/** * @file double_compression.c * @author Sheng Di, Dingwen Tao, Xin Liang, Xiangyu Zou, Tao Lu, Wen Xia, Xuan Wang, Weizhe Zhang * @date April, 2016 * @brief Compression Technique for double array * (C) 2016 by Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS), Argonne National Laboratory. * See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory. */ #include #include #include #include #include "sz.h" #include "DynamicByteArray.h" #include "DynamicIntArray.h" #include "TightDataPointStorageD.h" #include "CompressElement.h" #include "dataCompression.h" int computeByteSizePerIntValue(long valueRangeSize) { if(valueRangeSize<=256) return 1; else if(valueRangeSize<=65536) return 2; else if(valueRangeSize<=4294967296) //2^32 return 4; else return 8; } long computeRangeSize_int(void* oriData, int dataType, size_t size, int64_t* valueRangeSize) { size_t i = 0; long max = 0, min = 0; if(dataType==SZ_UINT8) { unsigned char* data = (unsigned char*)oriData; unsigned char data_; min = data[0], max = min; computeMinMax(data); } else if(dataType == SZ_INT8) { char* data = (char*)oriData; char data_; min = data[0], max = min; computeMinMax(data); } else if(dataType == SZ_UINT16) { unsigned short* data = (unsigned short*)oriData; unsigned short data_; min = data[0], max = min; computeMinMax(data); } else if(dataType == SZ_INT16) { short* data = (short*)oriData; short data_; min = data[0], max = min; computeMinMax(data); } else if(dataType == SZ_UINT32) { unsigned int* data = (unsigned int*)oriData; unsigned int data_; min = data[0], max = min; computeMinMax(data); } else if(dataType == SZ_INT32) { int* data = (int*)oriData; int data_; min = data[0], max = min; computeMinMax(data); } else if(dataType == SZ_UINT64) { unsigned long* data = (unsigned long*)oriData; unsigned long data_; min = data[0], max = min; computeMinMax(data); } else if(dataType == SZ_INT64) { long* data = (long *)oriData; long data_; min = data[0], max = min; computeMinMax(data); } *valueRangeSize = max - min; return min; } float computeRangeSize_float(float* oriData, size_t size, float* valueRangeSize, float* medianValue) { size_t i = 0; float min = oriData[0]; float max = min; for(i=1;idata) min = data; else if(maxdata) min = data; else if(maxdata) min = data; else if(maxdata) min = data; else if(maxdata) min = data; else if(maxdata) min = data; else if(maxb) return a; else return b; } float min_f(float a, float b) { if(ab) return a; else return b; } double getRealPrecision_double(double valueRangeSize, int errBoundMode, double absErrBound, double relBoundRatio, int *status) { int state = SZ_SCES; double precision = 0; if(errBoundMode==ABS||errBoundMode==ABS_OR_PW_REL||errBoundMode==ABS_AND_PW_REL) precision = absErrBound; else if(errBoundMode==REL||errBoundMode==REL_OR_PW_REL||errBoundMode==REL_AND_PW_REL) precision = relBoundRatio*valueRangeSize; else if(errBoundMode==ABS_AND_REL) precision = min_d(absErrBound, relBoundRatio*valueRangeSize); else if(errBoundMode==ABS_OR_REL) precision = max_d(absErrBound, relBoundRatio*valueRangeSize); else if(errBoundMode==PW_REL) precision = 0; else { printf("Error: error-bound-mode is incorrect!