/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _TD_TSDB_FS_H_ #define _TD_TSDB_FS_H_ #define TSDB_FS_VERSION 0 // ================== CURRENT file header info typedef struct { uint32_t version; // Current file system version (relating to code) uint32_t len; // Encode content length (including checksum) } SFSHeader; // ================== TSDB File System Meta typedef struct { uint32_t version; // Commit version from 0 to increase int64_t totalPoints; // total points int64_t totalStorage; // Uncompressed total storage } STsdbFSMeta; // ================== typedef struct { STsdbFSMeta meta; // FS meta SMFile* pmf; // meta file pointer SMFile mf; // meta file SArray* df; // data file array } SFSStatus; typedef struct { pthread_rwlock_t lock; SFSStatus* cstatus; // current status SHashObj* metaCache; // meta cache SHashObj* metaCacheComp; // meta cache for compact bool intxn; SFSStatus* nstatus; // new status } STsdbFS; #define FS_CURRENT_STATUS(pfs) ((pfs)->cstatus) #define FS_NEW_STATUS(pfs) ((pfs)->nstatus) #define FS_IN_TXN(pfs) (pfs)->intxn #define FS_VERSION(pfs) ((pfs)->cstatus->meta.version) #define FS_TXN_VERSION(pfs) ((pfs)->nstatus->meta.version) typedef struct { int direction; uint64_t version; // current FS version STsdbFS* pfs; int index; // used to position next fset when version the same int fid; // used to seek when version is changed SDFileSet* pSet; } SFSIter; #define TSDB_FS_ITER_FORWARD TSDB_ORDER_ASC #define TSDB_FS_ITER_BACKWARD TSDB_ORDER_DESC STsdbFS *tsdbNewFS(STsdbCfg *pCfg); void * tsdbFreeFS(STsdbFS *pfs); int tsdbOpenFS(STsdbRepo *pRepo); void tsdbCloseFS(STsdbRepo *pRepo); void tsdbStartFSTxn(STsdbRepo *pRepo, int64_t pointsAdd, int64_t storageAdd); int tsdbEndFSTxn(STsdbRepo *pRepo); int tsdbEndFSTxnWithError(STsdbFS *pfs); void tsdbUpdateFSTxnMeta(STsdbFS *pfs, STsdbFSMeta *pMeta); void tsdbUpdateMFile(STsdbFS *pfs, const SMFile *pMFile); int tsdbUpdateDFileSet(STsdbFS *pfs, const SDFileSet *pSet); void tsdbFSIterInit(SFSIter *pIter, STsdbFS *pfs, int direction); void tsdbFSIterSeek(SFSIter *pIter, int fid); SDFileSet *tsdbFSIterNext(SFSIter *pIter); int tsdbLoadMetaCache(STsdbRepo *pRepo, bool recoverMeta); static FORCE_INLINE int tsdbRLockFS(STsdbFS* pFs) { int code = pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&(pFs->lock)); if (code != 0) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(code); return -1; } return 0; } static FORCE_INLINE int tsdbWLockFS(STsdbFS* pFs) { int code = pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&(pFs->lock)); if (code != 0) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(code); return -1; } return 0; } static FORCE_INLINE int tsdbUnLockFS(STsdbFS* pFs) { int code = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&(pFs->lock)); if (code != 0) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(code); return -1; } return 0; } #endif /* _TD_TSDB_FS_H_ */