/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE #include "tlog.h" #include "os.h" #include "tconfig.h" #include "tutil.h" #include "tjson.h" #include "tglobal.h" #define LOG_MAX_LINE_SIZE (1024) #define LOG_MAX_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE (LOG_MAX_LINE_SIZE + 3) #define LOG_MAX_LINE_DUMP_SIZE (1024 * 1024) #define LOG_MAX_LINE_DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE (LOG_MAX_LINE_DUMP_SIZE + 3) #define LOG_FILE_NAME_LEN 300 #define LOG_DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE (20 * 1024 * 1024) // 20MB #define LOG_DEFAULT_INTERVAL 25 #define LOG_INTERVAL_STEP 5 #define LOG_MIN_INTERVAL 5 #define LOG_MAX_INTERVAL 25 #define LOG_MAX_WAIT_MSEC 1000 #define LOG_BUF_BUFFER(x) ((x)->buffer) #define LOG_BUF_START(x) ((x)->buffStart) #define LOG_BUF_END(x) ((x)->buffEnd) #define LOG_BUF_SIZE(x) ((x)->buffSize) #define LOG_BUF_MUTEX(x) ((x)->buffMutex) typedef struct { char *buffer; int32_t buffStart; int32_t buffEnd; int32_t buffSize; int32_t minBuffSize; TdFilePtr pFile; int32_t stop; TdThread asyncThread; TdThreadMutex buffMutex; } SLogBuff; typedef struct { int32_t fileNum; int32_t maxLines; int32_t lines; int32_t flag; int32_t openInProgress; pid_t pid; char logName[LOG_FILE_NAME_LEN]; SLogBuff *logHandle; TdThreadMutex logMutex; } SLogObj; extern SConfig *tsCfg; static int8_t tsLogInited = 0; static SLogObj tsLogObj = {.fileNum = 1}; static int64_t tsAsyncLogLostLines = 0; static int32_t tsWriteInterval = LOG_DEFAULT_INTERVAL; static int32_t tsDaylightActive; /* Currently in daylight saving time. */ bool tsLogEmbedded = 0; bool tsAsyncLog = true; bool tsAssert = true; int32_t tsNumOfLogLines = 10000000; int32_t tsLogKeepDays = 0; LogFp tsLogFp = NULL; int64_t tsNumOfErrorLogs = 0; int64_t tsNumOfInfoLogs = 0; int64_t tsNumOfDebugLogs = 0; int64_t tsNumOfTraceLogs = 0; // log int32_t dDebugFlag = 131; int32_t vDebugFlag = 131; int32_t mDebugFlag = 131; int32_t cDebugFlag = 131; int32_t jniDebugFlag = 131; int32_t tmrDebugFlag = 131; int32_t uDebugFlag = 131; int32_t rpcDebugFlag = 131; int32_t qDebugFlag = 131; int32_t wDebugFlag = 131; int32_t sDebugFlag = 131; int32_t tsdbDebugFlag = 131; int32_t tdbDebugFlag = 131; int32_t tqDebugFlag = 131; int32_t fsDebugFlag = 131; int32_t metaDebugFlag = 131; int32_t udfDebugFlag = 131; int32_t smaDebugFlag = 131; int32_t idxDebugFlag = 131; int64_t dbgEmptyW = 0; int64_t dbgWN = 0; int64_t dbgSmallWN = 0; int64_t dbgBigWN = 0; int64_t dbgWSize = 0; static void *taosAsyncOutputLog(void *param); static int32_t taosPushLogBuffer(SLogBuff *pLogBuf, const char *msg, int32_t msgLen); static SLogBuff *taosLogBuffNew(int32_t bufSize); static void taosCloseLogByFd(TdFilePtr pFile); static int32_t taosOpenLogFile(char *fn, int32_t maxLines, int32_t maxFileNum); static int32_t taosCompressFile(char *srcFileName, char *destFileName); static FORCE_INLINE void taosUpdateDaylight() { struct tm Tm, *ptm; struct timeval timeSecs; taosGetTimeOfDay(&timeSecs); time_t curTime = timeSecs.tv_sec; ptm = taosLocalTime(&curTime, &Tm); tsDaylightActive = ptm->tm_isdst; } static FORCE_INLINE int32_t taosGetDaylight() { return tsDaylightActive; } static int32_t taosStartLog() { TdThreadAttr threadAttr; taosThreadAttrInit(&threadAttr); if (taosThreadCreate(&(tsLogObj.logHandle->asyncThread), &threadAttr, taosAsyncOutputLog, tsLogObj.logHandle) != 