/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE #include "syncUtil.h" #include "syncIndexMgr.h" #include "syncMessage.h" #include "syncRaftCfg.h" #include "syncRaftStore.h" #include "syncSnapshot.h" extern void addEpIntoEpSet(SEpSet* pEpSet, const char* fqdn, uint16_t port); uint64_t syncUtilAddr2U64(const char* host, uint16_t port) { uint32_t hostU32 = taosGetIpv4FromFqdn(host); if (hostU32 == (uint32_t)-1) { sError("failed to resolve ipv4 addr, host:%s", host); terrno = TSDB_CODE_TSC_INVALID_FQDN; return -1; } uint64_t u64 = (((uint64_t)hostU32) << 32) | (((uint32_t)port) << 16); return u64; } void syncUtilU642Addr(uint64_t u64, char* host, int64_t len, uint16_t* port) { uint32_t hostU32 = (uint32_t)((u64 >> 32) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF); struct in_addr addr = {.s_addr = hostU32}; taosInetNtoa(addr, host, len); *port = (uint16_t)((u64 & 0x00000000FFFF0000) >> 16); } void syncUtilNodeInfo2EpSet(const SNodeInfo* pInfo, SEpSet* pEpSet) { pEpSet->inUse = 0; pEpSet->numOfEps = 0; addEpIntoEpSet(pEpSet, pInfo->nodeFqdn, pInfo->nodePort); } void syncUtilRaftId2EpSet(const SRaftId* raftId, SEpSet* pEpSet) { char host[TSDB_FQDN_LEN] = {0}; uint16_t port = 0; syncUtilU642Addr(raftId->addr, host, sizeof(host), &port); pEpSet->inUse = 0; pEpSet->numOfEps = 0; addEpIntoEpSet(pEpSet, host, port); } bool syncUtilNodeInfo2RaftId(const SNodeInfo* pInfo, SyncGroupId vgId, SRaftId* raftId) { uint32_t ipv4 = taosGetIpv4FromFqdn(pInfo->nodeFqdn); if (ipv4 == 0xFFFFFFFF || ipv4 == 1) { sError("failed to resolve ipv4 addr, fqdn: %s", pInfo->nodeFqdn); terrno = TSDB_CODE_TSC_INVALID_FQDN; return false; } char ipbuf[128] = {0}; tinet_ntoa(ipbuf, ipv4); raftId->addr = syncUtilAddr2U64(ipbuf, pInfo->nodePort); raftId->vgId = vgId; return true; } bool syncUtilSameId(const SRaftId* pId1, const SRaftId* pId2) { return pId1->addr == pId2->addr && pId1->vgId == pId2->vgId; } bool syncUtilEmptyId(const SRaftId* pId) { return (pId->addr == 0 && pId->vgId == 0); } static inline int32_t syncUtilRand(int32_t max) { return taosRand() % max; } int32_t syncUtilElectRandomMS(int32_t min, int32_t max) { int32_t rdm = min + syncUtilRand(max - min); // sDebug("random min:%d, max:%d, rdm:%d", min, max, rdm); return rdm; } int32_t syncUtilQuorum(int32_t replicaNum) { return replicaNum / 2 + 1; } cJSON* syncUtilRaftId2Json(const SRaftId* p) { char u64buf[128] = {0}; cJSON* pRoot = cJSON_CreateObject(); snprintf(u64buf, sizeof(u64buf), "%" PRIu64 "", p->addr); cJSON_AddStringToObject(pRoot, "addr", u64buf); char host[128] = {0}; uint16_t port; syncUtilU642Addr(p->addr, host, sizeof(host), &port); cJSON_AddStringToObject(pRoot, "host", host); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pRoot, "port", port); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pRoot, "vgId", p->vgId); cJSON* pJson = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddItemToObject(pJson, "SRaftId", pRoot); return pJson; } static inline bool syncUtilCanPrint(char c) { if (c >= 32 && c <= 126) { return true; } else { return false; } } char* syncUtilPrintBin(char* ptr, uint32_t len) { int64_t memLen = (int64_t)(len + 1); char* s = taosMemoryMalloc(memLen); ASSERT(s != NULL); memset(s, 0, len + 1); memcpy(s, ptr, len); for (int32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (!syncUtilCanPrint(s[i])) { s[i] = '.'; } } return s; } char* syncUtilPrintBin2(char* ptr, uint32_t len) { uint32_t len2 = len * 4 + 1; char* s = taosMemoryMalloc(len2); ASSERT(s != NULL); memset(s, 0, len2); char* p = s; for (int32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { int32_t n = sprintf(p, "%d,", ptr[i]); p += n; } return s; } void syncUtilMsgHtoN(void* msg) { SMsgHead* pHead = msg; pHead->contLen = htonl(pHead->contLen); pHead->vgId = htonl(pHead->vgId); } void syncUtilMsgNtoH(void* msg) { SMsgHead* pHead = msg; pHead->contLen = ntohl(pHead->contLen); pHead->vgId = ntohl(pHead->vgId); } bool syncUtilUserPreCommit(tmsg_t msgType) { return msgType != TDMT_SYNC_NOOP && msgType != TDMT_SYNC_LEADER_TRANSFER; } bool syncUtilUserCommit(tmsg_t msgType) { return msgType != TDMT_SYNC_NOOP && msgType != TDMT_SYNC_LEADER_TRANSFER; } bool syncUtilUserRollback(tmsg_t msgType) { return msgType != TDMT_SYNC_NOOP && msgType != TDMT_SYNC_LEADER_TRANSFER; } void syncCfg2SimpleStr(const SSyncCfg* pCfg, char* buf, int32_t bufLen) { int32_t len = snprintf(buf, bufLen, "{r-num:%d, my:%d, ", pCfg->replicaNum, pCfg->myIndex); for (int32_t i = 0; i < pCfg->replicaNum; ++i) { if (i < pCfg->replicaNum - 1) { len += snprintf(buf + len, bufLen - len, "%s:%d, ", pCfg->nodeInfo[i].nodeFqdn, pCfg->nodeInfo[i].nodePort); } else { len += snprintf(buf + len, bufLen - len, "%s:%d}", pCfg->nodeInfo[i].nodeFqdn, pCfg->nodeInfo[i].nodePort); } } } // for leader static void syncHearbeatReplyTime2Str(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, char* buf, int32_t bufLen) { int32_t len = 5; for (int32_t i = 0; i < pSyncNode->replicaNum; ++i) { int64_t tsMs = syncIndexMgrGetRecvTime(pSyncNode->pMatchIndex, &(pSyncNode->replicasId[i])); if (i < pSyncNode->replicaNum - 1) { len += snprintf(buf + len, bufLen - len, "%d:%" PRId64 ",", i, tsMs); } else { len += snprintf(buf + len, bufLen - len, "%d:%" PRId64 "}", i, tsMs); } } } // for follower static void syncHearbeatTime2Str(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, char* buf, int32_t bufLen) { int32_t len = 4; for (int32_t i = 0; i < pSyncNode->replicaNum; ++i) { int64_t tsMs = syncIndexMgrGetRecvTime(pSyncNode->pNextIndex, &(pSyncNode->replicasId[i])); if (i < pSyncNode->replicaNum - 1) { len += snprintf(buf + len, bufLen - len, "%d:%" PRId64 ",", i, tsMs); } else { len += snprintf(buf + len, bufLen - len, "%d:%" PRId64 "}", i, tsMs); } } } static void syncPeerState2Str(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, char* buf, int32_t bufLen) { int32_t len = 1; for (int32_t i = 0; i < pSyncNode->replicaNum; ++i) { SPeerState* pState = syncNodeGetPeerState(pSyncNode, &(pSyncNode->replicasId[i])); if (pState == NULL) break; if (i < pSyncNode->replicaNum - 1) { len += snprintf(buf + len, bufLen - len, "%d:%" PRId64 " %" PRId64 ", ", i, pState->lastSendIndex, pState->lastSendTime); } else { len += snprintf(buf + len, bufLen - len, "%d:%" PRId64 " %" PRId64 "}", i, pState->lastSendIndex, pState->lastSendTime); } } } void syncPrintNodeLog(const char* flags, ELogLevel level, int32_t dflag, SSyncNode* pNode, const char* format, ...) { if (pNode == NULL || pNode->pRaftCfg == NULL || pNode->pRaftStore == NULL || pNode->pLogStore == NULL) return; int64_t currentTerm = pNode->pRaftStore->currentTerm; // save error code, otherwise it will be overwritten int32_t errCode = terrno; SSnapshot snapshot = {.data = NULL, .lastApplyIndex = -1, .lastApplyTerm = 0}; if (pNode->pFsm != NULL && pNode->pFsm->FpGetSnapshotInfo != NULL) { pNode->pFsm->FpGetSnapshotInfo(pNode->pFsm, &snapshot); } SyncIndex logLastIndex = SYNC_INDEX_INVALID; SyncIndex logBeginIndex = SYNC_INDEX_INVALID; if (pNode->pLogStore != NULL) { logLastIndex = pNode->pLogStore->syncLogLastIndex(pNode->pLogStore); logBeginIndex = pNode->pLogStore->syncLogBeginIndex(pNode->pLogStore); } char cfgStr[1024]; if (pNode->pRaftCfg != NULL) { syncCfg2SimpleStr(&(pNode->pRaftCfg->cfg), cfgStr, sizeof(cfgStr)); } else { return; } char peerStr[1024] = "{"; syncPeerState2Str(pNode, peerStr, sizeof(peerStr)); char hbrTimeStr[256] = "hbr:{"; syncHearbeatReplyTime2Str(pNode, hbrTimeStr, sizeof(hbrTimeStr)); char hbTimeStr[256] = "hb:{"; syncHearbeatTime2Str(pNode, hbTimeStr, sizeof(hbTimeStr)); int32_t quorum = syncNodeDynamicQuorum(pNode); char eventLog[512]; // {0}; va_list argpointer; va_start(argpointer, format); int32_t writeLen = vsnprintf(eventLog, sizeof(eventLog), format, argpointer); va_end(argpointer); int32_t aqItems = 0; if (pNode != NULL && pNode->pFsm != NULL && pNode->pFsm->FpApplyQueueItems != NULL) { aqItems = pNode->pFsm->FpApplyQueueItems(pNode->pFsm); } // restore error code terrno = errCode; if (pNode != NULL && pNode->pRaftCfg != NULL) { taosPrintLog(flags, level, dflag, "vgId:%d, sync %s " "%s" ", tm:%" PRIu64 ", cmt:%" PRId64 ", fst:%" PRId64 ", lst:%" PRId64 ", min:%" PRId64 ", snap:%" PRId64 ", snap-tm:%" PRIu64 ", sby:%d, aq:%d, snaping:%" PRId64 ", r-num:%d, lcfg:%" PRId64 ", chging:%d, rsto:%d, dquorum:%d, elt:%" PRId64 ", hb:%" PRId64 ", %s, %s, %s, %s", pNode->vgId, syncStr(pNode->state), eventLog, currentTerm, pNode->commitIndex, logBeginIndex, logLastIndex, pNode->minMatchIndex, snapshot.lastApplyIndex, snapshot.lastApplyTerm, pNode->pRaftCfg->isStandBy, aqItems, pNode->snapshottingIndex, pNode->replicaNum, pNode->pRaftCfg->lastConfigIndex, pNode->changing, pNode->restoreFinish, quorum, pNode->electTimerLogicClock, pNode->heartbeatTimerLogicClockUser, peerStr, cfgStr, hbTimeStr, hbrTimeStr); } } void syncPrintSnapshotSenderLog(const char* flags, ELogLevel level, int32_t dflag, SSyncSnapshotSender* pSender, const char* format, ...) { SSyncNode* pNode = pSender->pSyncNode; if (pNode == NULL || pNode->pRaftCfg == NULL || pNode->pRaftStore == NULL || pNode->pLogStore == NULL) return; SSnapshot snapshot = {.data = NULL, .lastApplyIndex = -1, .lastApplyTerm = 0}; if (pNode->pFsm != NULL && pNode->pFsm->FpGetSnapshotInfo != NULL) { pNode->pFsm->FpGetSnapshotInfo(pNode->pFsm, &snapshot); } SyncIndex logLastIndex = SYNC_INDEX_INVALID; SyncIndex logBeginIndex = SYNC_INDEX_INVALID; if (pNode->pLogStore != NULL) { logLastIndex = pNode->pLogStore->syncLogLastIndex(pNode->pLogStore); logBeginIndex = pNode->pLogStore->syncLogBeginIndex(pNode->pLogStore); } char cfgStr[1024]; syncCfg2SimpleStr(&(pNode->pRaftCfg->cfg), cfgStr, sizeof(cfgStr)); char peerStr[1024] = "{"; syncPeerState2Str(pNode, peerStr, sizeof(peerStr)); int32_t quorum = syncNodeDynamicQuorum(pNode); SRaftId destId = pNode->replicasId[pSender->replicaIndex]; char host[64]; uint16_t port; syncUtilU642Addr(destId.addr, host, sizeof(host), &port); char eventLog[512]; // {0}; va_list argpointer; va_start(argpointer, format); int32_t writeLen = vsnprintf(eventLog, sizeof(eventLog), format, argpointer); va_end(argpointer); taosPrintLog(flags, level, dflag, "vgId:%d, sync %s " "%s {%p s-param:%" PRId64 " e-param:%" PRId64 " laindex:%" PRId64 " laterm:%" PRIu64 " lcindex:%" PRId64 " seq:%d ack:%d finish:%d replica-index:%d %s:%d}" ", tm:%" PRIu64 ", cmt:%" PRId64 ", fst:%" PRId64 ", lst:%" PRId64 ", min:%" PRId64 ", snap:%" PRId64 ", snap-tm:%" PRIu64 ", sby:%d, stgy:%d, bch:%d, r-num:%d, lcfg:%" PRId64 ", chging:%d, rsto:%d, dquorum:%d, elt:%" PRId64 ", hb:%" PRId64 ", %s, %s", pNode->vgId, syncStr(pNode->state), eventLog, pSender, pSender->snapshotParam.start, pSender->snapshotParam.end, pSender->snapshot.lastApplyIndex, pSender->snapshot.lastApplyTerm, pSender->snapshot.lastConfigIndex, pSender->seq, pSender->ack, pSender->finish, pSender->replicaIndex, host, port, pNode->pRaftStore->currentTerm, pNode->commitIndex, logBeginIndex, logLastIndex, pNode->minMatchIndex, snapshot.lastApplyIndex, snapshot.lastApplyTerm, pNode->pRaftCfg->isStandBy, pNode->pRaftCfg->snapshotStrategy, pNode->pRaftCfg->batchSize, pNode->replicaNum, pNode->pRaftCfg->lastConfigIndex, pNode->changing, pNode->restoreFinish, quorum, pNode->electTimerLogicClock, pNode->heartbeatTimerLogicClockUser, peerStr, cfgStr); } void syncPrintSnapshotReceiverLog(const char* flags, ELogLevel level, int32_t dflag, SSyncSnapshotReceiver* pReceiver, const char* format, ...) { SSyncNode* pNode = pReceiver->pSyncNode; if (pNode == NULL || pNode->pRaftCfg == NULL || pNode->pRaftStore == NULL || pNode->pLogStore == NULL) return; SSnapshot snapshot = {.data = NULL, .lastApplyIndex = -1, .lastApplyTerm = 0}; if (pNode->pFsm != NULL && pNode->pFsm->FpGetSnapshotInfo != NULL) { pNode->pFsm->FpGetSnapshotInfo(pNode->pFsm, &snapshot); } SyncIndex logLastIndex = SYNC_INDEX_INVALID; SyncIndex logBeginIndex = SYNC_INDEX_INVALID; if (pNode->pLogStore != NULL) { logLastIndex = pNode->pLogStore->syncLogLastIndex(pNode->pLogStore); logBeginIndex = pNode->pLogStore->syncLogBeginIndex(pNode->pLogStore); } char cfgStr[1024]; syncCfg2SimpleStr(&(pNode->pRaftCfg->cfg), cfgStr, sizeof(cfgStr)); char peerStr[1024] = "{"; syncPeerState2Str(pNode, peerStr, sizeof(peerStr)); int32_t quorum = syncNodeDynamicQuorum(pNode); SRaftId fromId = pReceiver->fromId; char host[128]; uint16_t port; syncUtilU642Addr(fromId.addr, host, sizeof(host), &port); char eventLog[512]; // {0}; va_list argpointer; va_start(argpointer, format); int32_t writeLen = vsnprintf(eventLog, sizeof(eventLog), format, argpointer); va_end(argpointer); taosPrintLog(flags, level, dflag, "vgId:%d, sync %s " "%s {%p start:%d ack:%d term:%" PRIu64 " start-time:%" PRId64 " from:%s:%d s-param:%" PRId64 " e-param:%" PRId64 " laindex:%" PRId64 " laterm:%" PRIu64 " lcindex:%" PRId64 "}" ", tm:%" PRIu64 ", cmt:%" PRId64 ", fst:%" PRId64 ", lst:%" PRId64 ", min:%" PRId64 ", snap:%" PRId64 ", snap-tm:%" PRIu64 ", sby:%d, stgy:%d, bch:%d, r-num:%d, lcfg:%" PRId64 ", chging:%d, rsto:%d, dquorum:%d, elt:%" PRId64 ", hb:%" PRId64 ", %s, %s", pNode->vgId, syncStr(pNode->state), eventLog, pReceiver, pReceiver->start, pReceiver->ack, pReceiver->term, pReceiver->startTime, host, port, pReceiver->snapshotParam.start, pReceiver->snapshotParam.end, pReceiver->snapshot.lastApplyIndex, pReceiver->snapshot.lastApplyTerm, pReceiver->snapshot.lastConfigIndex, pNode->pRaftStore->currentTerm, pNode->commitIndex, logBeginIndex, logLastIndex, pNode->minMatchIndex, snapshot.lastApplyIndex, snapshot.lastApplyTerm, pNode->pRaftCfg->isStandBy, pNode->pRaftCfg->snapshotStrategy, pNode->pRaftCfg->batchSize, pNode->replicaNum, pNode->pRaftCfg->lastConfigIndex, pNode->changing, pNode->restoreFinish, quorum, pNode->electTimerLogicClock, pNode->heartbeatTimerLogicClockUser, peerStr, cfgStr); } void syncLogRecvTimer(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SyncTimeout* pMsg, const char* s) { sNTrace(pSyncNode, "recv sync-timer {type:%s, lc:%" PRId64 ", ms:%d, data:%p}, %s", syncTimerTypeStr(pMsg->timeoutType), pMsg->logicClock, pMsg->timerMS, pMsg->data, s); } void syncLogRecvLocalCmd(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SyncLocalCmd* pMsg, const char* s) { sNTrace(pSyncNode, "recv sync-local-cmd {cmd:%d-%s, sd-new-term:%" PRId64 ", fc-index:%" PRId64 "}, %s", pMsg->cmd, syncLocalCmdGetStr(pMsg->cmd), pMsg->sdNewTerm, pMsg->fcIndex, s); } void syncLogSendAppendEntriesReply(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SyncAppendEntriesReply* pMsg, const char* s) { char host[64]; uint16_t port; syncUtilU642Addr(pMsg->destId.addr, host, sizeof(host), &port); sNTrace(pSyncNode, "send sync-append-entries-reply to %s:%d, {term:%" PRId64 ", pterm:%" PRId64 ", success:%d, lsend-index:%" PRId64 ", match:%" PRId64 "}, %s", host, port, pMsg->term, pMsg->privateTerm, pMsg->success, pMsg->lastSendIndex, pMsg->matchIndex, s); } void syncLogRecvAppendEntriesReply(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SyncAppendEntriesReply* pMsg, const char* s) { char host[64]; uint16_t port; syncUtilU642Addr(pMsg->srcId.addr, host, sizeof(host), &port); sNTrace(pSyncNode, "recv sync-append-entries-reply from %s:%d {term:%" PRId64 ", pterm:%" PRId64 ", success:%d, lsend-index:%" PRId64 ", match:%" PRId64 "}, %s", host, port, pMsg->term, pMsg->privateTerm, pMsg->success, pMsg->lastSendIndex, pMsg->matchIndex, s); } void syncLogSendHeartbeat(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg, const char* s) { char host[64]; uint16_t port; syncUtilU642Addr(pMsg->destId.addr, host, sizeof(host), &port); sNTrace(pSyncNode, "send sync-heartbeat to %s:%d {term:%" PRId64 ", cmt:%" PRId64 ", min-match:%" PRId64 ", ts:%" PRId64 "}, %s", host, port, pMsg->term, pMsg->commitIndex, pMsg->minMatchIndex, pMsg->timeStamp, s); } void syncLogRecvHeartbeat(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg, const char* s) { char host[64]; uint16_t port; syncUtilU642Addr(pMsg->srcId.addr, host, sizeof(host), &port); sNTrace(pSyncNode, "recv sync-heartbeat from %s:%d {term:%" PRId64 ", cmt:%" PRId64 ", min-match:%" PRId64 ", ts:%" PRId64 "}, %s", host, port, pMsg->term, pMsg->commitIndex, pMsg->minMatchIndex, pMsg->timeStamp, s); } void syncLogSendHeartbeatReply(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SyncHeartbeatReply* pMsg, const char* s) { char host[64]; uint16_t