/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "taoserror.h" #include "tcompare.h" #include "tglobal.h" #include "taosdef.h" #include "tcompare.h" #include "tpagedbuf.h" #include "tpercentile.h" #include "ttypes.h" #define DEFAULT_NUM_OF_SLOT 1024 int32_t getGroupId(int32_t numOfSlots, int32_t slotIndex, int32_t times) { return (times * numOfSlots) + slotIndex; } static SFilePage *loadDataFromFilePage(tMemBucket *pMemBucket, int32_t slotIdx) { SFilePage *buffer = (SFilePage *)taosMemoryCalloc(1, pMemBucket->bytes * pMemBucket->pSlots[slotIdx].info.size + sizeof(SFilePage)); int32_t groupId = getGroupId(pMemBucket->numOfSlots, slotIdx, pMemBucket->times); SArray *pIdList = *(SArray **)taosHashGet(pMemBucket->groupPagesMap, &groupId, sizeof(groupId)); int32_t offset = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(pIdList); ++i) { int32_t *pageId = taosArrayGet(pIdList, i); SFilePage *pg = getBufPage(pMemBucket->pBuffer, *pageId); memcpy(buffer->data + offset, pg->data, (size_t)(pg->num * pMemBucket->bytes)); offset += (int32_t)(pg->num * pMemBucket->bytes); } taosSort(buffer->data, pMemBucket->pSlots[slotIdx].info.size, pMemBucket->bytes, pMemBucket->comparFn); return buffer; } static void resetBoundingBox(MinMaxEntry *range, int32_t type) { if (IS_SIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(type)) { range->i64MaxVal = INT64_MIN; range->i64MinVal = INT64_MAX; } else if (IS_UNSIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(type)) { range->u64MaxVal = 0; range->u64MinVal = UINT64_MAX; } else { range->dMaxVal = -DBL_MAX; range->dMinVal = DBL_MAX; } } static int32_t setBoundingBox(MinMaxEntry *range, int16_t type, double minval, double maxval) { if (minval > maxval) { return -1; } if (IS_SIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(type)) { range->i64MinVal = (int64_t)minval; range->i64MaxVal = (int64_t)maxval; } else if (IS_UNSIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(type)) { range->u64MinVal = (uint64_t)minval; range->u64MaxVal = (uint64_t)maxval; } else { range->dMinVal = minval; range->dMaxVal = maxval; } return 0; } static void resetPosInfo(SSlotInfo *pInfo) { pInfo->size = 0; pInfo->pageId = -1; pInfo->data = NULL; } double findOnlyResult(tMemBucket *pMemBucket) { assert(pMemBucket->total == 1); for (int32_t i = 0; i < pMemBucket->numOfSlots; ++i) { tMemBucketSlot *pSlot = &pMemBucket->pSlots[i]; if (pSlot->info.size == 0) { continue; } int32_t groupId = getGroupId(pMemBucket->numOfSlots, i, pMemBucket->times); SArray *list = *(SArray **)taosHashGet(pMemBucket->groupPagesMap, &groupId, sizeof(groupId)); assert(list->size == 1); int32_t *pageId = taosArrayGet(list, 0); SFilePage *pPage = getBufPage(pMemBucket->pBuffer, *pageId); assert(pPage->num == 1); double v = 0; GET_TYPED_DATA(v, double, pMemBucket->type, pPage->data); return v; } return 0; } int32_t tBucketIntHash(tMemBucket *pBucket, const void *value) { int64_t v = 0; GET_TYPED_DATA(v, int64_t, pBucket->type, value); int32_t index = -1; if (v > pBucket->range.i64MaxVal || v < pBucket->range.i64MinVal) { return index; } // divide the value range into 1024 buckets uint64_t span = pBucket->range.i64MaxVal - pBucket->range.i64MinVal; if (span < pBucket->numOfSlots) { int64_t delta = v - pBucket->range.i64MinVal; index = (delta % pBucket->numOfSlots); } else { double slotSpan = ((double)span) / pBucket->numOfSlots; uint64_t delta = v - pBucket->range.i64MinVal; index = (int32_t)(delta / slotSpan); if (v == pBucket->range.i64MaxVal || index == pBucket->numOfSlots) { index -= 1; } } assert(index >= 0 && index < pBucket->numOfSlots); return index; } int32_t tBucketUintHash(tMemBucket *pBucket, const void *value) { int64_t v = 0; GET_TYPED_DATA(v, uint64_t, pBucket->type, value); int32_t index = -1; if (v > pBucket->range.u64MaxVal || v < pBucket->range.u64MinVal) { return index; } // divide the value range into 1024 buckets uint64_t span = pBucket->range.u64MaxVal - pBucket->range.u64MinVal; if (span < pBucket->numOfSlots) { int64_t delta = v - pBucket->range.u64MinVal; index = (int32_t)(delta % pBucket->numOfSlots); } else { double slotSpan = (double)span / pBucket->numOfSlots; index = (int32_t)((v - pBucket->range.u64MinVal) / slotSpan); if (v == pBucket->range.u64MaxVal) { index -= 1; } } assert(index >= 0 && index < pBucket->numOfSlots); return index; } int32_t tBucketDoubleHash(tMemBucket *pBucket, const void *value) { double v = 0; if (pBucket->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT) { v = GET_FLOAT_VAL(value); } else { v = GET_DOUBLE_VAL(value); } int32_t index = -1; if (v > pBucket->range.dMaxVal || v < pBucket->range.dMinVal) { return index; } // divide a range of [dMinVal, dMaxVal] into 1024 buckets double span = pBucket->range.dMaxVal - pBucket->range.dMinVal; if (span < pBucket->numOfSlots) { int32_t delta = (int32_t)(v - pBucket->range.dMinVal); index = (delta % pBucket->numOfSlots); } else { double slotSpan = span / pBucket->numOfSlots; index = (int32_t)((v - pBucket->range.dMinVal) / slotSpan); if (v == pBucket->range.dMaxVal) { index -= 1; } } assert(index >= 0 && index < pBucket->numOfSlots); return index; } static __perc_hash_func_t getHashFunc(int32_t type) { if (IS_SIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(type)) { return tBucketIntHash; } else if (IS_UNSIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(type)) { return tBucketUintHash; } else { return tBucketDoubleHash; } } static void resetSlotInfo(tMemBucket *pBucket) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < pBucket->numOfSlots; ++i) { tMemBucketSlot *pSlot = &pBucket->pSlots[i]; resetBoundingBox(&pSlot->range, pBucket->type); resetPosInfo(&pSlot->info); } } tMemBucket *tMemBucketCreate(int16_t nElemSize, int16_t dataType, double minval, double maxval) { tMemBucket *pBucket = (tMemBucket *)taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(tMemBucket)); if (pBucket == NULL) { return NULL; } pBucket->numOfSlots = DEFAULT_NUM_OF_SLOT; pBucket->bufPageSize = 16384 * 4; // 16k per page pBucket->type = dataType; pBucket->bytes = nElemSize; pBucket->total = 0; pBucket->times = 1; pBucket->maxCapacity = 200000; pBucket->groupPagesMap = taosHashInit(128, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT), false, HASH_NO_LOCK); if (setBoundingBox(&pBucket->range, pBucket->type, minval, maxval) != 0) { // qError("MemBucket:%p, invalid value range: %f-%f", pBucket, minval, maxval); taosMemoryFree(pBucket); return NULL; } pBucket->elemPerPage = (pBucket->bufPageSize - sizeof(SFilePage)) / pBucket->bytes; pBucket->comparFn = getKeyComparFunc(pBucket->type, TSDB_ORDER_ASC); pBucket->hashFunc = getHashFunc(pBucket->type); if (pBucket->hashFunc == NULL) { // qError("MemBucket:%p, not support data type %d, failed", pBucket, pBucket->type); taosMemoryFree(pBucket); return NULL; } pBucket->pSlots = (tMemBucketSlot *)taosMemoryCalloc(pBucket->numOfSlots, sizeof(tMemBucketSlot)); if (pBucket->pSlots == NULL) { taosMemoryFree(pBucket); return NULL; } resetSlotInfo(pBucket); if (!osTempSpaceAvailable()) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_NO_AVAIL_DISK; // qError("MemBucket create disk based Buf failed since %s", terrstr(terrno)); tMemBucketDestroy(pBucket); return NULL; } int32_t ret = createDiskbasedBuf(&pBucket->pBuffer, pBucket->bufPageSize, pBucket->bufPageSize * 512, "1", tsTempDir); if (ret != 0) { tMemBucketDestroy(pBucket); return NULL; } // qDebug("MemBucket:%p, elem size:%d", pBucket, pBucket->bytes); return pBucket; } void tMemBucketDestroy(tMemBucket *pBucket) { if (pBucket == NULL) { return; } void *p = taosHashIterate(pBucket->groupPagesMap, NULL); while (p) { SArray **p1 = p; p = taosHashIterate(pBucket->groupPagesMap, p); taosArrayDestroy(*p1); } destroyDiskbasedBuf(pBucket->pBuffer); taosMemoryFreeClear(pBucket->pSlots); taosHashCleanup(pBucket->groupPagesMap); taosMemoryFreeClear(pBucket); } void