\n"); state = SZ_BERR; } *status = state; return precision; } double getRealPrecision_float(float valueRangeSize, int errBoundMode, double absErrBound, double relBoundRatio, int *status) { int state = SZ_SCES; double precision = 0; if(errBoundMode==ABS||errBoundMode==ABS_OR_PW_REL||errBoundMode==ABS_AND_PW_REL) precision = absErrBound; else if(errBoundMode==REL||errBoundMode==REL_OR_PW_REL||errBoundMode==REL_AND_PW_REL) precision = relBoundRatio*valueRangeSize; else if(errBoundMode==ABS_AND_REL) precision = min_f(absErrBound, relBoundRatio*valueRangeSize); else if(errBoundMode==ABS_OR_REL) precision = max_f(absErrBound, relBoundRatio*valueRangeSize); else if(errBoundMode==PW_REL) precision = 0; else { printf("Error: error-bound-mode is incorrect!\n"); state = SZ_BERR; } *status = state; return precision; } double getRealPrecision_int(long valueRangeSize, int errBoundMode, double absErrBound, double relBoundRatio, int *status) { int state = SZ_SCES; double precision = 0; if(errBoundMode==ABS||errBoundMode==ABS_OR_PW_REL||errBoundMode==ABS_AND_PW_REL) precision = absErrBound; else if(errBoundMode==REL||errBoundMode==REL_OR_PW_REL||errBoundMode==REL_AND_PW_REL) precision = relBoundRatio*valueRangeSize; else if(errBoundMode==ABS_AND_REL) precision = min_f(absErrBound, relBoundRatio*valueRangeSize); else if(errBoundMode==ABS_OR_REL) precision = max_f(absErrBound, relBoundRatio*valueRangeSize); else if(errBoundMode==PW_REL) precision = -1; else { printf("Error: error-bound-mode is incorrect!\n"); state = SZ_BERR; } *status = state; return precision; } void symTransform_8bytes(unsigned char data[8]) { unsigned char tmp = data[0]; data[0] = data[7]; data[7] = tmp; tmp = data[1]; data[1] = data[6]; data[6] = tmp; tmp = data[2]; data[2] = data[5]; data[5] = tmp; tmp = data[3]; data[3] = data[4]; data[4] = tmp; } inline void symTransform_2bytes(unsigned char data[2]) { unsigned char tmp = data[0]; data[0] = data[1]; data[1] = tmp; } inline void symTransform_4bytes(unsigned char data[4]) { unsigned char tmp = data[0]; data[0] = data[3]; data[3] = tmp; tmp = data[1]; data[1] = data[2]; data[2] = tmp; } inline void compressInt8Value(int8_t tgtValue, int8_t minValue, int byteSize, unsigned char* bytes) { uint8_t data = tgtValue - minValue; memcpy(bytes, &data, byteSize); //byteSize==1 } inline void compressInt16Value(int16_t tgtValue, int16_t minValue, int byteSize, unsigned char* bytes) { uint16_t data = tgtValue - minValue; unsigned char tmpBytes[2]; int16ToBytes_bigEndian(tmpBytes, data); memcpy(bytes, tmpBytes + 2 - byteSize, byteSize); } inline void compressInt32Value(int32_t tgtValue, int32_t minValue, int byteSize, unsigned char* bytes) { uint32_t data = tgtValue - minValue; unsigned char tmpBytes[4]; int32ToBytes_bigEndian(tmpBytes, data); memcpy(bytes, tmpBytes + 4 - byteSize, byteSize); } inline void compressInt64Value(int64_t tgtValue, int64_t minValue, int byteSize, unsigned char* bytes) { uint64_t data = tgtValue - minValue; unsigned char tmpBytes[8]; int64ToBytes_bigEndian(tmpBytes, data); memcpy(bytes, tmpBytes + 8 - byteSize, byteSize); } inline void compressUInt8Value(uint8_t tgtValue, uint8_t minValue, int byteSize, unsigned char* bytes) { uint8_t data = tgtValue - minValue; memcpy(bytes, &data, byteSize); //byteSize==1 } inline void compressUInt16Value(uint16_t tgtValue, uint16_t minValue, int byteSize, unsigned char* bytes) { uint16_t data = tgtValue - minValue; unsigned char tmpBytes[2]; int16ToBytes_bigEndian(tmpBytes, data); memcpy(bytes, tmpBytes + 2 - byteSize, byteSize); } inline void compressUInt32Value(uint32_t tgtValue, uint32_t minValue, int byteSize, unsigned char* bytes) { uint32_t data = tgtValue - minValue; unsigned char tmpBytes[4]; int32ToBytes_bigEndian(tmpBytes, data); memcpy(bytes, tmpBytes + 4 - byteSize, byteSize); } inline void