import taos from taos.tmq import Consumer import taosws def prepare(): conn = taos.connect() conn.execute("drop topic if exists tmq_assignment_demo_topic") conn.execute("drop database if exists tmq_assignment_demo_db") conn.execute("create database if not exists tmq_assignment_demo_db wal_retention_period 3600") conn.select_db("tmq_assignment_demo_db") conn.execute( "create table if not exists tmq_assignment_demo_table (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 float, c3 binary(10)) tags(t1 int)") conn.execute( "create topic if not exists tmq_assignment_demo_topic as select ts, c1, c2, c3 from tmq_assignment_demo_table") conn.execute("insert into d0 using tmq_assignment_demo_table tags (0) values (now-2s, 1, 1.0, 'tmq test')") conn.execute("insert into d0 using tmq_assignment_demo_table tags (0) values (now-1s, 2, 2.0, 'tmq test')") conn.execute("insert into d0 using tmq_assignment_demo_table tags (0) values (now, 3, 3.0, 'tmq test')") def taos_get_assignment_and_seek_demo(): prepare() consumer = Consumer( { "": "0", # should disable snapshot, # otherwise it will cause invalid params error "experimental.snapshot.enable": "false", } ) consumer.subscribe(["tmq_assignment_demo_topic"]) # get topic assignment assignments = consumer.assignment() for assignment in assignments: print(assignment) # poll consumer.poll(1) consumer.poll(1) # get topic assignment again after_pool_assignments = consumer.assignment() for assignment in after_pool_assignments: print(assignment) # seek to the beginning for assignment in assignments: # now the assignment should be the same as before poll assignments = consumer.assignment() for assignment in assignments: print(assignment) if __name__ == '__main__': taosws_get_assignment_and_seek_demo()