tMemBucketUpdateBoundingBox(MinMaxEntry *r, const char *data, int32_t dataType) { if (IS_SIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(dataType)) { int64_t v = 0; GET_TYPED_DATA(v, int64_t, dataType, data); if (r->i64MinVal > v) { r->i64MinVal = v; } if (r->i64MaxVal < v) { r->i64MaxVal = v; } } else if (IS_UNSIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(dataType)) { uint64_t v = 0; GET_TYPED_DATA(v, uint64_t, dataType, data); if (r->i64MinVal > v) { r->i64MinVal = v; } if (r->i64MaxVal < v) { r->i64MaxVal = v; } } else if (IS_FLOAT_TYPE(dataType)) { double v = 0; GET_TYPED_DATA(v, double, dataType, data); if (r->dMinVal > v) { r->dMinVal = v; } if (r->dMaxVal < v) { r->dMaxVal = v; } } else { assert(0); } } /* * in memory bucket, we only accept data array list */ int32_t tMemBucketPut(tMemBucket *pBucket, const void *data, size_t size) { assert(pBucket != NULL && data != NULL && size > 0); int32_t count = 0; int32_t bytes = pBucket->bytes; for (int32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { char *d = (char *)data + i * bytes; int32_t index = (pBucket->hashFunc)(pBucket, d); if (index < 0) { continue; } count += 1; tMemBucketSlot *pSlot = &pBucket->pSlots[index]; tMemBucketUpdateBoundingBox(&pSlot->range, d, pBucket->type); // ensure available memory pages to allocate int32_t groupId = getGroupId(pBucket->numOfSlots, index, pBucket->times); int32_t pageId = -1; if (pSlot->info.data == NULL || pSlot->info.data->num >= pBucket->elemPerPage) { if (pSlot->info.data != NULL) { assert(pSlot->info.data->num >= pBucket->elemPerPage && pSlot->info.size > 0); // keep the pointer in memory releaseBufPage(pBucket->pBuffer, pSlot->info.data); pSlot->info.data = NULL; } SArray *pPageIdList = (SArray *)taosHashGet(pBucket->groupPagesMap, &groupId, sizeof(groupId)); if (pPageIdList == NULL) { SArray *pList = taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(int32_t)); taosHashPut(pBucket->groupPagesMap, &groupId, sizeof(groupId), &pList, POINTER_BYTES); pPageIdList = pList; } pSlot->info.data = getNewBufPage(pBucket->pBuffer, &pageId); pSlot->info.pageId = pageId; taosArrayPush(pPageIdList, &pageId); } memcpy(pSlot->info.data->data + pSlot->info.data->num * pBucket->bytes, d, pBucket->bytes); pSlot->info.data->num += 1; pSlot->info.size += 1; } pBucket->total += count; return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * * now, we need to find the minimum value of the next slot for * interpolating the percentile value * j is the last slot of current segment, we need to get the first * slot of the next segment. */ static MinMaxEntry getMinMaxEntryOfNextSlotWithData(tMemBucket *pMemBucket, int32_t slotIdx) { int32_t j = slotIdx + 1; while (j < pMemBucket->numOfSlots && (pMemBucket->pSlots[j].info.size == 0)) { ++j; } assert(j < pMemBucket->numOfSlots); return pMemBucket->pSlots[j].range; } static bool isIdenticalData(tMemBucket *pMemBucket, int32_t index); static double getIdenticalDataVal(tMemBucket *pMemBucket, int32_t slotIndex) { assert(isIdenticalData(pMemBucket, slotIndex)); tMemBucketSlot *pSlot = &pMemBucket->pSlots[slotIndex]; double finalResult = 0.0; if (IS_SIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(pMemBucket->type)) { finalResult = (double)pSlot->range.i64MinVal; } else if (IS_UNSIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(pMemBucket->type)) { finalResult = (double)pSlot->range.u64MinVal; } else { finalResult = (double)pSlot->range.dMinVal; } return finalResult; } double getPercentileImpl(tMemBucket *pMemBucket, int32_t count, double fraction) { int32_t num = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < pMemBucket->numOfSlots; ++i) { tMemBucketSlot *pSlot = &pMemBucket->pSlots[i]; if (pSlot->info.size == 0) { continue; } // required value in current slot if (num < (count + 1) && num + pSlot->info.size >= (count + 1)) { if (pSlot->info.size + num == (count + 1)) { /* * now, we need to find the minimum value of the next slot for interpolating the percentile value * j is the last slot of current segment, we need to get the first slot of the next segment. */ MinMaxEntry next = getMinMaxEntryOfNextSlotWithData(pMemBucket, i); double maxOfThisSlot = 0; double minOfNextSlot = 0; if (IS_SIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(pMemBucket->type)) { maxOfThisSlot = (double)pSlot->range.i64MaxVal; minOfNextSlot = (double)next.i64MinVal; } else if (IS_UNSIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(pMemBucket->type)) { maxOfThisSlot = (double)pSlot->range.u64MaxVal; minOfNextSlot = (double)next.u64MinVal; } else { maxOfThisSlot = (double)pSlot->range.dMaxVal; minOfNextSlot = (double)next.dMinVal; } assert(minOfNextSlot > maxOfThisSlot); double val = (1 - fraction) * maxOfThisSlot + fraction * minOfNextSlot; return val; } if (pSlot->info.size <= pMemBucket->maxCapacity) { // data in buffer and file are merged together to be processed. SFilePage *buffer = loadDataFromFilePage(pMemBucket, i); int32_t currentIdx = count - num; char *thisVal = buffer->data + pMemBucket->bytes * currentIdx; char *nextVal = thisVal + pMemBucket->bytes; double td = 1.0, nd = 1.0; GET_TYPED_DATA(td, double, pMemBucket->type, thisVal); GET_TYPED_DATA(nd, double, pMemBucket->type, nextVal); double val = (1 - fraction) * td + fraction * nd; taosMemoryFreeClear(buffer); return val; } else { // incur a second round bucket split if (isIdenticalData(pMemBucket, i)) { return getIdenticalDataVal(pMemBucket, i); } // try next round pMemBucket->times += 1; // qDebug("MemBucket:%p, start next round data bucketing, time:%d", pMemBucket, pMemBucket->times); pMemBucket->range = pSlot->range; pMemBucket->total = 0; resetSlotInfo(pMemBucket); int32_t groupId = getGroupId(pMemBucket->numOfSlots, i, pMemBucket->times - 1); SIDList list = taosHashGet(pMemBucket->groupPagesMap, &groupId, sizeof(groupId)); ASSERT(list != NULL && list->size > 0); for (int32_t f = 0; f < list->size; ++f) { SPageInfo *pgInfo = *(SPageInfo **)taosArrayGet(list, f); SFilePage *pg = getBufPage(pMemBucket->pBuffer, getPageId(pgInfo)); tMemBucketPut(pMemBucket, pg->data, (int32_t)pg->num); releaseBufPageInfo(pMemBucket->pBuffer, pgInfo); } return getPercentileImpl(pMemBucket, count - num, fraction); } } else { num += pSlot->info.size; } } return 0; } double getPercentile(tMemBucket *pMemBucket, double percent) { if (pMemBucket->total == 0) { return 0.0; } // if only one elements exists, return it if (pMemBucket->total == 1) { return findOnlyResult(pMemBucket); } percent = fabs(percent); // find the min/max value, no need to scan all data in bucket if (fabs(percent - 100.0) < DBL_EPSILON || (percent < DBL_EPSILON)) { MinMaxEntry *pRange = &pMemBucket->range; if (IS_SIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(pMemBucket->type)) { double v = (double)(fabs(percent - 100) < DBL_EPSILON ? pRange->i64MaxVal : pRange->i64MinVal); return v; } else if (IS_UNSIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(pMemBucket->type)) { double v = (double)(fabs(percent - 100) < DBL_EPSILON ? pRange->u64MaxVal : pRange->u64MinVal); return v; } else { return fabs(percent - 100) < DBL_EPSILON ? pRange->dMaxVal : pRange->dMinVal; } } double percentVal = (percent * (pMemBucket->total - 1)) / ((double)100.0); // do put data by using buckets int32_t orderIdx = (int32_t)percentVal; return getPercentileImpl(pMemBucket, orderIdx, percentVal - orderIdx); } /* * check if data in one slot are all identical only need to compare with the bounding box */ bool isIdenticalData(tMemBucket *pMemBucket, int32_t index) { tMemBucketSlot *pSeg = &pMemBucket->pSlots[index]; if (IS_FLOAT_TYPE(pMemBucket->type)) { return fabs(pSeg->range.dMaxVal - pSeg->range.dMinVal) < DBL_EPSILON; } else { return pSeg->range.i64MinVal == pSeg->range.i64MaxVal; } }