#include #include #include #include "dataformat.h" #include "tsdbMain.h" static double getCurTime() { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); return tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec * 1E-6; } typedef struct { tsdb_repo_t *pRepo; int tid; int64_t uid; int sversion; TSKEY startTime; TSKEY interval; int totalRows; int rowsPerSubmit; STSchema * pSchema; } SInsertInfo; static int insertData(SInsertInfo *pInfo) { SSubmitMsg *pMsg = (SSubmitMsg *)malloc(sizeof(SSubmitMsg) + sizeof(SSubmitBlk) + tdMaxRowBytesFromSchema(pInfo->pSchema) * pInfo->rowsPerSubmit); if (pMsg == NULL) return -1; TSKEY start_time = pInfo->startTime; // Loop to write data double stime = getCurTime(); for (int k = 0; k < pInfo->totalRows/pInfo->rowsPerSubmit; k++) { memset((void *)pMsg, 0, sizeof(SSubmitMsg)); SSubmitBlk *pBlock = pMsg->blocks; pBlock->uid = pInfo->uid; pBlock->tid = pInfo->tid; pBlock->sversion = pInfo->sversion; pBlock->len = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pInfo->rowsPerSubmit; i++) { // start_time += 1000; start_time += pInfo->interval; SDataRow row = (SDataRow)(pBlock->data + pBlock->len); tdInitDataRow(row, pInfo->pSchema); for (int j = 0; j < schemaNCols(pInfo->pSchema); j++) { if (j == 0) { // Just for timestamp tdAppendColVal(row, (void *)(&start_time), schemaColAt(pInfo->pSchema, j)); } else { // For int int val = 10; tdAppendColVal(row, (void *)(&val), schemaColAt(pInfo->pSchema, j)); } } pBlock->len += dataRowLen(row); } pMsg->length = pMsg->length + sizeof(SSubmitBlk) + pBlock->len; pMsg->numOfBlocks = 1; pBlock->len = htonl(pBlock->len); pBlock->numOfRows = htonl(pBlock->numOfRows); pBlock->uid = htobe64(pBlock->uid); pBlock->tid = htonl(pBlock->tid); pBlock->sversion = htonl(pBlock->sversion); pBlock->padding = htonl(pBlock->padding); pMsg->length = htonl(pMsg->length); pMsg->numOfBlocks = htonl(pMsg->numOfBlocks); pMsg->compressed = htonl(pMsg->numOfBlocks); if (tsdbInsertData(pInfo->pRepo, pMsg) < 0) { tfree(pMsg); return -1; } } double etime = getCurTime(); printf("Spent %f seconds to write %d records\n", etime - stime, pInfo->totalRows); tfree(pMsg); return 0; } TEST(TsdbTest, DISABLED_tableEncodeDecode) { // TEST(TsdbTest, tableEncodeDecode) { STable *pTable = (STable *)malloc(sizeof(STable)); pTable->type = TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE; pTable->tableId.uid = 987607499877672L; pTable->tableId.tid = 0; pTable->superUid = -1; pTable->sversion = 0; pTable->tagSchema = NULL; pTable->tagVal = NULL; int nCols = 5; STSchema *schema = tdNewSchema(nCols); for (int i = 0; i < nCols; i++) { if (i == 0) { tdSchemaAppendCol(schema, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, i, -1); } else { tdSchemaAppendCol(schema, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT, i, -1); } } pTable->schema = schema; int bufLen = 0; void *buf = tsdbEncodeTable(pTable, &bufLen); STable *tTable = tsdbDecodeTable(buf, bufLen); ASSERT_EQ(pTable->type, tTable->type); ASSERT_EQ(pTable->tableId.uid, tTable->tableId.uid); ASSERT_EQ(pTable->tableId.tid, tTable->tableId.tid); ASSERT_EQ(pTable->superUid, tTable->superUid); ASSERT_EQ(pTable->sversion, tTable->sversion); ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(pTable->schema, tTable->schema, sizeof(STSchema) + sizeof(STColumn) * nCols), 0); } // TEST(TsdbTest, DISABLED_createRepo) { TEST(TsdbTest, createRepo) { STsdbCfg config; STsdbRepo *repo; // 1. Create a tsdb repository tsdbSetDefaultCfg(&config); ASSERT_EQ(tsdbCreateRepo("/home/ubuntu/work/ttest/vnode0", &config, NULL), 0); tsdb_repo_t *pRepo = tsdbOpenRepo("/home/ubuntu/work/ttest/vnode0", NULL); ASSERT_NE(pRepo, nullptr); // 2. Create a normal table STableCfg tCfg; ASSERT_EQ(tsdbInitTableCfg(&tCfg, TSDB_SUPER_TABLE, 987607499877672L, 