0) { return -1; } taosThreadAttrDestroy(&threadAttr); return 0; } int32_t taosInitLog(const char *logName, int32_t maxFiles) { if (atomic_val_compare_exchange_8(&tsLogInited, 0, 1) != 0) return 0; osUpdate(); char fullName[PATH_MAX] = {0}; if (strlen(tsLogDir) != 0) { snprintf(fullName, PATH_MAX, "%s" TD_DIRSEP "%s", tsLogDir, logName); } else { snprintf(fullName, PATH_MAX, "%s", logName); } taosUpdateDaylight(); tsLogObj.logHandle = taosLogBuffNew(LOG_DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE); if (tsLogObj.logHandle == NULL) return -1; if (taosOpenLogFile(fullName, tsNumOfLogLines, maxFiles) < 0) return -1; if (taosStartLog() < 0) return -1; return 0; } static void taosStopLog() { if (tsLogObj.logHandle) { tsLogObj.logHandle->stop = 1; } } void taosCloseLog() { if (tsLogObj.logHandle != NULL) { taosStopLog(); if (tsLogObj.logHandle != NULL && taosCheckPthreadValid(tsLogObj.logHandle->asyncThread)) { taosThreadJoin(tsLogObj.logHandle->asyncThread, NULL); taosThreadClear(&tsLogObj.logHandle->asyncThread); } tsLogInited = 0; taosThreadMutexDestroy(&tsLogObj.logHandle->buffMutex); taosCloseFile(&tsLogObj.logHandle->pFile); taosMemoryFreeClear(tsLogObj.logHandle->buffer); memset(&tsLogObj.logHandle->buffer, 0, sizeof(tsLogObj.logHandle->buffer)); taosThreadMutexDestroy(&tsLogObj.logMutex); taosMemoryFreeClear(tsLogObj.logHandle); memset(&tsLogObj.logHandle, 0, sizeof(tsLogObj.logHandle)); tsLogObj.logHandle = NULL; } } static bool taosLockLogFile(TdFilePtr pFile) { if (pFile == NULL) return false; if (tsLogObj.fileNum > 1) { int32_t ret = taosLockFile(pFile); if (ret == 0) { return true; } } return false; } static void taosUnLockLogFile(TdFilePtr pFile) { if (pFile == NULL) return; if (tsLogObj.fileNum > 1) { taosUnLockFile(pFile); } } static void taosKeepOldLog(char *oldName) { if (tsLogKeepDays == 0) return; int64_t fileSec = taosGetTimestampSec(); char fileName[LOG_FILE_NAME_LEN + 20]; snprintf(fileName, LOG_FILE_NAME_LEN + 20, "%s.%" PRId64, tsLogObj.logName, fileSec); (void)taosRenameFile(oldName, fileName); if (tsLogKeepDays < 0) { char compressFileName[LOG_FILE_NAME_LEN + 20]; snprintf(compressFileName, LOG_FILE_NAME_LEN + 20, "%s.%" PRId64 ".gz", tsLogObj.logName, fileSec); if (taosCompressFile(fileName, compressFileName) == 0) { (void)taosRemoveFile(fileName); } } taosRemoveOldFiles(tsLogDir, TABS(tsLogKeepDays)); } static void *taosThreadToOpenNewFile(void *param) { char keepName[LOG_FILE_NAME_LEN + 20]; sprintf(keepName, "%s.%d", tsLogObj.logName, tsLogObj.flag); tsLogObj.flag ^= 1; tsLogObj.lines = 0; char name[LOG_FILE_NAME_LEN + 20]; sprintf(name, "%s.%d", tsLogObj.logName, tsLogObj.flag); taosUmaskFile(0); TdFilePtr pFile = taosOpenFile(name, TD_FILE_CREATE | TD_FILE_WRITE | TD_FILE_TRUNC); if (pFile == NULL) { tsLogObj.openInProgress = 0; tsLogObj.lines = tsLogObj.maxLines - 1000; uError("open new log file fail! reason:%s, reuse lastlog", strerror(errno)); return NULL; } taosLockLogFile(pFile); (void)taosLSeekFile(pFile, 0, SEEK_SET); TdFilePtr pOldFile = tsLogObj.logHandle->pFile; tsLogObj.logHandle->pFile = pFile; tsLogObj.lines = 0; tsLogObj.openInProgress = 0; taosSsleep(20); taosCloseLogByFd(pOldFile); uInfo(" new log file:%d is opened", tsLogObj.flag); uInfo("=================================="); taosKeepOldLog(keepName); return NULL; } static int32_t