from taos import * conn = connect() dbname = "pytest_taos_stmt" conn.execute("drop database if exists %s" % dbname) conn.execute("create database if not exists %s" % dbname) conn.select_db(dbname) conn.execute( "create table if not exists log(ts timestamp, bo bool, nil tinyint, \ ti tinyint, si smallint, ii int, bi bigint, tu tinyint unsigned, \ su smallint unsigned, iu int unsigned, bu bigint unsigned, \ ff float, dd double, bb binary(100), nn nchar(100), tt timestamp)", ) stmt = conn.statement("insert into log values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)") params = new_bind_params(16) params[0].timestamp(1626861392589) params[1].bool(True) params[2].null() params[3].tinyint(2) params[4].smallint(3) params[5].int(4) params[6].bigint(5) params[7].tinyint_unsigned(6) params[8].smallint_unsigned(7) params[9].int_unsigned(8) params[10].bigint_unsigned(9) params[11].float(10.1) params[12].double(10.11) params[13].binary("hello") params[14].nchar("stmt") params[15].timestamp(1626861392589) stmt.bind_param(params) params[0].timestamp(1626861392590) params[15].null() stmt.bind_param(params) stmt.execute() result = stmt.use_result() assert result.affected_rows == 2 # No need to explicitly close, but ok for you # result.close() result = conn.query("select * from log") for row in result: print(row) # No need to explicitly close, but ok for you # result.close() # stmt.close() # conn.close()