# TDengine driver connector for Lua It's a Lua implementation for [TDengine](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine), an open-sourced big data platform designed and optimized for the Internet of Things (IoT), Connected Cars, Industrial IoT, and IT Infrastructure and Application Monitoring. You may need to install Lua5.3 . As TDengine is built with lua-enable, the built-in lua module conflicts with external lua. The following commands require TDengine built with lua-disable. To disable built-in lua: mkdir debug && cd debug cmake .. -DBUILD_LUA=false && cmake --build . ## Lua Dependencies - Lua: ``` https://www.lua.org/ ``` ## Run with Lua Sample Build driver lib: ``` ./build.sh ``` Run lua sample: ``` lua test.lua ``` ## Run performance test: ``` time lua benchmark.lua ``` ## OpenResty Dependencies - OpenResty: ``` http://openresty.org ``` ## Run with OpenResty Sample **This section demonstrates how to get binary file for connector. To be convenient for trial, an connector has been put into OpenResty work directory. Because of difference on C API between Lua5.3 and Lua5.1, the files needed by connector for OpenResty are stored in local source directory and configured in script build.sh.** Build driver lib: ``` cd lua51 ./build.sh ``` Run OpenResty sample: ``` cd .. cd OpenResty sudo openresty -p . curl ```