/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "query.h" #include "tcommon.h" #include "tcompare.h" #include "tdatablock.h" #include "tdef.h" #include "tlosertree.h" #include "tpagedbuf.h" #include "tsort.h" #include "tutil.h" struct STupleHandle { SSDataBlock* pBlock; int32_t rowIndex; }; struct SSortHandle { int32_t type; int32_t pageSize; int32_t numOfPages; SDiskbasedBuf* pBuf; SArray* pSortInfo; SArray* pOrderedSource; int32_t loops; uint64_t sortElapsed; int64_t startTs; uint64_t totalElapsed; int32_t sourceId; SSDataBlock* pDataBlock; SMsortComparParam cmpParam; int32_t numOfCompletedSources; bool opened; const char* idStr; bool inMemSort; bool needAdjust; STupleHandle tupleHandle; void* param; void (*beforeFp)(SSDataBlock* pBlock, void* param); _sort_fetch_block_fn_t fetchfp; _sort_merge_compar_fn_t comparFn; SMultiwayMergeTreeInfo* pMergeTree; }; static int32_t msortComparFn(const void* pLeft, const void* pRight, void* param); SSDataBlock* tsortGetSortedDataBlock(const SSortHandle* pSortHandle) { return createOneDataBlock(pSortHandle->pDataBlock, false); } /** * * @param type * @return */ SSortHandle* tsortCreateSortHandle(SArray* pSortInfo, int32_t type, int32_t pageSize, int32_t numOfPages, SSDataBlock* pBlock, const char* idstr) { SSortHandle* pSortHandle = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SSortHandle)); pSortHandle->type = type; pSortHandle->pageSize = pageSize; pSortHandle->numOfPages = numOfPages; pSortHandle->pSortInfo = pSortInfo; pSortHandle->loops = 0; if (pBlock != NULL) { pSortHandle->pDataBlock = createOneDataBlock(pBlock, false); } pSortHandle->pOrderedSource = taosArrayInit(4, POINTER_BYTES); pSortHandle->cmpParam.orderInfo = pSortInfo; pSortHandle->cmpParam.cmpGroupId = false; tsortSetComparFp(pSortHandle, msortComparFn); if (idstr != NULL) { pSortHandle->idStr = strdup(idstr); } return pSortHandle; } static int32_t sortComparCleanup(SMsortComparParam* cmpParam) { // NOTICE: pSource may be, if it is SORT_MULTISOURCE_MERGE for (int32_t i = 0; i < cmpParam->numOfSources; ++i) { SSortSource* pSource = cmpParam->pSources[i]; blockDataDestroy(pSource->src.pBlock); taosMemoryFreeClear(pSource); } cmpParam->numOfSources = 0; return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } void tsortClearOrderdSource(SArray* pOrderedSource) { for (size_t i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(pOrderedSource); i++) { SSortSource** pSource = taosArrayGet(pOrderedSource, i); if (NULL == *pSource) { continue; } // release pageIdList if ((*pSource)->pageIdList) { taosArrayDestroy((*pSource)->pageIdList); } if ((*pSource)->param && !(*pSource)->onlyRef) { taosMemoryFree((*pSource)->param); } if (!(*pSource)->onlyRef && (*pSource)->src.pBlock) { blockDataDestroy((*pSource)->src.pBlock); (*pSource)->src.pBlock = NULL; } taosMemoryFreeClear(*pSource); } taosArrayClear(pOrderedSource); } void tsortDestroySortHandle(SSortHandle* pSortHandle) { if (pSortHandle == NULL) { return; } tsortClose(pSortHandle); if (pSortHandle->pMergeTree != NULL) { tMergeTreeDestroy(pSortHandle->pMergeTree); } destroyDiskbasedBuf(pSortHandle->pBuf); taosMemoryFreeClear(pSortHandle->idStr); blockDataDestroy(pSortHandle->pDataBlock); tsortClearOrderdSource(pSortHandle->pOrderedSource); taosArrayDestroy(pSortHandle->pOrderedSource); taosMemoryFreeClear(pSortHandle); } int32_t tsortAddSource(SSortHandle* pSortHandle, void* pSource) { taosArrayPush(pSortHandle->pOrderedSource, &pSource); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } static