/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _TD_DND_ENV_H_ #define _TD_DND_ENV_H_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "dndInt.h" typedef struct { EWorkerType type; const char *name; int32_t minNum; int32_t maxNum; void *queueFp; SDnode *pDnode; STaosQueue *queue; union { SQWorkerPool pool; SWWorkerPool mpool; }; } SDnodeWorker; typedef struct { char *dnode; char *mnode; char *snode; char *bnode; char *vnodes; } SDnodeDir; typedef struct { int32_t dnodeId; int32_t dropped; int64_t clusterId; int64_t dver; int64_t rebootTime; int64_t updateTime; int8_t statusSent; SEpSet mnodeEpSet; char *file; SHashObj *dnodeHash; SArray *pDnodeEps; pthread_t *threadId; SRWLatch latch; SDnodeWorker mgmtWorker; SDnodeWorker statusWorker; } SDnodeMgmt; typedef struct { int32_t refCount; int8_t deployed; int8_t dropped; SMnode *pMnode; SRWLatch latch; SDnodeWorker readWorker; SDnodeWorker writeWorker; SDnodeWorker syncWorker; int8_t replica; int8_t selfIndex; SReplica replicas[TSDB_MAX_REPLICA]; } SMnodeMgmt; typedef struct { int32_t refCount; int8_t deployed; int8_t dropped; SQnode *pQnode; SRWLatch latch; SDnodeWorker queryWorker; SDnodeWorker fetchWorker; } SQnodeMgmt; typedef struct { int32_t refCount; int8_t deployed; int8_t dropped; SSnode *pSnode; SRWLatch latch; SDnodeWorker writeWorker; } SSnodeMgmt; typedef struct { int32_t refCount; int8_t deployed; int8_t dropped; SBnode *pBnode; SRWLatch latch; SDnodeWorker writeWorker; } SBnodeMgmt; typedef struct { int32_t openVnodes; int32_t totalVnodes; int32_t masterNum; int64_t numOfSelectReqs; int64_t numOfInsertReqs; int64_t numOfInsertSuccessReqs; int64_t numOfBatchInsertReqs; int64_t numOfBatchInsertSuccessReqs; } SVnodesStat; typedef struct { SVnodesStat stat; SHashObj *hash; SRWLatch latch; SQWorkerPool queryPool; SFWorkerPool fetchPool; SWWorkerPool syncPool; SWWorkerPool writePool; } SVnodesMgmt; typedef struct { void *serverRpc; void *clientRpc; DndMsgFp msgFp[TDMT_MAX]; } STransMgmt; typedef struct SDnode { EStat stat; SDnodeObjCfg cfg; SDnodeDir dir; TdFilePtr pLockFile; SDnodeMgmt dmgmt; SMnodeMgmt mmgmt; SQnodeMgmt qmgmt; SSnodeMgmt smgmt; SBnodeMgmt bmgmt; SVnodesMgmt vmgmt; STransMgmt tmgmt; STfs *pTfs; SStartupReq startup; } SDnode; int32_t dndGetMonitorDiskInfo(SDnode *pDnode, SMonDiskInfo *pInfo); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /*_TD_DND_ENV_H_*/