/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE #include "sdb.h" #include "tchecksum.h" #include "wal.h" #define SDB_TABLE_SIZE 24 #define SDB_RESERVE_SIZE 512 #define SDB_FILE_VER 1 static int32_t sdbDeployData(SSdb *pSdb) { mInfo("start to deploy sdb"); for (int32_t i = SDB_MAX - 1; i >= 0; --i) { SdbDeployFp fp = pSdb->deployFps[i]; if (fp == NULL) continue; mInfo("start to deploy sdb:%s", sdbTableName(i)); if ((*fp)(pSdb->pMnode) != 0) { mError("failed to deploy sdb:%s since %s", sdbTableName(i), terrstr()); return -1; } } mInfo("sdb deploy success"); return 0; } static void sdbResetData(SSdb *pSdb) { mInfo("start to reset sdb"); for (ESdbType i = 0; i < SDB_MAX; ++i) { SHashObj *hash = pSdb->hashObjs[i]; if (hash == NULL) continue; SSdbRow **ppRow = taosHashIterate(hash, NULL); while (ppRow != NULL) { SSdbRow *pRow = *ppRow; if (pRow == NULL) continue; sdbFreeRow(pSdb, pRow, true); ppRow = taosHashIterate(hash, ppRow); } } for (ESdbType i = 0; i < SDB_MAX; ++i) { SHashObj *hash = pSdb->hashObjs[i]; if (hash == NULL) continue; taosHashClear(pSdb->hashObjs[i]); pSdb->tableVer[i] = 0; pSdb->maxId[i] = 0; mInfo("sdb:%s is reset", sdbTableName(i)); } pSdb->applyIndex = -1; pSdb->applyTerm = -1; pSdb->applyConfig = -1; pSdb->commitIndex = -1; pSdb->commitTerm = -1; pSdb->commitConfig = -1; mInfo("sdb reset success"); } static int32_t sdbReadFileHead(SSdb *pSdb, TdFilePtr pFile) { int64_t sver = 0; int32_t ret = taosReadFile(pFile, &sver, sizeof(int64_t)); if (ret < 0) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); return -1; } if (ret != sizeof(int64_t)) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED; return -1; } if (sver != SDB_FILE_VER) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED; return -1; } ret = taosReadFile(pFile, &pSdb->applyIndex, sizeof(int64_t)); if (ret < 0) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); return -1; } if (ret != sizeof(int64_t)) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED; return -1; } ret = taosReadFile(pFile, &pSdb->applyTerm, sizeof(int64_t)); if (ret < 0) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); return -1; } if (ret != sizeof(int64_t)) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED; return -1; } ret = taosReadFile(pFile, &pSdb->applyConfig, sizeof(int64_t)); if (ret < 0) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); return -1; } if (ret != sizeof(int64_t)) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED; return -1; } for (int32_t i = 0; i < SDB_TABLE_SIZE; ++i) { int64_t maxId = 0; ret = taosReadFile(pFile, &maxId, sizeof(int64_t)); if (ret < 0) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); return -1; } if (ret != sizeof(int64_t)) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED; return -1; } if (i < SDB_MAX) { pSdb->maxId[i] = maxId; } } for (int32_t i = 0; i < SDB_TABLE_SIZE; ++i) { int64_t ver = 0; ret = taosReadFile(pFile, &ver, sizeof(int64_t)); if (ret < 0) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); return -1; } if (ret != sizeof(int64_t)) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED; return -1; } if (i < SDB_MAX) { pSdb->tableVer[i] = ver; } } char reserve[SDB_RESERVE_SIZE] = {0}; ret = taosReadFile(pFile, reserve, sizeof(reserve)); if (ret < 0) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); return -1; } if (ret != sizeof(reserve)) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED; return -1; } return 0; } static int32_t sdbWriteFileHead(SSdb *pSdb, TdFilePtr pFile) { int64_t sver = SDB_FILE_VER; if (taosWriteFile(pFile, &sver, sizeof(int64_t)) != sizeof(int64_t)) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); return -1; } if (taosWriteFile(pFile, &pSdb->applyIndex, sizeof(int64_t)) != sizeof(int64_t)) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); return -1; } if (taosWriteFile(pFile, &pSdb->applyTerm, sizeof(int64_t)) != sizeof(int64_t)) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); return -1; } if (taosWriteFile(pFile, &pSdb->applyConfig, sizeof(int64_t)) != sizeof(int64_t)) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); return -1; } for (int32_t i = 0; i < SDB_TABLE_SIZE; ++i) { int64_t maxId = 0; if (i < SDB_MAX) { maxId = pSdb->maxId[i]; } if (taosWriteFile(pFile, &maxId, sizeof(int64_t)) != sizeof(int64_t)) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); return -1; } } for (int32_t i = 0; i < SDB_TABLE_SIZE; ++i) { int64_t ver = 0; if (i < SDB_MAX) { ver = pSdb->tableVer[i]; } if (taosWriteFile(pFile, &ver, sizeof(int64_t)) != sizeof(int64_t)) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); return -1; } } char reserve[SDB_RESERVE_SIZE] = {0}; if (taosWriteFile(pFile, reserve, sizeof(reserve)) != sizeof(reserve)) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); return -1; } return 0; } static int32_t sdbReadFileImp(SSdb *pSdb) { int64_t offset = 0; int32_t code = 0; int32_t readLen = 0; int64_t ret = 0; char file[PATH_MAX] = {0}; snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s%ssdb.data", pSdb->currDir, TD_DIRSEP); mInfo("start to read sdb file:%s", file); SSdbRaw *pRaw = taosMemoryMalloc(TSDB_MAX_MSG_SIZE + 100); if (pRaw == NULL) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; mError("failed read sdb file since %s", terrstr()); return -1; } TdFilePtr pFile = taosOpenFile(file, TD_FILE_READ); if (pFile == NULL) { taosMemoryFree(pRaw); terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); mDebug("failed to read sdb file:%s since %s", file, terrstr()); return 0; } if (sdbReadFileHead(pSdb, pFile) != 0) { mError("failed to read sdb file:%s head since %s", file, terrstr()); taosMemoryFree(pRaw); taosCloseFile(&pFile); return -1; } int64_t tableVer[SDB_MAX] = {0}; memcpy(tableVer, pSdb->tableVer, sizeof(tableVer)); while (1) { readLen = sizeof(SSdbRaw); ret = taosReadFile(pFile, pRaw, readLen); if (ret == 0) break; if (ret < 0) { code = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); mError("failed to read sdb file:%s since %s", file, tstrerror(code)); break; } if (ret != readLen) { code = TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED; mError("failed to read sdb file:%s since %s", file, tstrerror(code)); break; } readLen = pRaw->dataLen + sizeof(int32_t); ret = taosReadFile(pFile, pRaw->pData, readLen); if (ret < 0) { code = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); mError("failed to read sdb file:%s since %s", file, tstrerror(code)); break; } if (ret != readLen) { code = TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED; mError("failed to read sdb file:%s since %s", file, tstrerror(code)); break; } int32_t totalLen = sizeof(SSdbRaw) + pRaw->dataLen + sizeof(int32_t); if ((!taosCheckChecksumWhole((const uint8_t *)pRaw, totalLen)) != 0) { code = TSDB_CODE_CHECKSUM_ERROR; mError("failed to read sdb file:%s since %s", file, tstrerror(code)); break; } code = sdbWriteWithoutFree(pSdb, pRaw); if (code != 0) { mError("failed to read sdb file:%s since %s", file, terrstr()); goto _OVER; } } code = 0; pSdb->commitIndex = pSdb->applyIndex; pSdb->commitTerm = pSdb->applyTerm; pSdb->commitConfig = pSdb->applyConfig; memcpy(pSdb->tableVer, tableVer, sizeof(tableVer)); mInfo("read sdb file:%s success, commit index:%" PRId64 " term:%" PRId64 " config:%" PRId64, file, pSdb->commitIndex, pSdb->commitTerm, pSdb->commitConfig); _OVER: taosCloseFile(&pFile); sdbFreeRaw(pRaw); terrno = code; return code; } int32_t sdbReadFile(SSdb *pSdb) { taosThreadMutexLock(&pSdb->filelock); sdbResetData(pSdb); int32_t code = sdbReadFileImp(pSdb); if (code != 0) { mError("failed to read sdb file since %s", terrstr()); sdbResetData(pSdb); } taosThreadMutexUnlock(&pSdb->filelock); return code; } static int32_t sdbWriteFileImp(SSdb *pSdb) { int32_t code = 0; char tmpfile[PATH_MAX] = {0}; snprintf(tmpfile, sizeof(tmpfile), "%s%ssdb.data", pSdb->tmpDir, TD_DIRSEP); char curfile[PATH_MAX] = {0}; snprintf(curfile, sizeof(curfile), "%s%ssdb.data", pSdb->currDir, TD_DIRSEP); mInfo("start to write sdb file, apply index:%" PRId64 " term:%" PRId64 " config:%" PRId64 ", commit index:%" PRId64 " term:%" PRId64 " config:%" PRId64 ", file:%s", pSdb->applyIndex, pSdb->applyTerm, pSdb->applyConfig, pSdb->commitIndex, pSdb->commitTerm, pSdb->commitConfig, curfile); TdFilePtr pFile = taosOpenFile(tmpfile, TD_FILE_CREATE | TD_FILE_WRITE | TD_FILE_TRUNC); if (pFile == NULL) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); mError("failed to open sdb file:%s for write since %s", tmpfile, terrstr()); return -1; } if (sdbWriteFileHead(pSdb, pFile) != 0) { mError("failed to write sdb file:%s head since %s", tmpfile, terrstr()); taosCloseFile(&pFile); return -1; } for (int32_t i = SDB_MAX - 1; i >= 0; --i) { SdbEncodeFp encodeFp = pSdb->encodeFps[i]; if (encodeFp == NULL) continue; mInfo("write %s to sdb file, total %d rows", sdbTableName(i), sdbGetSize(pSdb, i)); SHashObj *hash = pSdb->hashObjs[i]; sdbWriteLock(pSdb, i); SSdbRow **ppRow = taosHashIterate(hash, NULL); while (ppRow != NULL) { SSdbRow *pRow = *ppRow; if (pRow == NULL) { ppRow = taosHashIterate(hash, ppRow); continue; } if (pRow->status != SDB_STATUS_READY && pRow->status != SDB_STATUS_DROPPING) { sdbPrintOper(pSdb, pRow, "not-write"); ppRow = taosHashIterate(hash, ppRow); continue; } sdbPrintOper(pSdb, pRow, "write"); SSdbRaw *pRaw = (*encodeFp)(pRow->pObj); if (pRaw != NULL) { pRaw->status = pRow->status; int32_t writeLen = sizeof(SSdbRaw) + pRaw->dataLen; if (taosWriteFile(pFile, pRaw, writeLen) != writeLen) { code = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); taosHashCancelIterate(hash, ppRow); sdbFreeRaw(pRaw); break; } int32_t cksum = taosCalcChecksum(0, (const uint8_t *)pRaw, sizeof(SSdbRaw) + pRaw->dataLen); if (taosWriteFile(pFile, &cksum, sizeof(int32_t)) != sizeof(int32_t)) { code = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); taosHashCancelIterate(hash, ppRow); sdbFreeRaw(pRaw); break; } } else { code = TSDB_CODE_SDB_APP_ERROR; taosHashCancelIterate(hash, ppRow); break; } sdbFreeRaw(pRaw); ppRow = taosHashIterate(hash, ppRow); } sdbUnLock(pSdb, i); } if (code == 0) { code = taosFsyncFile(pFile); if (code != 0) { code = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); mError("failed to sync sdb file:%s since %s", tmpfile, tstrerror(code)); } } taosCloseFile(&pFile); if (code == 0) { code = taosRenameFile(tmpfile, curfile); if (code != 0) { code = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); mError("failed to write sdb file:%s since %s", curfile, tstrerror(code)); } } if (code != 0) { mError("failed to write sdb file:%s since %s", curfile, tstrerror(code)); } else { pSdb->commitIndex = pSdb->applyIndex; pSdb->commitTerm = pSdb->applyTerm; pSdb->commitConfig = pSdb->applyConfig; mInfo("write sdb file success, commit index:%" PRId64 " term:%" PRId64 " config:%" PRId64 " file:%s", pSdb->commitIndex, pSdb->commitTerm, pSdb->commitConfig, curfile); } terrno = code; return code; } int32_t sdbWriteFile(SSdb *pSdb, int32_t delta) { int32_t code = 0; if (pSdb->applyIndex == pSdb->commitIndex) { return 0; } if (pSdb->applyIndex - pSdb->commitIndex < delta) { return 0; } taosThreadMutexLock(&pSdb->filelock); if (pSdb->pWal != NULL) { code = walBeginSnapshot(pSdb->pWal, pSdb->applyIndex); } if (code == 0) { code = sdbWriteFileImp(pSdb); } if (code == 0) { if (pSdb->pWal != NULL) { code = walEndSnapshot(pSdb->pWal); } } if (code != 0) { mError("failed to write sdb file since %s", terrstr()); } taosThreadMutexUnlock(&pSdb->filelock); return code; } int32_t sdbDeploy(SSdb *pSdb) { if (sdbDeployData(pSdb) != 0) { return -1; } if (sdbWriteFile(pSdb, 0) != 0) { return -1; } return 0; } static SSdbIter *sdbCreateIter(SSdb *pSdb) { SSdbIter *pIter = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SSdbIter)); if (pIter == NULL) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return NULL; } char name[PATH_MAX + 100] = {0}; snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s%ssdb.data.%" PRIu64, pSdb->tmpDir, TD_DIRSEP, (uint64_t)pIter); pIter->name = strdup(name); if (pIter->name == NULL) { taosMemoryFree(pIter); terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return NULL; } return pIter; } static void sdbCloseIter(SSdbIter *pIter) { if (pIter == NULL) return; if (pIter->file != NULL) { taosCloseFile(&pIter->file); pIter->file = NULL; } if (pIter->name != NULL) { (void)taosRemoveFile(pIter->name); taosMemoryFree(pIter->name); pIter->name = NULL; } mInfo("sdbiter:%p, is closed, total:%" PRId64, pIter, pIter->total); taosMemoryFree(pIter); } int32_t sdbStartRead(SSdb *pSdb, SSdbIter **ppIter, int64_t *index, int64_t *term, int64_t *config) { SSdbIter *pIter = sdbCreateIter(pSdb); if (pIter == NULL) return -1; char datafile[PATH_MAX] = {0}; snprintf(datafile, sizeof(datafile), "%s%ssdb.data", pSdb->currDir, TD_DIRSEP); taosThreadMutexLock(&pSdb->filelock); int64_t commitIndex = pSdb->commitIndex; int64_t commitTerm = pSdb->commitTerm; int64_t commitConfig = pSdb->commitConfig; if (taosCopyFile(datafile, pIter->name) < 0) { taosThreadMutexUnlock(&pSdb->filelock); terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); mError("failed to copy sdb file %s to %s since %s", datafile, pIter->name, terrstr()); sdbCloseIter(pIter); return -1; } taosThreadMutexUnlock(&pSdb->filelock); pIter->file = taosOpenFile(pIter->name, TD_FILE_READ); if (pIter->file == NULL) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); mError("failed to open sdb file:%s since %s", pIter->name, terrstr()); sdbCloseIter(pIter); return -1; } *ppIter = pIter; if (index != NULL) *index = commitIndex; if (term != NULL) *term = commitTerm; if (config != NULL) *config = commitConfig; mInfo("sdbiter:%p, is created to read snapshot, commit index:%" PRId64 " term:%" PRId64 " config:%" PRId64 " file:%s", pIter, commitIndex, commitTerm, commitConfig, pIter->name); return 0; } int32_t sdbStopRead(SSdb *pSdb, SSdbIter *pIter) { sdbCloseIter(pIter); return 0; } int32_t sdbDoRead(SSdb *pSdb, SSdbIter *pIter, void **ppBuf, int32_t *len) { int32_t maxlen = 4096; void *pBuf = taosMemoryCalloc(1, maxlen); if (pBuf == NULL) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return -1; } int32_t readlen = taosReadFile(pIter->file, pBuf, maxlen); if (readlen < 0 || readlen > maxlen) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); mError("sdbiter:%p, failed to read snapshot since %s, total:%" PRId64, pIter, terrstr(), pIter->total); *ppBuf = NULL; *len = 0; taosMemoryFree(pBuf); return -1; } else if (readlen == 0) { mInfo("sdbiter:%p, read snapshot to the end, total:%" PRId64, pIter, pIter->total); *ppBuf = NULL; *len = 0; taosMemoryFree(pBuf); return 0; } else { // (readlen <= maxlen) pIter->total += readlen; mInfo("sdbiter:%p, read:%d bytes from snapshot, total:%" PRId64, pIter, readlen, pIter->total); *ppBuf = pBuf; *len = readlen; return 0; } } int32_t sdbStartWrite(SSdb *pSdb, SSdbIter **ppIter) { SSdbIter *pIter = sdbCreateIter(pSdb); if (pIter == NULL) return -1; pIter->file = taosOpenFile(pIter->name, TD_FILE_CREATE | TD_FILE_WRITE | TD_FILE_TRUNC); if (pIter->file == NULL) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); mError("failed to open %s since %s", pIter->name, terrstr()); sdbCloseIter(pIter); return -1; } *ppIter = pIter; mInfo("sdbiter:%p, is created to write snapshot, file:%s", pIter, pIter->name); return 0; } int32_t sdbStopWrite(SSdb *pSdb, SSdbIter *pIter, bool isApply, int64_t index, int64_t term, int64_t config) { int32_t code = 0; if (!isApply) { mInfo("sdbiter:%p, not apply to sdb", pIter); sdbCloseIter(pIter); return 0; } taosFsyncFile(pIter->file); taosCloseFile(&pIter->file); pIter->file = NULL; char datafile[PATH_MAX] = {0}; snprintf(datafile, sizeof(datafile), "%s%ssdb.data", pSdb->currDir, TD_DIRSEP); if (taosRenameFile(pIter->name, datafile) != 0) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); mError("sdbiter:%p, failed to rename file %s to %s since %s", pIter, pIter->name, datafile, terrstr()); sdbCloseIter(pIter); return -1; } if (sdbReadFile(pSdb) != 0) { mError("sdbiter:%p, failed to read from %s since %s", pIter, datafile, terrstr()); sdbCloseIter(pIter); return -1; } if (config > 0) { ASSERT(pSdb->commitConfig == config); pSdb->commitConfig = config; } if (term > 0) { ASSERT(pSdb->commitTerm == term); pSdb->commitTerm = term; } if (index > 0) { ASSERT(pSdb->commitIndex == index); pSdb->commitIndex = index; } mInfo("sdbiter:%p, success applyed to sdb", pIter); sdbCloseIter(pIter); return 0; } int32_t sdbDoWrite(SSdb *pSdb, SSdbIter *pIter, void *pBuf, int32_t len) { int32_t writelen = taosWriteFile(pIter->file, pBuf, len); if (writelen != len) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); mError("failed to write len:%d since %s, total:%" PRId64, len, terrstr(), pIter->total); return -1; } pIter->total += writelen; mInfo("sdbiter:%p, write:%d bytes to snapshot, total:%" PRId64, pIter, writelen, pIter->total); return 0; }