#!/bin/bash # # This file is used to install database on linux systems. The operating system # is required to use systemd to manage services at boot set -e #set -x # -----------------------Variables definition--------------------- script_dir=$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0")) # Dynamic directory data_dir="/var/lib/taos" log_dir="/var/log/taos" data_link_dir="/usr/local/taos/data" log_link_dir="/usr/local/taos/log" cfg_install_dir="/etc/taos" bin_link_dir="/usr/bin" lib_link_dir="/usr/lib" lib64_link_dir="/usr/lib64" inc_link_dir="/usr/include" #install main path install_main_dir="/usr/local/taos" # old bin dir bin_dir="/usr/local/taos/bin" service_config_dir="/etc/systemd/system" # Color setting RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[1;32m' GREEN_DARK='\033[0;32m' GREEN_UNDERLINE='\033[4;32m' NC='\033[0m' csudo="" if command -v sudo > /dev/null; then csudo="sudo" fi update_flag=0 prompt_force=0 initd_mod=0 service_mod=2 if pidof systemd &> /dev/null; then service_mod=0 elif $(which service &> /dev/null); then service_mod=1 service_config_dir="/etc/init.d" if $(which chkconfig &> /dev/null); then initd_mod=1 elif $(which insserv &> /dev/null); then initd_mod=2 elif $(which update-rc.d &> /dev/null); then initd_mod=3 else service_mod=2 fi else service_mod=2 fi # get the operating system type for using the corresponding init file # ubuntu/debian(deb), centos/fedora(rpm), others: opensuse, redhat, ..., no verification #osinfo=$(awk -F= '/^NAME/{print $2}' /etc/os-release) if [[ -e /etc/os-release ]]; then osinfo=$(cat /etc/os-release | grep "NAME" | cut -d '"' -f2) ||: else osinfo="" fi #echo "osinfo: ${osinfo}" os_type=0 if echo $osinfo | grep -qwi "ubuntu" ; then # echo "This is ubuntu system" os_type=1 elif echo $osinfo | grep -qwi "debian" ; then # echo "This is debian system" os_type=1 elif echo $osinfo | grep -qwi "Kylin" ; then # echo "This is Kylin system" os_type=1 elif echo $osinfo | grep -qwi "centos" ; then # echo "This is centos system" os_type=2 elif echo $osinfo | grep -qwi "fedora" ; then # echo "This is fedora system" os_type=2 elif echo $osinfo | grep -qwi "Linx" ; then # echo "This is Linx system" os_type=1 service_mod=0 initd_mod=0 service_config_dir="/etc/systemd/system" else echo " osinfo: ${osinfo}" echo " This is an officially unverified linux system," echo " if there are any problems with the installation and operation, " echo " please feel free to contact taosdata.com for support." os_type=1 fi # ============================= get input parameters ================================================= # install.sh -v [server | client] -e [yes | no] -i [systemd | service | ...] # set parameters by default value interactiveFqdn=yes # [yes | no] verType=server # [server | client] initType=systemd # [systemd | service | ...] while getopts "hv:e:i:" arg do case $arg in e) #echo "interactiveFqdn=$OPTARG" interactiveFqdn=$( echo $OPTARG ) ;; v) #echo "verType=$OPTARG" verType=$(echo $OPTARG) ;; i) #echo "initType=$OPTARG" initType=$(echo $OPTARG) ;; h) echo "Usage: `basename $0` -v [server | client] -e [yes | no]" exit 0 ;; ?) #unknow option echo "unkonw argument" exit 1 ;; esac done #echo "verType=${verType} interactiveFqdn=${interactiveFqdn}" function kill_process() { pid=$(ps -ef | grep "$1" | grep -v "grep" | awk '{print $2}') if [ -n "$pid" ]; then ${csudo} kill -9 $pid || : fi } function install_main_path() { #create install main dir and all sub dir ${csudo} rm -rf ${install_main_dir} || : ${csudo} mkdir -p ${install_main_dir} ${csudo} mkdir -p ${install_main_dir}/cfg ${csudo} mkdir -p ${install_main_dir}/bin ${csudo} mkdir -p ${install_main_dir}/connector ${csudo} mkdir -p ${install_main_dir}/driver ${csudo} mkdir -p ${install_main_dir}/examples ${csudo} mkdir -p ${install_main_dir}/include ${csudo} mkdir -p ${install_main_dir}/init.d if [ "$verMode" == "cluster" ]; then ${csudo} mkdir -p ${nginx_dir} fi if [[ -e ${script_dir}/email ]]; then ${csudo} cp ${script_dir}/email ${install_main_dir}/ ||: fi } function install_bin() { # Remove links ${csudo} rm -f ${bin_link_dir}/taos || : ${csudo} rm -f ${bin_link_dir}/taosd || : ${csudo} rm -f ${bin_link_dir}/taosadapter || : ${csudo} rm -f ${bin_link_dir}/create_table || : ${csudo} rm -f ${bin_link_dir}/tmq_sim || : ${csudo} rm -f ${bin_link_dir}/taosdump || : ${csudo} rm -f ${bin_link_dir}/rmtaos || : #${csudo} rm -f ${bin_link_dir}/set_core || : ${csudo} cp -r ${script_dir}/bin/* ${install_main_dir}/bin && ${csudo} chmod 0555 ${install_main_dir}/bin/* #Make link [ -x ${install_main_dir}/bin/taos ] && ${csudo} ln -s ${install_main_dir}/bin/taos ${bin_link_dir}/taos || : [ -x ${install_main_dir}/bin/taosd ] && ${csudo} ln -s ${install_main_dir}/bin/taosd ${bin_link_dir}/taosd || : [ -x ${install_main_dir}/bin/create_table ] && ${csudo} ln -s ${install_main_dir}/bin/create_table ${bin_link_dir}/create_table || : [ -x ${install_main_dir}/bin/tmq_sim ] && ${csudo} ln -s ${install_main_dir}/bin/tmq_sim ${bin_link_dir}/tmq_sim || : # [ -x ${install_main_dir}/bin/taosdemo ] && ${csudo} ln -s ${install_main_dir}/bin/taosdemo ${bin_link_dir}/taosdemo || : # [ -x ${install_main_dir}/bin/taosdump ] && ${csudo} ln -s ${install_main_dir}/bin/taosdump ${bin_link_dir}/taosdump || : [ -x ${install_main_dir}/bin/remove.sh ] && ${csudo} ln -s ${install_main_dir}/bin/remove.sh ${bin_link_dir}/rmtaos || : # [ -x ${install_main_dir}/bin/set_core.sh ] && ${csudo} ln -s ${install_main_dir}/bin/set_core.sh ${bin_link_dir}/set_core || : } function install_lib() { # Remove links ${csudo} rm -f ${lib_link_dir}/libtaos.* || : ${csudo} rm -f ${lib64_link_dir}/libtaos.* || : ${csudo} ln -s ${install_main_dir}/lib/libtaos.* ${lib_link_dir}/libtaos.so.1 ${csudo} ln -s ${lib_link_dir}/libtaos.so.1 ${lib_link_dir}/libtaos.so ${csudo} ln -s ${install_main_dir}/lib/libtdb.* ${lib_link_dir}/libtdb.so.1 ${csudo} ln -s ${lib_link_dir}/libtdb.so.1 ${lib_link_dir}/libtdb.so if [[ -d ${lib64_link_dir} && ! -e ${lib64_link_dir}/libtaos.so ]]; then ${csudo} ln -s ${install_main_dir}/lib/libtaos.* ${lib64_link_dir}/libtaos.so.1 || : ${csudo} ln -s ${lib64_link_dir}/libtaos.so.1 ${lib64_link_dir}/libtaos.so || : ${csudo} ln -s ${install_main_dir}/lib/libtdb.