taosOpenNewLogFile() { taosThreadMutexLock(&tsLogObj.logMutex); if (tsLogObj.lines > tsLogObj.maxLines && tsLogObj.openInProgress == 0) { tsLogObj.openInProgress = 1; uInfo("open new log file ......"); TdThread thread; TdThreadAttr attr; taosThreadAttrInit(&attr); taosThreadAttrSetDetachState(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); taosThreadCreate(&thread, &attr, taosThreadToOpenNewFile, NULL); taosThreadAttrDestroy(&attr); } taosThreadMutexUnlock(&tsLogObj.logMutex); return 0; } void taosResetLog() { char lastName[LOG_FILE_NAME_LEN + 20]; sprintf(lastName, "%s.%d", tsLogObj.logName, tsLogObj.flag); // force create a new log file tsLogObj.lines = tsLogObj.maxLines + 10; taosOpenNewLogFile(); (void)taosRemoveFile(lastName); uInfo("=================================="); uInfo(" reset log file "); } static bool taosCheckFileIsOpen(char *logFileName) { TdFilePtr pFile = taosOpenFile(logFileName, TD_FILE_WRITE); if (pFile == NULL) { if (errno == ENOENT) { return false; } else { printf("\nfailed to open log file:%s, reason:%s\n", logFileName, strerror(errno)); return true; } } if (taosLockLogFile(pFile)) { taosUnLockLogFile(pFile); taosCloseFile(&pFile); return false; } else { taosCloseFile(&pFile); return true; } } static void taosGetLogFileName(char *fn) { if (tsLogObj.fileNum > 1) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < tsLogObj.fileNum; i++) { char fileName[LOG_FILE_NAME_LEN]; snprintf(fileName, LOG_FILE_NAME_LEN, "%s%d.0", fn, i); bool file1open = taosCheckFileIsOpen(fileName); snprintf(fileName, LOG_FILE_NAME_LEN, "%s%d.1", fn, i); bool file2open = taosCheckFileIsOpen(fileName); if (!file1open && !file2open) { snprintf(tsLogObj.logName, LOG_FILE_NAME_LEN, "%s%d", fn, i); return; } } } if (strlen(fn) < LOG_FILE_NAME_LEN) { strcpy(tsLogObj.logName, fn); } } static int32_t taosOpenLogFile(char *fn, int32_t maxLines, int32_t maxFileNum) { #ifdef WINDOWS /* * always set maxFileNum to 1 * means client log filename is unique in windows */ maxFileNum = 1; #endif char name[LOG_FILE_NAME_LEN + 50] = "\0"; int32_t logstat0_mtime, logstat1_mtime; int32_t size; tsLogObj.maxLines = maxLines; tsLogObj.fileNum = maxFileNum; taosGetLogFileName(fn); if (strlen(fn) < LOG_FILE_NAME_LEN + 50 - 2) { strcpy(name, fn); strcat(name, ".0"); } bool log0Exist = taosStatFile(name, NULL, &logstat0_mtime) >= 0; if (strlen(fn) < LOG_FILE_NAME_LEN + 50 - 2) { strcpy(name, fn); strcat(name, ".1"); } bool log1Exist = taosStatFile(name, NULL, &logstat1_mtime) >= 0; // if none of the log files exist, open 0, if both exists, open the old one if (!log0Exist && !log1Exist) { tsLogObj.flag = 0; } else if (!log1Exist) { tsLogObj.flag = 0; } else if (!log0Exist) { tsLogObj.flag = 1; } else { tsLogObj.flag = (logstat0_mtime > logstat1_mtime) ? 0 : 1; } char fileName[LOG_FILE_NAME_LEN + 50] = "\0"; sprintf(fileName, "%s.%d", tsLogObj.logName, tsLogObj.flag); taosThreadMutexInit(&tsLogObj.logMutex, NULL); taosUmaskFile(0); tsLogObj.logHandle->pFile = taosOpenFile(fileName, TD_FILE_CREATE | TD_FILE_WRITE); if (tsLogObj.logHandle->pFile == NULL) { printf("\nfailed to open log file:%s, reason:%s\n", fileName, strerror(errno)); return -1; } taosLockLogFile(tsLogObj.logHandle->pFile); // only an estimate for number of lines int64_t filesize = 0; if (taosFStatFile(tsLogObj.logHandle->pFile, &filesize, NULL) < 0) { printf("\nfailed