int32_t doAddNewExternalMemSource(SDiskbasedBuf* pBuf, SArray* pAllSources, SSDataBlock* pBlock, int32_t* sourceId, SArray* pPageIdList) { SSortSource* pSource = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SSortSource)); if (pSource == NULL) { taosArrayDestroy(pPageIdList); return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } pSource->src.pBlock = pBlock; pSource->pageIdList = pPageIdList; taosArrayPush(pAllSources, &pSource); (*sourceId) += 1; int32_t rowSize = blockDataGetSerialRowSize(pSource->src.pBlock); // The value of numOfRows must be greater than 0, which is guaranteed by the previous memory allocation int32_t numOfRows = (getBufPageSize(pBuf) - blockDataGetSerialMetaSize(taosArrayGetSize(pBlock->pDataBlock))) / rowSize; ASSERT(numOfRows > 0); return blockDataEnsureCapacity(pSource->src.pBlock, numOfRows); } static int32_t doAddToBuf(SSDataBlock* pDataBlock, SSortHandle* pHandle) { int32_t start = 0; if (pHandle->pBuf == NULL) { if (!osTempSpaceAvailable()) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_NO_AVAIL_DISK; qError("Add to buf failed since %s", terrstr(terrno)); return terrno; } int32_t code = createDiskbasedBuf(&pHandle->pBuf, pHandle->pageSize, pHandle->numOfPages * pHandle->pageSize, "doAddToBuf", tsTempDir); dBufSetPrintInfo(pHandle->pBuf); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { return code; } } SArray* pPageIdList = taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(int32_t)); while (start < pDataBlock->info.rows) { int32_t stop = 0; blockDataSplitRows(pDataBlock, pDataBlock->info.hasVarCol, start, &stop, pHandle->pageSize); SSDataBlock* p = blockDataExtractBlock(pDataBlock, start, stop - start + 1); if (p == NULL) { taosArrayDestroy(pPageIdList); return terrno; } int32_t pageId = -1; void* pPage = getNewBufPage(pHandle->pBuf, &pageId); if (pPage == NULL) { blockDataDestroy(p); return terrno; } taosArrayPush(pPageIdList, &pageId); int32_t size = blockDataGetSize(p) + sizeof(int32_t) + taosArrayGetSize(p->pDataBlock) * sizeof(int32_t); assert(size <= getBufPageSize(pHandle->pBuf)); blockDataToBuf(pPage, p); setBufPageDirty(pPage, true); releaseBufPage(pHandle->pBuf, pPage); blockDataDestroy(p); start = stop + 1; } blockDataCleanup(pDataBlock); SSDataBlock* pBlock = createOneDataBlock(pDataBlock, false); return doAddNewExternalMemSource(pHandle->pBuf, pHandle->pOrderedSource, pBlock, &pHandle->sourceId, pPageIdList); } static void setCurrentSourceDone(SSortSource* pSource, SSortHandle* pHandle) { pSource->src.rowIndex = -1; ++pHandle->numOfCompletedSources; } static int32_t sortComparInit(SMsortComparParam* pParam, SArray* pSources, int32_t startIndex, int32_t endIndex, SSortHandle* pHandle) { pParam->pSources = taosArrayGet(pSources, startIndex); pParam->numOfSources = (endIndex - startIndex + 1); int32_t code = 0; // multi-pass internal merge sort is required if (pHandle->pBuf == NULL) { if (!osTempSpaceAvailable()) { code = TSDB_CODE_NO_AVAIL_DISK; qError("Sort compare init failed since %s, %s", terrstr(code), pHandle->idStr); return code; } code = createDiskbasedBuf(&pHandle->pBuf, pHandle->pageSize, pHandle->numOfPages * pHandle->pageSize, "sortComparInit", tsTempDir); dBufSetPrintInfo(pHandle->pBuf); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { return code; } } if (pHandle->type == SORT_SINGLESOURCE_SORT) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < pParam->numOfSources; ++i) { SSortSource* pSource = pParam->pSources[i]; // set current source is done if (taosArrayGetSize(pSource->pageIdList) == 0) { setCurrentSourceDone(pSource, pHandle); continue; } int32_t* pPgId = taosArrayGet(pSource->pageIdList, pSource->pageIndex); void* pPage = getBufPage(pHandle->pBuf, *pPgId); if (NULL == pPage) { return terrno; } code = blockDataFromBuf(pSource->src.pBlock, pPage); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { return code; } releaseBufPage(pHandle->pBuf, pPage); } } else { qDebug("start init for the multiway merge sort, %s", pHandle->idStr); int64_t st = taosGetTimestampUs(); for (int32_t i = 0; i < pParam->numOfSources; ++i) { SSortSource* pSource = pParam->pSources[i]; pSource->src.pBlock = pHandle->fetchfp(pSource->param); // set current source is done if (pSource->src.pBlock == NULL) { setCurrentSourceDone(pSource, pHandle); } } int64_t et = taosGetTimestampUs(); qDebug("init for merge sort completed, elapsed time:%.2f ms, %s", (et - st) / 1000.0, pHandle->idStr); } return code; } static void appendOneRowToDataBlock(SSDataBlock* pBlock, const SSDataBlock* pSource, int32_t* rowIndex) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(pBlock->pDataBlock); ++i) { SColumnInfoData* pColInfo = taosArrayGet(pBlock->pDataBlock, i); SColumnInfoData* pSrcColInfo = taosArrayGet(pSource->pDataBlock, i); bool isNull = colDataIsNull(pSrcColInfo, pSource->info.rows, *rowIndex, NULL); if (isNull) { colDataAppend(pColInfo, pBlock->info.rows, NULL, true); } else { char* pData = colDataGetData(pSrcColInfo, *rowIndex); colDataAppend(pColInfo, pBlock->info.rows, pData, false); } } pBlock->info.rows += 1; *rowIndex += 1; } static int32_t adjustMergeTreeForNextTuple(SSortSource* pSource, SMultiwayMergeTreeInfo* pTree, SSortHandle* pHandle, int32_t* numOfCompleted) { /* * load a new SDataBlock into memory of a given intermediate data-set source, * since it's last record in buffer has been chosen to be processed, as the winner of loser-tree */ if (pSource->src.rowIndex >= pSource->src.pBlock->info.rows) { pSource->src.rowIndex = 0; if (pHandle->type == SORT_SINGLESOURCE_SORT) { pSource->pageIndex++; if (pSource->pageIndex >= taosArrayGetSize(pSource->pageIdList)) { (*numOfCompleted) += 1; pSource->src.rowIndex = -1; pSource->pageIndex = -1; pSource->src.pBlock = blockDataDestroy(pSource->src.pBlock); } else { int32_t* pPgId = taosArrayGet(pSource->pageIdList, pSource->pageIndex); void* pPage = getBufPage(pHandle->pBuf, *pPgId); if (pPage == NULL) { qError("failed to get buffer, code:%s", tstrerror(terrno)); return terrno; } int32_t code = blockDataFromBuf(pSource->src.pBlock, pPage); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { return code; } releaseBufPage(pHandle->pBuf, pPage); } } else { pSource->src.pBlock = pHandle->fetchfp(((SSortSource*)pSource)->param); if (pSource->src.pBlock == NULL) { (*numOfCompleted) += 1; pSource->src.rowIndex = -1; } } } /* * Adjust loser tree otherwise, according to new candidate data * if the loser tree is rebuild completed, we do not need to adjust */ int32_t leafNodeIndex = tMergeTreeGetAdjustIndex(pTree); #ifdef _DEBUG_VIEW printf("before adjust:\t"); tMergeTreePrint(pTree); #endif tMergeTreeAdjust(pTree, leafNodeIndex); #ifdef _DEBUG_VIEW printf("\nafter adjust:\t"); tMergeTreePrint(pTree); #endif return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } static SSDataBlock* getSortedBlockDataInner(SSortHandle* pHandle, SMsortComparParam* cmpParam, int32_t