%define homepath /usr/local/taos %define userlocalpath /usr/local %define cfg_install_dir /etc/taos %define __strip /bin/true %global __python /usr/bin/python3 %global _build_id_links none Name: tdengine Version: %{_version} Release: 3%{?dist} Summary: tdengine from taosdata Group: Application/Database License: AGPL URL: www.taosdata.com AutoReqProv: no #BuildRoot: %_topdir/BUILDROOT BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root #Prefix: /usr/local/taos #BuildRequires: #Requires: %description Big Data Platform Designed and Optimized for IoT #"prep" Nothing needs to be done #%prep #%setup -q #%setup -T #"build" Nothing needs to be done #%build #%configure #make %{?_smp_mflags} %install #make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} rm -rf %{buildroot} echo topdir: %{_topdir} echo version: %{_version} echo buildroot: %{buildroot} libfile="libtaos.so.%{_version}" wslibfile="libtaosws.so" # create install path, and cp file mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{homepath}/bin mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{homepath}/cfg #mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{homepath}/connector mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{homepath}/driver mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{homepath}/examples mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{homepath}/include #mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{homepath}/init.d mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{homepath}/script cp %{_compiledir}/../packaging/cfg/taos.cfg %{buildroot}%{homepath}/cfg if [ -f %{_compiledir}/test/cfg/taosadapter.toml ]; then cp %{_compiledir}/test/cfg/taosadapter.toml %{buildroot}%{homepath}/cfg fi if [ -f %{_compiledir}/test/cfg/taosadapter.service ]; then cp %{_compiledir}/test/cfg/taosadapter.service %{buildroot}%{homepath}/cfg fi if [ -f %{_compiledir}/../build-taoskeeper/config/taoskeeper.toml ]; then cp %{_compiledir}/../build-taoskeeper/config/taoskeeper.toml %{buildroot}%{homepath}/cfg ||: fi if [ -f %{_compiledir}/../build-taoskeeper/taoskeeper.service ]; then cp %{_compiledir}/../build-taoskeeper/taoskeeper.service %{buildroot}%{homepath}/cfg ||: fi #cp %{_compiledir}/../packaging/rpm/taosd %{buildroot}%{homepath}/init.d cp %{_compiledir}/../packaging/tools/post.sh %{buildroot}%{homepath}/script cp %{_compiledir}/../packaging/tools/preun.sh %{buildroot}%{homepath}/script cp %{_compiledir}/../packaging/tools/startPre.sh %{buildroot}%{homepath}/bin cp %{_compiledir}/../packaging/tools/set_core.sh %{buildroot}%{homepath}/bin cp %{_compiledir}/../packaging/tools/taosd-dump-cfg.gdb %{buildroot}%{homepath}/bin cp %{_compiledir}/build/bin/taos %{buildroot}%{homepath}/bin cp %{_compiledir}/build/bin/taosd %{buildroot}%{homepath}/bin cp %{_compiledir}/build/bin/udfd %{buildroot}%{homepath}/bin cp %{_compiledir}/build/bin/taosBenchmark %{buildroot}%{homepath}/bin if [ -f %{_compiledir}/../build-taoskeeper/taoskeeper ]; then cp %{_compiledir}/../build-taoskeeper/taoskeeper %{buildroot}%{homepath}/bin fi if [ -f %{_compiledir}/build/bin/taosadapter ]; then cp %{_compiledir}/build/bin/taosadapter %{buildroot}%{homepath}/bin fi cp %{_compiledir}/build/lib/${libfile} %{buildroot}%{homepath}/driver [ -f %{_compiledir}/build/lib/${wslibfile} ] && cp %{_compiledir}/build/lib/${wslibfile} %{buildroot}%{homepath}/driver ||: cp %{_compiledir}/../include/client/taos.h %{buildroot}%{homepath}/include cp %{_compiledir}/../include/common/taosdef.h %{buildroot}%{homepath}/include cp %{_compiledir}/../include/util/taoserror.h %{buildroot}%{homepath}/include cp %{_compiledir}/../include/util/tdef.h %{buildroot}%{homepath}/include cp %{_compiledir}/../include/libs/function/taosudf.h %{buildroot}%{homepath}/include [ -f %{_compiledir}/build/include/taosws.h ] && cp %{_compiledir}/build/include/taosws.h %{buildroot}%{homepath}/include ||: #cp -r %{_compiledir}/../src/connector/python %{buildroot}%{homepath}/connector #cp -r %{_compiledir}/../src/connector/go %{buildroot}%{homepath}/connector #cp -r %{_compiledir}/../src/connector/nodejs %{buildroot}%{homepath}/connector #cp %{_compiledir}/build/lib/taos-jdbcdriver*.