to fstat log file:%s, reason:%s\n", fileName, strerror(errno)); return -1; } size = (int32_t)filesize; tsLogObj.lines = size / 60; taosLSeekFile(tsLogObj.logHandle->pFile, 0, SEEK_END); sprintf(name, "==================================================\n"); taosWriteFile(tsLogObj.logHandle->pFile, name, (uint32_t)strlen(name)); sprintf(name, " new log file \n"); taosWriteFile(tsLogObj.logHandle->pFile, name, (uint32_t)strlen(name)); sprintf(name, "==================================================\n"); taosWriteFile(tsLogObj.logHandle->pFile, name, (uint32_t)strlen(name)); return 0; } static void taosUpdateLogNums(ELogLevel level) { switch (level) { case DEBUG_ERROR: atomic_add_fetch_64(&tsNumOfErrorLogs, 1); break; case DEBUG_INFO: atomic_add_fetch_64(&tsNumOfInfoLogs, 1); break; case DEBUG_DEBUG: atomic_add_fetch_64(&tsNumOfDebugLogs, 1); break; case DEBUG_DUMP: case DEBUG_TRACE: atomic_add_fetch_64(&tsNumOfTraceLogs, 1); break; default: break; } } static inline int32_t taosBuildLogHead(char *buffer, const char *flags) { struct tm Tm, *ptm; struct timeval timeSecs; taosGetTimeOfDay(&timeSecs); time_t curTime = timeSecs.tv_sec; ptm = taosLocalTime(&curTime, &Tm); return sprintf(buffer, "%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%06d %08" PRId64 " %s", ptm->tm_mon + 1, ptm->tm_mday, ptm->tm_hour, ptm->tm_min, ptm->tm_sec, (int32_t)timeSecs.tv_usec, taosGetSelfPthreadId(), flags); } static inline void taosPrintLogImp(ELogLevel level, int32_t dflag, const char *buffer, int32_t len) { if ((dflag & DEBUG_FILE) && tsLogObj.logHandle && tsLogObj.logHandle->pFile != NULL && osLogSpaceAvailable()) { taosUpdateLogNums(level); #if 0 // DEBUG_FATAL and DEBUG_ERROR are duplicated // fsync will cause thread blocking and may also generate log misalignment in case of asyncLog if (tsAsyncLog && level != DEBUG_FATAL) { taosPushLogBuffer(tsLogObj.logHandle, buffer, len); } else { taosWriteFile(tsLogObj.logHandle->pFile, buffer, len); if (level == DEBUG_FATAL) { taosFsyncFile(tsLogObj.logHandle->pFile); } } #else if (tsAsyncLog) { taosPushLogBuffer(tsLogObj.logHandle, buffer, len); } else { taosWriteFile(tsLogObj.logHandle->pFile, buffer, len); } #endif if (tsLogObj.maxLines > 0) { atomic_add_fetch_32(&tsLogObj.lines, 1); if ((tsLogObj.lines > tsLogObj.maxLines) && (tsLogObj.openInProgress == 0)) { taosOpenNewLogFile(); } } } if (dflag & DEBUG_SCREEN) { #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-result" write(1, buffer, (uint32_t)len); #pragma GCC diagnostic pop } } void taosPrintLog(const char *flags, ELogLevel level, int32_t dflag, const char *format, ...) { if (!(dflag & DEBUG_FILE) && !(dflag & DEBUG_SCREEN)) return; char buffer[LOG_MAX_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE]; int32_t len = taosBuildLogHead(buffer, flags); va_list argpointer; va_start(argpointer, format); int32_t writeLen = len + vsnprintf(buffer + len, LOG_MAX_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE - len, format, argpointer); va_end(argpointer); if (writeLen > LOG_MAX_LINE_SIZE) writeLen = LOG_MAX_LINE_SIZE; buffer[writeLen++] = '\n'; buffer[writeLen] = 0; taosPrintLogImp(level, dflag, buffer, writeLen); if (tsLogFp && level <= DEBUG_INFO) { buffer[writeLen - 1] = 0; (*tsLogFp)(taosGetTimestampMs(), level, buffer + len); } } void taosPrintLongString(const char *flags, ELogLevel level, int32_t dflag, const char *format, ...) { if (!osLogSpaceAvailable()) return; if (!