capacity) { blockDataCleanup(pHandle->pDataBlock); while (1) { if (cmpParam->numOfSources == pHandle->numOfCompletedSources) { break; } int32_t index = tMergeTreeGetChosenIndex(pHandle->pMergeTree); SSortSource* pSource = (*cmpParam).pSources[index]; appendOneRowToDataBlock(pHandle->pDataBlock, pSource->src.pBlock, &pSource->src.rowIndex); int32_t code = adjustMergeTreeForNextTuple(pSource, pHandle->pMergeTree, pHandle, &pHandle->numOfCompletedSources); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { terrno = code; return NULL; } if (pHandle->pDataBlock->info.rows >= capacity) { return pHandle->pDataBlock; } } return (pHandle->pDataBlock->info.rows > 0) ? pHandle->pDataBlock : NULL; } int32_t msortComparFn(const void* pLeft, const void* pRight, void* param) { int32_t pLeftIdx = *(int32_t*)pLeft; int32_t pRightIdx = *(int32_t*)pRight; SMsortComparParam* pParam = (SMsortComparParam*)param; SArray* pInfo = pParam->orderInfo; SSortSource* pLeftSource = pParam->pSources[pLeftIdx]; SSortSource* pRightSource = pParam->pSources[pRightIdx]; // this input is exhausted, set the special value to denote this if (pLeftSource->src.rowIndex == -1) { return 1; } if (pRightSource->src.rowIndex == -1) { return -1; } SSDataBlock* pLeftBlock = pLeftSource->src.pBlock; SSDataBlock* pRightBlock = pRightSource->src.pBlock; if (pParam->cmpGroupId) { if (pLeftBlock->info.id.groupId != pRightBlock->info.id.groupId) { return pLeftBlock->info.id.groupId < pRightBlock->info.id.groupId ? -1 : 1; } } for (int32_t i = 0; i < pInfo->size; ++i) { SBlockOrderInfo* pOrder = TARRAY_GET_ELEM(pInfo, i); SColumnInfoData* pLeftColInfoData = TARRAY_GET_ELEM(pLeftBlock->pDataBlock, pOrder->slotId); bool leftNull = false; if (pLeftColInfoData->hasNull) { if (pLeftBlock->pBlockAgg == NULL) { leftNull = colDataIsNull_s(pLeftColInfoData, pLeftSource->src.rowIndex); } else { leftNull = colDataIsNull(pLeftColInfoData, pLeftBlock->info.rows, pLeftSource->src.rowIndex, pLeftBlock->pBlockAgg[i]); } } SColumnInfoData* pRightColInfoData = TARRAY_GET_ELEM(pRightBlock->pDataBlock, pOrder->slotId); bool rightNull = false; if (pRightColInfoData->hasNull) { if (pRightBlock->pBlockAgg == NULL) { rightNull = colDataIsNull_s(pRightColInfoData, pRightSource->src.rowIndex); } else { rightNull = colDataIsNull(pRightColInfoData, pRightBlock->info.rows, pRightSource->src.rowIndex, pRightBlock->pBlockAgg[i]); } } if (leftNull && rightNull) { continue; // continue to next slot } if (rightNull) { return pOrder->nullFirst ? 1 : -1; } if (leftNull) { return pOrder->nullFirst ? -1 : 1; } void* left1 = colDataGetData(pLeftColInfoData, pLeftSource->src.rowIndex); void* right1 = colDataGetData(pRightColInfoData, pRightSource->src.rowIndex); __compar_fn_t fn = getKeyComparFunc(pLeftColInfoData->info.type, pOrder->order); int ret = fn(left1, right1); if (ret == 0) { continue; } else { return ret; } } return 0; } static int32_t doInternalMergeSort(SSortHandle* pHandle) { size_t numOfSources = taosArrayGetSize(pHandle->pOrderedSource); if (numOfSources == 0) { return 0; } // Calculate the I/O counts to complete the data sort. double sortPass = floorl(log2(numOfSources) / log2(pHandle->numOfPages)); pHandle->totalElapsed = taosGetTimestampUs() - pHandle->startTs; if (sortPass > 0) { size_t s = pHandle->pBuf ? getTotalBufSize(pHandle->pBuf) : 0; qDebug("%s %d rounds mergesort required to complete the sort, first-round sorted data