), buffer_length: ref.types.uint64.size, length: ref.alloc(ref.types.uint64, ref.types.uint64.size), is_null: ref.alloc(ref.types.int32, 0), }); TAOS_BIND.set(this.buf, this.index * TAOS_BIND.size, uBigInt); this.index++ } else { throw new TDError(`bindUBigInt() failed with ${val},since index:${this.index} is out of Buffer bound ${this.num}.`); } } /** * * @param {jsonStr} val is a json string. Such as '{\"key1\":\"taosdata\"}' */ bindJson(val) { let cstringBuf = ref.allocCString(val, 'utf-8'); if (!this._isOutOfBound()) { let jsonType = new TAOS_BIND({ buffer_type: taosConst.C_JSON_TAG, buffer: cstringBuf, buffer_length: cstringBuf.length, length: ref.alloc(ref.types.uint64, cstringBuf.length - 1), is_null: ref.alloc(ref.types.int32, 0), }); TAOS_BIND.set(this.buf, this.index * TAOS_BIND.size, jsonType); this.index++ } else { throw new TDError(`bindJson() failed with ${val},since index:${this.index} is out of Buffer bound ${this.num}.`); } } /** * * @returns binded buffer. */ getBind() { return this.buf; } _isOutOfBound() { if (this.num > this.index) { return false; } else { return true; } } } module.exports = TaosBind;