################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies. # No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted, # disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as # expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao # ################################################################### # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from asyncore import loop from collections import defaultdict import subprocess import random import string import threading import requests import time # import socketfrom import taos from util.log import * from util.sql import * from util.cases import * from util.dnodes import * from util.common import * # class actionType(Enum): # CREATE_DATABASE = 0 # CREATE_STABLE = 1 # CREATE_CTABLE = 2 # INSERT_DATA = 3 class TMQCom: def init(self, conn, logSql): tdSql.init(conn.cursor()) # tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), logSql) # output sql.txt file def initConsumerTable(self,cdbName='cdb'): tdLog.info("create consume database, and consume info table, and consume result table") tdSql.query("create database if not exists %s vgroups 1"%(cdbName)) tdSql.query("drop table if exists %s.consumeinfo "%(cdbName)) tdSql.query("drop table if exists %s.consumeresult "%(cdbName)) tdSql.query("drop table if exists %s.notifyinfo "%(cdbName)) tdSql.query("create table %s.consumeinfo (ts timestamp, consumerid int, topiclist binary(1024), keylist binary(1024), expectmsgcnt bigint, ifcheckdata int, ifmanualcommit int)"%cdbName) tdSql.query("create table %s.consumeresult (ts timestamp, consumerid int, consummsgcnt bigint, consumrowcnt bigint, checkresult int)"%cdbName) tdSql.query("create table %s.notifyinfo (ts timestamp, cmdid int, consumerid int)"%cdbName) def initConsumerInfoTable(self,cdbName='cdb'): tdLog.info("drop consumeinfo table") tdSql.query("drop table if exists %s.consumeinfo "%(cdbName)) tdSql.query("create table %s.consumeinfo (ts timestamp, consumerid int, topiclist binary(1024), keylist binary(1024), expectmsgcnt bigint, ifcheckdata int, ifmanualcommit int)"%cdbName) def insertConsumerInfo(self,consumerId, expectrowcnt,topicList,keyList,ifcheckdata,ifmanualcommit,cdbName='cdb'): sql = "insert into %s.consumeinfo values "%cdbName sql += "(now, %d, '%s', '%s', %d, %d, %d)"%(consumerId, topicList, keyList, expectrowcnt, ifcheckdata, ifmanualcommit) tdLog.info("consume info sql: %s"%sql) tdSql.query(sql) def selectConsumeResult(self,expectRows,cdbName='cdb'): resultList=[] while 1: tdSql.query("select * from %s.consumeresult"%cdbName) #tdLog.info("row: %d, %l64d, %l64d"%(tdSql.getData(0, 1),tdSql.getData(0, 2),tdSql.getData(0, 3)) if tdSql.getRows() == expectRows: break else: time.sleep(5) for i in range(expectRows): tdLog.info ("consume id: %d, consume msgs: %d, consume rows: %d"%(tdSql.getData(i , 1), tdSql.getData(i , 2), tdSql.getData(i , 3))) resultList.append(tdSql.getData(i , 3)) return resultList def startTmqSimProcess(self,pollDelay,dbName,showMsg=1,showRow=1,cdbName='cdb',valgrind=0,alias=0): buildPath = tdCom.getBuildPath() cfgPath = tdCom.getClientCfgPath() if valgrind == 1: logFile = cfgPath + '/../log/valgrind-tmq.log' shellCmd = 'nohup valgrind --log-file=' + logFile shellCmd += '--tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --show-reachable=no --track-origins=yes --show-leak-kinds=all --num-callers=20 -v --workaround-gcc296-bugs=yes ' if (platform.system().lower() == 'windows'): processorName = buildPath + '\\build\\bin\\tmq_sim.exe' if alias != 0: processorNameNew = buildPath + '\\build\\bin\\tmq_sim_new.exe' shellCmd = 'cp %s %s'%(processorName, processorNameNew) os.system(shellCmd) processorName = processorNameNew shellCmd = 'mintty -h never ' + processorName + ' -c ' + cfgPath shellCmd += " -y %d -d %s -g %d -r %d -w %s "%(pollDelay, dbName, showMsg, showRow, cdbName) shellCmd += "> nul 2>&1 &" else: processorName = buildPath + '/build/bin/tmq_sim' if alias != 0: processorNameNew = buildPath + '/build/bin/tmq_sim_new' shellCmd = 'cp %s %s'%(processorName, processorNameNew) os.system(shellCmd) processorName = processorNameNew shellCmd = 'nohup ' + processorName + ' -c ' + cfgPath shellCmd += " -y %d -d %s -g %d -r %d -w %s "%(pollDelay, dbName, showMsg, showRow, cdbName) shellCmd += "> /dev/null 