/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _TD_TSDB_H_ #define _TD_TSDB_H_ #include #include #include #include "tdataformat.h" #include "tname.h" #include "taosdef.h" #include "taosmsg.h" #include "tarray.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define TSDB_VERSION_MAJOR 1 #define TSDB_VERSION_MINOR 0 #define TSDB_INVALID_SUPER_TABLE_ID -1 #define TSDB_STATUS_COMMIT_START 1 #define TSDB_STATUS_COMMIT_OVER 2 // --------- TSDB APPLICATION HANDLE DEFINITION typedef struct { void *appH; void *cqH; int (*notifyStatus)(void *, int status); int (*eventCallBack)(void *); void *(*cqCreateFunc)(void *handle, int sid, char *sqlStr, STSchema *pSchema); void (*cqDropFunc)(void *handle); } STsdbAppH; // --------- TSDB REPOSITORY CONFIGURATION DEFINITION typedef struct { int32_t tsdbId; int32_t cacheBlockSize; int32_t totalBlocks; int32_t maxTables; // maximum number of tables this repository can have int32_t daysPerFile; // day per file sharding policy int32_t keep; // day of data to keep int32_t keep1; int32_t keep2; int32_t minRowsPerFileBlock; // minimum rows per file block int32_t maxRowsPerFileBlock; // maximum rows per file block int32_t commitTime; int8_t precision; int8_t compression; } STsdbCfg; void tsdbSetDefaultCfg(STsdbCfg *pCfg); STsdbCfg *tsdbCreateDefaultCfg(); void tsdbFreeCfg(STsdbCfg *pCfg); // --------- TSDB REPOSITORY DEFINITION typedef void TsdbRepoT; // use void to hide implementation details from outside int tsdbCreateRepo(char *rootDir, STsdbCfg *pCfg, void *limiter); int32_t tsdbDropRepo(TsdbRepoT *repo); TsdbRepoT *tsdbOpenRepo(char *rootDir, STsdbAppH *pAppH); int32_t tsdbCloseRepo(TsdbRepoT *repo, int toCommit); int32_t tsdbConfigRepo(TsdbRepoT *repo, STsdbCfg *pCfg); // --------- TSDB TABLE DEFINITION typedef struct { uint64_t uid; // the unique table ID int32_t tid; // the table ID in the repository. } STableId; // --------- TSDB TABLE configuration typedef struct { ETableType type; char * name; STableId tableId; int32_t sversion; char * sname; // super table name uint64_t superUid; STSchema * schema; STSchema * tagSchema; SDataRow tagValues; char * sql; } STableCfg; int tsdbInitTableCfg(STableCfg *config, ETableType type, uint64_t uid, int32_t tid); int tsdbTableSetSuperUid(STableCfg *config, uint64_t uid); int tsdbTableSetSchema(STableCfg *config, STSchema *pSchema, bool dup); int tsdbTableSetTagSchema(STableCfg *config, STSchema *pSchema, bool dup); int tsdbTableSetTagValue(STableCfg *config, SDataRow row, bool dup); int tsdbTableSetName(STableCfg *config, char *name, bool dup); int tsdbTableSetSName(STableCfg *config, char *sname, bool dup); int tsdbTableSetStreamSql(STableCfg *config, char *sql, bool dup); void tsdbClearTableCfg(STableCfg *config); int32_t tsdbGetTableTagVal(TsdbRepoT *repo, STableId* id, int32_t colId, int16_t *type, int16_t *bytes, char **val); char* tsdbGetTableName(TsdbRepoT *repo, const STableId* id, int16_t* bytes); int tsdbCreateTable(TsdbRepoT *repo, STableCfg *pCfg); int tsdbDropTable(TsdbRepoT *pRepo, STableId tableId); int tsdbAlterTable(TsdbRepoT *repo, STableCfg *pCfg); TSKEY tsdbGetTableLastKey(TsdbRepoT *repo, uint64_t uid); uint32_t tsdbGetFileInfo(TsdbRepoT *repo, char *name, uint32_t *index, int32_t *size); // the TSDB repository info typedef struct STsdbRepoInfo { STsdbCfg tsdbCfg; int64_t version; // version of the repository int64_t tsdbTotalDataSize; // the original inserted data size int64_t tsdbTotalDiskSize; // the total disk size taken by this TSDB repository // TODO: Other informations to add } STsdbRepoInfo; STsdbRepoInfo *tsdbGetStatus(TsdbRepoT *pRepo); // the meter information report structure typedef struct { STableCfg tableCfg; int64_t version; int64_t tableTotalDataSize; // In bytes int64_t tableTotalDiskSize; // In bytes } STableInfo; STableInfo *tsdbGetTableInfo(TsdbRepoT *pRepo, STableId tid); // -- FOR INSERT DATA /** * Insert data to a table in a repository * @param pRepo the TSDB repository handle * @param pData the data to insert (will give a more specific description) * * @return the number of points inserted, -1 for failure and the error number is set */ int32_t tsdbInsertData(TsdbRepoT *repo, SSubmitMsg *pMsg, SShellSubmitRspMsg * pRsp) ; // -- FOR QUERY TIME SERIES DATA typedef void *TsdbQueryHandleT; // Use void to hide implementation details // query condition to build vnode iterator typedef struct STsdbQueryCond { STimeWindow twindow; int32_t order; // desc|asc order to iterate the data block int32_t numOfCols; SColumnInfo *colList; } STsdbQueryCond; typedef struct SDataBlockInfo { STimeWindow window; int32_t rows; int32_t numOfCols; int64_t uid; int32_t tid; } SDataBlockInfo; typedef struct { size_t numOfTables; SArray *pGroupList; } STableGroupInfo; typedef struct SQueryRowCond { int32_t rel; TSKEY ts; } SQueryRowCond; typedef void *TsdbPosT; /** * Get the data block iterator, starting from position according to the query condition * * @param tsdb tsdb handle * @param pCond query condition, including time window, result set order, and basic required columns for each block * @param groupInfo tableId list in the form of set, seperated into different groups according to group by condition * @return */ TsdbQueryHandleT *tsdbQueryTables(TsdbRepoT *tsdb, STsdbQueryCond *pCond, STableGroupInfo *groupInfo); /** * Get the last row of the given query time window for all the tables in STableGroupInfo object. * Note that only one data block with only row will be returned while invoking retrieve data block function for * all tables in this group. * * @param tsdb tsdb handle * @param pCond query condition, including time window, result set order, and basic required columns for each block * @param groupInfo tableId list. * @return */ TsdbQueryHandleT tsdbQueryLastRow(TsdbRepoT *tsdb, STsdbQueryCond *pCond, STableGroupInfo *groupInfo); /** * move to next block if exists * * @param pQueryHandle * @return */ bool tsdbNextDataBlock(TsdbQueryHandleT *pQueryHandle); /** * Get current data block information * * @param pQueryHandle * @return */ SDataBlockInfo tsdbRetrieveDataBlockInfo(TsdbQueryHandleT *pQueryHandle); /** * * Get the pre-calculated information w.r.t. current data block. * * In case of data block in cache, the pBlockStatis will always be NULL. * If a block is not completed loaded from disk, the pBlockStatis will be NULL. * @pBlockStatis the pre-calculated value for current data blocks. if the block is a cache block, always return 0 * @return */ int32_t tsdbRetrieveDataBlockStatisInfo(TsdbQueryHandleT *pQueryHandle, SDataStatis **pBlockStatis); /** * * The query condition with primary timestamp is passed to iterator during its constructor function, * the returned data block must be satisfied with the time window condition in any cases, * which means the SData data block is not actually the completed disk data blocks. * * @param pQueryHandle query handle * @param pColumnIdList required data columns id list * @return */ SArray *tsdbRetrieveDataBlock(TsdbQueryHandleT *pQueryHandle, SArray *pColumnIdList); /** * todo remove this function later * @param pQueryHandle * @param pIdList * @return */ SArray *tsdbRetrieveDataRow(TsdbQueryHandleT *pQueryHandle, SArray *pIdList, SQueryRowCond *pCond); /** * Get iterator for super tables, of which tags values satisfy the tag filter info * * NOTE: the tagFilterStr is an bin-expression for tag filter, such as ((tag_col = 5) and (tag_col2 > 7)) * The filter string is sent from client directly. * The build of the tags filter expression from string is done in the iterator generating function. * * @param pCond query condition * @param pTagFilterStr tag filter info * @return */ TsdbQueryHandleT *tsdbQueryFromTagConds(STsdbQueryCond *pCond, int16_t stableId, const char *pTagFilterStr); /** * Get the qualified tables for (super) table query. * Used to handle the super table projection queries, the last_row query, the group by on normal columns query, * the interpolation query, and timestamp-comp query for join processing. * * @param pQueryHandle * @return table sid list. the invoker is responsible for the release of this the sid list. */ SArray *tsdbGetTableList(TsdbQueryHandleT *pQueryHandle); /** * Get the qualified table id for a super table according to the tag query expression. * @param stableid. super table sid * @param pTagCond. tag query condition */ int32_t tsdbQuerySTableByTagCond(TsdbRepoT *tsdb, uint64_t uid, const char *pTagCond, size_t len, int16_t tagNameRelType, const char *tbnameCond, STableGroupInfo *pGroupList, SColIndex *pColIndex, int32_t numOfCols); /** * create the table group result including only one table, used to handle the normal table query * * @param tsdb tsdbHandle * @param uid table uid * @param pGroupInfo the generated result * @return */ int32_t tsdbGetOneTableGroup(TsdbRepoT *tsdb, uint64_t uid, STableGroupInfo *pGroupInfo); /** * clean up the query handle * @param queryHandle */ void tsdbCleanupQueryHandle(TsdbQueryHandleT queryHandle); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // _TD_TSDB_H_