size:%" PRIzu ", sort elapsed:%" PRId64 ", total elapsed:%" PRId64, pHandle->idStr, (int32_t)(sortPass + 1), s, pHandle->sortElapsed, pHandle->totalElapsed); } else { qDebug("%s ordered source:%" PRIzu ", available buf:%d, no need internal sort", pHandle->idStr, numOfSources, pHandle->numOfPages); } int32_t numOfRows = blockDataGetCapacityInRow(pHandle->pDataBlock, pHandle->pageSize); blockDataEnsureCapacity(pHandle->pDataBlock, numOfRows); // the initial pass + sortPass + final mergePass pHandle->loops = sortPass + 2; size_t numOfSorted = taosArrayGetSize(pHandle->pOrderedSource); for (int32_t t = 0; t < sortPass; ++t) { int64_t st = taosGetTimestampUs(); SArray* pResList = taosArrayInit(4, POINTER_BYTES); int32_t numOfInputSources = pHandle->numOfPages; int32_t sortGroup = (numOfSorted + numOfInputSources - 1) / numOfInputSources; // Only *numOfInputSources* can be loaded into buffer to perform the external sort. for (int32_t i = 0; i < sortGroup; ++i) { pHandle->sourceId += 1; int32_t end = (i + 1) * numOfInputSources - 1; if (end > numOfSorted - 1) { end = numOfSorted - 1; } pHandle->cmpParam.numOfSources = end - i * numOfInputSources + 1; int32_t code = sortComparInit(&pHandle->cmpParam, pHandle->pOrderedSource, i * numOfInputSources, end, pHandle); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { taosArrayDestroy(pResList); return code; } code = tMergeTreeCreate(&pHandle->pMergeTree, pHandle->cmpParam.numOfSources, &pHandle->cmpParam, pHandle->comparFn); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { taosArrayDestroy(pResList); return code; } SArray* pPageIdList = taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(int32_t)); while (1) { SSDataBlock* pDataBlock = getSortedBlockDataInner(pHandle, &pHandle->cmpParam, numOfRows); if (pDataBlock == NULL) { break; } int32_t pageId = -1; void* pPage = getNewBufPage(pHandle->pBuf, &pageId); if (pPage == NULL) { taosArrayDestroy(pResList); taosArrayDestroy(pPageIdList); return terrno; } taosArrayPush(pPageIdList, &pageId); int32_t size = blockDataGetSize(pDataBlock) + sizeof(int32_t) + taosArrayGetSize(pDataBlock->pDataBlock) * sizeof(int32_t); assert(size <= getBufPageSize(pHandle->pBuf)); blockDataToBuf(pPage, pDataBlock); setBufPageDirty(pPage, true); releaseBufPage(pHandle->pBuf, pPage); blockDataCleanup(pDataBlock); } sortComparCleanup(&pHandle->cmpParam); tMergeTreeDestroy(pHandle->pMergeTree); pHandle->numOfCompletedSources = 0; SSDataBlock* pBlock = createOneDataBlock(pHandle->pDataBlock, false); code = doAddNewExternalMemSource(pHandle->pBuf, pResList, pBlock, &pHandle->sourceId, pPageIdList); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { taosArrayDestroy(pResList); return code; } } tsortClearOrderdSource(pHandle->pOrderedSource); taosArrayAddAll(pHandle->pOrderedSource, pResList); taosArrayDestroy(pResList); numOfSorted = taosArrayGetSize(pHandle->pOrderedSource); int64_t el = taosGetTimestampUs() - st; pHandle->totalElapsed += el; SDiskbasedBufStatis statis = getDBufStatis(pHandle->pBuf); qDebug("%s %d round mergesort, elapsed:%" PRId64 " readDisk:%.2f Kb, flushDisk:%.2f Kb", pHandle->idStr, t + 1, el, statis.loadBytes / 1024.0, statis.flushBytes / 1024.0); if (pHandle->type == SORT_MULTISOURCE_MERGE) { pHandle->type = SORT_SINGLESOURCE_SORT; pHandle->comparFn = msortComparFn; } } pHandle->cmpParam.numOfSources = taosArrayGetSize(pHandle->pOrderedSource); return 0; } // get sort page size int32_t getProperSortPageSize(size_t