# encoding:UTF-8 """ # TDengine Connector for Python [TDengine](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine) connector for Python enables python programs to access TDengine, using an API which is compliant with the Python DB API 2.0 (PEP-249). It uses TDengine C client library for client server communications. ## Install ```sh git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine.git pip install ./TDengine/src/connector/python ``` ## Source Code [TDengine](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine) connector for Python source code is hosted on [GitHub](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/tree/develop/src/connector/python). ## Examples ### Query with PEP-249 API ```python import taos conn = taos.connect() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("show databases") results = cursor.fetchall() for row in results: print(row) cursor.close() conn.close() ``` ### Query with objective API ```python import taos conn = taos.connect() conn.exec("create database if not exists pytest") result = conn.query("show databases") num_of_fields = result.field_count for field in result.fields: print(field) for row in result: print(row) result.close() conn.exec("drop database pytest") conn.close() ``` ### Query with async API ```python from taos import * from ctypes import * import time def fetch_callback(p_param, p_result, num_of_rows): print("fetched ", num_of_rows, "rows") p = cast(p_param, POINTER(Counter)) result = TaosResult(p_result) if num_of_rows == 0: print("fetching completed") p.contents.done = True result.close() return if num_of_rows < 0: p.contents.done = True result.check_error(num_of_rows) result.close() return None for row in result.rows_iter(num_of_rows): # print(row) None p.contents.count += result.row_count result.fetch_rows_a(fetch_callback, p_param) def query_callback(p_param, p_result, code): # type: (c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int) -> None if p_result == None: return result = TaosResult(p_result) if code == 0: result.fetch_rows_a(fetch_callback, p_param) result.check_error(code) class Counter(Structure): _fields_ = [("count", c_int), ("done", c_bool)] def __str__(self): return "{ count: %d, done: %s }" % (self.count, self.done) def test_query(conn): # type: (TaosConnection) -> None counter = Counter(count=0) conn.query_a("select * from log.log", query_callback, byref(counter)) while not counter.done: print("wait query callback") time.sleep(1) print(counter) conn.close() if __name__ == "__main__": test_query(connect()) ``` ### Statement API - Bind row after row ```python from taos import * conn = connect() dbname = "pytest_taos_stmt" conn.exec("drop database if exists %s" % dbname) conn.exec("create database if not exists %s" % dbname) conn.select_db(dbname) conn.exec( "create table if not exists log(ts timestamp, bo bool, nil tinyint, \\ ti tinyint, si smallint, ii int, bi bigint, tu tinyint unsigned, \\ su smallint unsigned, iu int unsigned, bu bigint unsigned, \\ ff float, dd double, bb binary(100), nn nchar(100), tt timestamp)", ) stmt = conn.statement("insert into log values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)") params = new_bind_params(16) params[0].timestamp(1626861392589) params[1].bool(True) params[2].null() params[3].tinyint(2) params[4].smallint(3) params[5].int(4) params[6].bigint(5) params[7].tinyint_unsigned(6) params[8].smallint_unsigned(7) params[9].int_unsigned(8) params[10].bigint_unsigned(9) params[11].float(10.1) params[12].double(10.11) params[13].binary("hello") params[14].nchar("stmt") params[15].timestamp(1626861392589) stmt.bind_param(params) params[0].timestamp(1626861392590) params[15].null() stmt.bind_param(params) stmt.execute() result = stmt.use_result() assert result.affected_rows == 2 result.close() result = conn.query("select * from log") for row in result: print(row) result.close() stmt.close() conn.close() ``` ### Statement API - Bind multi rows ```python from taos import * conn = connect() dbname = "pytest_taos_stmt" conn.exec("drop database if exists %s" % dbname) conn.exec("create database if not exists %s" % dbname) conn.select_db(dbname) conn.exec( "create table if not exists log(ts timestamp, bo bool, nil tinyint, \\ ti tinyint, si smallint, ii int, bi bigint, tu tinyint unsigned, \\ su smallint unsigned, iu int unsigned, bu bigint unsigned, \\ ff float, dd double, bb binary(100), nn nchar(100), tt timestamp)", ) stmt = conn.statement("insert into log values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)") params = new_multi_binds(16) params[0].timestamp((1626861392589, 1626861392590, 1626861392591)) params[1].bool((True, None, False)) params[2].tinyint([-128, -128, None]) # -128 is tinyint null params[3].tinyint([0, 127, None]) params[4].smallint([3, None, 2]) params[5].int([3, 4, None]) params[6].bigint([3, 4, None]) params[7].tinyint_unsigned([3, 4, None]) params[8].smallint_unsigned([3, 4, None]) params[9].int_unsigned([3, 4, None]) params[10].bigint_unsigned([3, 4, None]) params[11].float([3, None, 1]) params[12].double([3, None, 1.2]) params[13].binary(["abc", "dddafadfadfadfadfa", None]) params[14].nchar(["涛思数据", None, "a long string with 中文字符"]) params[15].timestamp([None, None, 1626861392591]) stmt.bind_param_batch(params) stmt.execute() result = stmt.use_result() assert result.affected_rows == 3 result.close() result = conn.query("select * from log") for row in result: print(row) result.close() stmt.close() conn.close() ``` ### Statement API - Subscribe ```python import taos conn = taos.connect() dbname = "pytest_taos_subscribe_callback" conn.exec("drop database if exists %s" % dbname) conn.exec("create database if not exists %s" % dbname) conn.select_db(dbname) conn.exec("create table if not exists log(ts timestamp, n int)") for i in range(10): conn.exec("insert into log values(now, %d)" % i) sub = conn.subscribe(True, "test", "select * from log", 1000) print("# consume from begin") for ts, n in sub.consume(): print(ts, n) print("# consume new data") for i in range(5): conn.exec("insert into log values(now, %d)(now+1s, %d)" % (i, i)) result = sub.consume() for ts, n in result: print(ts, n) print("# consume with a stop condition") for i in range(10): conn.exec("insert into log values(now, %d)" % int(random() * 10)) result = sub.consume() try: ts, n = next(result) print(ts, n) if n > 5: result.stop_query() print("## stopped") break except StopIteration: continue sub.close() conn.exec("drop database if exists %s" % dbname) conn.close() ``` ### Statement API - Subscribe asynchronously with callback ```python from taos import * from ctypes import * import time def subscribe_callback(p_sub, p_result, p_param, errno): # type: (c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int) -> None print("# fetch in callback") result = TaosResult(p_result) result.check_error(errno) for row in result.rows_iter(): ts, n = row() print(ts, n) def test_subscribe_callback(conn): # type: (TaosConnection) -> None dbname = "pytest_taos_subscribe_callback" try: conn.exec("drop database if exists %s" % dbname) conn.exec("create database if not exists %s" % dbname) conn.select_db(dbname) conn.exec("create table if not exists log(ts timestamp, n int)") print("# subscribe with callback") sub = conn.subscribe(False, "test", "select * from log", 1000, subscribe_callback) for i in range(10): conn.exec("insert into log values(now, %d)" % i) time.sleep(0.7) sub.close() conn.exec("drop database if exists %s" % dbname) conn.close() except Exception as err: conn.exec("drop database if exists %s" % dbname) conn.close() raise err if __name__ == "__main__": test_subscribe_callback(connect()) ``` ### Statement API - Stream ```python from taos import * from ctypes import * def stream_callback(p_param, p_result, p_row): # type: (c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p) -> None if p_result == None or p_row == None: return result = TaosResult(p_result) row = TaosRow(result, p_row) try: ts, count = row() p = cast(p_param, POINTER(Counter)) p.contents.count += count print("[%s] inserted %d in 5s, total count: %d" % (ts.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), count, p.contents.count)) except Exception as err: print(err) raise err class Counter(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("count", c_int), ] def __str__(self): return "%d" % self.count def test_stream(conn): # type: (TaosConnection) -> None dbname = "pytest_taos_stream" try: conn.exec("drop database if exists %s" % dbname) conn.exec("create database if not exists %s" % dbname) conn.select_db(dbname) conn.exec("create table if not exists log(ts timestamp, n int)") result = conn.query("select count(*) from log interval(5s)") assert result.field_count == 2 counter = Counter() counter.count = 0 stream = conn.stream("select count(*) from log interval(5s)", stream_callback, param=byref(counter)) for _ in range(0, 20): conn.exec("insert into log values(now,0)(now+1s, 1)(now + 2s, 2)") time.sleep(2) stream.close() conn.exec("drop database if exists %s" % dbname) conn.close() except Exception as err: conn.exec("drop database if exists %s" % dbname) conn.close() raise err if __name__ == "__main__": test_stream(connect()) ``` ### Insert with line protocol ```python import taos conn = taos.connect() dbname = "pytest_line" conn.exec("drop database if exists %s" % dbname) conn.exec("create database if not exists %s precision 'us'" % dbname) conn.select_db(dbname) lines = [ 'st,t1=3i64,t2=4f64,t3="t3" c1=3i64,c3=L"passit",c2=false,c4=4f64 1626006833639000000', 'st,t1=4i64,t3="t4",t2=5f64,t4=5f64 c1=3i64,c3=L"passitagin",c2=true,c4=5f64,c5=5f64,c6=7u64 1626006933640000000', 'stf,t1=4i64,t3="t4",t2=5f64,t4=5f64 c1=3i64,c3=L"passitagin_stf",c2=false,c5=5f64,c6=7u64 1626006933641000000', ] conn.schemaless_insert(lines, 0, "ns") print("inserted") lines = [ 'stf,t1=5i64,t3="t4",t2=5f64,t4=5f64 c1=3i64,c3=L"passitagin_stf",c2=false,c5=5f64,c6=7u64 1626006933641000000', ] conn.schemaless_insert(lines, 0, "ns") result = conn.query("show tables") for row in result: print(row) result.close() conn.exec("drop database if exists %s" % dbname) conn.close() ``` ## License - AGPL-3.0 Keep same with [TDengine](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine). """ from .connection import TaosConnection # For some reason, the following is needed for VS Code (through PyLance) to # recognize that "error" is a valid module of the "taos" package. from .error import * from .bind import * from .field import * from .cursor import * from .result import * from .statement import * from .subscription import * from .schemaless import * try: import importlib.metadata __version__ = importlib.metadata.version("taos") except: None # Globals threadsafety = 0 paramstyle = "pyformat" __all__ = [ # functions "connect", "new_bind_param", "new_bind_params", "new_multi_binds", "new_multi_bind", # objects "TaosBind", "TaosConnection", "TaosCursor", "TaosResult", "TaosRows", "TaosRow", "TaosStmt", "PrecisionEnum", "SmlPrecision", "SmlProtocol" ] def connect(*args, **kwargs): # type: (..., ...) -> TaosConnection """Function to return a TDengine connector object Current supporting keyword parameters: @dsn: Data source name as string @user: Username as string(optional) @password: Password as string(optional) @host: Hostname(optional) @database: Database name(optional) @rtype: TDengineConnector """ return TaosConnection(*args, **kwargs)