(dflag & DEBUG_FILE) && !(dflag & DEBUG_SCREEN)) return; char *buffer = taosMemoryMalloc(LOG_MAX_LINE_DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE); int32_t len = taosBuildLogHead(buffer, flags); va_list argpointer; va_start(argpointer, format); len += vsnprintf(buffer + len, LOG_MAX_LINE_DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE - len, format, argpointer); va_end(argpointer); if (len > LOG_MAX_LINE_DUMP_SIZE) len = LOG_MAX_LINE_DUMP_SIZE; buffer[len++] = '\n'; buffer[len] = 0; taosPrintLogImp(level, dflag, buffer, len); taosMemoryFree(buffer); } void taosDumpData(unsigned char *msg, int32_t len) { if (!osLogSpaceAvailable()) return; taosUpdateLogNums(DEBUG_DUMP); char temp[256] = {0}; int32_t i, pos = 0, c = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { sprintf(temp + pos, "%02x ", msg[i]); c++; pos += 3; if (c >= 16) { temp[pos++] = '\n'; taosWriteFile(tsLogObj.logHandle->pFile, temp, (uint32_t)pos); c = 0; pos = 0; } } temp[pos++] = '\n'; taosWriteFile(tsLogObj.logHandle->pFile, temp, (uint32_t)pos); } static void taosCloseLogByFd(TdFilePtr pFile) { if (pFile != NULL) { taosUnLockLogFile(pFile); taosCloseFile(&pFile); } } static SLogBuff *taosLogBuffNew(int32_t bufSize) { SLogBuff *pLogBuf = NULL; pLogBuf = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SLogBuff)); if (pLogBuf == NULL) return NULL; LOG_BUF_BUFFER(pLogBuf) = taosMemoryMalloc(bufSize); if (LOG_BUF_BUFFER(pLogBuf) == NULL) goto _err; LOG_BUF_START(pLogBuf) = LOG_BUF_END(pLogBuf) = 0; LOG_BUF_SIZE(pLogBuf) = bufSize; pLogBuf->minBuffSize = bufSize / 10; pLogBuf->stop = 0; if (taosThreadMutexInit(&LOG_BUF_MUTEX(pLogBuf), NULL) < 0) goto _err; // tsem_init(&(pLogBuf->buffNotEmpty), 0, 0); return pLogBuf; _err: taosMemoryFreeClear(LOG_BUF_BUFFER(pLogBuf)); taosMemoryFreeClear(pLogBuf); return NULL; } static void taosCopyLogBuffer(SLogBuff *pLogBuf, int32_t start, int32_t end, const char *msg, int32_t msgLen) { if (start > end) { memcpy(LOG_BUF_BUFFER(pLogBuf) + end, msg, msgLen); } else { if (LOG_BUF_SIZE(pLogBuf) - end < msgLen) { memcpy(LOG_BUF_BUFFER(pLogBuf) + end, msg, LOG_BUF_SIZE(pLogBuf) - end); memcpy(LOG_BUF_BUFFER(pLogBuf), msg + LOG_BUF_SIZE(pLogBuf) - end, msgLen - LOG_BUF_SIZE(pLogBuf) + end); } else { memcpy(LOG_BUF_BUFFER(pLogBuf) + end, msg, msgLen); } } LOG_BUF_END(pLogBuf) = (LOG_BUF_END(pLogBuf) + msgLen) % LOG_BUF_SIZE(pLogBuf); } static int32_t taosPushLogBuffer(SLogBuff *pLogBuf, const char *msg, int32_t msgLen) { int32_t start = 0; int32_t end = 0; int32_t remainSize = 0; static int64_t lostLine = 0; char tmpBuf[128] = {0}; int32_t tmpBufLen = 0; if (pLogBuf == NULL || pLogBuf->stop) return -1; taosThreadMutexLock(&LOG_BUF_MUTEX(pLogBuf)); start = LOG_BUF_START(pLogBuf); end = LOG_BUF_END(pLogBuf); remainSize = (start > end) ? (start - end - 1) : (start + LOG_BUF_SIZE(pLogBuf) - end - 1); if (lostLine > 0) { snprintf(tmpBuf, tListLen(tmpBuf), "...Lost %" PRId64 " lines here...