compressUInt64Value(uint64_t tgtValue, uint64_t minValue, int byteSize, unsigned char* bytes) { uint64_t data = tgtValue - minValue; unsigned char tmpBytes[8]; int64ToBytes_bigEndian(tmpBytes, data); memcpy(bytes, tmpBytes + 8 - byteSize, byteSize); } inline void compressSingleFloatValue(FloatValueCompressElement *vce, float tgtValue, float precision, float medianValue, int reqLength, int reqBytesLength, int resiBitsLength) { float normValue = tgtValue - medianValue; lfloat lfBuf; lfBuf.value = normValue; int ignBytesLength = 32 - reqLength; if(ignBytesLength<0) ignBytesLength = 0; int tmp_int = lfBuf.ivalue; intToBytes_bigEndian(vce->curBytes, tmp_int); lfBuf.ivalue = (lfBuf.ivalue >> ignBytesLength) << ignBytesLength; //float tmpValue = lfBuf.value; vce->data = lfBuf.value+medianValue; vce->curValue = tmp_int; vce->reqBytesLength = reqBytesLength; vce->resiBitsLength = resiBitsLength; } void compressSingleFloatValue_MSST19(FloatValueCompressElement *vce, float tgtValue, float precision, int reqLength, int reqBytesLength, int resiBitsLength) { float normValue = tgtValue; lfloat lfBuf; lfBuf.value = normValue; int ignBytesLength = 32 - reqLength; if(ignBytesLength<0) ignBytesLength = 0; int tmp_int = lfBuf.ivalue; intToBytes_bigEndian(vce->curBytes, tmp_int); lfBuf.ivalue = (lfBuf.ivalue >> ignBytesLength) << ignBytesLength; //float tmpValue = lfBuf.value; vce->data = lfBuf.value; vce->curValue = tmp_int; vce->reqBytesLength = reqBytesLength; vce->resiBitsLength = resiBitsLength; } void compressSingleDoubleValue_MSST19(DoubleValueCompressElement *vce, double tgtValue, double precision, int reqLength, int reqBytesLength, int resiBitsLength) { ldouble lfBuf; lfBuf.value = tgtValue; int ignBytesLength = 64 - reqLength; if(ignBytesLength<0) ignBytesLength = 0; long tmp_long = lfBuf.lvalue; longToBytes_bigEndian(vce->curBytes, tmp_long); lfBuf.lvalue = (lfBuf.lvalue >> ignBytesLength) << ignBytesLength; //float tmpValue = lfBuf.value; vce->data = lfBuf.value; vce->curValue = tmp_long; vce->reqBytesLength = reqBytesLength; vce->resiBitsLength = resiBitsLength; } void compressSingleDoubleValue(DoubleValueCompressElement *vce, double tgtValue, double precision, double medianValue, int reqLength, int reqBytesLength, int resiBitsLength) { double normValue = tgtValue - medianValue; ldouble lfBuf; lfBuf.value = normValue; int ignBytesLength = 64 - reqLength; if(ignBytesLength<0) ignBytesLength = 0; long tmp_long = lfBuf.lvalue; longToBytes_bigEndian(vce->curBytes, tmp_long); lfBuf.lvalue = (lfBuf.lvalue >> ignBytesLength)<data = lfBuf.value+medianValue; vce->curValue = tmp_long; vce->reqBytesLength = reqBytesLength; vce->resiBitsLength = resiBitsLength; } int compIdenticalLeadingBytesCount_double(unsigned char* preBytes, unsigned char* curBytes) { int i, n = 0; for(i=0;i<8;i++) if(preBytes[i]==curBytes[i]) n++; else break; if(n>3) n = 3; return n; } inline int compIdenticalLeadingBytesCount_float(unsigned char* preBytes, unsigned char* curBytes) { int i, n = 0; for(i=0;i<4;i++) if(preBytes[i]==curBytes[i]) n++; else break; if(n>3) n = 3; return n; } //TODO double-check the correctness... inline void addExactData(DynamicByteArray *exactMidByteArray, DynamicIntArray *exactLeadNumArray, DynamicIntArray *resiBitArray, LossyCompressionElement *lce) { int i; int leadByteLength = lce->leadingZeroBytes; addDIA_Data(exactLeadNumArray, leadByteLength); unsigned char* intMidBytes = lce->integerMidBytes; int integerMidBytesLength = lce->integerMidBytes_Length; int resMidBitsLength = lce->resMidBitsLength; if(intMidBytes!