rowSize, uint32_t numOfCols) { uint32_t pgSize = rowSize * 4 + blockDataGetSerialMetaSize(numOfCols); if (pgSize < DEFAULT_PAGESIZE) { return DEFAULT_PAGESIZE; } return pgSize; } static int32_t createInitialSources(SSortHandle* pHandle) { size_t sortBufSize = pHandle->numOfPages * pHandle->pageSize; if (pHandle->type == SORT_SINGLESOURCE_SORT) { SSortSource** pSource = taosArrayGet(pHandle->pOrderedSource, 0); SSortSource* source = *pSource; *pSource = NULL; tsortClearOrderdSource(pHandle->pOrderedSource); while (1) { SSDataBlock* pBlock = pHandle->fetchfp(source->param); if (pBlock == NULL) { break; } if (pHandle->pDataBlock == NULL) { uint32_t numOfCols = taosArrayGetSize(pBlock->pDataBlock); pHandle->pageSize = getProperSortPageSize(blockDataGetRowSize(pBlock), numOfCols); // todo, number of pages are set according to the total available sort buffer pHandle->numOfPages = 1024; sortBufSize = pHandle->numOfPages * pHandle->pageSize; pHandle->pDataBlock = createOneDataBlock(pBlock, false); } if (pHandle->beforeFp != NULL) { pHandle->beforeFp(pBlock, pHandle->param); } int32_t code = blockDataMerge(pHandle->pDataBlock, pBlock); if (code != 0) { if (source->param && !source->onlyRef) { taosMemoryFree(source->param); } if (!source->onlyRef && source->src.pBlock) { blockDataDestroy(source->src.pBlock); source->src.pBlock = NULL; } taosMemoryFree(source); return code; } size_t size = blockDataGetSize(pHandle->pDataBlock); if (size > sortBufSize) { // Perform the in-memory sort and then flush data in the buffer into disk. int64_t p = taosGetTimestampUs(); code = blockDataSort(pHandle->pDataBlock, pHandle->pSortInfo); if (code != 0) { if (source->param && !source->onlyRef) { taosMemoryFree(source->param); } if (!source->onlyRef && source->src.pBlock) { blockDataDestroy(source->src.pBlock); source->src.pBlock = NULL; } taosMemoryFree(source); return code; } int64_t el = taosGetTimestampUs() - p; pHandle->sortElapsed += el; doAddToBuf(pHandle->pDataBlock, pHandle); } } if (source->param && !source->onlyRef) { taosMemoryFree(source->param); } taosMemoryFree(source); if (pHandle->pDataBlock != NULL && pHandle->pDataBlock->info.rows > 0) { size_t size = blockDataGetSize(pHandle->pDataBlock); // Perform the in-memory sort and then flush data in the buffer into disk. int64_t p = taosGetTimestampUs(); int32_t code = blockDataSort(pHandle->pDataBlock, pHandle->pSortInfo); if (code != 0) { return code; } int64_t el = taosGetTimestampUs() - p; pHandle->sortElapsed += el; // All sorted data can fit in memory, external memory sort is not needed. Return to directly if (size <= sortBufSize && pHandle->pBuf == NULL) { pHandle->cmpParam.numOfSources = 1; pHandle->inMemSort = true; pHandle->loops = 1; pHandle->tupleHandle.rowIndex = -1; pHandle->tupleHandle.pBlock = pHandle->pDataBlock; return 0; } else { doAddToBuf(pHandle->pDataBlock, pHandle); } } } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t tsortOpen(SSortHandle* pHandle) { if (pHandle->opened) { return 0; } if (pHandle->fetchfp == NULL || pHandle->comparFn == NULL) { return -1; } pHandle->opened = true; int32_t code = createInitialSources(pHandle); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { return code; } // do internal sort code = doInternalMergeSort(pHandle); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { return code; } int32_t numOfSources = taosArrayGetSize(pHandle->pOrderedSource); if (pHandle->pBuf != NULL) { ASSERT(numOfSources <= getNumOfInMemBufPages(pHandle->pBuf)); } if (numOfSources == 0) { return 0; } code = sortComparInit(&pHandle->cmpParam, pHandle->pOrderedSource, 0, numOfSources - 1, pHandle); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { return code; } return tMergeTreeCreate(&pHandle->pMergeTree, pHandle->cmpParam.numOfSources, &pHandle->cmpParam, pHandle->comparFn); } int32_t tsortClose(SSortHandle* pHandle) { // do nothing return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t tsortSetFetchRawDataFp(SSortHandle* pHandle, _sort_fetch_block_fn_t fetchFp, void (*fp)(SSDataBlock*, void*), void* param) { pHandle->fetchfp = fetchFp; pHandle->beforeFp = fp; pHandle->param = param; return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t tsortSetComparFp(SSortHandle* pHandle, _sort_merge_compar_fn_t fp) { pHandle->comparFn = fp; return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t tsortSetCompareGroupId(SSortHandle* pHandle, bool compareGroupId) { pHandle->cmpParam.cmpGroupId = compareGroupId; return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } STupleHandle* tsortNextTuple(SSortHandle* pHandle) { if (pHandle->cmpParam.numOfSources == pHandle->numOfCompletedSources) { return NULL; } // All the data are hold in the buffer, no external sort is invoked. if (pHandle->inMemSort) { pHandle->tupleHandle.rowIndex += 1; if (pHandle->tupleHandle.rowIndex == pHandle->pDataBlock->info.rows) { pHandle->numOfCompletedSources = 1; return NULL; } return &pHandle->tupleHandle; } int32_t index = tMergeTreeGetChosenIndex(pHandle->pMergeTree); SSortSource* pSource = pHandle->cmpParam.pSources[index]; if (pHandle->needAdjust) { int32_t code = adjustMergeTreeForNextTuple(pSource, pHandle->pMergeTree, pHandle, &pHandle->numOfCompletedSources); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { terrno = code; return NULL; } } // all sources are completed. if (pHandle->cmpParam.numOfSources == pHandle->numOfCompletedSources) { return NULL; } // Get the adjusted value after the loser tree is updated. index = tMergeTreeGetChosenIndex(pHandle->pMergeTree); pSource = pHandle->cmpParam.pSources[index]; ASSERT(pSource->src.pBlock != NULL); pHandle->tupleHandle.rowIndex = pSource->src.rowIndex; pHandle->tupleHandle.pBlock = pSource->src.pBlock; pHandle->needAdjust = true; pSource->src.rowIndex += 1; return &pHandle->tupleHandle; } bool tsortIsNullVal(STupleHandle* pVHandle, int32_t colIndex) { SColumnInfoData* pColInfoSrc = taosArrayGet(pVHandle->pBlock->pDataBlock, colIndex); return colDataIsNull_s(pColInfoSrc, pVHandle->rowIndex); } void* tsortGetValue(STupleHandle* pVHandle, int32_t colIndex) { SColumnInfoData* pColInfo = TARRAY_GET_ELEM(pVHandle->pBlock->pDataBlock, colIndex); if (pColInfo->pData == NULL) { return NULL; } else { return colDataGetData(pColInfo, pVHandle->rowIndex); } } uint64_t tsortGetGroupId(STupleHandle* pVHandle) { return pVHandle->pBlock->info.id.groupId; } SSortExecInfo tsortGetSortExecInfo(SSortHandle* pHandle) { SSortExecInfo info = {0}; if (pHandle == NULL) { info.sortMethod = SORT_QSORT_T; // by default info.sortBuffer = 2 * 1048576; // 2mb by default } else { info.sortBuffer = pHandle->pageSize * pHandle->numOfPages; info.sortMethod = pHandle->inMemSort ? SORT_QSORT_T : SORT_SPILLED_MERGE_SORT_T; info.loops = pHandle->loops; if (pHandle->pBuf != NULL) { SDiskbasedBufStatis st = getDBufStatis(pHandle->pBuf); info.writeBytes = st.flushBytes; info.readBytes = st.loadBytes; } } return info; }