\n", lostLine); tmpBufLen = (int32_t)strlen(tmpBuf); } if (remainSize <= msgLen || ((lostLine > 0) && (remainSize <= (msgLen + tmpBufLen)))) { lostLine++; tsAsyncLogLostLines++; taosThreadMutexUnlock(&LOG_BUF_MUTEX(pLogBuf)); return -1; } if (lostLine > 0) { taosCopyLogBuffer(pLogBuf, start, end, tmpBuf, tmpBufLen); lostLine = 0; } taosCopyLogBuffer(pLogBuf, LOG_BUF_START(pLogBuf), LOG_BUF_END(pLogBuf), msg, msgLen); // int32_t w = atomic_sub_fetch_32(&waitLock, 1); /* if (w <= 0 || ((remainSize - msgLen - tmpBufLen) < (LOG_BUF_SIZE(pLogBuf) * 4 /5))) { tsem_post(&(pLogBuf->buffNotEmpty)); dbgPostN++; } else { dbgNoPostN++; } */ taosThreadMutexUnlock(&LOG_BUF_MUTEX(pLogBuf)); return 0; } static int32_t taosGetLogRemainSize(SLogBuff *pLogBuf, int32_t start, int32_t end) { int32_t rSize = end - start; return rSize >= 0 ? rSize : LOG_BUF_SIZE(pLogBuf) + rSize; } static void taosWriteLog(SLogBuff *pLogBuf) { static int32_t lastDuration = 0; int32_t remainChecked = 0; int32_t start, end, pollSize; do { if (remainChecked == 0) { start = LOG_BUF_START(pLogBuf); end = LOG_BUF_END(pLogBuf); if (start == end) { dbgEmptyW++; tsWriteInterval = LOG_MAX_INTERVAL; return; } pollSize = taosGetLogRemainSize(pLogBuf, start, end); if (pollSize < pLogBuf->minBuffSize) { lastDuration += tsWriteInterval; if (lastDuration < LOG_MAX_WAIT_MSEC) { break; } } lastDuration = 0; } if (start < end) { taosWriteFile(pLogBuf->pFile, LOG_BUF_BUFFER(pLogBuf) + start, pollSize); } else { int32_t tsize = LOG_BUF_SIZE(pLogBuf) - start; taosWriteFile(pLogBuf->pFile, LOG_BUF_BUFFER(pLogBuf) + start, tsize); taosWriteFile(pLogBuf->pFile, LOG_BUF_BUFFER(pLogBuf), end); } dbgWN++; dbgWSize += pollSize; if (pollSize < pLogBuf->minBuffSize) { dbgSmallWN++; if (tsWriteInterval < LOG_MAX_INTERVAL) { tsWriteInterval += LOG_INTERVAL_STEP; } } else if (pollSize > LOG_BUF_SIZE(pLogBuf) / 3) { dbgBigWN++; tsWriteInterval = LOG_MIN_INTERVAL; } else if (pollSize > LOG_BUF_SIZE(pLogBuf) / 4) { if (tsWriteInterval > LOG_MIN_INTERVAL) { tsWriteInterval -= LOG_INTERVAL_STEP; } } LOG_BUF_START(pLogBuf) = (LOG_BUF_START(pLogBuf) + pollSize) % LOG_BUF_SIZE(pLogBuf); start = LOG_BUF_START(pLogBuf); end = LOG_BUF_END(pLogBuf); pollSize = taosGetLogRemainSize(pLogBuf, start, end); if (pollSize < pLogBuf->minBuffSize) { break; } tsWriteInterval = LOG_MIN_INTERVAL; remainChecked = 1; } while (1); } static void *taosAsyncOutputLog(void *param) { SLogBuff *pLogBuf = (SLogBuff *)param; setThreadName("log"); int32_t count = 0; int32_t updateCron = 0; while (1) { count += tsWriteInterval; updateCron++; taosMsleep(tsWriteInterval); if (count > 1000) { osUpdate(); count = 0; } // Polling the buffer taosWriteLog(pLogBuf); if (updateCron >= 3600 * 24 * 40 / 2) { taosUpdateDaylight(); updateCron = 0; } if (pLogBuf->stop) break; } return NULL; } int32_t taosCompressFile(char *srcFileName, char *destFileName) { int32_t compressSize = 163840; int32_t ret = 0; int32_t len = 0; char *data = taosMemoryMalloc(compressSize); // gzFile dstFp = NULL; // srcFp = fopen(srcFileName, "r"); TdFilePtr pSrcFile = taosOpenFile(srcFileName, TD_FILE_READ); if (pSrcFile == NULL) { ret = -1; goto cmp_end; } TdFilePtr pFile = taosOpenFile(destFileName, TD_FILE_CREATE | TD_FILE_WRITE | TD_FILE_TRUNC); if (pFile == NULL) { ret = -2; goto cmp_end; } // dstFp = gzdopen(fd, "wb6f"); // if (dstFp == NULL) { // ret = -3; // close(fd); // goto cmp_end; // } // // while (!feof(srcFp)) { // len = (int32_t)fread(data, 1, compressSize, srcFp); // (void)gzwrite(dstFp, data, len); // } cmp_end: if (pSrcFile) { taosCloseFile(&pSrcFile); } // if (dstFp) { // gzclose(dstFp); // } taosMemoryFree(data); return ret; } bool taosAssertDebug(bool condition, const char *file, int32_t line, const char *format, ...) { if (condition) return false; const char *flags = "UTL FATAL "; ELogLevel level = DEBUG_FATAL; int32_t dflag = 255; // tsLogEmbedded ? 