=NULL||resMidBitsLength!=0) { if(intMidBytes!=NULL) for(i = 0;iresidualMidBits); } } /** * @deprecated * @return: the length of the coefficient array. * */ int getPredictionCoefficients(int layers, int dimension, int **coeff_array, int *status) { size_t size = 0; switch(dimension) { case 1: switch(layers) { case 1: *coeff_array = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)); (*coeff_array)[0] = 1; size = 1; break; case 2: *coeff_array = (int*)malloc(2*sizeof(int)); (*coeff_array)[0] = 2; (*coeff_array)[1] = -1; size = 2; break; case 3: *coeff_array = (int*)malloc(3*sizeof(int)); (*coeff_array)[0] = 3; (*coeff_array)[1] = -3; (*coeff_array)[2] = 1; break; } break; case 2: switch(layers) { case 1: break; case 2: break; case 3: break; } break; case 3: switch(layers) { case 1: break; case 2: break; case 3: break; } break; default: printf("Error: dimension must be no greater than 3 in the current version.\n"); *status = SZ_DERR; } *status = SZ_SCES; return size; } int computeBlockEdgeSize_2D(int segmentSize) { int i = 1; for(i=1; isegmentSize) break; } return i; //return (int)(sqrt(segmentSize)+1); } int computeBlockEdgeSize_3D(int segmentSize) { int i = 1; for(i=1; isegmentSize) break; } return i; //return (int)(pow(segmentSize, 1.0/3)+1); } //convert random-access version based bytes to output bytes int initRandomAccessBytes(unsigned char* raBytes) { int k = 0, i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)//3 raBytes[k++] = versionNumber[i]; int sameByte = 0x80; //indicating this is regression-based compression mode if(exe_params->SZ_SIZE_TYPE==8) sameByte = (unsigned char) (sameByte | 0x40); // 01000000, the 6th bit if(confparams_cpr->randomAccess) sameByte = (unsigned char) (sameByte | 0x02); // 00000010, random access //sameByte = sameByte | (confparams_cpr->szMode << 1); if(confparams_cpr->protectValueRange) sameByte = (unsigned char) (sameByte | 0x04); //00000100, protect value range raBytes[k++] = sameByte; convertSZParamsToBytes(confparams_cpr, &(raBytes[k])); if(confparams_cpr->dataType==SZ_FLOAT) k = k + MetaDataByteLength; else if(confparams_cpr->dataType==SZ_DOUBLE) k = k + MetaDataByteLength_double; return k; } //The following functions are float-precision version of dealing with the unpredictable data points int generateLossyCoefficients_float(float* oriData, double precision, size_t nbEle, int* reqBytesLength, int* resiBitsLength, float* medianValue, float* decData) { float valueRangeSize; computeRangeSize_float(oriData, nbEle, &valueRangeSize, medianValue); short radExpo = getExponent_float(valueRangeSize/2); int reqLength; computeReqLength_float(precision, radExpo, &reqLength, medianValue); *reqBytesLength = reqLength/8; *resiBitsLength = reqLength%8; size_t i = 0; for(i = 0;i < nbEle;i++) { float normValue = oriData[i] - *medianValue; lfloat lfBuf; lfBuf.value = normValue; int ignBytesLength = 32 - reqLength; if(ignBytesLength<0) ignBytesLength = 0; lfBuf.ivalue = (lfBuf.ivalue >> ignBytesLength) << ignBytesLength; //float tmpValue = lfBuf.value; decData[i] = lfBuf.value + *medianValue; } return reqLength; } /** * @param float* oriData: inplace argument (input / output) * * */ int compressExactDataArray_float(float* oriData, double precision, size_t nbEle, unsigned char** leadArray, unsigned char** midArray, unsigned char** resiArray, int reqLength, int reqBytesLength, int resiBitsLength, float medianValue) { //allocate memory