* ${lib64_link_dir}/libtdb.so.1 || : ${csudo} ln -s ${lib64_link_dir}/libtdb.so.1 ${lib64_link_dir}/libtdb.so || : fi ${csudo} ldconfig } function install_header() { ${csudo} rm -f ${inc_link_dir}/taos.h ${inc_link_dir}/taosdef.h ${inc_link_dir}/taoserror.h || : ${csudo} cp -f ${script_dir}/inc/* ${install_main_dir}/include && ${csudo} chmod 644 ${install_main_dir}/include/* ${csudo} ln -s ${install_main_dir}/include/taos.h ${inc_link_dir}/taos.h # ${csudo} ln -s ${install_main_dir}/include/taosdef.h ${inc_link_dir}/taosdef.h ${csudo} ln -s ${install_main_dir}/include/taoserror.h ${inc_link_dir}/taoserror.h } function add_newHostname_to_hosts() { localIp="" OLD_IFS="$IFS" IFS=" " iphost=$(cat /etc/hosts | grep $1 | awk '{print $1}') arr=($iphost) IFS="$OLD_IFS" for s in "${arr[@]}" do if [[ "$s" == "$localIp" ]]; then return fi done ${csudo} echo " $1" >> /etc/hosts ||: } function set_hostname() { echo -e -n "${GREEN}Please enter one hostname(must not be 'localhost')${NC}:" read newHostname while true; do if [[ ! -z "$newHostname" && "$newHostname" != "localhost" ]]; then break else read -p "Please enter one hostname(must not be 'localhost'):" newHostname fi done ${csudo} hostname $newHostname ||: retval=`echo $?` if [[ $retval != 0 ]]; then echo echo "set hostname fail!" return fi #echo -e -n "$(hostnamectl status --static)" #echo -e -n "$(hostnamectl status --transient)" #echo -e -n "$(hostnamectl status --pretty)" #ubuntu/centos /etc/hostname if [[ -e /etc/hostname ]]; then ${csudo} echo $newHostname > /etc/hostname ||: fi #debian: #HOSTNAME=yourname if [[ -e /etc/sysconfig/network ]]; then ${csudo} sed -i -r "s/#*\s*(HOSTNAME=\s*).*/\1$newHostname/" /etc/sysconfig/network ||: fi ${csudo} sed -i -r "s/#*\s*(fqdn\s*).*/\1$newHostname/" ${cfg_install_dir}/taos.cfg serverFqdn=$newHostname if [[ -e /etc/hosts ]]; then add_newHostname_to_hosts $newHostname fi } function is_correct_ipaddr() { newIp=$1 OLD_IFS="$IFS" IFS=" " arr=($iplist) IFS="$OLD_IFS" for s in "${arr[@]}" do if [[ "$s" == "$newIp" ]]; then return 0 fi done return 1 } function set_ipAsFqdn() { iplist=$(ip address |grep inet |grep -v inet6 |grep -v |awk '{print $2}' |awk -F "/" '{print $1}') ||: if [ -z "$iplist" ]; then iplist=$(ifconfig |grep inet |grep -v inet6 |grep -v |awk '{print $2}' |awk -F ":" '{print $2}') ||: fi if [ -z "$iplist" ]; then echo echo -e -n "${GREEN}Unable to get local ip, use${NC}" localFqdn="" # Write the local FQDN to configuration file ${csudo} sed -i -r "s/#*\s*(fqdn\s*).*/\1$localFqdn/" ${cfg_install_dir}/taos.cfg serverFqdn=$localFqdn echo return fi echo -e -n "${GREEN}Please choose an IP from local IP list${NC}:" echo echo -e -n "${GREEN}$iplist${NC}" echo echo echo -e -n "${GREEN}Notes: if IP is used as the node name, data can NOT be migrated to other machine directly${NC}:" read localFqdn while true; do if [ ! -z "$localFqdn" ]; then # Check if correct ip address is_correct_ipaddr $localFqdn retval=`echo $?` if [[ $retval != 0 ]]; then read -p "Please choose an IP from local IP list:" localFqdn else # Write the local FQDN to configuration file ${csudo} sed -i -r "s/#*\s*(fqdn\s*).