0), -1); ASSERT_EQ(tsdbInitTableCfg(&tCfg, TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE, 987607499877672L, 0), 0); int nCols = 5; STSchema *schema = tdNewSchema(nCols); for (int i = 0; i < nCols; i++) { if (i == 0) { tdSchemaAppendCol(schema, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, i, -1); } else { tdSchemaAppendCol(schema, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT, i, -1); } } tsdbTableSetSchema(&tCfg, schema, true); tsdbCreateTable(pRepo, &tCfg); // Insert Some Data SInsertInfo iInfo = { .pRepo = pRepo, .tid = tCfg.tableId.tid, .uid = tCfg.tableId.uid, .sversion = tCfg.sversion, .startTime = 1584081000000, .interval = 1000, .totalRows = 50, .rowsPerSubmit = 1, .pSchema = schema }; ASSERT_EQ(insertData(&iInfo), 0); // Close the repository tsdbCloseRepo(pRepo); // Open the repository again pRepo = tsdbOpenRepo("/home/ubuntu/work/ttest/vnode0", NULL); repo = (STsdbRepo *)pRepo; ASSERT_NE(pRepo, nullptr); // Insert more data iInfo.startTime = iInfo.startTime + iInfo.interval * iInfo.totalRows; iInfo.totalRows = 10; iInfo.pRepo = pRepo; ASSERT_EQ(insertData(&iInfo), 0); // Close the repository tsdbCloseRepo(pRepo); // Open the repository again pRepo = tsdbOpenRepo("/home/ubuntu/work/ttest/vnode0", NULL); repo = (STsdbRepo *)pRepo; ASSERT_NE(pRepo, nullptr); // Read from file SRWHelper rhelper; SHelperCfg helperCfg = { .type = TSDB_READ_HELPER, .maxTables = repo->config.maxTables, .maxRowSize = repo->tsdbMeta->maxRowBytes, .maxRows = repo->config.maxRowsPerFileBlock, .maxCols = repo->tsdbMeta->maxCols, .minRowsPerFileBlock = repo->config.minRowsPerFileBlock, .maxRowsPerFileBlock = repo->config.maxRowsPerFileBlock, .compress = repo->config.compression, }; tsdbInitHelper(&rhelper, &helperCfg); SFileGroup *pFGroup = tsdbSearchFGroup(repo->tsdbFileH, 1833); ASSERT_NE(pFGroup, nullptr); ASSERT_GE(tsdbSetAndOpenHelperFile(&rhelper, pFGroup), 0); SHelperTable htable = { .uid = tCfg.tableId.uid, .tid = tCfg.tableId.tid, .sversion = tCfg.sversion }; tsdbSetHelperTable(&rhelper, &htable, schema); ASSERT_EQ(tsdbLoadCompInfo(&rhelper, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(tsdbLoadBlockData(&rhelper, 0, NULL), 0); int k = 0; } TEST(TsdbTest, DISABLED_openRepo) { // TEST(TsdbTest, openRepo) { // tsdb_repo_t *repo = tsdbOpenRepo("/home/ubuntu/work/build/test/data/vnode/vnode2/tsdb", NULL); // ASSERT_NE(repo, nullptr); // STsdbRepo *pRepo = (STsdbRepo *)repo; // SFileGroup *pGroup = tsdbSearchFGroup(pRepo->tsdbFileH, 1655); // for (int type = TSDB_FILE_TYPE_HEAD; type < TSDB_FILE_TYPE_MAX; type++) { // tsdbOpenFile(&pGroup->files[type], O_RDONLY); // } // SCompIdx *pIdx = (SCompIdx *)calloc(pRepo->config.maxTables, sizeof(SCompIdx)); // tsdbLoadCompIdx(pGroup, (void *)pIdx, pRepo->config.maxTables); // SCompInfo *pCompInfo = (SCompInfo *)malloc(sizeof(SCompInfo) + pIdx[1].len); // tsdbLoadCompBlocks(pGroup, &pIdx[1], (void *)pCompInfo); // int blockIdx = 0; // SCompBlock *pBlock = &(pCompInfo->blocks[blockIdx]); // SCompData *pCompData = (SCompData *)malloc(sizeof(SCompData) + sizeof(SCompCol) * pBlock->numOfCols); // tsdbLoadCompCols(&pGroup->files[TSDB_FILE_TYPE_DATA], pBlock, (void *)pCompData); // STable *pTable = tsdbGetTableByUid(pRepo->tsdbMeta, pCompData->uid); // SDataCols *pDataCols = tdNewDataCols(tdMaxRowBytesFromSchema(tsdbGetTableSchema(pRepo->tsdbMeta, pTable)), 5, 10); // tdInitDataCols(pDataCols, tsdbGetTableSchema(pRepo->tsdbMeta, pTable)); // tsdbLoadDataBlock(&pGroup->files[TSDB_FILE_TYPE_DATA], pBlock, 1, pDataCols, pCompData); // tdResetDataCols(pDataCols); // tsdbLoadDataBlock(&pGroup->files[TSDB_FILE_TYPE_DATA], pBlock + 1, 1, pDataCols, pCompData); // int k = 0; } TEST(TsdbTest, DISABLED_createFileGroup) { SFileGroup fGroup; // ASSERT_EQ(tsdbCreateFileGroup("/home/ubuntu/work/ttest/vnode0/data", 1820, &fGroup, 1000), 0); int k = 0; }