# Rapidly build a IT DevOps system with TDengine + collectd/StatsD + Grafana
## Background
TDengine is an open-source big data platform designed and optimized for Internet of Things (IoT), Connected Vehicles, and Industrial IoT. Besides the 10x faster time-series database, it provides caching, stream computing, message queuing and other functionalities to reduce the complexity and costs of development and operations.
There are a lot of time-series data in the IT DevOps scenario, for example:
- Metrics of system resource: CPU, memory, IO and network status, etc.
- Metrics for software system: service status, number of connections, number of requests, number of the timeout, number of errors, response time, service type, and other metrics related to the specific business.
A mainstream IT DevOps system generally includes a data-collection module, a data persistent module, and a visualization module. Telegraf and Grafana are some of the most popular data-collection and visualization modules. But data persistent module can be varied. OpenTSDB and InfluxDB are some prominent from others. In recent times, TDengine, as emerged time-series data platform provides more advantages including high performance, high reliability, easier management, easier maintenance.
Here we introduce a way to build an IT DevOps system with TDengine, collectd/statsD, and Grafana. Even no need one line program code but just modify a few lines of configuration files.
## Installation steps
Please refer to each component's official document for collectd, StatsD, Grafana, and TDengine installation.
### collectd
Please refer to the [official document](https://collectd.org/documentation.shtml).
### StatsD
Please refer to the [official document](https://github.com/statsd/statsd).
### Grafana
Please refer to the [official document](https://grafana.com/grafana/download).
### TDengine
Please download TDengine or the above version from TAOS Data's [official website](http://taosdata.com/cn/all-downloads/).
## Setup data chain
### Download TDengine plugin to Grafana plugin's directory
1. wget -c https://github.com/taosdata/grafanaplugin/releases/download/v3.1.3/tdengine-datasource-3.1.3.zip
2. sudo unzip tdengine-datasource-3.1.3.zip -d /var/lib/grafana/plugins/
3. sudo chown grafana:grafana -R /var/lib/grafana/plugins/tdengine
4. echo -e "[plugins]\nallow_loading_unsigned_plugins = tdengine-datasource\n" | sudo tee -a /etc/grafana/grafana.ini
5. sudo systemctl restart grafana-server.service
### To configure collectd
Please add a few lines in /etc/collectd/collectd.conf as below. Please specify the correct value for hostname and the port number:
LoadPlugin network
Server "" ""
sudo systemctl start collectd
### To configure StatsD
Please add a few lines in the config.js file then restart StatsD. Please use the correct hostname and port number of TDengine and taosAdapter:
- fill backends section with "./backends/repeater"
- fill repeater section with { host:'', port: }
### Import dashboard
Use your Web browser to access IP:3000 to log in to the Grafana management interface. The default username and password are admin/admin。
Click the gear icon from the left bar to select 'Plugins'. You could find the icon of the TDengine data source plugin.
#### Import collectd dashboard
Please download the dashboard JSON file from `https://github.com/taosdata/grafanaplugin/blob/master/examples/collectd/grafana/dashboards/collect-metrics-with-tdengine-v0.1.0.json`.
Click the 'plus' icon from the left bar to select 'Import'. Then you should see the interface like:
#### Import StatsD dashboard
Please download dashboard JSON file from `https://github.com/taosdata/grafanaplugin/blob/master/examples/statsd/dashboards/statsd-with-tdengine-v0.1.0.json`.
Click the 'plus' icon from the left bar to select 'Import'. Then you should see the interface like:
## Summary
We demonstrated how to build a full-function IT DevOps system with TDengine, collectd, StatsD, and Grafana. TDengine supports schemaless protocol data insertion capability from Based on TDengine's powerful ecosystem software integration capability, the user can build a high efficient and easy-to-maintain IT DevOps system in few minutes. Please find more detailed documentation about TDengine high-performance data insertion/query functions and more use cases from TAOS Data's official website.