255 : uDebugFlag char buffer[LOG_MAX_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE]; int32_t len = taosBuildLogHead(buffer, flags); va_list argpointer; va_start(argpointer, format); len = len + vsnprintf(buffer + len, LOG_MAX_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE - len, format, argpointer); va_end(argpointer); buffer[len++] = '\n'; buffer[len] = 0; taosPrintLogImp(1, 255, buffer, len); taosPrintLog(flags, level, dflag, "tAssert at file %s:%d exit:%d", file, line, tsAssert); taosPrintTrace(flags, level, dflag, -1); if (tsAssert) { // taosCloseLog(); taosMsleep(300); #ifdef NDEBUG abort(); #else assert(0); #endif } return true; } int32_t taosGenCrashJsonMsg(int signum, char** pMsg, int64_t clusterId, int64_t startTime) { SJson* pJson = tjsonCreateObject(); if (pJson == NULL) return -1; char tmp[4096] = {0}; tjsonAddDoubleToObject(pJson, "reportVersion", 1); tjsonAddIntegerToObject(pJson, "clusterId", clusterId); tjsonAddIntegerToObject(pJson, "startTime", startTime); taosGetFqdn(tmp); tjsonAddStringToObject(pJson, "fqdn", tmp); tjsonAddIntegerToObject(pJson, "pid", taosGetPId()); taosGetAppName(tmp, NULL); tjsonAddStringToObject(pJson, "appName", tmp); if (taosGetOsReleaseName(tmp, sizeof(tmp)) == 0) { tjsonAddStringToObject(pJson, "os", tmp); } float numOfCores = 0; if (taosGetCpuInfo(tmp, sizeof(tmp), &numOfCores) == 0) { tjsonAddStringToObject(pJson, "cpuModel", tmp); tjsonAddDoubleToObject(pJson, "numOfCpu", numOfCores); } else { tjsonAddDoubleToObject(pJson, "numOfCpu", tsNumOfCores); } snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%" PRId64 " kB", tsTotalMemoryKB); tjsonAddStringToObject(pJson, "memory", tmp); tjsonAddStringToObject(pJson, "version", version); tjsonAddStringToObject(pJson, "buildInfo", buildinfo); tjsonAddStringToObject(pJson, "gitInfo", gitinfo); tjsonAddIntegerToObject(pJson, "crashSig", signum); tjsonAddIntegerToObject(pJson, "crashTs", taosGetTimestampUs()); #ifdef _TD_DARWIN_64 taosLogTraceToBuf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), 4); #elif !defined(WINDOWS) taosLogTraceToBuf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), 3); #else taosLogTraceToBuf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), 8); #endif tjsonAddStringToObject(pJson, "stackInfo", tmp); char* pCont = tjsonToString(pJson); tjsonDelete(pJson); *pMsg = pCont; return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } void taosLogCrashInfo(char* nodeType, char* pMsg, int64_t msgLen, int signum, void *sigInfo) { const char *flags = "UTL FATAL "; ELogLevel level = DEBUG_FATAL; int32_t dflag = 255; char filepath[PATH_MAX] = {0}; TdFilePtr pFile = NULL; if (pMsg && msgLen > 0) { snprintf(filepath, sizeof(filepath), "%s%s.