port; syncUtilU642Addr(pMsg->destId.addr, host, sizeof(host), &port); sNTrace(pSyncNode, "send sync-heartbeat-reply from %s:%d {term:%" PRId64 ", ts:%" PRId64 "}, %s", host, port, pMsg->term, pMsg->timeStamp, s); } void syncLogRecvHeartbeatReply(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SyncHeartbeatReply* pMsg, const char* s) { char host[64]; uint16_t port; syncUtilU642Addr(pMsg->srcId.addr, host, sizeof(host), &port); sNTrace(pSyncNode, "recv sync-heartbeat-reply from %s:%d {term:%" PRId64 ", ts:%" PRId64 "}, %s", host, port, pMsg->term, pMsg->timeStamp, s); } void syncLogSendSyncPreSnapshot(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SyncPreSnapshot* pMsg, const char* s) { char host[64]; uint16_t port; syncUtilU642Addr(pMsg->destId.addr, host, sizeof(host), &port); sNTrace(pSyncNode, "send sync-pre-snapshot to %s:%d {term:%" PRId64 "}, %s", host, port, pMsg->term, s); } void syncLogRecvSyncPreSnapshot(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SyncPreSnapshot* pMsg, const char* s) { char host[64]; uint16_t port; syncUtilU642Addr(pMsg->srcId.addr, host, sizeof(host), &port); sNTrace(pSyncNode, "recv sync-pre-snapshot from %s:%d {term:%" PRId64 "}, %s", host, port, pMsg->term, s); } void syncLogSendSyncPreSnapshotReply(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SyncPreSnapshotReply* pMsg, const char* s) { char host[64]; uint16_t port; syncUtilU642Addr(pMsg->destId.addr, host, sizeof(host), &port); sNTrace(pSyncNode, "send sync-pre-snapshot-reply to %s:%d {term:%" PRId64 ", snap-start:%" PRId64 "}, %s", host, port, pMsg->term, pMsg->snapStart, s); } void syncLogRecvSyncPreSnapshotReply(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SyncPreSnapshotReply* pMsg, const char* s) { char host[64]; uint16_t port; syncUtilU642Addr(pMsg->srcId.addr, host, sizeof(host), &port); sNTrace(pSyncNode, "recv sync-pre-snapshot-reply from %s:%d {term:%" PRId64 ", snap-start:%" PRId64 "}, %s", host, port, pMsg->term, pMsg->snapStart, s); } void syncLogSendSyncSnapshotSend(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SyncSnapshotSend* pMsg, const char* s) { char host[64]; uint16_t port; syncUtilU642Addr(pMsg->destId.addr, host, sizeof(host), &port); sNTrace(pSyncNode, "send sync-snapshot-send from %s:%d {term:%" PRId64 ", begin:%" PRId64 ", end:%" PRId64 ", lterm:%" PRId64 ", stime:%" PRId64 ", seq:%d}, %s", host, port, pMsg->term, pMsg->beginIndex, pMsg->lastIndex, pMsg->lastTerm, pMsg->startTime, pMsg->seq, s); } void syncLogRecvSyncSnapshotSend(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SyncSnapshotSend* pMsg, const char* s) { char host[64]; uint16_t port; syncUtilU642Addr(pMsg->srcId.addr, host, sizeof(host), &port); sNTrace(pSyncNode, "recv sync-snapshot-send from %s:%d {term:%" PRId64 ", begin:%" PRId64 ", lst:%" PRId64 ", lterm:%" PRId64 ", stime:%" PRId64 ", seq:%d, len:%u}, %s", host, port, pMsg->term, pMsg->beginIndex, pMsg->lastIndex, pMsg->lastTerm, pMsg->startTime, pMsg->seq, pMsg->dataLen, s); } void syncLogSendSyncSnapshotRsp(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SyncSnapshotRsp* pMsg, const char* s) { char host[64]; uint16_t port; syncUtilU642Addr(pMsg->destId.addr, host, sizeof(host), &port); sNTrace(pSyncNode, "send sync-snapshot-rsp from %s:%d {term:%" PRId64 ", begin:%" PRId64 ", lst:%" PRId64 ", lterm:%" PRId64 ", stime:%" PRId64 ", ack:%d}, %s", host, port, pMsg->term, pMsg->snapBeginIndex, pMsg->lastIndex, pMsg->lastTerm, pMsg->startTime, pMsg->ack, s); } void syncLogRecvSyncSnapshotRsp(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SyncSnapshotRsp* pMsg, const char* s) { char host[64]; uint16_t port; syncUtilU642Addr(pMsg->srcId.addr, host, sizeof(host), &port); sNTrace(pSyncNode, "recv sync-snapshot-rsp from %s:%d {term:%" PRId64 ", begin:%" PRId64 ", lst:%" PRId64 ", lterm:%" PRId64 ", stime:%" PRId64 ", ack:%d}, %s", host, port, pMsg->term, pMsg->snapBeginIndex, pMsg->lastIndex, pMsg->lastTerm, pMsg->startTime, pMsg->ack, s); } void syncLogRecvAppendEntries(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SyncAppendEntries* pMsg, const char* s) { char host[64]; uint16_t port; syncUtilU642Addr(pMsg->srcId.addr, host, sizeof(host), &port); sNTrace(pSyncNode, "recv sync-append-entries from %s:%d {term:%" PRId64 ", pre-index:%" PRId64 ", pre-term:%" PRId64 ", cmt:%" PRId64 ", pterm:%" PRId64 ", datalen:%d}, %s", host, port, pMsg->term, pMsg->prevLogIndex, pMsg->prevLogTerm, pMsg->commitIndex, pMsg->privateTerm, pMsg->dataLen, s); } void syncLogSendAppendEntries(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SyncAppendEntries* pMsg, const char* s) { char host[64]; uint16_t port; syncUtilU642Addr(pMsg->destId.addr, host, sizeof(host), &port); sNTrace(pSyncNode, "send sync-append-entries to %s:%d, {term:%" PRId64 ", pre-index:%" PRId64 ", pre-term:%" PRId64 ", lsend-index:%" PRId64 ", cmt:%" PRId64 ", datalen:%d}, %s", host, port, pMsg->term, pMsg->prevLogIndex, pMsg->prevLogTerm, (pMsg->prevLogIndex + 1), pMsg->commitIndex, pMsg->dataLen, s); } void syncLogRecvRequestVote(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SyncRequestVote* pMsg, const char* s) { char logBuf[256]; char host[64]; uint16_t port; syncUtilU642Addr(pMsg->srcId.addr, host, sizeof(host), &port); sNTrace(pSyncNode, "recv sync-request-vote from %s:%d, {term:%" PRId64 ", lindex:%" PRId64 ", lterm:%" PRId64 "}, %s", host, port, pMsg->term, pMsg->lastLogIndex, pMsg->lastLogTerm, s); } void syncLogSendRequestVote(SSyncNode* pNode, const SyncRequestVote* pMsg, const char* s) { char host[64]; uint16_t port; syncUtilU642Addr(pMsg->destId.addr, host, sizeof(host), &port); sNTrace(pNode, "send sync-request-vote to %s:%d {term:%" PRId64 ", lindex:%" PRId64 ", lterm:%" PRId64 "}, %s", host, port, pMsg->term, pMsg->lastLogIndex, pMsg->lastLogTerm, s); } void syncLogRecvRequestVoteReply(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SyncRequestVoteReply* pMsg, const char* s) { char host[64]; uint16_t port; syncUtilU642Addr(pMsg->srcId.addr, host, sizeof(host), &port); sNTrace(pSyncNode, "recv sync-request-vote-reply from %s:%d {term:%" PRId64 ", grant:%d}, %s", host, port, pMsg->term, pMsg->voteGranted, s); } void syncLogSendRequestVoteReply(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SyncRequestVoteReply* pMsg, const char* s) { char host[64]; uint16_t port; syncUtilU642Addr(pMsg->destId.addr, host, sizeof(host), &port); sNTrace(pSyncNode, "send sync-request-vote-reply to %s:%d {term:%" PRId64 ", grant:%d}, %s", host, port, pMsg->term, pMsg->voteGranted, s); }