*/\1$localFqdn/" ${cfg_install_dir}/taos.cfg serverFqdn=$localFqdn break fi else read -p "Please choose an IP from local IP list:" localFqdn fi done } function local_fqdn_check() { #serverFqdn=$(hostname) echo echo -e -n "System hostname is: ${GREEN}$serverFqdn${NC}" echo if [[ "$serverFqdn" == "" ]] || [[ "$serverFqdn" == "localhost" ]]; then echo -e -n "${GREEN}It is strongly recommended to configure a hostname for this machine ${NC}" echo while true do read -r -p "Set hostname now? [Y/n] " input if [ ! -n "$input" ]; then set_hostname break else case $input in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) set_hostname break ;; [nN][oO]|[nN]) set_ipAsFqdn break ;; *) echo "Invalid input..." ;; esac fi done fi } function install_log() { ${csudo} rm -rf ${log_dir} || : ${csudo} mkdir -p ${log_dir} && ${csudo} chmod 777 ${log_dir} ${csudo} ln -s ${log_dir} ${install_main_dir}/log } function install_data() { ${csudo} mkdir -p ${data_dir} ${csudo} ln -s ${data_dir} ${install_main_dir}/data } function clean_service_on_systemd() { taosd_service_config="${service_config_dir}/taosd.service" if systemctl is-active --quiet taosd; then echo "TDengine is running, stopping it..." ${csudo} systemctl stop taosd &> /dev/null || echo &> /dev/null fi ${csudo} systemctl disable taosd &> /dev/null || echo &> /dev/null ${csudo} rm -f ${taosd_service_config} tarbitratord_service_config="${service_config_dir}/tarbitratord.service" if systemctl is-active --quiet tarbitratord; then echo "tarbitrator is running, stopping it..." ${csudo} systemctl stop tarbitratord &> /dev/null || echo &> /dev/null fi ${csudo} systemctl disable tarbitratord &> /dev/null || echo &> /dev/null ${csudo} rm -f ${tarbitratord_service_config} if [ "$verMode" == "cluster" ]; then nginx_service_config="${service_config_dir}/nginxd.service" if systemctl is-active --quiet nginxd; then echo "Nginx for TDengine is running, stopping it..." ${csudo} systemctl stop nginxd &> /dev/null || echo &> /dev/null fi ${csudo} systemctl disable nginxd &> /dev/null || echo &> /dev/null ${csudo} rm -f ${nginx_service_config} fi } # taos:2345:respawn:/etc/init.d/taosd start function install_service_on_systemd() { clean_service_on_systemd taosd_service_config="${service_config_dir}/taosd.service" ${csudo} bash -c "echo '[Unit]' >> ${taosd_service_config}" ${csudo} bash -c "echo 'Description=TDengine server service' >> ${taosd_service_config}" ${csudo} bash -c "echo 'After=network-online.target taosadapter.service' >> ${taosd_service_config}" ${csudo} bash -c "echo 'Wants=network-online.target taosadapter.service' >> ${taosd_service_config}" ${csudo} bash -c "echo >> ${taosd_service_config}" ${csudo} bash -c "echo '[Service]' >> ${taosd_service_config}" ${csudo} bash -c "echo 'Type=simple' >> ${taosd_service_config}" ${csudo} bash -c "echo 'ExecStart=/usr/bin/taosd' >> ${taosd_service_config}" ${csudo} bash -c "echo 'ExecStartPre=/usr/local/taos/bin/startPre.sh' >> ${taosd_service_config}" ${csudo} bash -c "echo 'TimeoutStopSec=1000000s' >> ${taosd_service_config}" ${csudo} bash -c "echo 