* %{buildroot}%{homepath}/connector ||: cp -r %{_compiledir}/../examples/* %{buildroot}%{homepath}/examples if [ -f %{_compiledir}/build/bin/jemalloc-config ]; then mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{homepath}/jemalloc/ ||: mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{homepath}/jemalloc/include/jemalloc/ ||: mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{homepath}/jemalloc/lib/ ||: mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{homepath}/jemalloc/lib/pkgconfig ||: cp %{_compiledir}/build/bin/jemalloc-config %{buildroot}%{homepath}/jemalloc/bin if [ -f %{_compiledir}/build/bin/jemalloc.sh ]; then cp %{_compiledir}/build/bin/jemalloc.sh %{buildroot}%{homepath}/jemalloc/bin fi if [ -f %{_compiledir}/build/bin/jeprof ]; then cp %{_compiledir}/build/bin/jeprof %{buildroot}%{homepath}/jemalloc/bin fi if [ -f %{_compiledir}/build/include/jemalloc/jemalloc.h ]; then cp %{_compiledir}/build/include/jemalloc/jemalloc.h %{buildroot}%{homepath}/jemalloc/include/jemalloc/ fi if [ -f %{_compiledir}/build/lib/libjemalloc.so.2 ]; then cp %{_compiledir}/build/lib/libjemalloc.so.2 %{buildroot}%{homepath}/jemalloc/lib ln -sf libjemalloc.so.2 %{buildroot}%{homepath}/jemalloc/lib/libjemalloc.so fi # if [ -f %{_compiledir}/build/lib/libjemalloc.a ]; then # cp %{_compiledir}/build/lib/libjemalloc.a %{buildroot}%{homepath}/jemalloc/lib # fi # if [ -f %{_compiledir}/build/lib/libjemalloc_pic.a ]; then # cp %{_compiledir}/build/lib/libjemalloc_pic.a %{buildroot}%{homepath}/jemalloc/lib # fi if [ -f %{_compiledir}/build/lib/pkgconfig/jemalloc.pc ]; then cp %{_compiledir}/build/lib/pkgconfig/jemalloc.pc %{buildroot}%{homepath}/jemalloc/lib/pkgconfig fi fi ls -al %{buildroot}%{homepath}/bin tree -L 5 echo "==============================copying files done" #Scripts executed before installation %pre if [ -f /var/lib/taos/dnode/dnodeCfg.json ]; then echo -e "The default data directory \033[41;37m/var/lib/taos\033[0m contains old data of tdengine 2.x, please clear it before installing!" exit 1 fi csudo="" if command -v sudo > /dev/null; then csudo="sudo " fi # Stop the service if running if pidof taosd &> /dev/null; then if pidof systemd &> /dev/null; then ${csudo}systemctl stop taosd || : elif $(which service &> /dev/null); then ${csudo}service taosd stop || : else pid=$(ps -ef | grep "taosd" | grep -v "grep" | awk '{print $2}') if [ -n "$pid" ]; then ${csudo}kill -9 $pid || : fi fi echo "Stop taosd service success!" sleep 1 fi # if taos.cfg already exist, remove it if [ -f %{cfg_install_dir}/taos.cfg ]; then ${csudo}rm -f %{cfg_install_dir}/cfg/taos.cfg || : fi # if taosadapter.toml already exist, remove it if [ -f %{cfg_install_dir}/taosadapter.toml ]; then ${csudo}rm -f %{cfg_install_dir}/cfg/taosadapter.toml || : fi # there can not libtaos.so*, otherwise ln -s error ${csudo}rm -f %{homepath}/driver/libtaos* || : #Scripts executed after installation %post csudo="" if command -v sudo > /dev/null; then csudo="sudo " fi cd %{homepath}/script ${csudo}./post.sh # Scripts executed before uninstall %preun csudo="" if command -v sudo > /dev/null; then csudo="sudo " fi # only remove package to call preun.sh, not but update(2) if [ $1 -eq 0 ];then #cd %{homepath}/script #${csudo}./preun.sh if [ -f %{homepath}/script/preun.sh ]; then cd %{homepath}/script ${csudo}./preun.sh else bin_link_dir="/usr/bin" lib_link_dir="/usr/lib" inc_link_dir="/usr/include" data_link_dir="/usr/local/taos/data" log_link_dir="/usr/local/taos/log" cfg_link_dir="/usr/local/taos/cfg" # Remove all links ${csudo}rm -f ${bin_link_dir}/taos || : ${csudo}rm -f ${bin_link_dir}/taosd || : ${csudo}rm -f ${bin_link_dir}/udfd || : ${csudo}rm -f ${bin_link_dir}/taosadapter || : ${csudo}rm -f ${bin_link_dir}/taoskeeper || : ${csudo}rm -f ${cfg_link_dir}/* || : ${csudo}rm -f ${inc_link_dir}/taos.h || : ${csudo}rm -f ${inc_link_dir}/taosdef.h || : ${csudo}rm -f ${inc_link_dir}/taoserror.h || : ${csudo}rm -f ${inc_link_dir}/tdef.h || : ${csudo}rm -f ${inc_link_dir}/taosudf.h || : ${csudo}rm -f ${lib_link_dir}/libtaos.* || : ${csudo}rm -f ${log_link_dir} || : ${csudo}rm -f ${data_link_dir} || : pid=$(ps -ef | grep "taosd" | grep -v "grep" | awk '{print $2}') if [ -n "$pid" ]; then ${csudo}kill -9 $pid || : fi fi fi # Scripts executed after uninstall %postun # clean build dir %clean csudo="" if command -v sudo > /dev/null; then csudo="sudo " fi ${csudo}rm -rf %{buildroot} #Specify the files to be packaged %files /* #%doc #Setting default permissions %defattr (-,root,root,0755) #%{prefix} #%changelog