%sCrashLog", tsLogDir, TD_DIRSEP, nodeType); pFile = taosOpenFile(filepath, TD_FILE_CREATE | TD_FILE_WRITE | TD_FILE_APPEND); if (pFile == NULL) { taosPrintLog(flags, level, dflag, "failed to open file:%s since %s", filepath, terrstr()); goto _return; } taosLockFile(pFile); int64_t writeSize = taosWriteFile(pFile, &msgLen, sizeof(msgLen)); if (sizeof(msgLen) != writeSize) { taosUnLockFile(pFile); taosPrintLog(flags, level, dflag, "failed to write len to file:%s,%p wlen:%" PRId64 " tlen:%lu since %s", filepath, pFile, writeSize, sizeof(msgLen), terrstr()); goto _return; } writeSize = taosWriteFile(pFile, pMsg, msgLen); if (msgLen != writeSize) { taosUnLockFile(pFile); taosPrintLog(flags, level, dflag, "failed to write file:%s,%p wlen:%" PRId64 " tlen:%" PRId64 " since %s", filepath, pFile, writeSize, msgLen, terrstr()); goto _return; } taosUnLockFile(pFile); } _return: if (pFile) taosCloseFile(&pFile); terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); taosPrintLog(flags, level, dflag, "crash signal is %d", signum); #ifdef _TD_DARWIN_64 taosPrintTrace(flags, level, dflag, 4); #elif !defined(WINDOWS) taosPrintLog(flags, level, dflag, "sender PID:%d cmdline:%s", ((siginfo_t *)sigInfo)->si_pid, taosGetCmdlineByPID(((siginfo_t *)sigInfo)->si_pid)); taosPrintTrace(flags, level, dflag, 3); #else taosPrintTrace(flags, level, dflag, 8); #endif taosMemoryFree(pMsg); } void taosReadCrashInfo(char* filepath, char** pMsg, int64_t* pMsgLen, TdFilePtr* pFd) { const char *flags = "UTL FATAL "; ELogLevel level = DEBUG_FATAL; int32_t dflag = 255; TdFilePtr pFile = NULL; bool truncateFile = false; char* buf = NULL; if (NULL == *pFd) { int64_t filesize = 0; if (taosStatFile(filepath, &filesize, NULL) < 0) { if (ENOENT == errno) { return; } terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); taosPrintLog(flags, level, dflag, "failed to stat file:%s since %s", filepath, terrstr()); return; } if (filesize <= 0) { return; } pFile = taosOpenFile(filepath, TD_FILE_READ|TD_FILE_WRITE); if (pFile == NULL) { if (ENOENT == errno) { return; } terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); taosPrintLog(flags, level, dflag, "failed to open file:%s since %s", filepath, terrstr()); return; } taosLockFile(pFile); } else { pFile = *pFd; } int64_t msgLen = 0; int64_t readSize = taosReadFile(pFile, &msgLen, sizeof(msgLen)); if (sizeof(msgLen) != readSize) { truncateFile = true; if (readSize < 0) { taosPrintLog(flags, level, dflag, "failed to read len from file:%s,%p wlen:%" PRId64 " tlen:%lu since %s", filepath, pFile, readSize, sizeof(msgLen), terrstr()); } goto _return; } buf = taosMemoryMalloc(msgLen); if (NULL == buf) { taosPrintLog(flags, level, dflag, "failed to malloc buf, size:%" PRId64, msgLen); goto _return; } readSize = taosReadFile(pFile, buf, msgLen); if (msgLen != readSize) { truncateFile = true; taosPrintLog(flags, level, dflag, "failed to read file:%s,%p wlen:%" PRId64 " tlen:%" PRId64 " since %s", filepath, pFile, readSize, msgLen, terrstr()); goto _return; } *pMsg = buf; *pMsgLen = msgLen; *pFd = pFile; return; _return: if (truncateFile) { taosFtruncateFile(pFile, 0); } taosUnLockFile(pFile); taosCloseFile(&pFile); taosMemoryFree(buf); *pMsg = NULL; *pMsgLen = 0; *pFd = NULL; } void taosReleaseCrashLogFile(TdFilePtr pFile, bool truncateFile) { if (truncateFile) { taosFtruncateFile(pFile, 0); } taosUnLockFile(pFile); taosCloseFile(&pFile); } #ifdef NDEBUG bool taosAssertRelease(bool condition) { if (condition) return false; const char *flags = "UTL FATAL "; ELogLevel level = DEBUG_FATAL; int32_t dflag = 255; // tsLogEmbedded ? 255 : uDebugFlag taosPrintLog(flags, level, dflag, "tAssert called in release mode, exit:%d", tsAssert); taosPrintTrace(flags, level, dflag); if (tsAssert) { taosMsleep(300); abort(); } return true; } #endif