for coefficient compression arrays DynamicIntArray *exactLeadNumArray; new_DIA(&exactLeadNumArray, DynArrayInitLen); DynamicByteArray *exactMidByteArray; new_DBA(&exactMidByteArray, DynArrayInitLen); DynamicIntArray *resiBitArray; new_DIA(&resiBitArray, DynArrayInitLen); unsigned char preDataBytes[4] = {0,0,0,0}; //allocate memory for vce and lce FloatValueCompressElement *vce = (FloatValueCompressElement*)malloc(sizeof(FloatValueCompressElement)); LossyCompressionElement *lce = (LossyCompressionElement*)malloc(sizeof(LossyCompressionElement)); size_t i = 0; for(i = 0;i < nbEle;i++) { compressSingleFloatValue(vce, oriData[i], precision, medianValue, reqLength, reqBytesLength, resiBitsLength); updateLossyCompElement_Float(vce->curBytes, preDataBytes, reqBytesLength, resiBitsLength, lce); memcpy(preDataBytes,vce->curBytes,4); addExactData(exactMidByteArray, exactLeadNumArray, resiBitArray, lce); oriData[i] = vce->data; } convertDIAtoInts(exactLeadNumArray, leadArray); convertDBAtoBytes(exactMidByteArray,midArray); convertDIAtoInts(resiBitArray, resiArray); size_t midArraySize = exactMidByteArray->size; free(vce); free(lce); free_DIA(exactLeadNumArray); free_DBA(exactMidByteArray); free_DIA(resiBitArray); return midArraySize; } void decompressExactDataArray_float(unsigned char* leadNum, unsigned char* exactMidBytes, unsigned char* residualMidBits, size_t nbEle, int reqLength, float medianValue, float** decData) { *decData = (float*)malloc(nbEle*sizeof(float)); size_t i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, l = 0, p = 0, curByteIndex = 0; float exactData = 0; unsigned char preBytes[4] = {0,0,0,0}; unsigned char curBytes[4]; int resiBits; unsigned char leadingNum; int reqBytesLength = reqLength/8; int resiBitsLength = reqLength%8; for(i = 0; i 0) { int code = getRightMovingCode(kMod8, resiBitsLength); resiBits = (residualMidBits[p] & code) >> rightMovSteps; } else if (rightMovSteps < 0) { int code1 = getLeftMovingCode(kMod8); int code2 = getRightMovingCode(kMod8, resiBitsLength); int leftMovSteps = -rightMovSteps; rightMovSteps = 8 - leftMovSteps; resiBits = (residualMidBits[p] & code1) << leftMovSteps; p++; resiBits = resiBits | ((residualMidBits[p] & code2) >> rightMovSteps); } else // rightMovSteps == 0 { int code = getRightMovingCode(kMod8, resiBitsLength); resiBits = (residualMidBits[p] & code); p++; } k += resiBitsLength; } // recover the exact data memset(curBytes, 0, 4); leadingNum = leadNum[l++]; memcpy(curBytes, preBytes, leadingNum); for (j = leadingNum; j < reqBytesLength; j++) curBytes[j] = exactMidBytes[curByteIndex++]; if (resiBitsLength != 0) { unsigned char resiByte = (unsigned char) (resiBits << (8 - resiBitsLength)); curBytes[reqBytesLength] = resiByte; } exactData = bytesToFloat(curBytes); (*decData)[i] = exactData + medianValue; memcpy(preBytes,curBytes,4); } } //double-precision version of dealing with unpredictable data points in sz 2.0 int generateLossyCoefficients_double(double* oriData, double precision, size_t nbEle, int* reqBytesLength, int* resiBitsLength, double* medianValue, double* decData) { double valueRangeSize; computeRangeSize_double(oriData, nbEle, &valueRangeSize, medianValue); short radExpo = getExponent_double(valueRangeSize/2); int reqLength; computeReqLength_double(precision, radExpo, &reqLength, medianValue); *reqBytesLength = reqLength/8; *resiBitsLength = reqLength%8; size_t i = 0; for(i = 0;i < nbEle;i++) { double normValue = oriData[i] - *medianValue; ldouble ldBuf; ldBuf.value = normValue; int ignBytesLength = 64 - reqLength; if(ignBytesLength<0) ignBytesLength = 0; ldBuf.lvalue = (ldBuf.lvalue >> ignBytesLength) << ignBytesLength; decData[i] = ldBuf.value + *medianValue; } return reqLength; } /** * @param double* oriData: inplace argument (input / output) * * */ int compressExactDataArray_double(double* oriData, double precision, size_t nbEle, unsigned char** leadArray, unsigned char** midArray, unsigned char** resiArray, int reqLength, int reqBytesLength, int resiBitsLength, double medianValue) { //allocate memory for coefficient compression arrays DynamicIntArray *exactLeadNumArray; new_DIA(&exactLeadNumArray, DynArrayInitLen); DynamicByteArray *exactMidByteArray; new_DBA(&exactMidByteArray, DynArrayInitLen); DynamicIntArray *resiBitArray; new_DIA(&resiBitArray, DynArrayInitLen); unsigned char preDataBytes[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; //allocate memory for vce and lce DoubleValueCompressElement *vce = (DoubleValueCompressElement*)malloc(sizeof(DoubleValueCompressElement)); LossyCompressionElement *lce = (LossyCompressionElement*)malloc(sizeof(LossyCompressionElement)); size_t i = 0; for(i = 0;i < nbEle;i++) { compressSingleDoubleValue(vce, oriData[i], precision, medianValue, reqLength, reqBytesLength, resiBitsLength); updateLossyCompElement_Double(vce->curBytes, preDataBytes, reqBytesLength, resiBitsLength, lce); memcpy(preDataBytes,vce->curBytes,8); addExactData(exactMidByteArray, exactLeadNumArray, resiBitArray, lce); oriData[i] = vce->data; } convertDIAtoInts(exactLeadNumArray, leadArray); convertDBAtoBytes(exactMidByteArray,midArray); convertDIAtoInts(resiBitArray, resiArray); size_t midArraySize = exactMidByteArray->size; free(vce); free(lce); free_DIA(exactLeadNumArray); free_DBA(exactMidByteArray); free_DIA(resiBitArray); return midArraySize; } void decompressExactDataArray_double(unsigned char* leadNum, unsigned char* exactMidBytes, unsigned char* residualMidBits, size_t nbEle, int reqLength, double medianValue, double** decData) { *decData = (double*)malloc(nbEle*sizeof(double)); size_t i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, l = 0, p = 0, curByteIndex = 0; double exactData = 0; unsigned char preBytes[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; unsigned char curBytes[8]; int resiBits; unsigned char leadingNum; int reqBytesLength = reqLength/8; int resiBitsLength = reqLength%8; for(i = 0; i 0) { int code = getRightMovingCode(kMod8, resiBitsLength); resiBits = (residualMidBits[p] & code) >> rightMovSteps; } else if (rightMovSteps < 0) { int code1 = getLeftMovingCode(kMod8); int code2 = getRightMovingCode(kMod8, resiBitsLength); int leftMovSteps = -rightMovSteps; rightMovSteps = 8 - leftMovSteps; resiBits = (residualMidBits[p] & code1) << leftMovSteps; p++; resiBits = resiBits | ((residualMidBits[p] & code2) >> rightMovSteps); } else // rightMovSteps == 0 { int code = getRightMovingCode(kMod8, resiBitsLength); resiBits = (residualMidBits[p] & code); p++; } k += resiBitsLength; } // recover the exact data memset(curBytes, 0, 8); leadingNum = leadNum[l++]; memcpy(curBytes, preBytes, leadingNum); for (j = leadingNum; j < reqBytesLength; j++) curBytes[j] = exactMidBytes[curByteIndex++]; if (resiBitsLength != 0) { unsigned char resiByte = (unsigned char) (resiBits << (8 - resiBitsLength)); curBytes[reqBytesLength] = resiByte; } exactData = bytesToDouble(curBytes); (*decData)[i] = exactData + medianValue; memcpy(preBytes,curBytes,8); } }