'LimitNOFILE=infinity' >> ${taosd_service_config}" ${csudo} bash -c "echo 'LimitNPROC=infinity' >> ${taosd_service_config}" ${csudo} bash -c "echo 'LimitCORE=infinity' >> ${taosd_service_config}" ${csudo} bash -c "echo 'TimeoutStartSec=0' >> ${taosd_service_config}" ${csudo} bash -c "echo 'StandardOutput=null' >> ${taosd_service_config}" ${csudo} bash -c "echo 'Restart=always' >> ${taosd_service_config}" ${csudo} bash -c "echo 'StartLimitBurst=3' >> ${taosd_service_config}" ${csudo} bash -c "echo 'StartLimitInterval=60s' >> ${taosd_service_config}" #${csudo} bash -c "echo 'StartLimitIntervalSec=60s' >> ${taosd_service_config}" ${csudo} bash -c "echo >> ${taosd_service_config}" ${csudo} bash -c "echo '[Install]' >> ${taosd_service_config}" ${csudo} bash -c "echo 'WantedBy=multi-user.target' >> ${taosd_service_config}" ${csudo} systemctl enable taosd ${csudo} systemctl daemon-reload } function install_service() { if ((${service_mod}==0)); then install_service_on_systemd elif ((${service_mod}==1)); then install_service_on_sysvinit else # must manual stop taosd kill_process taosd fi } function install_TDengine() { # Start to install echo -e "${GREEN}Start to install TDengine...${NC}" install_main_path install_data install_log install_header install_lib if [ -z $1 ]; then # install service and client # For installing new install_bin install_service #install_config # Ask if to start the service #echo #echo -e "\033[44;32;1mTDengine is installed successfully!${NC}" echo echo -e "${GREEN_DARK}To configure TDengine ${NC}: edit /etc/taos/taos.cfg" if ((${service_mod}==0)); then echo -e "${GREEN_DARK}To start TDengine ${NC}: ${csudo} systemctl start taosd${NC}" elif ((${service_mod}==1)); then echo -e "${GREEN_DARK}To start TDengine ${NC}: ${csudo} service taosd start${NC}" else echo -e "${GREEN_DARK}To start TDengine ${NC}: taosd${NC}" fi if [ ! -z "$firstEp" ]; then tmpFqdn=${firstEp%%:*} substr=":" if [[ $firstEp =~ $substr ]];then tmpPort=${firstEp#*:} else tmpPort="" fi if [[ "$tmpPort" != "" ]];then echo -e "${GREEN_DARK}To access TDengine ${NC}: taos -h $tmpFqdn -P $tmpPort${GREEN_DARK} to login into cluster, then${NC}" else echo -e "${GREEN_DARK}To access TDengine ${NC}: taos -h $tmpFqdn${GREEN_DARK} to login into cluster, then${NC}" fi echo -e "${GREEN_DARK}execute ${NC}: create dnode 'newDnodeFQDN:port'; ${GREEN_DARK}to add this new node${NC}" echo elif [ ! -z "$serverFqdn" ]; then echo -e "${GREEN_DARK}To access TDengine ${NC}: taos -h $serverFqdn${GREEN_DARK} to login into TDengine server${NC}" echo fi echo -e "\033[44;32;1mTDengine is installed successfully!${NC}" echo else # Only install client install_bin #install_config echo echo -e "\033[44;32;1mTDengine client is installed successfully!${NC}" fi touch ~/.taos_history } ## ==============================Main program starts from here============================ serverFqdn=$(hostname) if [ "$verType" == "server" ]; then # Install server and client install_TDengine elif [ "$verType" == "client" ]; then interactiveFqdn=no # Only install client install_TDengine client else echo "please input correct verType" fi