2>&1 &" tdLog.info(shellCmd) os.system(shellCmd) def stopTmqSimProcess(self, processorName): psCmd = "ps -ef|grep -w %s|grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'"%(processorName) processID = subprocess.check_output(psCmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8") while(processID): killCmd = "kill -INT %s > /dev/null 2>&1" % processID os.system(killCmd) time.sleep(0.2) processID = subprocess.check_output(psCmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8") tdLog.debug("%s is stopped by kill -INT" % (processorName)) def getStartConsumeNotifyFromTmqsim(self,cdbName='cdb',rows=1): loopFlag = 1 while loopFlag: tdSql.query("select * from %s.notifyinfo"%cdbName) #tdLog.info("row: %d, %l64d, %l64d"%(tdSql.getData(0, 1),tdSql.getData(0, 2),tdSql.getData(0, 3)) actRows = tdSql.getRows() if (actRows >= rows): for i in range(actRows): if tdSql.getData(i, 1) == 0: loopFlag = 0 break time.sleep(0.1) return def getStartCommitNotifyFromTmqsim(self,cdbName='cdb',rows=2): loopFlag = 1 while loopFlag: tdSql.query("select * from %s.notifyinfo"%cdbName) #tdLog.info("row: %d, %l64d, %l64d"%(tdSql.getData(0, 1),tdSql.getData(0, 2),tdSql.getData(0, 3)) actRows = tdSql.getRows() if (actRows >= rows): for i in range(actRows): if tdSql.getData(i, 1) == 1: loopFlag = 0 break time.sleep(0.1) return def create_database(self,tsql, dbName,dropFlag=1,vgroups=4,replica=1): if dropFlag == 1: tsql.execute("drop database if exists %s"%(dbName)) tsql.execute("create database if not exists %s vgroups %d replica %d"%(dbName, vgroups, replica)) tdLog.debug("complete to create database %s"%(dbName)) return def create_stable(self,tsql, dbName,stbName): tsql.execute("create table if not exists %s.%s (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 int, c3 binary(16)) tags(t1 int, t2 binary(32))"%(dbName, stbName)) tdLog.debug("complete to create %s.%s" %(dbName, stbName)) return def create_ctable(self,tsql=None, dbName='dbx',stbName='stb',ctbPrefix='ctb',ctbNum=1): tsql.execute("use %s" %dbName) pre_create = "create table" sql = pre_create #tdLog.debug("doing create one stable %s and %d child table in %s ..." %(stbname, count ,dbname)) for i in range(ctbNum): tagValue = 'beijing' if (i % 2 == 0): tagValue = 'shanghai' sql += " %s%d using %s tags(%d, '%s')"%(ctbPrefix,i,stbName,i+1, tagValue) if (i > 0) and (i%100 == 0): tsql.execute(sql) sql = pre_create if sql != pre_create: tsql.execute(sql) tdLog.debug("complete to create %d child tables in %s.%s" %(ctbNum, dbName, stbName)) return def insert_data(self,tsql,dbName,stbName,ctbNum,rowsPerTbl,batchNum,startTs=None): tdLog.debug("start to insert data ............") tsql.execute("use %s" %dbName) pre_insert = "insert into " sql = pre_insert if startTs is None: t = time.time() startTs = int(round(t * 1000)) #tdLog.debug("doing insert data into stable:%s rows:%d ..."%(stbName, allRows)) for i in range(ctbNum): sql += " %s%d values "%(stbName,i) for j in range(rowsPerTbl): sql += "(%d, %d, 'tmqrow_%d') "%(startTs + j, j, j) if (j > 0) and ((j%batchNum == 0) or (j == rowsPerTbl - 1)): tsql.execute(sql) if j < rowsPerTbl - 1: sql = "insert into %s%d values " %(stbName,i) else: sql = "insert into " #end sql if sql != pre_insert: #print("insert sql:%s"%sql) tsql.execute(sql) tdLog.debug("insert data ............ [OK]") return def insert_data_1(self,tsql,dbName,ctbPrefix,ctbNum,rowsPerTbl,batchNum,startTs): tdLog.debug("start to insert data ............") tsql.execute("use %s" %dbName) pre_insert = "insert into " sql = pre_insert t = time.time() startTs = int(round(t * 1000)) #tdLog.debug("doing insert data into stable:%s rows:%d ..."%(stbName, allRows)) for i in range(ctbNum): sql += " %s%d values "%(ctbPrefix,i) for j in range(rowsPerTbl): if (j % 2 == 0): sql += "(%d, %d, %d, 'tmqrow_%d') "%(startTs + j, j, j, j) else: sql += "(%d, %d, %d, 'tmqrow_%d') "%(startTs + j, j, -j, j) if (j > 0) and ((j%batchNum == 0) or (j == rowsPerTbl - 1)): tsql.execute(sql) if j < rowsPerTbl - 1: sql = "insert into %s%d values " %(ctbPrefix,i) else: sql = "insert into " #end sql if sql != pre_insert: #print("insert sql:%s"%sql) tsql.execute(sql) tdLog.debug("insert data ............ [OK]") return def insert_data_2(self,tsql,dbName,ctbPrefix,ctbNum,rowsPerTbl,batchNum,startTs): tdLog.debug("start to insert data ............") tsql.execute("use %s" %dbName) pre_insert = "insert into " sql = pre_insert t = time.time() startTs = int(round(t * 1000)) #tdLog.debug("doing insert data into stable:%s rows:%d ..."%(stbName, allRows)) for i in range(ctbNum): sql += " %s%d values "%(ctbPrefix,i) for j in range(rowsPerTbl): if (j % 2 == 0): sql += "(%d, %d, %d, 'tmqrow_%d', now) "%(startTs + j, j, j, j) else: sql += "(%d, %d, %d, 'tmqrow_%d', now) "%(startTs + j, j, -j, j) if (j > 0) and ((j%batchNum == 0) or (j == rowsPerTbl - 1)): tsql.execute(sql) if j < rowsPerTbl - 1: sql = "insert into %s%d values " %(ctbPrefix,i) else: sql = "insert into " #end sql if sql != pre_insert: #print("insert sql:%s"%sql) tsql.execute(sql) tdLog.debug("insert data ............ [OK]") return def insert_data_interlaceByMultiTbl(self,tsql,dbName,ctbPrefix,ctbNum,rowsPerTbl,batchNum,startTs=0): tdLog.debug("start to insert data ............") tsql.execute("use %s" %dbName) pre_insert = "insert into " sql = pre_insert if startTs == 0: t = time.time() startTs = int(round(t * 1000)) ctbDict = {} for i in range(ctbNum): ctbDict[i] = 0 #tdLog.debug("doing insert data into stable:%s rows:%d ..."%(stbName, allRows)) rowsOfCtb = 0 while rowsOfCtb < rowsPerTbl: for i in range(ctbNum): sql += " %s.%s_%d values "%(dbName,ctbPrefix,i) for k in range(batchNum): sql += "(%d, %d, 'tmqrow_%d') "%(startTs + ctbDict[i], ctbDict[i], ctbDict[i]) ctbDict[i] += 1 if (0 == ctbDict[i]%batchNum) or (ctbDict[i] == rowsPerTbl): tsql.execute(sql) sql = "insert into " break rowsOfCtb = ctbDict[0] tdLog.debug("insert data ............ [OK]") return def insert_data_with_autoCreateTbl(self,tsql,dbName,stbName,ctbPrefix,ctbNum,rowsPerTbl,batchNum,startTs=0): tdLog.debug("start to insert data wiht auto create child table ............") tsql.execute("use %s" %dbName) pre_insert = "insert into " sql = pre_insert if startTs == 0: t = time.time() startTs = int(round(t * 1000)) #tdLog.debug("doing insert data into stable:%s rows:%d ..."%(stbName, allRows)) rowsOfSql = 0 for i in range(ctbNum): sql += " %s.%s_%d using %s.%s tags (%d) values "%(dbName,ctbPrefix,i,dbName,stbName,i) for j in range(rowsPerTbl): sql += "(%d, %d, 'tmqrow_%d') "%(startTs + j, j, j) rowsOfSql += 1 if (j > 0) and ((rowsOfSql == batchNum) or (j == rowsPerTbl - 1)): tsql.execute(sql) rowsOfSql = 0 if j < rowsPerTbl - 1: sql = "insert into %s.%s_%d using %s.%s tags (%d) values " %(dbName,ctbPrefix,i,dbName,stbName,i) else: sql = "insert into " #end sql if sql != pre_insert: #print("insert sql:%s"%sql) tsql.execute(sql) tdLog.debug("insert data ............ [OK]") return def syncCreateDbStbCtbInsertData(self, tsql, paraDict): tdCom.create_database(tsql, paraDict["dbName"],paraDict["dropFlag"]) tdCom.create_stable(tsql, dbname=paraDict["dbName"],stbname=paraDict["stbName"], column_elm_list=paraDict['colSchema'], tag_elm_list=paraDict['tagSchema']) tdCom.create_ctable(tsql, dbname=paraDict["dbName"],stbname=paraDict["stbName"],tag_elm_list=paraDict['tagSchema'],count=paraDict["ctbNum"], default_ctbname_prefix=paraDict['ctbPrefix']) if "event" in paraDict and type(paraDict['event']) == type(threading.Event()): paraDict["event"].set() ctbPrefix = paraDict['ctbPrefix'] ctbNum = paraDict["ctbNum"] for i in range(ctbNum): tbName = '%s%s'%(ctbPrefix,i) tdCom.insert_rows(tsql,dbname=paraDict["dbName"],tbname=tbName,start_ts_value=paraDict['startTs'],count=paraDict['rowsPerTbl']) return def threadFunction(self, **paraDict): # create new connector for new tdSql instance in my thread newTdSql = tdCom.newTdSql() self.syncCreateDbStbCtbInsertData(self, newTdSql, paraDict) return def asyncCreateDbStbCtbInsertData(self, paraDict): pThread = threading.Thread(target=self.threadFunction, kwargs=paraDict) pThread.start() return pThread def threadFunctionForInsert(self, **paraDict): # create new connector for new tdSql instance in my thread newTdSql = tdCom.newTdSql() self.insert_data_2(newTdSql,paraDict["dbName"],paraDict["ctbPrefix"],paraDict["ctbNum"],paraDict["rowsPerTbl"],paraDict["batchNum"],paraDict["startTs"]) return def asyncInsertData(self, paraDict): pThread = threading.Thread(target=self.threadFunctionForInsert, kwargs=paraDict) pThread.start() return pThread def close(self): self.cursor.close() tmqCom = TMQCom()